Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 13, 1911, Image 4
WArCftr>gSEVE*J>G«ERAa> Our Seed ffP erSOfial ifl Beautiful Assortment of China- ware on SALE JANUARY 12, at 10 a. m. Prices from 5c to 75c Miss Mary Campbell Young was In the city'a short time yesterday. Very mucft warmer today than it used to be. *Have you noticed It? SEASONABLE Groceries Ws do* bate In Mock Balaton Who!* Wheat Flour Balaton Breakfast Food. Keekers Oatmeal In barrel* and packages. Keekers Buckwheat. Self-rising, In barrels, Cream of Wheat, Shredded Wheat Biscuits. New Georgia Byrup. and lots of other good things too numerous to mention. Our prices are reasonable and our goods first-class. We guarantee to sare you money. Mr. Mathew Carswell Is now alth us permanently and will be pleased to see his friends and serre their want*. MAY'S MILL and FEED STORE. PHONE NO. 3. Please send us items of legitimate and Important newa. The Herald de* alrea to print 'em. Mr. Jim Simmons of Guyton spent last night In the city the guest of friends returning today. During this sale we will give each 10 dts purchase one chance on a beautiful 40 piece set of decor ated chinaware to be given to the one that holds the lucky number. INVESTIGATE See Display in Window. HOME FURNITURE CO* Phone 49 40 Plant Ave. UrJck and material for the new express building are being placed on the ground. Dr^e to the right and alwayo-keep on the right track. That’s what the Herald says. ALL KINDS SMALL GARDEN 9EED. A CAR LOAD FERTILIZERS ARRIVED. reported better * lighter's hospi- OUR SEED IRISH POTATOE8 WILL BE HERE IN A FEW > DAYS. Mr. Julius Taylor left last night for Wilmington wwhere he will rep resent the Continental Casualty In- siirunce Company. HARDY BROS. PHONE 62 Mr. N. H. Obright and Miss Willie Obrlg’ht are visiting friends ut Sa vannah. From thero they will go to Hnlcyondale, Ga. to visit. COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO '““WOOD! WOOD! WOOO! Wood, any length, at Thomas Dros. HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S “Big Clearance Sale” Mrs. J. I*. Saunders has returned to her home In Waycrosa after a visit to her sister, MMrs. W. E. Carney.— Fitzgerald Leader PROTRACTED MEETINGS TO BEGIN SUNDAY. Fflshop T. C. Carter, D. D. 1*. L. D.. and J- W. Bears:*, Presiding Bidet of the United Brethren Church, will be in Waycrosa to assist Rev. J. C. Humphry in n two week's meeting, to. commence' Sunday, anuary 15th. The above ministers are strong, able and forceful preachers and you will be greatly benefltted by coming out to heat them. Mr. C. A. Fretwell, of Fitzgerald, who is traveling In the interest of the Armour Fertilizer Co, Is In the city today. I One lot Men’s Colored Laundry and Negligee Shirts. Regular Price 50c to $1.00 Clearance Price 25c* Up in the News THAT TOO CAN’T PAY ATTENTION TO ADS. THERE’S A TIME WHEN YOU WILL NEED A FIRST CLASS 6.IVERV RIO AND WE WISH TO TELL YOU WHERE YOjU CAN .SE CURE IT. ITS RIGHT HERE. RIOS FOR ALL OCCASIONS—WITH. OR WITHOUT ORIVERS. IF YOU ARE IN A HURRY TELEPHONE US FOR WHAT YOU WANT. WE WILL HAVE IT AT YOUR HOME OR PLACE OF BUSINESS PROMPTLY. McGregor Mayo Change Miau Nan Joe Young after a visit to Mra. Owen Phelan at Atlanta has re turned to Brunawlck and la at the Oglethorpe with her.father. Mr. J. M. Young. TERRIBLE TIME IN WAYCR08S. There wa* a terrible time In Way- croas yesterday when the rumor be- fnn to spread to the effect that one of the many alrdiilpa which were paining over Waycroaa had a twelve- month! baby tied In IL' No one could deny It and no one could cor roborate the atory. We are not quite sure about It yet. but we haven't milled any bablea. Have youf One Table of Ladies’, Children and Men’s Win ter Underwear. Regular price 25c. > . Clearance Sale 1 Sc. “ , Don't worry about the Waycroau Herald. The lady we board with ■ays lire can feed u* a few year* longer, without pay, Just as ahe haa been doing. ' Extra Large Size Union Linen Huck Towels. Judge J. U |weat haa let the con tract for a handsome new realdence to be erected on Jane street. Con tractor W. J. Gassctt has the con tract and work hue alraarg begun."” McGregor Mayo Boarding. Livery and Sales Stables. I'elieau St, Waycrosa, Qa- PHONE NO. S3. Smsll lot of Large Size Cotton Comforts. Clearance Sale $1 -OO Mias Marie Johnson, of Tnlbotton. passed through the city on Monday at ternhon, enroute to Waycrosa where the will be the guest of Miss Susie Sharpe. Mist Johnson slatted here last winter and made many friends.- — Fltsgerald Lender. . BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL SHOES. New lot Wool and Silk Scarfs. Just arrived, at 50c, T5c and ILOO. -Dick- Ina Btoraa. 13 2t A CHINAMAN, > Removes hla glasses when be groeta a frletrd, a Japan ese wears glasses for style, but we Americana wears glasses when wa neyd them and we use the best glasses and spectacles In the world. Bee me retarding yoor The remains of Mr. A. W. Lang who died yesterday afternoon are now rest ing at the Hinton Undertaking par. lor awaiting'the directions of some of hla relatives. As yet nothing has been beard from any of them. The re mains will he held until something can be learned frotnrhls people aa to the disposal of hla body. j CONDUCT ROLL FOR THE WEEK. ; j 5th Grade A., Mra. Haidt Ttachtr... i Ethel lllaokmer. Maggie Harbin, Catherine Hargraves, CONVENTION OF WOMEN VOTERS READY FOR THE WAVES. Tacoma. Wash.. Jan. 13.—Much In terest la manifested in the national convention of women vqters, which! haa been called to meet in this city tomorrow. Though the attendance will not be numerically large the gath ering la.eypected to attract much at I tentlon by reason of tt\e fact that It will be the first of Us kind ever held. All oC he five equal suffrage states I —Utdii. Wyoming. -Colorado! Idaho and Washington—will be presented. Plans will be discussed for the for mation of a national organisation of women voters, entirely distinct from the eqnnl suffrage organizations al ready existing, and for the publica tion of an official organ. PEPSI-COLA T. A. W. ELMOREN OPTOMETRIST, 13 Gilmore Street • Camden. N. J., Jan. 13.—At the lo cal shipyard of the New York Ship building Company everything la tu readiness for the launching tomorrow of the 36,000-ton battleship Arkansas, one of the largest warships in th* Officials of the Navy'Depart- MAKES YOU EAT BETTER, >EEL BETTER. SLEEP BETTER, LOOf BET- TER. L Red been Ginger Ale, THE BEST BY TEST. PEPSI-C01A BOTLING WORKS. O. L. KEEN, Proprietor. PHONE 337. Mrs. Beard of Chicago and daugh ter Mlaa Julian of Washington are LaOrande. Mtsa Julian guests of will probably apend the winter here. Both ladles jre splendid , musicians and vary sweet slngieri. Mra. Beard has consented to sing at Ftrat Moth- od^E church Sunday morning jaad Mis* Julian will be heard Sunday ntghL . OOOOOQOOOPOOOOOOOo Robin the New \ork hank defaulter haa dented hla parents. W* now dhtuk he la guilty of the bank theft world. ment at Washington and naval offi cer! from New York, Annapolis, Phil adelphia and other points will be here to witness the eVenL CARRIAGE PAINTER N f 15 Parallel Street. Phone 574 X Carriage and Automobile Painting | NEATLY EXECUTED 0 F. O. SMITH, mm I ONLY MUST CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER'>N TOWN. V Dad Colds! Seals CM Tablets will break up our -cold in one day. If they fail ou Can’bave yotir money back—25c \ THE SEALS PHARMACY ■rear, cakes am pies RCSHCVERY day PM0iwET2 WayorOu Bakery II Untlar Street. OLD SOLDIER TOTURED. "For yean I suffered unspeakable torture from Indigestion, constipation and liver trouble." wrote A. K. Smith, a war veteran at Erie. Pa., “but Dr. King’s New Ufa Pills fixed me all 1 right They're simply great" Try I them tor any stomach, liver or kid-1 ney trouble. Only 35c at AU Drug-1