Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 13, 1911, Image 7

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WAYC~ *>?£, EVENING HERALD inaDE Telephone 600 Private Chape Dsy or Night and Morgu MARVIL & O’QUINN Formerly Lott, Fain & Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMER3 Atlanta. Oa.. Jan. 10.—From all over North Georgia, and particularly from in the neighborhood of Atlanta, score* of dairymen and live stock raisers aTe preparing to attend the sixteenth an* nual convention of the Georgia Dairy and Live Stock Breeders* Association, at Athens, January 16t*a and 17th, I next week. Dr. E. M. Neighbor!, government tick expert will attend the opening meeting Tuesday,- and will discuss tick eradication and similar subjects from a thoroughly up-to-date anti scientifical standpoint. Dr. Neighbert has been' specially assigned to tho government district of deorgla and South Carolina and is thoroughly ac quainted with the subject in relation to this special locality. Dr. W.* M. Burson, of the state agricultural col lege. will discuss tuberculosis in cat tle, and a half dozen other authorities on different subjects will deliver ad dresses. Wednesday’s program will include discussions of various subjects per- i talning to horse, hog and cattle rais ing. State commissioner of agricul ture T. G. Hudson will be present, as . will CJ. F. Hunnicutt. editor of the j Southern Cultivator. Will V. Zimmer and other well known men. Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extracted * when you can have it done for 50c and without pain. . ' All other work done at very reasonable ipmLu ... charges. Everything guaranteed^ OR. DANIEL The Dentist Folk** Block W. L. HINSON & COj Undertakers and Embalmers. 'Phones 91 and 153. ANDREW JB ESTES ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room 27, Southern Hotel Building. Waycross. Qa. There Should Be a Good Axe AND A Good Hatchet in ' Every Household THERE 13 HAROLY A DAY THEY AREN’T NEEDED. VUST WE HAVE AXE AND HATCHET HANOLES TOO. THAT YOU CAN DEPEND UPON, HANDLES MADE F OR SERVICE,-NOT TO SELL AS "BARGAINS.” r WILSON BENNETT & LAMBDIN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELOR* AT LAW PARK PLACE High cass Subdivis ion for white peope ony, on easy terms, close to A.C.L. Shops. DEEN & BURNET ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. LA GRANDE BLOG. *OOM 308 REMEMBER: PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Southern Hotel Building, Up-Stairs. PHONE 12. Cheap tools are a waste of time and money, and cheap handles are even worse; they may enuAe a serious ac cident, or break right when you need them most S. S. LUDLUM. M. D. W. D. /Horton, Agf. I0M KO. I SonHiernTHolel Bloc Practice Limited to the EYS, EAR. NOSE AND THhOAT. •Office Room 524 LaGranda Hotel* Building HOURS It) A. M. TO 2 P. 11. P. N, Harley Hardware Co. 44 Plant Ave. IMPORTANT SESSION IN KANSAS Topeka, Has., Jan. 10. The session of ' the Kansas legislature which has now convened promises to be one of more than usual importance*. Though li United States Senator is not to be elected until 1913 the lines of the coming contest are defined pretty clearly already and it is expected tho present session of the legislature will witness preliminary skirmishing of an importer! character. Senator Curtis, who will ask re- election two years hence, will be* op posed by ^Governre Stubby. Curtis is a standpatter and Stubbs fc radical insurgent. To make his position more secure with the progressive ele ment, which is slightly in control or the legislature. Governor Stubbs will champion several radical measures. The governor will make his hardest fight for the passage of u public util ities law which will provide for a commission,.to have full control over all <utlliUes to operate In more than This would include rail- iMMMMli Phone 181 J. M. MARKED Attorncy-Aii^. Office to Lotirt i1ou. WA*. ROSS W. J. GaSsETT ONTRACT.V AND BUILDER Residence 43 Margarcf 81. PHONE 103. G. R- LOVELACE DENTIST (3 Redding Block. Over 8ta* Clothing Store. We control the local sale of these -famous sweets. Whit mans are so careful for good service that they will supply their packages only to their own selected agents. Every package must be. per fect—or your money back. s Just s taste of FUSSY Chocolates or Whitman's Super Extra Confections may make you a Whitman admirer £* life. Yonng-Robertson Drag Company Proprlstors CENTRAL PHARMACY i , / J. B. BAGLEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 8URQSON, Office In Southern Building. OFFICE HOURS 1-11 A. M. 14 P. M. 74 P. M. A. FLEMING, M. D. 'Office orcr GEM PHARMACY. In Southern Building. (Incidence 68 Tebeau. «>mcs Phone D8. Residence phone 440, one county, roads, expptess, telegraph, telephone, and -lnterurban lines. The governor will also light (or the Initiative anl referendum, the recall, .and (or a change In the constitution so that State officers may be elected for (our year terms and Ineligible for re-elec tion. C. L. REDDING, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Up etalrs Redding Block. WATCROaS, OBOKGUL IS A SERIOUS MATTER WITH US ''" AND WE GO ON THE PRINCIPAL THAf IT IS •S' *WOR8E THAN DISHONEEST TO SUBSTITUTE OR USE IMPURE OR ADULTERATED DRUBS. THIS MEANS I THAT YOU WILL NOT BET THE RESULT INTENDED ' AND THE MONEY PAID BOTH THE DRUGGIST AND THE DOCTOR IS WOR8E. THAN WASTED. YOU CAN ALWAYS DEPEND UPON RESULTS V WHEN YOU BRING A PRESCRIPTION TO US. ASK YOUR DOCTOR. T J CARSWELL «*• Q - °- Diseases of Children; Dleeeeee of Women; Obstetrics. Residence 166 Pleat Art. Phone 616. Office in Southern Bldg. Phone 628, FOLEY'S KIDNEY REMEDY —AN APPRECIATION. L. McConnell, Catherine. SL., BP mlra, N. Y, writes: "I wish to express my appreciation ot the great good I derived from Foley's Kidney Remedy which I used for a bad case of Kid ney trouble. Fire bottles did the work most effectively and proved to me beyond a doubt It Is the most re- lleblo kidney medicine 1 have over taken." Oem Pharmacy. ! Have »cu purchased your winter salt? If not 8am Heller will soil you i ne and let you wear Just by pap Ing 4 little at time of purchase. tf JOHN J. MOORE, LAWYER, Collections and Criminal Law Specialty. Office Rood Building, .. tUfra over Central Pharmacy. Waycross, Os. Phene I ARMOUR-WITHERS WEDDING. Kansas City, Mo„ Jen. 11.—A wed ding of note here today was that of Miss Frances Lacy Withers, daughter of Mrs. Henry M. Withers, and Mr. Laurence H. Armour of Chicago, son of the late Kirk Armour, head of the Armour Packing Company of Kansas City. Dr. Lewi* Jonathan Burch PRACTICE LIMITED TO Eye*, Ear, Nose, Throat and Chronic Diseases. Storo. Residence 8 Lincoln street. Office Hours: 8 to 18 a. ui. 2 to f p. m colored people. JOHN S. WALKER TTORNEY U COUNSELLOR at LAW Office up stairs Southern Hitsl. WAYCROSS. GEORGIA JL C. PAYNE* DRUGGIST, Open Day and Night DANDRUFF AND ITCHING SCALP YIELD TO THUS TREATMENT. Wily experiment trying to drive the dandruff germ from underneatn the sklu with greasy lotions or fan cy hair-dressing when every druggists everywhere and In Waycross the Seals Pharmacy will guarantee ZEMO and ZEMO 80AP to entirely rid the scalp of the germ life that causes tba trouble. * ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP can bo ob- 'ailed In any city or town in America and are recognized the test and most economical treatment (or all affections of the akin or scalp whether on Infint pr grown person. One ahampoo .with. ZEMO SOAP and application of ZEMO will atop Itchlog and cleanse the scalp ot dandruff and scurf. Application nt ZEMO and. uie of ZEMO soap will carp the Most obstinate case of ede ma or skin disease. , ’ We Invite yon to try ZEMO ant ZEMO SOAP end if not entirely eat- 1 IsBed we will refund your moneyy. ' BYCK ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO II kinda of Electrical Work and Supplls, ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 20 Lott 8treat Phone HI On the package when you buy Fol ey's Honey and Tar for coughs and colds. None genuine without tho Bee Hire. Remember the nnine, Fo ley's Honey end Tar and reject any substitute. Gem Pharmacy. B F HEARN CONTRACTOR AND BUjLDER. No. 14 Brewer StreeL Phone No. 682 ’ Be sure you an right, thou go ahead and let me figure oa doing your build ing. All work guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction. Boat ot rsfereocss furnished If required. DEATH IN ROARING FIRE May not result from the work of ffro- bugs but often severe burns are cano ed that make a quick'heed for Buck- leu’s Arnica Salve, the quickest, sur est cure for burns. - wounds, brulue, boils, sores. It subdue* Inflamatloo. It kills pain. It soothes and heal*. Drive* off *kln eruption*,- ulcer* or pile*. Only 25c et All Drugglite. HOMM44««4e4444444444444 44e*e*eM4«e*e4«««4«teM4* OEOROfA SOUTHERN and fuoirda rail,wav rhs F»psla> gsst, T» AH Pshefa Ssrlh dad Wort. ThraughTrulnm > in connection with A. C. L_ from Waycross via Ttftoo to Macon ATLANTA. KNOXVILLE. CHAT A..OOGA, NASHVILLE. ST. LOUIS. CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE, AND CINCINNATI. Coaches and Pullman sleepers go through without change. Dining, I Car Service. ’ TRAINS OF A, B. A A. R. R, CONNECT AT CORDELE WITH • TRAINS OFO.L' t F, RAILWAY FOR MACfON ATLANTA AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND SOUTH. FOR INFORMATION IS TO RATES. ROUTES, OR SCHEDULES TO ANY POINT NORTH O* WEST, APPLY TO ANY AGENT OP THIS COM- ; PANY, OR ADDRESS. • C. a Rhodes, G. P. A, I, W. Jamison, T. P. A, ; •coj. O. Parka Harry D. Reed PARKS A REED attorneys at law. Seuthtra Hotel Building. GEORGIA yV. R. THOMAS. M. D. PHYSICIAN SURGEON. Office In. LaQrando Building, loom 224. Over Postoffice. Honrs: * to tl u.; 2 to 4 and 7 and 8 p- m. C A DOWNEY- M D V VETENARIAN IS Albsny Avsnue Waycross, Oa Day and Night Phone 698. SAVES ,TWO LIVES. "Neither my sister nor myself might* be. living today. If It had not been for Dr. King’s New Discovery." writes A. D. McDonald, of Fayetteville, • W. C., R. F. D., No. 8, "For we both had frightful coughs thpt‘ do. remedy could help. We were told my slater had consumption. She was very weak and had night sweats but your woa- derful medicine completely, cured, us both. It la the best I ever used or heard of." For sore -lungs, coughs, Why I* It you did not do ts your neighbor, buy ot Sam HsUsrt tf VICTORY CAMP NO. 47T WOODMEN OP THE WORLD Mests rrery Saturday night at 7:38 o'clock at Masonic Hall. 'All Wood men are. cordially Invited to attend. J. M. Allison. Cost.-Cord. 7. A. Masters, Clark.' MEYSKTONEYPIUS [4444III CHOCOLATES CONFECTIONS