Newspaper Page Text
For the benefit of the strangers in our city, we again explain the
following plans, which has proven so popular during the past year.
We give you spot cash prices on your purchase,you pay only! of the
bill, we divide the remaindeir in three equal payments,payable in 30,60and 90 days
and charge absolutely nothing for the extra time, or we will sell you'on our easy
payment plan and instead of sending a collector to get the payments, we pay you
10 per cent, in trade coupons good in trade at cash prices, for making your pay-,
ments at the store. We have five large stores, buy goods in large quantities and
therefore get price consessions that enables us to sell you goods much cheaper
than the small dealer. K ;
Our Spring/Line of Rugs WilJ
Be on Display this Week.
We are proud of the assortment we hav$
ready for your insredtion, all the newe^jb shades
and patterns are here, in all sizes, and you will
In ir»in"nii i ■-n'Tp-n the prices lower
than these rues have
gjY1 ever been offered in
m l flpgfe--;viMt tp* this city except at this
9 tore.
& Our line of small
■rrfjfi'Rugs contain an-
: ■mnl|gag«iB8n^ll other shipment of
KKKXfll our famous
Rattan Parlor Suit.
A beautiful suit exactly like above cut
made of best grade whole rattan, 17 Qd
finished in finest quality shellac
l /i cash balance 30, 60 and 90 days.
We sell very Sand «. *»no solid oak extension Table, claw
feet, extends to 6 feet, exactly like cut. .
A great 'value at $14.50
1-3 Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 Days.
Don’t feel like you are imposing on us when you phone
us to send out samples.
The Store of Great Values where Your Credit is Good
A. R. HOOD, Mgr.
106 Plant Ave.
Get Your,Children Clean!
i. i._ _ _ ___ _
No. 422, T.aGrande BuiUiRg.
j For immediate sale,, this city7 fiVat-
class drug store, well located, with
up-to-date fixtures and stick of goods;
14 years ostablished trade. Reason
for selling, owner has too much bu»
ineps. Price: $2,500. Terms: $1‘,00$
cash, balance monthly. Address:
4 5t _ G. H. Bowen, Waycross, Ga.
two claim It will. Should our enthus- |0P KC3! Cleanliness000(1 igjii 19 eal D«W—'
) M rrv.. »unv .n.i kpx iii -e*r Clreilatia# and fInc Skin — jSSm Shampoo and Massage
tlifKakksrUtksr ipuiWwIi to the The Sp«vW»ah i*
! Hair Tonic not give entire satbfac tSSfOSiSSSPbSS S8*@^SSBS!
'lion to" the users, they would lose wort
I ducts or testn ' ths* give a Vi'i bettor then * professional. Children ds
filth in ... and our atatemente. and
in consequence our business prestige f|JJS’«wf*th, , SLhdMr!
I would suffer. ® 11 -e* 11 ' -Av\V
K *£ r* "'.I ’■'’YualiXw ***.1*1 u st ,.»r !~
Therefore, when we assure you that towSSmalrViMrto. t\ \WS8|r S2.00
I If your hair is beginning to unnatu- b«h ^Wiiimwinsw^^wiii~*~ V*** 8 *
| rally fall out or If you bavo any acalp Pf 0 *"****- ffi ||’ - *°*
trouble. Re,... 93 Ha^ Tonic win Knickerbocker Spraybrush-ien and Woman
I promptly eradicate dandruff, stimu- ^ we j| ai children take comfort In the many benefits of the Spraybrush. It is a
.late hair growth and prevent prema- boon to sufferers from rheumatism, poor circulation and kindred ailments—a Goa-
tut. baldness, you may test assure «nd to old people who find bathing exhsustlng. Tnr It .0d.y-eY«ry Spr,ybru|h U
that •. know what «. .re talking j Vally Guaranteed — Your Money Back If Dissatisfied
about. , I Knickerbocker Spraybrusbcs are for sale by leading Drug, Dept., Hard
h Rogall "93" Hair Tonic It vaaUyj ware and Plumbing store* a,ary where, Get t Spraybrush on your Brat trip
different from otber similar prepara- down tows. If your dealer does not carry them ten bla name andt bo mon-
tlona. We bolltvo that It will do I «y. Wo will tend direct to you. pro paid, on In days trial. Descriptive
more than any other human agency I booklet free.
FOR RENT—One large furnished
frount room to two men. Also one
small furnished front room. All con
vonlencea. N light housekeeping. Ap
ply 33 Jane street or.Sh^rod Collins
P. 0. $0* 353 7 flt
LOST—Between shop gate*, and
A^ C. L. ticket office, $33 check made
In, favor of M. 0. Holl.
Finder please
return to R. B. Pollard at ticket of
fice. , 12 it
FOR RENT—One desirable room;
suitable for two gentlemen. 12 5t
. The weekly meeting of the -W. B. C.
. Literary Society was largely attended
by the students yesterday, and we
were pleaaed to welcome a number of
I visitors. An interesting programme
I consisting of music, both vocal and
, Instrumental, readings and recitation*
was tendered and several saw mem
ber* were added to the roll. Our So-
, Clety meets every Thursday -afternoon
1 at three o'clock. We always have an.
Interesting programme, and we ex-
teed a very cordial Invitation to all
There Is great Interest manifested
by the students In the work of each
department and we are going to have,
some unusually good bookkeepers and
cheap. C. M. Williams, 73 Gilmore
street 13 6t.
FOR SALE, CHEAP—Second-hand
1-uggtea, harness, saddles, wagons and
hoists. McGregor Maya S 2w
99210 Monro* Street Chicago, III.
andes. William Collier, Walter Jones,
Tyrone Power and Charles Cherry.
Marcus A. Mayer, the beneficiary
of the performance. Is now an old
man, but In his prime he probably
was' the foremost manager In the
Certain It la that no oth-
tr manager ever guided the destinies;
of so many great stars of the stage.
! Mr. Mayer began hit career as man
ager for the celebtated Julia Dean
Hayne and the younger Kean, after
which be successively, directed the
tours of the world renowned celebri
ties, Edwin Booth. Lawrence Barrett.
Edsrln Adams, Xdelalde Nellson, Rose
Eyttnge. Jane Hading, Charlotta Cush
man. Sarah Bernhardt Sir Henry lr-
ring, M. Coquelin,.-Monet-Sully, Mary
Anderson and Adelina Patti.
I bodied unmarried men between ages
of 18 and 33; citizens of United Sta
tes, of good character and temperate
habits, who can speak, read and write
the English language. For Informa
tion apply to Recruiting officer. South-
Building, Waycross, Ga.; 13 West Tork
street Savannah Ga.; 108 West For
syth street Jacksonville. Fla.; 140
Market streeLfljMTleston, S. C.: or
113 South| NjSHT street. Fitzgerald,
ca. Jon. 7 «.!
stenographers here shortly,
men, please take notice.
Notice to Policemen;
It only et our store,—The Reran
8tore. Tha Seale Pharmacy.
If any stu
dent of the W^ B. C. 1* seen on the
•treet between the hour* of 8:00 a.
m., end 1:30 p. m, please hold same
until the President of the college can
be communicated with. Our student,
mast not play hookey.
Changes Among Army Officers. BENEFIT FOR MARCUS A. MAYER
Washington, D. C„ Jan. 13. -Some
Important changes among the gener
al officers of high -rank In the army
went into effect today as n result of 1 thunder melodrama, "The Queen of
the retirement of Mai. Gen. William j the Highbinder*" on tV* stage of Hi*
P. Duvall, who hat been la command I Nev Amsterdam Theater this after
of the division of the Philippines 1 noon. The performance was one of
elnce the beginning of 1808.- Gen. j the principal features of tb* monster
DuvaU Is succeeded Id command of' testimonial arranged for the benefit
the Philippines division by Mai. Gen- of Marcus A. Mayor, ‘the old-time
J. Franklin Bell, former Chief of theatrical manager. Among the well-
Staff. . known pls/ers who gave their serv-
The vacancy caused In the list of _ Ices were Amelia Bingham, Bjlon Fer
At remarkable
( Fortunate is the man who want,
only what he can get..
| The man, who deceives himself la
an easy mark for others. .
A girl Is worthgtU
k»—and 1^ coats !L
A stubborn desire
Chicago Newe. -
Moss people are popular—with
themselves. J
ft Is easier'hot'lea* profitable to
split Infinitives than It la ’ to split
get even has
brought about many a a nuuT* down-
fall. . /