Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 14, 1911, Image 1

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Strause & Bros. The best dressed men you meet on the street are wearing them. They are the best on the market today. You can get them at j4jj VOLUME XVIII WAYCROSS, GA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1911 NUMBER 129 HARDY’S NEW {SALE OF LOTS STORE A DANDY IS UNCHANGED TODAY— CONFER- PRETTY BUILDING ERECTED AT '% F^RENCES HELD. ALBANY AND PLANT AYE. So far as is known no change has taken place In the telephone situation In Waycross.. The hi ass meeting was held last night as advertised, and sev eral talks made. The petition got- ton up was largely signed, but no ac tion thereon has been taken. There is now 237 names on the tetitlon and the committee ia still at Work getting more names. ATTENTION - CONFEDERATE t VETERANS * T. 0. Bibb on Albany avenue as •BAND CONCERT WILL. BE GIVEN EVERY DAY. f The regular meeting or. the Way- cross Camp Confederate Veterans No. 813, will be held at: the court house In this city at 11 o’rlork on the morn ing of the 19th, Inst., Lee's birthday. At this time new officers wifi be elec ted the terms of the old ones will have expired. A full meeting of the Camp ia -greatly to be desired and the present Commander urges every The new store erected some time ago for Hardy"Brothers, the live gro cers, of Way cross, is about ready for use, and will be taken over by the firm named shortly. The store is,dt Albany and Plant avenue corner, less than a block from their stand on Plant avenue. The new quarters are very convenient, and will give them plenty of room for their increasing business. They have'also leased the building formerly occupied by the late ware house. , The auction sale of lota in "Idyl- wiide” begins Monday, to last through Thursday Jan. 19. Every day of the sale a band concert will'be given. The Waycross band has been engade to furnish music.. ANNUU REPORT Of THE MOSS MIC To the Members of the Boa,rd of the • of -endeavor besides Home are enroll- City of. Waycross:. e9 in our denominations! scho Gentleman: • which Ib 1908 was not in operation. I have the honor to band you :iere*<ln other .words we have enrolled 110 with the report of the schools underj per cent of the number given us by your disection for the calendar year Lie census of two yearj ago. Noth- ending December 31. 1910. ’ ing more clearly shown tl^c rapid j South eCorgia knows, is in Waycross The total omoiliuent in all the growth of this most rapidly growing j today. Mr. I.ealiy has many friends uools, white and colored, for the city. here who are always glad to wel- IV. H. LEAHY IN THE CITY PRED4CT8* GREAT FUTURE FOH WAYCROSS AND WARE W. H. Leahy, general pa»seng«r agt. of the Atlanta, Birmingham, and At lantic, and one of the beat advertiser* Valuable presents are to be given | calendar year was l,725r 1 At the beginning of the fall term come him. away al the sale, and tile Indication/ are that a large crowd will attend. Bonnelli-Adams Company, of New York, will have entire charge of thvi sale. ' NOTICE ODD FELLOW8. ■You are_ requested to meet at the Lodge Room Sunday afternoon Jan. 15th, 1911 at 2 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of attending the funeral of ottr deceased brother, A. W. Lang. A full attendance is earnest request ed. By order of. S. Clark Houk» Jr., N. G. FAIR SUNDAY IS PROMISED member to be present. The ladies of Attest C. A.LeC'ount, 8eety. the If. Q. C. have, a beautiful program J for the day and every Veteran should CAMP NO. 819 G.NITEd be In attendance. . j CONFEDERATE VETERANS A. P. Per ham, Sr.Cdpt. Comd. J ‘ -?—— J. W. Strickland, Adjutant. / Dear Veterans:—^ou are invited by 13 4t the Francis S. Bartow Chapter TTnt- — —rr * ' ted Daughters of the Confederacy of J NEW GARDEN SEED, NEW ON-j this city to attend in. a body, the ION 8ET8, INTACT EVERYTHING j memorial exercises ‘.'ok Jncksops and IN THE DRUG AND 8EED LINE AT j Tree's birthday; *to b« held in the REDDING'S DRUG AND SEED f CJertYTgJ .§chobY Ati^q^iupu Qn Tb^rs- tf.'*T&RE. 1 YOUR PATRONjMK^ 80-i day. ^uh. 19th;, pf ten o’clOO^ n. m. (Board of Trade Servlco.) Waycross is promised a fair ahd warm Sunday. The weather dope from Washington states that this condition will be general In Georgia. TheL rain scare has been held up tor the time being but it la quite prob able that something In the wet goods will be on the morket before mu^y more days have passed. This is an increase over the total 1910 the ingenuity of the Supcrlnten-I Speaking or Waycross and Ware enrollment in 1909 of 157 per cent. J dent was again exercised in the en- _ county he said he felt sure the city . The total enrollment in the white' deavor to seat all who applied for ; and county faced and era of pros- schoola in 1910 was 1436, the same be- ' entrance. AH have been uccomoda- ing 266 per cent, of the enrollment of j ted snve those who were applicants the white school# in 1900, or an in-> for the first grade and who applied create of 166 per cent. * J afte-t the expiration of the first month. The increased enrollment in the Under the rules of th eBoard which perlty never before known, and he ex pressed the hope that all our wishes and hopss would] be realised. He said business along th^ A. B. & A. was generally good, and travel improving white schools in 1910 is an Increase; forbid b the entrance of pupils to the along along allJines, especially out of of 9 per cent, over that of 1909. j first* grade after the'Aral month un in the colored school the eniollment j less such pupils are prepared for the in 1910 is somewhat smaller than In j work of the grade, those who had 1909, and yet the average attendance never been to school before wore de in 1910 was larger than in 1909. jnied. All others were taken cure of. Below are given the statistics as | but not until we hud introduced dou- compared with those of 1900: White schools 1900; total enroll ment, boys and girls, 540. hie g:ades in both Quaterman and Central schools. 1 trust that during the coming spring we can safely lake White schools 1910; boys, 080; girls Birmingham. Mr. Leahy said the par lor broiler car service recently estab lished between Atlanta and Albany was getting a nice patronage. COAST LINE OFFICER* 8PEAK OPTOMISTICALLY Savannah. Ga., Jan. 14.—President M. Emerson and Vice President Mrs. Wooley Dead. This afternoon shortly after noon Mrs. J* C. Wooley died nt ’her home on church street 'after aw illae«H* of some time. * She is survived by her 13 4t 1.18 6t Mrs. ( F^ed-Brewer, Secty.l husband and a number of ..relatives. Yon Can Make No Mistake By Wearing a Suit Made by Stein- Block Co. Sam W. Peck / and Co. 756; total 1,436. . Colored school 1900; total Atten dance, 132. Colored school -1910; to:..i« enroll ment,, 289, All schools 1900, 672. All schools 1910, 1,725. Enrollment distributed as follows:- Central school, hoys 392; girls, 480; totalf «72.* - ‘ Howe Strode school, hoys, 164; girls 143; total, 237. > Quaternion Si:ret ae'jocl, boys, l-l: girl,. 122; total 21 It Gilchrist Park school, boys, 13; girls,'11; total,'21. Total, white boys, 480; girls, 7Ml: total, 1,434, Colored school, boys. Ill; girls, 178; toUl 289. Grand total boys 791; girls 934; to tal 1,726. Eniollment Kail Term ony: CentuU School, boys 294; girls 346; total 641. Howe Street school, boys 122; girls 112! total 234. Quarterman Street school;- boys 99; girls <9; total 128. Colored school, boys t|7; girls 113; total 180. Grand total, boys 684; girls 689; total 1,273. Averagt number belonging whole year: White eciioolli 973; colored eehool 132; total 1,108. Average number belonging rail term otlyt White ecbools 1.033; colored 134; total 1,167. Average attendance whole year: White scboots 860; colored schools 116; total 970. ■ ‘ Average.attsndsncs fall 'term only; White schools 981; colored school IT; total 1.108. School consul taken In 1908 shows: White, males 668; white 'females 660; total whiten 1,228. Colored, males 441; colored females 482; total colored 923. Total malts 1,009; total female. 1,142; graad total 2,151. Although 78 more while girla than care of those who apply without the ;j R Ken , y #( ^ Mlant(o Coaat employment of extra teachers. again call the attention of the Line were in Savannah yesterday, having just returned from an intpec- Board to the fact that the time will J 1Jop of ||)e Une -, lnter8<t , soon come when .ah additional schdol; pj 0rj( j ft , building will be necessary If we are) DoU) Mr Kmer , on Bnd Mr . Kenly to take care of our rapidly growing 1 population, it !h true that, we have f n few vacant rooms In the Howe and Quarterman schools but these will I were exceedingly opiomlstlc over business conditions and reported that the prospects f«r this year's buslneis imimally .bright. While last year not meet th* demand^ those who on ~ ^ t|(e Coait Llne live in the central purl of the city, J from both the passenger and freight and besides with the growth ol our tnifflte at8pdpnln t ( this year Is city these now schools will bo MU with those who live In the districts j of those schools. You will -recall that j peered to prove evert better. There are a number of minor improvements to the Coast Une properties con tern- the oBard last January appointed n |atC( , bu t thc offlc , a | a know of notb- spedal committee on School 8lle.,l |nB , ha , w0||ld lnlereBt Savannah, and that during the year Jhla coiu-| lhtv |eft „ , 0 - c f 0CII a prlTal , car rnittee reported naming several sites j ov ,. r tbe Coa , t Un< N „ 8B for w „. as being suited lo our neede. Thl. I minalnl . the headquarters, committee bad In consideration a sltwl • . . _ . Uiltable for a High School. With :j NOTICE KNIGHTS. OF PYTHIAS, only one vacant room remahilng In j You are tequeited to meet at the the Central achool, with the proba-| c4B1|e Ha) , Sunday aftqniion, Jan- billty confronting us that this will. uary , 6th , „ 2 0 . cl00 |, p . i„. ( for 4>e occupied during the coming fall! 1he purp0M of attending the funeral term, with an Increase In attendance j „ f our dw „„ ed brother. A. W, l.. r . that will within a few yeara nil all, A fu || a tte Dd( nce la earnestly requea- tbe schools to overHowlog, I reiterate tad By order of -V he opinion already expressed that It is not too early to consider ways and means for the erection of na up-to- date High School building, believing this to be our greatest need. A gnat many of our neighboring cities have within , the last year or two erected High achool buildings and the ma jority of ibtm have added an addi tional grade. We not only need an eleventh grade but we need n build ing especially adapted io High achool woii. We need more teachen .aleo in order that we may Improve our course of study In such a way aa to permit some option In selection and that pupils may be developed aa nearly as possible along the tinea ol their aptitudes. The time will yet come whpn we will Me and: appre ciate the need of manual and domes tic and commercial training for our boys and girls. In order to property Introduce these we deed room end equipment. Without such room aid equipment it will be Impracticable to . Cbaa.:.E. Cason,- 0. C. Attest: T. H. Ml|lqr, K. ot lt. and S. If life were as tiffscuH as the prob lem plays make'.lt, most married men would take polaoa In the very Bret scene. wbfte boys attended school It will be ..make these improvements In a'satlv seen from tbe above census that 92 more Valle girls than white boys were In the city two yeara ago and that there were at that time 42 more, factory way. I appreciate tbe fact that the members of the Board are in full sympathy with thaws sugges tions but I sm cognizant of tba fact RE ESTATE CONSULT OUR LIST8 when you, are In search of any de scription of real estate. If yoo wish to have a house or store you will And otar lists Include shout every thing worth looking at. IF YOU WANTO BUY REAL ESTATE ' you will Icdrtalnly save tira^ and probably money, by consulting ns ae to your requirements. Our exper- . fence and knowledge of values should colored females than .males. One of; that a growing city has'many de- the most wholesome signs is that 45 j mands upon its finances. I further perecent of the present large tenth realize that our enrollment has grown j giAde fa made .up of boy*. ! more rapidly than onr school op. j An Interesting fact In the study of J portlonmenti from tk# city and the avc provPl1 *° be \° n,aD y oihera. Lie school statUtloffstbat we en- state. However, we moat realize tlwt! a rr . « | rolled 268 more whites in 1910 than • this Is but the penalty of our rapid’iVni^ht were.' jn, fam according to tbe’&^wtb; » condition which, must, he! census of 1908, sjbelt many of scbooL studied and properly met as it will am J Vqj. age are ns at work in various liner' , (Continued on Page JO I v