Newspaper Page Text
For the benefit of the strangers in our city, we again explain the
following plans, which has proven so popular during the past year.
We give you spot cash prices on your purchase,you pay only \ of the
bill, we divide the remainder in three equal pay ments,payable in 30,60and90 days
and charge absolutely nothing for the extra time, or we will sell you on our easy
payment plan and instead of sending a collector to get the payments, we pay you
10 per cent, in trade coupons good in trade at cash prices, for making your pay
ments at the store. We have five large stores, buy goods in large quantities and (
there fore get price consessions that enables us to sell you goods much cheaper
than the small dealer.
Our Spring Line > r of Rugs Will
Be on DispJayithis Week.
We arc proud of the assortment we have
ready for your inspection, all the newest shades
and patterns are here, in all sizes, and you will
fi id the prices lower
than these rues have
ever been offered in
this city except at this
Our Hue of small
Rugs contain an
other shipment of
Rattan Parlor Suit.
A beautiful suit exadtly like above cut
made of best grade whole rattan, f H or
finished in finest quality shellac li adef
cash balance 30, 60 and 90 days.
Don’t feel like you are imposing on us when jcu phene
us to send out samples.
We sell very hand * i»r.c solid oak extensi't
feet, extends to 6 feet, exactly like cut.
A great value at
1-3 Cash, Balance 00, 60 and 90 ]
The Store of Great Values where Your Credit is Good ■<
cpalrs and im- tort F. Haley. Secretary and Treas-
repalrs were uic-: ; William Vinson, ‘Cieneral Man*
the fact that ager.
t’:ie l*>ys base*| Directors: J. Carroll Payne. D.
>rn out during Woodard. John D. Little. Mrs. L. P.
: the fifteen years of use. necessitating Whitehead, W. L. Cosgrove, Dr. W.
| the expenditure of several hundred S. Likin, Thus. B. Paine. Herbert F.
aot do to tdtoHflce the Interes of ! dollars and In addition to his nearly Haley, M. S. Harper and W. S.
oar children, wtnever else must beja .hottsand dollars was spent upon Elkins, Jr.‘
more than ever upon
provements. These
made necessary from
the system in use in
ment hud entirely w
(Continued from Page I.)
This is what ho ha
Editor Waycross Herald:
I am glad to extend greetings to
my numerous .friends in Waycross
and vicinity, through the medium of
your excellent paper, and to state
that 1 am now a fixture in the com*
In the immediate and future de*
denied. Many citizens are paying 4o the furnaces in Central school. In , These men are kpown all over tieor. velopment of this corner of our great
per cent of the amount received for I lev, «> and Quartermnn street schools gin for unquestionable Integrity and {commonwealth, so richly. endowed by
I for their public schools. Under you have placed new desks costing marked ability and under their able
oor old charter we continue to to*. approximately $600. The total lm* guidance the Bowwden Lithia Springs
edre hut 21 per cent. 1 hare aa yet provements Including the purchase of Water Company is assured of greater
boss unable to ascertain the amount a tellurian, desk, safe, tame* for col success than ever before.
wo may iwceire under the new char* ored school, work upon basement to-j The policy of the new management
Ik. Not only will we need an addl* Januaty 1. work on furnace., etc is baaed on the most liberal and
ti^fi amount for the proper support amounting to $1,695.50. The total of, progressive lines, and aa the first ev-
of the schools in the payment of ad-. all expenditures other than salaries idnec of the progresaiveness of the
dltlonnl teachers and additional equip- and Including bills for Insurance. *cal-' men now managing the company, we
mmt hot He will also need within a somining, fuel, piano, supplies, libra- mention their handsome new quarters
abort time a sum sufficient to erect' «7 Incidentals and the repair bills at 132 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga.
FOR RENT—On* desirable room;
.tillable for two gentlemen. 12 St
building—either * High
school building or tie* ». grammar
erhool building In a part of tba city
aot now wall accomodated by the
I. Whllat no rnooey
now be In tight for tbeae Im-
11 boiler# that auoh la the
' and the spirit of thote In an
I Indeed.all of our people
that they will gladly rally lo the
aruffiort of the oBatd when iheae
Improvements • are mentioned.
Sana something I* don# within the
next year or two not only will we not
have an Weal High school but I fear
lest we will not be able to accomo
date sad uk* ear* of thote who come
Barely for the rudiment, of an edu
During the put tall term the teach
ing of Domestic Selene* was Intro
duced Into the colored school. The
ecrulta have been more than gratify-
fag as 1 under, t and from (ha princi
pal that not only are the pupils doing
good work In this blanch of sttidy and
getting at the same time something
that la helpful to them hot that many
it ore than can be taken cara of are
applying for the coutie- Such •
rcoree rjtould also be Introduced Into
the white school, aa sola aa praetj-
we bar* spent
amounting to 82891.13. An Itemised Another feature is an ngreeslve ad-
atatement of tbeae expenditure* will | vertlalng campaign of which tit* Brat
be found in the financial report. Dun advertisement appear, elsewhere in
log the year many of .the room* were tbl, paper.
freshened and the black hoard put In j Bowden Lithia Springs Water la a
good condition. Nearly all of the-room natural mineral water, bottled at the
la Centre! school are In need of cal- springs, Lithia 8prings, Douglas coun-
souilng and aome ow the blackboards ty, eCorgln. For nearly a century
In the new school! need atetntlon. • this famous water ha, been widely
Flnanelnl report of foe Waycross j known and It la prescribed and rec-
Publtc Schools from Jan 2, 1910, dat- ommended by the moat eminent phy
of last annual report to Jaii. I, i:tl., ; slrlans aa most 'beneficial for the
Balance on band Jan. j. ISOS SS.668.5S j treatment of Rheumatism. Gout. Gra
Re. trom atate since Jan S. . .» 325.00) vet. Bright', Dlteaae. Indigestion. Dya
Re. from City since Jan 8.. tl0.0Tl.35 . pepsin and all disorders caused by
Re. from fee# tine* Jan S. .. 33.390.35; an exetsa of Uric Acid.
——! Tha Bowden Lithia Spring, Water
Total resources for year ... .823,311.24 j Company, own tho celebrated Sweet
Total disbnrsrmeata 830.8«ilS "»* CT Hotel which I, situated
BaL on hand Jaa I. lfitl. .-82.449.15 |‘ ">• Springs. The management has
directed tbetr effoita towards making
co„ announces new
Of greatest Interest not only to tho
commercial world bnt to the thous-
unda of customers of the Bowden
Lithia Sppttnga Water Company U
the announcement of Its new manage-
men. The peraonell Is aa follows;
John D. Little, President; Mrs. I.
Whiteheads VtcosBree Ideal. Her-
t hr, charming resort still more com-
toriabl* and to maintain the highest
standard of excellent* In point of
service and culalne. The announce
ment oft the reopening of the Sweet
water Park Hotel win be eude later.
nature, with all the conditions that
conti Ibute to prosperity and 'happi
ness. I hope to tie In some degree
useful and helpful. v
Improvement and development at
Homestead, between Waycroee and *
Blackshear la proceeding nicely, and |
will now be prosecuted vigorously. 1
Within the next few weeks quits an
acreage .will be planted In paeans and
other orchard trees and It will be my
endeavor and that of my company.
pop SAL.E
FOR SALE—Fine milch cow for sale
' cheap. C. 51. William,, 73 Gilmore
street. 13 6t.
FOR SALE, CHEAP—Second-hand
buggies, harness, saddles, wagons and
hoi mb. McGregor Mayo. 6 2w
LOST—A black velvet 'handbag, 'con
taining $24.70 in cash, a silver card
case marked H. N. B„ contain*
cards of Miss Clyde Lott and other ar
ticles. Finder will be rewarded by re
turning to Warren Lott, Room 22
Southern Building.
14 21.
WANTED—Saleamen of
Ability and neat appearance
to call on all merchants in
their territory; elegant tide line, con
venient to carry; good commissions;
prompt remittance. A 419. Bellmont
Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. 24, 3^t* 14
16 make Horn*,lead a atrlctly high- * nd te * rs ’ h “ a w “ ted - Aw,1)r 10
data little suburb, which our cltlaana
may be proud of.
In casting my lot In this communi
ty, I be speak the friendship and
kindly co-operation of Waycross' cit
A Clarke Snedeker.
Mr. Frank Armttrong at Saints Rett
farm or to Herald ofilce. 9 6t
We pay 880 a month salary and
furnish rig and all expenses to in-
ttoduce poultry and stock powders,
(tew plpan; steady work. Address:
Bigler Co., X 986, Springflald. Bib
Dots. 14 2l
FOR SALE—A snap, three desira
ble homes on McDonald street, and
one desirable home on Jane street,
all have modern conveniences, large
Ipts, close.Ip. Small cash payment,
balance to eiflt 'purchaser. Ralnara-
bodied unmarried men between ag**i , * r Br Pthers, Vlrdle Hotel Building;
of 18 *hd 35; citizens of United SU-J F ‘ !one m 14 3t
itee, of good character and temperate I. ~ 1r • -
habit*, who can apeak, read and write | 00 WANT 2*0 SELL?
Quitman Fte* Press.
The population of several of Geor
gia's smaller cities was announced
last week. Waycross city population
under this census la 14,485, when the
cansus only ten yean ago gave that
city only 5,919, and the census before
that was Inly 3,3(4.
Albany’s population I* given
8.190. Ten years ago it had only 4,-
804, and th* census before that It had
Mr. Snedeker of Homestead la her#' Americas Is given S.0J3. over
to stay and to show hi, faith by his 084 ten years ago.
work, he by brought Mr,. Snedeker' Cordei* fa given 5,883, over 3.473
with him. W* wale am. them both, ten yean ago
the English language. Fop Informa
tion apply to Recruiting officer, South-
Eulldlng, Waycross, Os.; 13 West York
street Savannah Go.; 108 West For
syth street Jacksonville, Fla.; 140
Market street Charleston, S. C.;
113 8onth Maine streeL Fitzgerald,
Co. Jan. 7
WANTED—At once, a good cook.
Good' wages to right party. Apply at
3: Brunei etreeL S St
If so, come In and Hat your proper
ty with ua. We have srv.-A inquir
ies every dajr for desirable property,
if you own property and can sell It
on easy terms w* have the purchaser.'
List It now. Rainwater Brother,.
Vlrdle Hotel Building, Phone 470.14 3.
far-' j
835.00 per month. Light work, eas;
hoar*. Claim A Adjustment Co., room I
No. 432, LaGrande Building. S ,t
LOST—Between shop Gate* and)
A. C. L. ticket office, |33 check made 14 3t
In favor of M. O. HolL Finder please j
Hotel Sites. ' . _
Flat sites.
Manufacturing a^tes. :
Business sites.
Homes complete.
Sites for homes.
Improved farms a,id farm lands
All at be. gain pric/s.
Ralnvsier Brothers,
Vlrdle Hotel tfulldfng. Pbooe 470.
return to R. B. Pollard at ticket of
L?!Mmon»uv nec
I **** StO Advft Tsw 4at s a »