Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 16, 1911, Image 1
WAYCROSS, GA., MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1911 NUMBER 130 VOLUME XVIII FOUNDATION MATERIAL IE PLAC- We the undersigned business men Sons; J. F. Harbin,,county treasurer, ED FOR USE. land subscribers to tbe phones of your jc. Downey, sale stable; J. T. McGee, ,—— I system In the city of Wayoross, hav- J Blacksmith and Wheelwright; W. M. Work on the new eyppress offlee lng heard complaints by your opera- J Wilson, V.-P. Wilson Grocery Co.; and transfer shed hare Is how well tors, think that the contentions of'Hardy Bros., merchants, C. S. Hardy; under way, .and rapid progress will be I said operators are reasonable, Tlieyjw. D, Morton, Real Relate; E. P, made. The material for the founda- Ido not ask for money nr for easier | wildea for Blizzard, Market; Barnhill tton work has Arrived, and has been hours but they do ask for courteous-' Jeweler; Clias. E.' Harper; J. \V. placed. The track gang has remorea treatment at the hands of your Chief j Adams £ Co., merchant;,; Jones] the tacks heretofore used about the Operator, and they contend that said Racket 8tore, J. It. ones. Prop.; t). | site 'of the building, and will <y>ou Chief Operator does not treat them J. Miller. Co. Cora.; Geo. I. Stocle, start work on tbe other yard Improve- with the common courteay dlie' them merchant; Young-llobortson Drug Co. menls. aa subordinates, that she la cross and J. .11. Warren,'Jr. Mar.; V. I.. Stanton Aery in disposition and domineering Oen. Act. Insurance, Slate l.lfe Ins. In attitude toward them, rendering Co.; S. Roarnzrelg. merchant; II. F. n fl j IA QDI r (if . the service'to them irksome and tils- Jones. Restaurant; F. L. Hall; M. DUUnDDLL n I ! agreeable In the highest degree, ar.d L, Goodyear, grocer; Lee Goodson. ” that the said Chief Operator, Mias Mg)-. Singer Sowing Machine Co.; nrtrrrr fl 1 j Brown, be reraovid and a more agree- Warren Bros., merchant a: R. L. Man, I IJrrrr UQ able disposed and courteous chief be, Meat Market; Jobnaon-St’lckland UUI I LLj Ufll installed In her place. i Merchant; B. D. Finn Supt.. Water | Works; J. T. Strlcklkaml. T. O. W. C.' W. D. Tollmans, Lumber Dealer; Hum phreys Williamson, Merchants; The Seals Pharmacy, Druggist; W. D. O'Quinn. Merchant; H. J. Benton & Co., Merchant; Farris, Cash Grocery MANY CASES ON CIVIL AND CRIM INAL DOCKETS TO BE TRIED. Will Be The Most Complete Educa tional Train Ever Operated, City ourt opened (or business this morning: at 10 o'clock. Tbe first few hours of tbe court were consuumed in sounding the docket. From announ cements Tiiade fit is evident that the week Will be a busy; one. Judge Mc Donald Is presiding. The criminal cas- as come p after the civil docket work* An Educational Train will again tour Georgia from February 7tli to March 25. 1B1J, inclusive. The rail- The big sale of building lots in "IdyF wildo”, which hint been extensively ad vertised for some time, began today, and will last fdur days. The sale' ie in charge of experienced auctioneers of New York, and will no doubt prove very successful. Colder tonight and Tuesday. Gen erally fair. . The weather forecast holds out no hope of a continuance of this delightful leather, hence for p while at least this section will be compelled to stand-some of the doses tbe rest of thecountry has had almost continuously since last fal.. The band conceits, free, and other features will prove at tractive to many. OPERATION BY WAYCR088 PHYS- / ICIANS GAVE NEGRO 8PEECJH. ATTENTION VETERANS. It has been decided that the mem bers of Confederate Veterans Camp of Waycross, 819, will maet la the High School Auditorium, at .^o'clock on the morning of the ldth fiwt, <tlec« (Winers and attend to routine'buslnesu for one hour. At 10 o'clock t&ov are to, lie the guests the tT D. C„ who have a beautiful programme arrang ed fay the occasion. By order of A. P. Pcrhnm/ Hr., Cap*.. Comdg- .1. \V. Strlclflandi Adjutant. As a result of a squabble at Coffee Ga., Saturday Dr.eO'QuInn of Pater son came to this city Saturday sight at ten o’clock bringing with him a man who was speechless, and suffer ing* from a depressed fracture of the skull and aevoro contusions about Uk head. Drs Carswell and Fleming operated on the man. trephining. Thj»y rpfnqv- ed a portion of tli*iSl.u)f and elevat ing the remaining deprpessed portion, put the man to talking. Dr. O'Quinn took the negro back on the early Dear Veterans:—You rfre Invited by the Francis 8. Bartow Chapter Uni ted Daughters of the Confederacy of this city to attend in a body, the memorial exercises of Jacksons and Lee’s birthday; to be held in the Cehtrai School Auditorium on Thurs day. jan. 19th, at ten o'clock a. m. 13 f>t *?; Mrs! Fred Brewer, Secty. The ’children of i the Confederacy ‘irre j •imjmmg-trdinSumlJ morrow afternoon at 3:30 at the cm- tral school auditorium to practice the choruses to he used on Thursday. NEAR-BEER DEALER AND ANTI-8ALOON TOGETHER. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 16.—For once In their lives the near-beer dealers of Atlanta and the prohibitionists of the nntl-saloon league are agreed on a question, are both on the same side of the fence. They are both kicking like fury against the granting of* looker privileges to any mprg Atlanta clubs. Nine or ten clubs are already enjoying tbe locker pWvllges and tbe police committee Is about to grant four of five more prtvlfges. The iiftr-beer t people say it hurt** their business, while tbe antt-selooB’ league people say It vitiates tb«ef fect of prohibition. The near-beer manufacturers and dealers say thin with so many clubs going they have to pay all tbe high licenses Whilo- thw dabs get tbe profits. You Can Make No Mistal By Wearing a Suit Made by the railroads. Every town visited should make a apodal effort to adver tise its coming end Invito the people f'ljun rural districts and surroundlpg territory to bo present, . Lot everyone, cooperate in this movemept to' diygeminate agricultural Information which the- tour of this train makes possible. Editor HeraM: / Injustice to the ones wwhose nemo do nit appear in' the list (or the tele phone girls yon wilt please slate 6e only want to know the complaint be fore taking either side, ae wa do not want to do anyone an Injustice. Two Cltlsens. Strause & Bros. The best dressed men you meet on the street are wearing them. . They are the best on the market today. OUR NEW COURT REPORTER. Mr. Len K. Rosn bes been appoint ed Court reporter (or Judge Parkers A Co., groceries; Cbas. E. Csson, Dep uty Clerk B. C.; J. M. Cox, Hayor; T. C. Sauls; V. C. Parker; K. H. Crayley, Real Estate; Birmans Realty Co.; B. H. Williams; C. M. Sweat; 0. P. Folks, Jno. T. Wat. Watt HdW. Co.: J.-W. Moore H. MV Johnson, M. D.; J. A. Anderson,-So. Es. Co.; court, tho Waycross circuit, sqd also (or Judge McDonalds oourL t'au City Court of Waycross. Mr. Roan Is a son of Judge Roan of Douglai and la fully equipped for,his work as court reporter. Mr. Bonn, Jr., will make his home In Waycross and we welcome him to -the city. CONSULT OUR LISTS when you are In search of any de scription of real estate. If you wish, to have a bouse or .store you will; Hud our lists Include about every thing worth looking at. IP YOU WANTO BUY REAL ESTATE you will Icartainly save time, amt' probably money, by consulting ns a* to your requirements. Our exper ience end knowledge of value. „bpul,S certainly be of service to you aa they have proved to be to many others. Foil can get them ah Waycrosa Ga. After hearing the statements-of-tbe committee to adjust the dlferepcee between tbe telephone operatois and tho company, we the members of Car penters Local No. 77» heartily endorse the action ol the operators and' give them oar hearty support, and,earn rat- ly request nil organized Labor t* len | them pll the honorable aaal.lan. pw sible. It. E. Bowers, A<*'. R 3 A. 8. Morton, President Anything You •Need For Boys, Owing to the Trades and Labor As- camlily meeting tonight, the proposed mass meeting .for the striking tele phone operators will'he postponed'un til Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock, over tody Invited s> ' - ttag WZ THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS of Local 770 CarymsMn-aod Joiners 'The Stein-, Sam W. Peck Block Co. dndCo. — f——