Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 16, 1911, Image 4
A. P., Peiham. 8r.. tad Mailer A. P. Perham. Jr., will leave In the morning for Atlanta. A. P. Perham,' 1 Sr., goes to Atlanta to attend a meet-' of the Trustees of the Veterana ' Home. The kid goea to lake pare of ' hla grandpa. ent. placea and what Itrat seemed to have been a single lynching was found to have been a triple one with j the finding of the two other oodles. I The body of Eugene Marshall, sen tenced to hang for the murder of his, wife whom he had beheaded, was found hanging to a bridge over the Eminence Pike only a short distance from the Jail. Wlm West, employed as a chauffeur j here for several months, and who. It Is said, had been seen throv*-.e kisses at white girls, and who urns charged with assaulting the daughter of a Shelby county farmer, was one of the victims. He too, was hanged to the bridge. -Wade Patterson, the third <tcsfr-> lynched, also was charged with as- I aanltlng a white wo4kn. Patterson’ attempted , to escape from the mob. : PEPSICOLA MAKES YOU EAT BETTER. FEEL BETTER. BLEEP BETTER, LOOK BET. TER. Bed keen Ginger Ale, THE BEST BY TEAT. PEPSI COLA BOTMG WORKS. D. L. KEEN, Proprietor. PHONE 337. An especially line musical program was enjoyed at First Methodist church yesterday at both services. Rev Cook the new pastor lilted the pulpit at both services and preached to large congregations. Mrs. Scott, of this city and Miss Julian of Washington sang very sweet solos at the morning aer- vice. Mrs. Beard of Chicago and the Y. M. C. A., quartette were heard at Shelbyvllle. Ky.. Jan. 18.—Storming the 8helb,v county Jail hqro early yesterday, a mop of less than- one hundred men seized and lynched three, negroes, two of whom were charged with assaulting white girls and the third sentenced to hang for the mur der of hla wife and held In jail here until the day tor hla execution con, be set. ' NEW GARDEN SEED. NEW ON ION BETS, IN FACT EVERYTHING IN THE DRUd AND SEED LINE, AT REQDING'S DRUG AND SEED STORE. YOUR PATRONAGE SO LICITED. PHONE 30S. 13 St .the erentng service. The three win lynched In dlffer- CARRIAGE PAINTER Bad Colds! Seals CoU Tablets, ^rill break up r .colef in one day. If they fail Can’bave your money back— 'THE SEALS PHARMACY • Tl^ltUU STORK FIRST CLASS IBAKERY ■iua, cakes wants • RCSH EVERY DAY /PHONE 72 WayorsM Bakery *S UaMer street. 13 Parallel Street. Phone'S?* i Carriage and Auteorabile Paintiig' NEATLY EXECUTED r o sMim • OCC* ftMT CLASS. CARRIAGE PAINTER tN TOWN. "TRY THE WANT ADS’* — {DICKS OBKOIAXCU’ fOUKSKDSI.itu WW EVENING HERALD ware on SALE JANUARY 12, at 10 a. m. Prices from 5c to 75c The first 25 that buy as much as 50c worth will receive a beautiful Souvenier free. During this sale we will give each 10 dts purchase one chance op a beautiful 40 piece set of decor ated china ware to be given to the one that holds the lucky number. r INVESTIGATE See Display in Window. HOME FURNITURE CO. Phone 49 40 Plant Ave. >j Our Seed I iPsrsonai 11 Beautiful Assortment of China- AREHERE SEASONABLE Groceries W« now havs In stock Ralston Whole Wheat Floor Ralston Breakfast Food, Hackers Oatmeal In barrels and , packages, Hackers Buckwheat, Self-rising, In barrels, Cream of Wheat, Shredded Wheat Biscuits. New Georgia Syrup, and lots of other good things too numerous to mention. Our prices are reasonable end our goods Sret-cleas. We guarantee to save you money. Mr. Mathew Carswell Is now with us permanently end will be pleased to see bis friends end serve their wants. . EARLY MORNING STAR PEAS BUSS EVER BEARING PEA*. SUGAR SALIC PEAS, BLACK EYE MARROW-FAT PEAS. 50 BUSHCLS of seed beans OF GREAT VARIETIES. J-MIm Carrie Perham SofsiA Ed.Cor__ When They Overreached. Ladies Home Journal. Ae they paddled along In a nook. 8he said faintly. “Why Algernon, look In the oak/ I declare— I fee mistletoe there!" And the cr^w fished them out with a hook. ALL KINDS OF WATERMEL ON SEED. BEST ADAPTED TO SOUTH GEORGIA SOIL. Ladies voll and Panama skirts at close prlce*.-~Dlckins. CANTELOPE SEED* 8EEO CORN, SEED RYE. Mr. Dan Demmark of Valdosta was In the city a short while Saturday. OUfi SPRING SEED OATS HAVE ARRIVED. Mrs. J. W. puyer is spending some days in Savannah visiting friends MAY'S MILL and FEED STORE. PHONE NO. 3.- ALL KIN08 SMALL GARDEN SEED. I Judge Joe Bennett of Brunswick is In tne City today. A CAR LOAD FERTILIZERS ARRIVED. I Col. and Mrs. Lambdin have return ed after spending some days at Bal timore. OUR SEED IRI8H POTATOES Mr. and Mrs. W. D. O'Qiilnn re- ,WILL BE HERE IN DAYS. turned this morning after a short trip io Brunswick. HARDY BROS. PHONE 62 J Dr. Fleming can l»e found by phon ing 243 or calling at 35 Mary strict 1C 141. Don't Be So Rapt in the News Up ^OC*>00000OtJOOOOOO I Dr and Mrll F , enll0 g are now Ij.dl.. coat., all color, going »t low thelr home al Mr „. Ile<:k/ „„ Msry prices to close out.- Dlcklns. atreet VALUABLE FARM. FOR SALE. For the next thirty dayB I will of fer my farm, adjoining the corporate limits of Wnycross on the Wnresboio rosd, for sale. The form consists of 36 acres partly under cultivation; horse, wagon and buggy, hog and cat tle feed, etc. t( you want a bargain •ee me quick. Mr. E.U. Gorman. 16 Std Uw R. F. D. No. 4. , Wnycross, Oa. THERE'S A TIME WHEN L NEED a’ pm* boudoir .V pars, all Colors for 11.00 to 11.25.— Dlcklns. . j Mrs. W. W. Peacock is In the city for a few days. Mis. Peacock has a number of frienda in the city. THAT YOU CAN'T PAY ATTENTION TO ADS. YOU WILL NEED A FIRST CLASS I •LIVERY RIO AND WE WISH TO TELL YOU WHERE YOU CAN SE -CURE IT. ITS RIGHT HERE. RIGS FOR ALL OCCASIONS—WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. IF YOU ARE IN A HURRY TELEPHONE US FOR WHAT YOU WANT. WE WILL HAVE IT AT. YOUR HOME OR PLACE OF BUSINESS PROMPTLY. McGregor Mnyo Change McGregor Mayo ’ Boarding, Livery and Salat Stables. TTeheau St. Wpycrota, Ga. PHONE MO. S3. NEW CITY MARKET. Will be opened on and after Mon day, January 16th. Well suppplled with fresh meats of all kinds at all ttmea. Will also carry vegetaoles. and everything pertaining |o flrat- •lust received a large shipment of Butter Brown, Oxfordn and Pumpa.— Dlcklns. ^ HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S “Big Clearance Sale” Col. and Mrs. Robert Berner ot Macon, are guest at LaGrande for n few day,. Col. Berner Is attending court here. W lion's shlrts^^oojor*.. 7Sp to 1.26. —Dlcklns. CITY MARKET. It Albany Are. A. J. Ourkhnlter. Proprietor, Handbags from 76c to 36.00.--Dtck- The Ladles Aid Society of the Pres byterian Churph will meet tomorrow at 3:30 with Mrs. Crowell at 26 Col- lock atreet A full attendance of tho membership Is requested. Mrs. Richard Peterman and her ' little non Herbert, left today for Tampa on a' visit to relatives.' Be'o.o returning they will visit Palatka and Jackaonvllle. >0000 ">•- Why do you abuse your eyeeT Why don't you rest your eyee like you would root any olher part ot your body If It gut tired? Why do you read when i'rey nrhc? -Why don't you real ise the danger there Is ill neglecting your eyes, the most precious gift of un- lure. i NOTICE. V Will the mothers ot the children of ! the Confederacy, please see that their j children meet at tho Central School ) house Thursday morning, January 19, ^ j at 9:30 o'clock lo form a body and ) ut mil the oierclien, in celebration ot l ees and Jackao.i's birthdays to be . I- Id In the auditorium at 19 o'clock The friend, of Mrs. W. T. Seaman will regret exceedingly to hear of her illness at the home oa Brunei street. Mrs. Seaman win brought home from Jackaonvllle a few days ago. and •he has been confined to her room ever alnee coming home. One lot Men’s Colored Laundry and Negligee Shirts. Regular Price SOc to $1.00 Clearance Price c. One Table of Ladies’, Children and Men’a Win ter Underwear. Regular price 25c. Clearance Sale 15c. Extra Large Size Union Linen Huck Towels. Clearance Sale 12^c Small lot of Large Size Cotton Comforts. Clearance Sale $1*00 T. A. W. ELMGREN. , OPTOMETRIST, 4.1 Gilmore Street Be I'M./ V D. 0. NOTICE JUST RECEIVED FRESH LOT garden SEEO AND ONION sAs: ALSO GRIERS ALMANACS AT RED DING'S DRUG AND SEEO STORE PHONE ^06. M3 44 For wood phone 316. Wood, any lentth, at Thomaa Bros. BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL SHOES. f. Humphreys & Williamson