Newspaper Page Text
past year will be given an oppertuni
ty to exhibit ten eai$, each p,t the
National Corn tixposition to he held
at Columbus, Ohio, Januory “Oth to
February Uth," Raid Dr. Clarence J.
Owens, Commissioner of Agriculture (
and 1 migration of the Southern Com-
n)erclal Congress, In a recent inter
“There a:e 46,000 boys belonging j
to the “Corn Club" In the Southern
States, and the Southern Commercial {
Congiess, co-operating with the Uni- f
ted States Department of Agriculture, j
will pay for tin* transportation of {
exhibits of the 100 most successful j
boy “corn raisers" to the exposition
grounds. The selection of the ex
hibits will be done by the county anu ^
state agents of the Farm Demonstra-
tioif Work of the Department of Ag
riculture. We hope to bring togeth- ^
er exhibits from 100 acres whose to-
tal output was 12,000 bushels. £
‘^The boy’s corn clubs throughout ^
the South had wonderful success last
year, and Dr. S. A. Knapp,, of the (
Depairtment of Agriculture who Is ^
directly in charge of Farm Demon* ^
stratlon work, anticipates even bet* ^
ter respits next'year.
“Believing in tho tremendous and ■
wonderful resource of tho South, the j
Southern Commercial Congress is ac- ^
tivdy co-operating with the United {
States Department of Agriculture In
disseminating correct infbrmatlon,
. Is , watching -lery^carefuJly the. 1
publication of bulletins which may ,
be of value to the Southern farmer,
so that they may be brought to his (
attention Immediately upon publlca- 4
tlon. The Department^ has recently 1
Issued two valuable bulletins, No. 415 1
“Cord and Corn, Raising", and No. (
416, "Seed Corn," which may be had 1
upon application to our Washington *
Dr. Owens Is now making a trip r
through the Southern States, visiting (
each Governor,- regarding a state com 8
mtttees of fifteen business men to 1
represent the state at the great meet
ing of he Southern Commercial Con;.’ 13
gress to be held In Atlanta, March, *
8. 9, and 10. Governor Mann of Vlr*
fcinla, Governor Glasscock ' of West .*
Virginia and Governor ^ Wilson of v
Kentucky ure each heading such com- 11
men from the Coca Cola Bottling
works are very, .busy moving their
machinery and fixture* their new
quarters on Francis street, next to
the Gillon, Machine CO., and In a.coup
le of days will be ready for business
there. n
Th new building, was contracted for
and built by W. J. Gassett, is a very
neat and substantial building, it Is of
pressed white sand-lime brick and bas,
a roofing of Ludovicl tile, which mak-j
es a handsome appearance. This is*
P** only 'building In the city of Its
?!hTnd used for manufacturing purposes, j
-\Mr. Harrel, the popular manager an j
distributor says his business has;
■grown to such an extent that the new j
quarters had to be provided, as his!
city is distributing point for many of
the surrounding towns in this and oth
er counties.
Controversy ,has
arisen In this city between the South
ern Bell Telephone Com||any, and
their operators. And whereas, these
controversies are to be deplored and
Be It Resolved. That we the Way-
cross Trades and Labor Assembly in
regular session, Han. IGth, 1911, ex-
I tend our sympathy to the operators
I and commend them for the stand they
i have taken to secure that which v*
right, namely, common courtesy, from *
S their superior officers. ' -
j Be it further resolved. That the •
; Waycross Trades and Labor Assembly i
j do and hereby call upon each local j
I union affiliated with this body, Union !
men and women merchants, the Min- i
lsterial Union, and all the good citl- *
zens of this city to support the oper- j
ators in their struggle, and condemn ;
the Southern Bell Telephone Col, for
their course they have pursued in this
Be It further resolved.
City Court Is still engaged with civil
business, and the indicatons are that,
a day or two more will he taken in try
ing civil matters. A suit for damages
against the Coast Line was taken up
today, and may be finished by tonight.
Several out of town attorneys are
here attending court, among them
Judge Jos. W. Bennett, of Brunswick.
Augusta, Ga.. Jan. 10.—‘The Order
of Owls Instituted a nett here Satur
day night at the State armory, when
D80 candidates were put. through the
first degree.
Under the direction of H. R. Caul*
field, Samuel C. Kone, F. H. Corthell,
Ralph Moore and Goodwin Fitch, the
degree work was put through In full
form. ,
Stirring addresses were made by
Mr. Caulfield, gfpera] organiser of the
pwla in the United States and Cana
da, and Mr. Kone. oae of the national
officers of the Owjp.
Dear Veterans:—You arjt invited by
the Francis 8. Bartow Chapter Uni
ted Daughters of the Confederacy of
this feity to attend in a body, ,the
.memorial exercises Sot Jacksons and
Lee’s birthday.% to be held in the
Central School Auditorium on Thurs
day, Jan. 19th, at ten o’clock a. m.
13 fit Mrs. Fred Brewej-, Secty,
That a copy,,
of this resolution be spread upon the [
minutes of this body, and
copy be
furnished the dally papers for pub
(Signed) T. C. Sauls, Pres.
j The children of the Confederacy
| are especially requested to meet to-
j morrow afternoon at 3:30 at the eoi-
j tral school auditorium to practice the
| choruses to be used on Thursday.
A large assortment of boudoir slip-
pera. all colors r for fil.00 *o
Pjqbahly without ~ consulting the
fulled to materialize the weather man
today dopes out raJn for- tonight. This
may mefo that before another day
passes this section will be soaked.
Wednesday conditions generally are
predicted aa fair. The temperature
will remain about the same.
C^tL 180 FO*. E^UIT, IlfH fND
oy^ers. . - . * •
..... , - g y QRAD y COUNTY
Carlo, U«„ Jan.n.-Orady'i county
commissioners, backed by tbe people'
of the county, have begun a ayetemat-
lc-Campaign for better road^. The
board la thoroughly alive to Che need
of Improved highway, for thia aeotlon,
and la determined that thla country
ahull not lag behind.
If the plana mapped out at the laat
meeting of the board materialise,
It haa been, decided that tbe mem-
here, of Confederate' Veteran* Camp
of Waycroaa, 819',’' will -mjet 1.1 tho
High School Auditorium, al , o'clock
on the morning of the' null luat, i,i«ei
o.1kera and,attend to,routine business
for ooe hour. At 10',o'clock tliov are
to be tho guenla of the IT n. t’.. who
have a beautiful prog ran me ariaog.
ad for the occasion. By o'oer of |
A. P. Porbam,. 8r„ Caj.‘_ Com:!*. |
, J. W. Strlcklahd;' Adjutant. 1
and Co.
Man's Derby's and soft bate all pri
Strause & Bros.
Washington, D, c.. Jan. it. The nectlon with the double track now
Southern Railway Company will se- In use will add materially to the fa-
cure an addition of practically ten dlltlea for handling traffic over thi.
miles to tbe double track on Its main Importyt line,
line between Washington and Atlanta “
by the conatructlon of second track Improvement gives
The best dressed men you meet on the
wearing them.
■ .) '■ - •
They are the best on the market today.
The completion of the Lymfuburg
the Southern
flint' authorized south of Franklin >39 miles of double track out of the
Junction, Va. The new track' will b« distance of <48 miles between Wash-
connected with second track already Ington and Atlanta and* the Improve-
laid to Whittle whl^h bas never ment between Franklin-Junction and
been used. Whep the new stretch Whittle will biin; the total of double
la completed tbe lire miles of single track on thU Important highway or
track between Franklin Junction nod commerce to :49 miles.
Sycamore will bp operated aa a gaunt v ■ —•■■■; 1 —
let under absolute block, thus giving ..... Vwaiamaaw
to enter cither end of tbe gauntlet ——*,
while another la on It; | • There will be a mess meeting to-
You can get them ah
when you ere In search of any de
scription of real estate. If you wlab
to hove a house or store you will
And our Hals include about every
thing worm looking at.
you will ;cartalnly save time, and
probably money, by consulting ns aa
to your requirements. Our exper
ience and knowledge of values should
certainly be of eervlce to you na they
have proved to be to. many others.
The twenty-eight mile stretch of |n |nter „ t of , tr)|(lnf We .
double track extending from Mont- pp6one olrtf . g^., wllI b .
view to Sycamore will be locreesed r
, to n llfty mile etretch by this addition _____
1 and the completion of the twelve .
miles from Montvlew to Monroe tbre ‘ ladles costa, all colors going at low
I.) achhurg which Is, Just going Into prices to close ouL—Dlcklna'.
re:ttce. 'The - **' construction of the; 1
aecpnd track Juaf authorized in con- For Wood phOM 111. dla