Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 17, 1911, Image 4

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W4YC" ^S, EVENING HERALD AT THE l oo<xxw>oooo<xx>ooo NOTICE!! Personal TO OUR CUSTOMERS. _[* Ml** Carri# Perham Social Editor Ladles roll and Panama akirta at cloae prices.—Dlckins. SEASONABLE Groceries We now baa# In atock Ralston Whole Wheat Flour Ralatou Rreakfaat Food, Heckera Oatmeal In barrels and package#, Heckera Buckwheat, Self-rising, In barrels. Cream of Wheat, Bbredded Wheat Biscuits, New Georgia Syrup, and lota of other good things too numerous to mention. Our pricea are reasonable and our goods first-class. We guarantee to aave you money. Mr Mathew Carswell Is now with us permanently and will be pleased to see his friend* and serve their We sro moving into our new stSre, on corner Plant avenue and Gordon street, opposite Wilson Grocery Mr. I.eater Sweat left yesterday for Texas where he has accepted a po sit Ion with the Texas Turpentine Co Co. We do not Intend that our moving shall hinder, us in the least In giving our cus tomers good and prompt service. Let us have your orders, and they will hare our best attention. We hope to have our stock well arranged in our new quarters by next week. Then we will give you a special invitation to oome to see us. Mr' and Mrs. D. A. McGee left to day on a Short visit to relatives in Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Downer Dimmock of Valdosta are in the city today guests of Mrs. Watren Lott. Sidney I«andon, entertainer at Cen tral School Wednesday night Be sure and hear him. Dr. and -Mrs. W. H. Buchanan an- j pounce the birth of a little daughter at their home on Carswell street. [ Mr. and Mrs. J. S.'Bailey and Miss ! Andromache Bailey have returned from W|ota MAY’S MILL and FEED.STORE. PHONE NO. 3. ! Nashville and are at homevwith -Mr. and Mrs. John Lott. , HARDY BROS. TWO PHONES: 62 and 301 $ j oocooooooooooooooj WHO IS TO BLAME Mrs. P. N. Harley has returned from Thoinasvllle where she was call ed on account of tire death of her brother Mr. Joe Blackshour. Miss Kate Wilson will leave the latter part of the week on an extend ed trip to Cincinnati, Cleveland and several other points of interest. Don’t Be So Rapt Up in the News T^AT YOU CANT PAY ATTENTION TO AOS. THERE’S A TIME WHEN you will need a first class LIVERY RIO AND WE WISH TO TELL YOU WHERE YOU CAN SE CURE. IT. ITS RfOHT HERB. RIOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. IF YOU ARE IN A HURRY TELEPHONE US FOR WHAT YOU WANT. WE WILL HAVE IT AT VOUR HOME OR PLACE OF BUSINESS PROMPTLY. McGregor Mnyo Change McGrfegor Mayo Boarding, Livery and Said. Sublet Telman 81. Wnycrou. at I PHONE NO. M Far So Many Sickly Chlld.-en7 We hear of so many children who 1 are Ihla, delicate, ailing and tired all ' Mr - “ nd Mr "- Woodruff. -Miss Grace the time, we are led to a<l< what la l ooml ’ alld Mr. Buidptte I.ooml« are t'be cause, and who I* to Irlaine? , sue “ tB of Mr - m,d Mr8 - Pmanoy at Don't blame the children—they have ®* ar -kKbear this evciylng. no strength. They piny hard, work j “ " hard at school, and rapid growth takes ! Rev -. A - M. Dennett will preach at all their strength. j ,h ® P.rher class room toptght. Mlsa .It is the mothers of sll such chil- Ad ‘‘ m * w,n ,|D *' Th ® l |ubllc *» “®« dren who are to blame, for If they , rordl *"l' Invlt ® d 10 »«®" d - only realized what our delicious cod liver and Iron tonic trill do for their I Ca >"- Cat,ln ' of tlle Salvatloo Army little ones, they wouldn't sleep at " »»« better today, but still confined night until they had started them on t0 hl * TOom - w * '“P® ,0 "® e •>'"> out Vlnol. I again soon. * Only a tew days ago a case came to j ... . , oar attention, —Mrs. W. H. Gilmore ’ p - #Hllams add children of FOR ALL, OCCASIONS—WITH OR uf Durand. Mich., had a little daughter j Sum ‘ ltcr ' s - C~, are In the city today nine years of age. She was weak, ®‘ Jud «® «“><* Mrs. H. P. Brew pal# ailing and nothing seemed to do * ^ r ‘ Mroi .Williams are.niov her any good. She gave her Vlnol lng *° J»ck.onvllle from Sumpter, •nd she began to thrive at once and 'i gained rapidly In weight, color and | A11 members 0 f the United Dough- tors of the Confederacy are requested strength. ( j We positively know Vlnol will build ( to br, °K tUe,r * nnual <*«ca Thursday up your little ones and make them 1° Central School build- healthy, strong and robust. Try a treasurer will he there to bottle and If you are not aatlsAed w* . recelve ■ ame * will return your money. We make! . ""* otter lo * how J' 011 nur eoufldeuce j Tbe Hera)d „ , Ddcbled to Bre#w '000<><X><><>0000<><>00,,„rt belief In Vlnol. The Seal. Ph.r- 4 slrraan , for (b „ prett|Mt cal#ndar WHY? I macy. Why-do you abuse your eyes? Why don't you rest your eyes' like you would rest any other part of your body If It got.tlred> Why do yon read when iiiey ache? Why don't yon real. Iso the danger there la In neglecting your eyes, the most pteclous gift of tls- furs. NEW GARDEN SEED, NEW ON ION SETS; IN FACT EVERYTHING IN THE DRUG AND SEED LINE AT REDOING'S DRUQ AND SEED STORE. YOUR PATRONAGE SO- LICITED. PHONE 305. 13 4t of the season. The calendars for tSlt are unusually beautiful but the ones sent out by Brewer t Birman Is and' exquisite water ’color and very beautiful. j Mr. A. M.‘ Firnell brought to the i City this morning beautiful new Irish I potatoes. The potatoes were planted ROYAL ARCH MASONS. | the jjth of September and Mr. Firnell Jackson. On., Jan. 17.—Jackson says be bai be J, n bn Vlng new pota- T. A..W. ELMOREN OPTOMETRIST, 43 Gilmore Street. « v ««■ “WU iin»iufL lion (1UIO-1 .chapter, No. 54, Royal Arch Masons, toes on his table all through Decern ■ VI has elected officers for the year as i„.r, >! follows: C. S. Maddox, high priest; B. P. ! Bailey, king; J. P. Hopkins, scribe; D. We'offer the public greater values in Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Art Squares, Stoves and Specialties than any firm in South Ga. | When we Sell for Cash we almost Eliminate the word Profit. Our Prices on Terms are the Very Lowell and our terms are very easy. See us before you buy, we take pleasure in showing you through our line. HOME FURNITURE CO. Phone 49 ' 40 Plant Ave, HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S “Big Clearance Sale” • One lot Men’s Colored Laundry and Negligee Shirts. Regular Price 50c to $1.00 Clearance Price 25c. One Table of Ladies’, Children and Men’s Win ter Underwear. Regular price 25c. Clearance Sale 15c. Extra Large Size Union Linen Huck Towels. Clearance Sale 12J£c Smsll lot of Large Size Cotton Comforts. Clearance Sale $1 -OO BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL SHOES. Humphreys & Williamson i Bishop Carter of the Southern Dls- ! trlct United Brethren church Is in the Men’s shirts, all colors, 75c to 1.25. . * i inci united Brethren church Is in the - .... _ l«J. McMIchael, captain of .he host; ... cl(y ,„ endl „ tbe protrBcwd meeting 0ANDRUFF AN0 ,TCH,N ° 8C * LP ooooooooooooooooo, Daughtry, principal sojourner; II. Buttrlll. royal arch captain; A. Finley, master of the third veil; H. A good eonh should keep her place, o. Ball, master of the second veil; J, bat some men expert a dressmaker, nurso. housukevper and a few more thing* substituted at will, by am- lone little woman. - - -Exchange. D. Jones, matter of the Brat veil; M. Allen, eecretary; J. H. Ham. treas urer; D. J. Thaxton, sentinel. ^ TRY THE WANT ADS ~ \00000000000000000<XXXXXXXXXXXy<XX>00 CARRIAGE PAINTER 13 Parallel Street. x Phone 574 Carriage and Automobile Painting NEATLY EXECUTED F.,a SMITH, ONLY FIRST CLASS CARRIAGE FAINTER IN TOWN. which has been In progress since Sun day at the church In Gilchrist Park. Bishop Carter has delivered several very Dae tonnons since he has been here and hat consented to give sever al of hit noted lectiiree while here. Bishop Carter comes from Tennessee. The meeting will continue ten dnye or two weeka YIELD TO THUS TREATMENT. Why experiment trying to drive ihe dandruff germ from underneatn the skin with greasy lotions or fan cy hair-dressing when every druggists scalp of the germ life that causes tbs trouble. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP can be ob- 'alned in any city or town in America and arc recognized tbe best and most economical treatment for all affections of tbe skin or. scalp whether on infant mr grown person. One shampoo with ZEMO SOAP and application of ZEMO will atop itching and cleanse the scalp of dandruff and scurf. Application of everywhere and in Waycroaa the' ZEMO and use of ZEMO aoap wlU Seals Pharmacy will guarantee ZEMO cure the most obatlnate case of ecze- and ZEMO SOAP to entirely rid the j ma or skin disease. We Invite you to try ZEMO ane ZEMO SOAP and if not entirely sat- Bad Colds! ' Seals Cold Tablets will break up your cold in' one'day.. If they fail you Can’bave your* money back—2Sc THE SEALS PHARMACY N i, THE aaXALLSXOUX IsBed we will refund your moneyy. T* NOTICE JUST RECEIVED FRESH LOT GARDEN SEED ANO ONION SETS; ALSO GRIERS ALMANACS AT RED OING'S DRUG AND SEED^STORE, PHONE 306. U 4k PEPSI-COIA MAKES YOU EAT BETTER. FEEL BETTER, SLEEP BETTER, LOOK BET TER. Ke4 keen Ginger Alt, ' THE BEST BY TEST. 1 PEPSI COLA B0TUNG - -WORMS. D." L. KEEN, Proprietor. PHONE S37. Om’SQMClAjuTIV 'm SrtKAUf Itauiu. oni CoHir.r*r>" -V*. -v—f FIRST CLASS I BAKERV ■HAD, CUES aagnts MESH EVERY DAY PHONE72 ' Wayoroas Bakery 34 UaU.r Street,' wmsmsmmu JBKii .u|» 91 i