Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 17, 1911, Image 8
I 1 . WAYCR05S EVENING HERALD For the benefit of the strangers in our city', we again explain the following plans, which has proven so popular during the past year. We give you spot cash prices on your purchase,you payonly \ of thei bill, we divide the remainder in three equal payments,payable in 30,60and 90 day^ and charge absolutely nothing for the extra time, or we will sell you on our easy ■ payment plan and instead of sending a collector to get the payments, we pay you 10 per cent, in trade coupons good in trade at cash prices, for making your P°y~ ments at the store. We have five large stores, buy goods in large quantities and therefore get price consessions that enables us to sell you goods much cheaper than the small dealer. Our Spring Line of Rugs Will l Be on Display this Week. I Wc me proud of the assortment we have I teady for your inspection, all the newest shades .and p’trcrns are here, in all sizes, and you will I i mu' nnuim *'■ id t * ie prices lower I than these rugs have ever * ,een °ff ere d ‘ n c «ty except at this m store. 1 & aH Our Hue of small W t9|> Rugs contain nn- M other shipment of S *1 OUR FAMOUS Rattan Parlor Suit. A beautiful suit exadtly like above cut made of best grade whole rattan, fH 9C finished in finest quality shellac Ys cash balance 30, 60 and 90 days. We sell very Sand s ur.o solid oak extensi-.n Table, claw feet, extends to 6 feet, exactly like cut. A great value at..-..., 114.50 1-3 Cash, Balance 80, 60 and 90 Days. Don’t feel like you are imposing on us when you phone us to send out samples. AXM1NISTER RUG- The Store of Great Values where Your Credit is Good A. R. HOOD, Mgr. Phone 499 CLASSIFIED NEW POWER COMPANY j Tonight M. Beatty will attend a DOpCTOR PRAISES D. D. D. TRIE8 OUT NEW PLANT ceremonial given In his honor by Klb- Although an M. D„ I, acknowledge Jackson, (la., Jan. 17.—Between aha Temple No. 133, D. O. K. K. At- to ray patients nd patrons that yout head of between 80 and 100 feet the terwards an elaborate banquet will be remedy, D. D. D., reaches cases ol machinery of the Central Georgia 1 served at the cafe Durand. Kcxema and permanently curea them Power Company's plant la now being —■— * —Dr. lra - T. Gabbcrt, Cdldwell, Kan. tried out The reservoir bus tilled FIOHTS SCHEDULED ! "My cure began from the dret ap- rapidly within the Iasi few days and FOR TONIGHT plication of D. D. D. My akin Is now FOR RENT—One room to a couple of nice young men. Convenient up town. Apply 32 Jane street. 17 ’ St little short of miraculous." These are j the words of others. In describing the great akin remedy, D. D. D. , Proven by thousand! of curea, for ten years to be nbiolutely harmless and reliable In every case of akin trou ble no matter what It la Get a trial bottle today! Instant re lief-only 25c. >’ . H. S. Redding. i ^ Santo, of Chllllcothe. Ohio. — ■■■— :' These ire Just samples of letters If it Is a Sweater yon want yon j we are receiving every day from grate j have no excuae these cold days. For j ful patients all .over tha country. ! It can be bad just by bringing a little j "Worth Its weight In gold," "All my; money to Sam Heller’s, 47 Albany 1 pimples washbd away by D. D. D.” nvenne. tf ' WANTED—To rent at once, five or six room cotage. Phone 25 or apply at Herald office. 17 2t. FOR SALE—Horae and wagon; one of the best rigs in Georgia; cheap It taken at once, for cash. Call or ad- dress, Hotel, Wareaboro, Ga„ phone 2 rings.' 17-19-21 FOR RENT—One desirable room; suitable for two gentlemen. 12 5t The roachlneiy la said to be per forming nicely. The current will soon be pot on the market now. FOR RENT—T 12 Francis street. FOR SALE—Fine mileb cow for sale cheap. C. M. Williams, 73 Gilmore atreeL’ 13 6L VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. For the next tblrfy caya -I will of fer my farm, adjoining the corporate limits of Waycrois on the Wareaboro rood, for sale. The farm consists of 2# acres partly nadar cultivation; homes wagon and buggy, bog and cat- lie feed. etc. If you went n bargain on me quick. Mr. E. s. Gornuu. * 1G Std ltw R. F. D. No. 4. ' Waycrosi, Ga. WANTED—S Ability and n< Travel Comfortably AND j CONVENIENTLY . ; I In Parlor Dining Cars on ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC * RAILF04D. appearance to call on nil merchants In their territory; elegant side line, con venient to carry; good commissions: prompt remittance. A 419, Bellmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. 24, 31,-t, 14 us. FOR 8ALE, CHEAP—Second-band buggies, harness, saddles, wagons and hoists. McGregor Mayo. . 6 2« FARM HAND WANTED—A farm ■id dairy band wanted. Apply to Mr. Frank'Armstrong at Saints Rent farm or to Herald odlce. 9 6t , ftWMUM.w'-./' * “OUR WAY" of doing laundering suite our custom era and we're going to keep right along doing our way, because Ita the right way. ' ^ THE WAY TO LAUNDRY IS TO LAUNDRY RIGHT. That's what this laundry always baa done, and will continue to keep on doing. Try us and be aaUf&ed, al ready. YOU'VE LOST SOMETHING BY NOT LAUNDERING HERE. Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 9. VERY RICH GOLD DEPOSIT - FOUND AT TALLAPOOSA TnDapoosw, Ga., Jan. 17.—Tha dis covery of a taige gold nugget by a child on tbn farm of John W. Harris, four miles from* Tallapoosa, Is believ ed to Indicate rich deposits or yellow dust. A small qnanlty of gravel wheie ihe nugget was discovers) was panned and other gold was found. Tble place la directly in tbn rich Georgia gold belt and it is believed the discovery Is an Important one. IN CONNECTI6N WITH THE GEORGIA, SOUTHWESTERN A GULF RAILROAD BETWEEN ATLANTA AND ALBANY. at reasonable prices. Sebednles: Northbound: Ur. Albany 11:101 Lv. Cordele 1:40 Ar. Atlanta 7:46 Mealt served any time enroute. Southbound: J,v. Atlanta i 7:45 am Ar. Cordele 1:00 pm Ar. Albany 3:40 pm' DO YOU WANT TO SELL? If so, come la and list /bitr' proper ty with us. We have several inquir ies every day for desirable property. If you .own property and can sell it on easy terma we have the purchaser, list It now. Rainwater j Brothers. Virdfe Hotel Building, Phone 470. 14 M WANTED St Time. .Try it. Bed W. H. Leahy. Gen. Pans, AgL Atlanta., Georgia. WANTED FOR U. S ARMY—Able- bodied unmarried' men between agee of 18 and 35; citizens of United Sta tes. of good character end temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write For Informa- NEW CITY MARKET emperMl prinoe of k. of. p. It GIVEN ROYAL WELCOME Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 17.—Imperial Prince William Beatty, of Toledo. O., 1 the head of Ihe Kboraeaan Order wet given a royal welcome tail night by Atlanta I-odse No. 10, K. of P. Quite a number of men over the ttate or the Pythian order were present TJiese im-luderi Hon. Tbomss A. Galling of Heron; lion. W. It. Brannan of Tal- koitoa Mr. C. H. Milan of Carton- v lie; Mr. J. P. Cheney of Marietta; and D. J. Bailey of GrMn. the English language, tkm apply to Recruiting officer, south. EnUdlng. Waycrcaa. Ga.: 13 Weft York street Savannah Ga.; GUANO INSPECTOR BEGINS. I have been instructed by the. Com-; ' mlsatoner of Agriculture of the State to commence Ihe Inspection of tertF llitre In tbn Sentbeeat Georgia terri tory and have entered upon my duties as Inspector. Parties dealring their guano inspected will please drop tne a card and I will visit them at once. A. P. Pcrham. Sr., Inspector, II tit Way cross. Ga. ] 108 West For syth street Jacksonville. Fla.; 140 Market street Charleston. S. C.; orl 113 South Marne street, Fitzgerald, Ga. Jan. 7 tf. 1 Hotel eltes. : , Flat sites. -* ;> f I Manufacturing,, sites. ,. Business sltfs. , | Homes compltt/ | Sites for homes. Improved farms and farm lands . All at bargain prices. Rainwater Brothers, Virtile Hotel building. Phone 470c 14 ft I have opened up a first class Meat Market, and will also carry vege table aud country produce. WANTED—Stenographer. salary $35.00 per month. Light *cork. easy | hours. Claim & Adjustment Co., room No. 432. LaGYande Building. f, Waycross, Ga. 19 Albany, Avenue.