Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 18, 1911, Image 4
''Since you buy the Pure Ltkseed Oil /YOURSELF at Oil price—and add it i to • the 2-4*1, the result will be pos- | Hive since' YOU YOURSELF will j have made It so, by using Pure Lin- | seed Oil. ; ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. For Cale by P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. FIRST CLASS BAKERY BREAD, CAKES and PIES REEH EVERY DAY PHONE 72 e. Waycross Baku M Hester «traouV|r | Seals Cold Tablets will break up f ; your cold in one day. If tbey fail o ’ you Can have your money back—25c i THE SEALS PHARMACY J .... THE RXXALLSTOUX • $ 8«Mp.M( K’Oln«*» A-U SuMMf W4yC“ ■>?& EVENING HERALD ! ooooooooooooooooo NOTICE!! Personal 10 OUR CUSTOMERS. I J WlM Carrie Perh»m QotHaf Editor ❖ MV OAODY! 1 Who tosses me up to the ceiling so high, We are moving into our near store, on corner Plant avenue and Gordon street, opposite Wilson Grocery barrela, Cream of Wheat, Shredded WJieat Biscuits. New Georgia Syrup, and lots of other good things ’too numerous to mention. Our prices are reasonable and our goods flrtt-clasa. We guarantee to save you money. Mr. Mnthew Carswell la now with ua permanently end will be pleased to see his friends and serve their wants. MAY'S MILL and FEED STOKE. PHONE NO. 3. . We do not Intend that our moving shall hinder us in the least In giving our cu»* tomers good and prompt service. Let us have your orders, and they will have our best attention. We hope to have our stack well arranged In our new quarters by next week. Then we will give you a special invitation to come to nee us. And Just'makes me laugh when I start in to eryfv My Daddy. We offer the public greater values in Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Art Squares, Stoves and Specialties than any firm in South Ga. Who is it. when mother goes out on the street, Gives me sugar and candy and good things to eat? My Daddy. When my tummy i3 bad and colic gets me 8ome time in the night when It’s dark as can be, Who is It continues to sleep end to snore. While mother and I try to wear out the floor? My Daddy. —M. E. Metcalf. [ please you at The Bon Ton. HARDY BROS. | When we Sell for Cash we almost Eliminate the word Profit. Our Prices on Terms are the Very Lowest and our terms are very easy. See us before you buy, we take pleasure in showing you through our line. Don't Be So Rapt Up in the News THAT YOU CAN’T PAY ATTENTION TO AOS. THERE’S A TIME WHEN YOU WILL NEED A FIRST CLASS LIVERY RIO AND WE WISH TO TELL YOU WHERE YOU CAN SE CURE IT. ITS RIGHT HERE. RIOS FOR ALL OCCASIONS—WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVER8. IF YOU ARE IN A HURRY TELEPHONE Uf FOR WHAT YOU WANT. WE WILL HAVE IT AT VOUR HOME OR PLACE OF OUSINE88 PROMPTLY. McGregor Mayo Change TWO PHONES: 62 and 301 HOME FURNITURE CO. 40 Plant Ave. Phone 49 j Ju#t received n# The Bun Ton. lovely lino of neckwear. | E. J. Blltch of Waycross was a Fine musical rehearsal at the sec- ^ guest of the Pulaski yesterday.—Sa- * retary’i home last night; The splen- vannah News. did work kepi up until a late hour. Several love songs were sung for Mr. ^ Mr. Calvin W. Parker of Waycross, Alec l.owther’s benefit. Prof. Zelgiei* i was a guest at the Pulaski yesterday is expecting to join the married Savannah News, men’s quartette, or at least that’s what they all say. Mr. Rome Craw ley was the first to report last night on time—but she called him up be fore he got there good. Mr. Johnson wants to sing sad songs all the time. Poor fellow she don’t live here. Mayo X-lcGregor Boarding, Livery and Safes Stables. Tot.cau Way Cross, Qa. PHONE NO. 63 Chicago, III Jan. IS. l.eudiug grain men of several States met in confer ence here toduy with representatives of the rulliuada to discuss the grain shrinkage problem. The railroads have made a practice of deducting one-eight of 1 per cent Tor wheat shrinkage nnd one-fourth of 1 pc. 1 cent on course grain atirinkuge. 1 lie grain men contend that the roads have no right to make such deduction unless they prove that there Is a natural shrinkage of grain. TO THE PUBLIC. '•OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOO whV? Why do you abuse your eyes ’ Why don’t you rest your eyes like you would real any other part of jour body if Jt got tired? Why do you read when ’they ache? Why don’t you real ise the danger there is in neglecting your eyea, the most precious gift or na* * turn. i! We Are Agents for Parisian Sage, and We Know the Guarantee 1^ Genuine. G. R. Brinson & Co. Parisian Suge, the quick-acting hair imUorator is guaranteed— To stop falling hair. To cure dandruff. To. cure Itching of the scalp. To put life into faded hair, j To make harsh hair soft and duxu- I riant, I To make hair grow, or money back, j lit is the most delightful hair dress- j Ing made, and is a great favorite with ladles who desire beautiful and luxu riant hair. Price 60c a large bottle. > OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOO00000O0000000OX>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOJ HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S “Big Clearance Sale” Rev. Ivanhoe Roberson of Virginia who has been in the city the past week is spending the day at Black- shear. Mrs. Nixon of Tho Bon Ton will he pleased to show you her dainty line of neckwear, and other special- Ue »- j* it*... • One lot Men’s Colored Laundry and Negligee Shirts. Regular Price 50c to $1.00 Clearance Price 25c. Mr. 'and Mrs. J. C. Hunt of Valdos ta spent Sunday and Monday in tho city with relatives. Mrs. Hunt, aa Miss Claryce Knight has many friends here. One Table of Ladies’. Children and Men.’s Win- ^ > ter Underwear. Regular price 25c. Clearance Sale 15c. Mrs. Beard and daughter Mis* Julian who have been guests at I.a- Grande are now at home with the Suttons on Gilmore street. Extra Large Size Union Linen Huck Towels. Clearance Sale 1254c Tho Waycross Band Is making { acme fine music now and is an or- ; Sanitation that Waycross should be j proud of. SmsII lot of Lirge Size Cotton Comforts. Clearance Sale $1 .OO T. A. W. ELMGREN OPTOMETRIST. 42 Gilmore Street IN ACTIVE USE. “James," asked the Sunday School ^teacher. "did you memorize the first sis verses of the twelfth chapter of tOOOOOOOOQ<MX>00000 Joshu}?” FRESH LOT CABBAGE PLANTS; "No'tn, ran was pressing antuiun JUST RECEIVED AT j leave. In .that part of the Bible IS » HARDY BROS. hi. L Heyward. O^VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CARRIAGE PAINTER 13 Parallel Street. Phone 574 Carriage and Automobile Painting NEATLY EXECUTED F. 0. SMITH, Mrs. Bird of Norfolk. Virginia, who | A has been in the city guest of Dr. ami J v Mrs. fl! P. Folks has returned to ‘ q Norfolk. Hor daughter Miss Julia 0 Bird will remain some weeks before j returning. j BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL SHOES. Dr. R. p. Iziar, left this morning for Wilmington, Deiewaie where lie goes to inspect the system of sew erage with t’ne inteutton of intaliing a similar system at Hebardville* it j that system meets with approval. Humphreys & Williamson MARRIED. ..Mra. E. O. Buck, and Mr. James O’Connor were quietly married Mon day night at tho home of Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Scruggs. Rev. Scrugga officiating. Mra. Buck Is well known In Waycroas. having made her home here for aeveral years. Mr. O'Connor la from Currency, Ga. Mr. and Mra. O’Connor left Immediately after the ceremony tor 8urreooy where they will make their home. And how would you ( YOU CAN’T GATHER r c.i FROM Clergyman llhrto'hc a minister when you grow Neither can you secure a decent Boy-“No. tlmnk you; I’m tired of >nd Job pslnt . wearing things that button up the back.’—M. L. H. SINCE THE PRICE OF EGGS ROSE Hew^t—“How did he make hla fortune f“ Jewett—“He kept a hen.”—H. I. K ing. tf your paint contains ■ adultera ted Linseed Oil-^ht quality la not thara. You avoid all risk when you ONLY FIRST CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER IN TOWN. acOODOOOd^DDDDODDDOODDD^DDODDDDOD mH “I©*' v ^ . PEPSICOLA MAKE8 YOU EAT BETTER, FEEL BETTER, SLEEP BETTER, LOO'< BET TER. ReO keen Ginger Ale, THE BEST BY TEST. PEPSI COLA B0TLMG WORKS. D. L. KEEN, Proprietor. PHONE 337.