Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 18, 1911, Image 8
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD For the benefit of the strangers in oiir cityj we again explain the following plans, which has proven so popular during the past year. We give you spot cash prices on your purchase,you pay only 1 pf the bill, we divide the remainder in three equal payments,,payable in 30,60and 90 days and charge absolutely nothing for the extra time, or we will sell you on our easy payment plan and instead of sending a coUectpr to get the payments, we pay yovd 10 per cent, in trade coupons good in trade at cash prices, for making your pay- ments at the store. We have five large stores, buy goods in large quantities and | therefore get price consessions that enables us to sell you goods much cheaper than the small dealer. Our Spring Line of Rugs Will Be on Display this Week. We are proud of the assortment we have ready for your inspection, all the newest shades and pat:erns arc here, in all sizes, and you will fi id the prices lower than these rues have ever been offered in this city except at this store. Our lice of small Rugs contain an other shipment of OUR FAMOUS $1.98 AXMINISTER RUG. Rattan Parlor Suit. A beautiful suit exactly like above cut made of best grade whole rattan, -I H OC finished in finest quality shellac’ cash balance 30, 60 and 90 days. Don’t feel like you are imposing on us when jou phone us to send out samples. Phone 499 An Ohio man want* to put up on airship factory at Waycross. Wc presume that he thinks hot air can l« sechred and a little bit cheape- than he can get It elsewhere.—Val dosta " lines. Even so. Brother Brantley! The warmth engendered by a hurtling community and the heated air being turned loose from the many InJusttia) flues does surely warm the nir and . we invite airships, or all. in search k* a meeting of all the Confederate of an enterprising community to set- organisations At which an address j tie here. Nothing cold with will be delivered by Mr. John’Rourke.' Brother! This Is one of the two day» In the; # woo ^ pbont go i a gear that the military of Savannah j . parades as one big orgshlxatlon. The Store of Great Values where Your Credit is Good WALKER-MULLIGAN FURNITURE COMPANY. A. R. HOOD, Mgr. 106 Plant Ave. HS or A DAY FROM SAVANNAH Savannah, Ga., Jan. 18.—Tomor row the annlvoraary oi the birth oC General Robert E. Lee will tie fit- tlngly observed in Savannah. There will be a military parade in the nf- nd In (he evening there win THE RICH MAN'S BATH BRUSH Cavannnb, On.. .Ian. U.-Hon. C. AT THE PRICE EVERY MAN GAN AFFORD! Murphy Candler of AtlantH. a mem* her of the Railroad Commission of “"***•• llco’tla has accepted an Invitation to attend the annual banquet of ths 1 A 7i’ tSbsrnlaa Society on March 1?th, tod respond to ths toast “Georgia.” BuSfausSSs** The banquet this year Is to be a very wSXr elaborate affair. , dmj***of essstne streams through / — " 1 “ the flea rubber ftftvannnh. lla., Jan- IS. -Savannahs and^tbeM ’toui" |£oo tivl foop of Boy Scouts will be or Sie’tiody 1 * thorough. invigorating rnuMg? thnt gwnJxed tomorrow nls\n by camp or cloth ever coikI U trrs at-White Bluff. These will be 6unitiU for On Year—Will Let Fin Knickerbocker Spraybrush TIUl tkw T. U. C. A. troop*, it li expect- ad that otbar troops will be organ ised IB a abort time .and that icon thcra will be a large ,-oioay ot Bey Bcouta la Savannah. Op tar at known here this Is the Brat organization of the kind in Geor am. —^ Savannah. Ga- Jan. 18. Kpworth »na»mieksrnocksvgprmr>»,M>»may-ls Methodist church la to rail for bids fl at sms tar the erect km ot the new Knickerbocker Spraybrusnoa are tar ctarah on the alte ot the old one and Hi* by leading Drag. Dept., flgrdware ft la baUavad work will begta In a! «>d Plumbing stores everywhere. Gei a Spraybrnsb on your Brut trip down town. It your daaler does not carry them send bln name and the money. We.will send direct to you, prepaid, on ten days trial. Deaerlptlve booklet free. THE PROGRESS COMPANY., - SS-S10 Monrce St- Chicago. IllT The Famous R&^O I Does Not Strain the Eyes I Don’t use s small, concentrated light J - over one shoulder. It puts an unequal strain on your eyes. Use a diffused, soft, mellow light that cannot flicker, that equal izes the work of the eyea, auch as the Ksyo Lamp gives, and avoid eye atrain. The Kayo it designed to give the best light, and it does. It has a strong, durable shade-holder that Is held firm and true. A new burner f ives added strength. Made of solid rasa and finished In nickel. Easy to keep polished. The Rtyo Is low priced, but no other lamp gives a better light at any price. Once a Rajro User, Always One. Dealers Everywhere. If net et yours, twite for descriptive* circular to the nearest egency of the Standard Oil Company "We sell very ’hand *. er.o solid oak extension Table, claw feet, extends to C feet, exactly like cut. A great value at $14.50 * 1*3 Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 Days. CLASSIFIED IMS TO RENT FOR RENT—One desirable room; suitable for two gentlemen. 12 5t FOR SALE FOR SALE—Fine milch cow tar tale cheap. C. »l. Williams, 73 Gilmore street. 13 6L £ j FOR SALE, CHEAP—Second-hand I'bugghn, harness, saddles, .wagons and horses. McGregor Mayo. 6 2w I The plans show a very beau- Ufa! plan ot worahlp. FIGHTS SCHEDULED FOR TONIGHT. -UeocVouf Brown \s ltIUlard I anf. at" Windsor. Ont. Juw-Thomas vs Tommy Sullivan, at Her. N. H. “OUR WAV ot doing laundering suits our custom era and we’re going to keep right along doing our way. because Ua the right way. * THE WAV TO LAUNDRY IS TO LAUNORV RIGHT. Tbat’a what thia laundry alwaya hat done, and ,wlll continue to keep on dolbr. Try oa and he satlaBed, at :eady. YOU’VE LOST SOMETHING BY NOT LAUNDERING HERE. FOR -RENT—One room to a couple of nice young men. Convenient up toWu. Apply .33 Jane street. 17 3t WANTED—To rent at once. Itv* ot . six room cotage. Phone i^'uv'hjtply at Herald office. < 17 2L WANTED—Salesmen . or Ability and neat appearance to call on nil merchants In their teVrltory; elegant aide line, con* venlent to carry; good commlaalhnt; prompt remittance. A 419. Seilmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. 34, 31.1,14 21 FOR SALE—Horse and wagon; one of the best rigs In Georgia; cheap it 1 taken at once, for cash. Call or ad-, dress. Hotel, Ware,boro, Ga- phone ■ 3 tings. 17-19-31 \ r -a -t- , 'rm WANTED FOR U. 8 AiUlY—Able- bodied unmarried men keffitewi ages ot 18 and 38; clUxena W Belted Sta les. ot good character and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write the English language. For informa tion apply to Recruiting officer, South- Building, Waycrcas, Ga.; 13 West fork, ttroet Savannah Ga.; 108 Weat-.-For- syth atreet Jacksonville, Fla.; ,140 Market street Charleston, S. C.; or 113 South Maine street. Fitzgerald, Oa. Jam 7 tt. 2-_- 'Vif* FOR RENT—Three rooms. 13 Francis stieet. Apply 17 St LOST—Large bay horse. Informa tion concerning same will be appre ciated at Herald office. 18 2t Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY 1 ! PHONE 9. FOR SALE—Six good milch cowa. The only way to insure success Is ’ Addies , j. j. wilklns, Route 1. 18 3t to deserve It In order to deserve) It, you must have a practical knowl- F0R sale—My Paean Orchard on edge. The more you know the aurer 0 ^ D , Dd -n, om ,, , tr eeta It yon are to advance. You can acquire th i rty . four trm fu „ btar . e - practical knowledge of buelneea ! |Bg Thau IMd | lng> , nd methods and principle, at the |, b * huts of the paper-aheel variety, of I excellent quality. For terms apply to 1 me at 29 Folka atreet. Waycmss Business College H. P. Brewer. TODAY. — Li,; s If we ■ hut Uve so sweet tephj^ ■ There’ll he no sour tomorrow,'. And Joy may have her own dear time For there’ll be none for sorj-ow. 4, . They nay that even Sin—poor thing— Is undeveloped good, So why not lend the helping hahd And teach her as He would. I. “• TRY THE WANT ADS ’ You can learn there not alone ho to do things, but why you should do them. Why not commence to learn them now, so yon will be ready for a good poaltion In tha spring or sum mer. We secure positions for our grad uates. R. F. ZE1GLER. Pres. V >£ g.-. YisA. jwIM-v.vS Vd - WaNIED FARM HAND WANTED—A (arm and dairy hand wanted. Apply to' j Thy kingdom come. Thy . We ask that every day, | But do we really help His cause. Or do we idly pray? Mr. Frank Annatrong at Saint. Res.: Tod4yj todly . on Mghw „‘ farm or to Herald office. 9 «t • Help overthrown* «,rrow- WANTED—Stenographer. salary $35.00 per month. Light work, easy ime sorrow- Joln Giant Ood’a great, mighty force And march with him tomorrow. —Laura Dani-i SiuiBiona.