Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 20, 1911, Image 4
,A WAVCROSS EVEN INC HERALD AT THE IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOTICE! TO OUR CUSTOMERS. SEASONABLE Groceries We now have in stock Ralston Whole Wheat Flotir Ralston Breakfast flecker* Oatmeal in bat and packages, Hec Buckwheat, Self-rising,! barrels, Cream of Wb Shredded Wheat Blsci New Georgia Syrup, lots of other good thin: too numerous to mention. 'Our price* are reasonable and our goods first-clans. We guarantee to save you money. Mr. Mathew Carswell I* now with us permanently and will be pleased to see We are moving Into our new store, on corner Plant avenue and Gordon street, opposite ' Wilson Grocery bis frlenda and serve their wants. MAY’S MILL and FEED STORE. PHONE NO. 3. We do not intend that our litely IS?, shall hinder us in J be plenty fa Hiring jpr^eus- Jy to pay all 6(>d aad^pwmpt - lime * Let us haye your orders, &ru^fl)6y’ will have our best attention. We hope to have our stock well arranged In our new quarters by next week. Then we will give you a special invitation to come to see u». HARDY BROS. TWO PHONES! [Personal £ Miss Carrie Perbam Socia! Editor Mr, Holmes Sheldon ot Brunswick •pent yesterday In the city. Mrs. A. M. MOore * of -Biackshear, spent today here the guest of- Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDonald. Mr. ft. H. Cocroft of the Cocroft Music Co., at ThbmasvUle, Is in the city for a few days. Mr. and, Mrs. O. M. Williams an nounce the birtli*’of a little son at the home on Lott street. Mrs.'S. M. Dawson of Ocala Is in the city the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George* Barnes. Mrs. Dawson Is Mrs. Barnes aunt. Mrs. Amelia Heldt will entertain the Georgians tomorrow afternoon at three o’clock. A delightful program has been arranged for the afternoon. Mrs. Ward Albertson, of Douglas, and Mrs. Aldine Pound, of Wayeross, will be guests for the remainder of the week of Mrs. G. C..Smith,—FIU gerald Leader. 62 and 301 vOOOOCOC/OOOOOOOOO NEW! NEW! NEW LINE MES8ALINE JU8T IN. $1.25 VALUE, 36 WIDE, SPECIAL 98c THE YD. CHURCHWELL BROS. SILK, INCH ^ Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Gill of New Jersey are In the city guests of Mrs. R. E. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Gill are en route home from Florida where they have been on their wedding trip. PAR SIGHTED PEOPLE Patronise this 14very. They appre ciate our prompt service, first-class turn outs and reasonable priced. If you Appreciate nil these you will pa tronize us also. .McGregor Mayo DON'T BE BALD. Nearly Anyone May Secure'a Splen did Growth of Hair. We have a'remedy that haa a rec ord of growing hair and curing bald- neas in 93 out of every 100 cases where used according to directions for a reasonable length of time. That ‘m like hoarding, Livery and Safes Stables. Teteau St. Wayeross, Ga. PHONE* NO. 03. • may s^em^llke a strong statement it Is, And we mean It tolJe^anfl * SPECIAL PRICES IN COAT SUITS AND CLOAKS AT BON TON. “NottletoiiH” new spring laco cuts. -Dicklns. ’ v R1NQ 174 FOR WOOD. CALL 189 FOR FRUIT, FISH AND OYSTERS. Try our Job work, satisfaction. You will always And The Herald ** the same old place. For wood phone 111. S^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHY? 0 should doubt It until they have put our claims to an-^ctual test. Wo arc so certain that Rexall ‘‘Da” Muir Tonic will cure (’nndruff, pro- .vent' baldness, stimulate the scalp and hair roots, stop falling hair, that wo personally give our positive guar antoe to refttud every penny paid us for it in every instance whore It « oes uot givo entire satisfaction t » ie user. Rexall “93" Hair Tonis Is as pleas ant ttr us* ns clear spring water. It delightfully perfumed, and does not grease or gum the hah*. Two _ Twenty people arrived in Wayeross yesterday to make their home among us, and it is impossible to And homes for them. Get busy people and build houses. The demand Is for right- now. *lxes, 50c, and $1.00, With our guar antee back of It, you certainly take no risk. Sold only at our store— The Rexall. Stora The Beals Phar macy. “How much are you going to save this year”, asked the* lady • we board with.' Well granny, the amount we expect to blow-in, depends upon the.- amount that Is.blown, out. Hie editor ,of the Herald returned from Atlanta this morning safe and moderately sound, that is to say as sound as a man could be who had coino In close contact with two gov ernors. both of whom are well known to be In favor of lacaf option. Tho new City Market lias been opened In tho city by Mr. A. J? Burk- halter at 19 Albany avenue. They will keep in stock everything first class In the way of meats and fresh vegetables. Phone 427 and give, them a trial. Why do # you abuse your eyes? Why don’t you rest your eyes’ like you would rest any other part of your body if It got tired? Why- do you read when they- -aghe? Why don’t you real ise the danger thore is in * neglecliug your eye*, the most precious gift of na torr. J OF THE WORLD UNITEO STATES COMES SECOND IN 1910, IN PRODUCTION. The following table Rives the world'e production of qulckrilver, In metric tons of 2,304.% pounds, for the years 1999 and 1910; Country. 1909 1910 United States 672 717 HONOR ROLL FOR THE WEEK. 6th Grade A., Mrs. Heldt. Tescber. ■ Maggie Harbin. Htliel Blnckmer, i Annie Afai|t. Bessie Owen. Coilne Smith, Catherine Hargraves. Lillie Cornell. Inei Kirkland. V. M. C. A. MEETING. T. A. W. ELMOREN OPTOMETRIST, 43 Gilmore Street Austria-Hungary Italy Russia Spain Mexico 1 630 609 680 700 ... 1066 1000 .. 200 i OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 7.290 3.333 The great men's service for the; Lord was ope that shal stand through out eternity. There were men preo ent today tha hud never heard a Catholic priest before, that eamo up and gave the priest thetr bond, thus signifying that they enjoyed the talk. Vkther Caaaagn, spoke In a very en thusiastic manner speaking very plain ly and urging the shop men to look to Jesus as their savior and guide. The conch ahopi was crowded and several hundred men were present and was a beautiful sight to see and hear them sing “Nearer My God To Thee". There la something In these sweet • services tlat makes a fellow happy whether ho wants to or not. | We offer the public greater values in Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Art Squares, Stoves . and Specialties than any firm in South Ga. j When we Sell for Cash we almost ; Eliminate the word Profit. Our Prices on Terms are the Very Lowest and our terms are very easy. See us before you buy, we take pleasure in showing you through our line. f , HOME FURNITURE CO. Phone 49 40 Plant Ave. jooooooooooooooooo< HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S “Big Clearance Sale” One lot Men’s Colored Laundry and Negligee Shirts. Regular Price 50c. to J1.00 Clearance Price 25c. One Table of Ladies’, Children arid Men’s Win ter Underwear. Regular price 25c. Clearance Sale 15c. Extra Large Size Union Linen Huck Towels. Clearance Sale 12&c Small lot of L3rge Size Cotton Comforts. Clearance Sale $1 .OO BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL SHOES-. * , NOTICE tax payer. • Specific tax and Corporation Taxes are now due and can he paid by making a visit to my office In the court house. , J. T. Strickland, Tax Col t'.Jnay For either acute v i disorder.. for aunev aa> nary Irregularities, rake p ei .• K’A'.ney Pills. An honest ann nUecrtv,- edi- cine tor kidney nnd binddei jlaor- ders. Gem Pharmacy. For wood phOM 111. JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ft,, I “OUR WAY- 10 lm of doing laundering suits onr cuftom era tand we're going to keep- right along doing our way, becaute its the CARRIAGE PAINTER 13 Parallel Street. - Phone 574 Carriage and Automobile Painting . .v;.NEATLY EXECUTED F. O. SMITH, ' ONLY FIRST CLABB CARRIAG* PAINTER >N TOWN. ■ ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 i Bad Colds!- Seals Cold Tablets will break up your cold in one <Uy» If they fail you Can Kaye your -money back—2Sc THE SEALS PHARMACY ^ - tnimuMvu • right way. THE WAV TO LAUNDRY IS TO LAUNDRY RIGHT. That's what this laundry always ha* done, and wilt continue to keep on doing; Try us and he satisfied, al ready. YOU’VE LOST fiOMETHINO BY. NOT LAUNDERING HERE. PEPSI-COLA MAKES YOU EAT BETTER. FEEL BETTER. SLEEP BETTER. LOOT BET. * ► TER. Bel keen Ginger Alij YhE BE8T BY TEST PEPSI COLA BOTI WORKS. D^L. KEEN, Proprietor. PHONE 337. f Ale, r ESTj - nwG Wilson c FIRST CLASS I BAKERY BREAD. CAKES u« PIES RESHCVERVOAV PHONE72 *y H)tEYSKlDNLXWU,4 I eir •mm