Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 21, 1911, Image 2
THE EVENING HERALD -Pvblfahccf Sj • ■ —t rUDUanca ay THE HERALD * * PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Parham, Sr. A. P. Parham, Jr., Edltora and Proprietors. Mlaa Carrla Parham, Peraonal, Society and Local. TWO-THIRDS OF WORLD’S OUTPUT The Waycrosa Herald founded in 18$5. The Dally Herald founded In 1892 by A. P. Perham. Br. OP PETROLEUM PRODUCED IN THE UNITEO STATES IN 1810. Talaphonea Bualneaa Office 25 Editorial Offla 2r, Realdence 268. Evary Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered at the Waycrow, Oa„ Poet- office as second class mall matter. Office No. 8 Jana Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Month I « 3 Months IL26 6 Months 12.60 J Year 26.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary hotlrr-s, cards of thanks, resolutions ami notices of entertain' merits, where charges are made, will be charged at advertising rates of 6 cent* a Hup. ^ notice to subscribed Pub«nrlber* to The Jierald that do nor receive the paper promptly and early will please ring-up the Circula tion Manager and report I he trouble to him, a* Ibis is the only means that we can assure you prompt and early delivery. (Special to The Herald.) | The year 1910 has been sufficiently i eventful In the development of new oil supplies in the United 8tates to more than keep up the country's tthe- Teiepbone 600 PnvMle CbapeJ Day or Night and Morgue MARVIL & O’QUINN Formerly Lott, Fata 6 Co- FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM8ALMERS W. L. HINSON & Co. Undertakers and Embalmers. 'Phones 91 and 153. seven years ago. THE HERALO 18 THE Official Organ of the City of Waycrosa, Official Organ of the County Hoard of Kducatiou. Official Organ of the United States Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCR0S8, GA., JAN. 21. 1911. 'f'sieu.* is no neies-slty to mince words about It. the A. if. & A. passenger service from Way cross to Atlanta la almost' perfect. Alabama * new governor rode to the inauguration in an automobile. Be fore the election lit* would not have torn seen In the rural districts In one. Griffin New*. Joseph K. Brown plowed & bull be fore he was elected governor of Geor gia. but we never head of Ills plow ing a steer afterward*. The Browns' have been u success * sltlon of that field. Connected the developments in both these I dltions of marketing the oil. States In 1910, as reported by D. Survey, was between 200.000,000 at 208,000,000 barrels, approximately, i follows: Lima- Illinois Appalachian and Indiana fields Gulf and Caddo fields .... Mid-Continent and Rocky Mountain fields BACON AGAINST FORTIFICATION FOR CANAL. Senator Bacon, the ranking Demo cratic member of the Foreign Rela tions Committee, is reported as being , against fortifications for the Panama^ , eanal. He has made a thorough study of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty and is of the opinion that while it doesn't contain n declaration against fortifications he Is satisfied that It waa the understanding between the treaty parties that the canal shouldn't be fortified. The treaty was rejected because it contained a declarat ion in favor of the rlgli t of the United Btatos to fortify it. and was finally, accepted aftdr it was so modified as to leave the right of the United Stat ea In the mutter open to question. A y diplomatic method was ndo|Ro.| to get by an obstruction that tiueateu ed to defeat the treaty. The Presi dent has recommended fortifications and has asked an appropriation of $5,000,000 to Itegin the work. He he- lleves.o f course, thut the United States has the right to fortify the ca nal and construe* the llay-Pauncofote treaty as conceding that right. It ta evident that the appropriation will not be voted without a long de bate, if then. It is aald that many •Republicans take the same view of the treaty that Senator Bacon does. They believe a* he i>>e* that the ca* » xml should he protected by an ogreo- 1 meat of the nations materialising it. For party reason*, however, they are not expressing their views. | It is true, of course, that there would Always be danger that In an emergency one of the nations might i break the agreement. In that event the other nations would be bound to j enforce against it whatever penalty' there might be. It 1a estimated that the fortifica tions as planned would cost at least tr.fi?000,000, and It would require as much aa $5,000,000 a year for main tenance. There are many congtvas men against fortifications on the ground of their cost who haven't gtv* ea much study to the queetion of the right of the United Ststes ta # erect them. It seems to be suite cer* tat* that an appropriation for forth fattens will not be voted by this Oesgress end may act be voted at j , x-.obi Stock* Increancd barrel. California in H relH. 1909. that them was cause of safety. The outcome pointed, and under him ate The trouble \ at the old and the apspemdon of Mr#M, C. Few. FOLEY'S KIDNEY. REMEDY —AN APPRECIATION. Ij. McConnell. Catherine, 8u. El- I derived from Foley'‘h Kidney Remedy which I used for a bad case of Kid taken." Gem Pharmacy. " i ANDREW B ESTES ».! ATTORNEY AT LAW. • I Room 37, Southern Hotel Building. * j Waycrosa, Oa. WILSON * — * \'F7T J - & LAMBH<N p. • C.u NS-.IVK* AT LAW DEEN 1 EURNET ALL KINOS OF, INSURANCE. LA QRANQE BLDa ROOM 309 d / - - - PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER ,l Southern Hotel Building. Up-Stairs. d PHONE 12. S. S. LUDLUM, M. D. 0 Practice Limited to tn« EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT., -offitti Kooui o2i iMOrundd HoU»l- Building 0 HOURS 10 A. M. TO 2 P. M. « J M. MARKED Attorney-^* * ., Office in iuwuxi jjjl- 0 WA • nOto* t o W. u. It.-usETT- 1- CONTRACT V. ANO BUILDER u Residence 48 MargareT St PHONE 103. » - G. R. LOVELACE r- DENTIST Office In Redding Block. Ov.r Btai Clothing Store f J. B. BAGL&Y, M. D. j PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office In Southern Building. r OFFICE HOURS ). S-11 A. M. M P. M. 7-8 P. M. c f A. FLEMING. M. D|. Offico over GEM PHARMACY. 1 In Southern Building. Residence 68 Tebeau. Office Phou 1 08. Realdence phone *40. h • C. L. REDDING, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Up atalrs Redding Block. WAYCK08S. GEORGIA. JOHN J. MOORE. LAWYER. Collectloua and Criminal Law a Specialty. Office Reed Building, np- .. ilstrs over Central Pharmacy. Waycrosa, Oa, Phone 666. JOHNS. VyALKER TTORNEV Q COUNSELLOR et LAW Office up stain Southern Hitel. WAYi.-ROSa. GEORGIA. BYCK ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO II .lode of'Mectrtcel v Work end 8upplle, ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 16 Lott Street Phone 88* if a], O. Parks Barry D. Rees i PARKS A REED attorneys AT LAW. ( _ Scuthem Motet Building 1 . • vIEOROT* 1 C A DOWNEY- M D V- I VETENARIAN I 1* Albany Avenue Weycrosa, Ca. 1 Gey and Night Phone 6*8. I wVy It It you did not do aa your I neighbor, buy of Sam HellerT tf Expert Medical Scientist# Announce Startling Results Obtained By 8* n pln9. New York:—Thousands are taking advantage of the generous offer made by The Woodworth Co., 1161 Broad way, New York City, requesting an experimental package of Senpine, the great discovery tor Asthma, Hay Fe ver, Bronchitis, and Catarrb, which is mailed free of charge to all who write for It. it la curing thousands of the most stubborn cases. It makes no difference bow lonr you have been suffering or how severe the climatic condition* are where you live. Sen- pine will cure you. if you have experimented with oth er treatments and have failed to find a cure do not be discouraged but send tor a trial ot this wonderful truly meritou* remedy which is *clenrifle compound discovered by a Profeasor ot Vienna University, and la being recommended by thousands. Sat. tf. ABOUT IRONING TJ CARSWELL Diebatee of Children; OMtut* of ROOldenc. 166 Plant Avu. Phos. IU. Offico la Southern Bid*. Phone 62*. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of the Supervising Architect, Washington, D. C., November 26, 1010 Sealed Proposals will be received at this office until 3 o'clock p. m., on the 7th day of January. 1011, and then opened, for the construction (Includ ing plumbing, gaa piping, beating ap paratus, electric conduits and wiring) a ftbe United States Post Office at V.'AYCROSS, GA., In accordance with t-rnwlngx and Specification, copies of which may be had from the Cuatodian of site at Waycrosa, Ga„ or at this office at the dlaeretlon of the Super vising Architect. James Knox Taylor, Su >»r7' 'ng Architect. SHADE TREES FOR SALE. 6.000 Oak and Maple hade Jtreei for ■ale. Will set them out and warrant their living. Price *1.00 each, careful ly set out. Orders solicited. R. W. Lew-la, 13 ad, St Apy, 20 Smooth! Waycrosa welcomes everything. Even the recent cold blasts of the north found It warm here. Don't forget to come and get your Xmaa present. Sam Heller A Co. tf A GOOD POSITION, Can be had by ambltloua young men and ladle. In the Held ot “Wireless" or Railway telegraphy. Since the S- hour law became effective, and since the wireless companies are establish ing stations throughout the country there I. a great shortage of telegra- phera. Positions pay beginner, from *70 to 290 pet month, with goon chance of advancement. The Nation al Telegraph Inatltute operates six official institutes In America, under supervision of R. R. and Wlrelesa OII2- tltions. It will pay you to wrjte them for full details at Cincinnati, O., Phil- port, Ja„ Columbia. S. C„ cr Portland, Ore., according te where you wish to IK 201 PIANO TUNER Geo. W. Coe Formerly of New York City, will locate permanently In Waycroae, after Oct. 15th. Save Your Piano Work! for a local tune-, that will k-er It Is food shape at all 'lime* Leave orders with J. 8. Knight,, a R. Brinson ot Majestic Theatre, or -phone tit DO YOU KNOW THAV BY USING AN ELECTRIC FLATIRON YOU CAN CUT YOUR IRONING LABOR IN HALF? HOWEVER, BECAUSE OF THE GREAT SAVING IN TIME. THE COST IS LESS THAN BY THE “HOT -STOVE" METHOD. • WE SHOULD BE PLEASED TO PROVE THIS TO VOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION, AND A REQUEST WILL BRING AN IRON TO YOU FOR A WEEK'S TRIAL. Ware County Light & Powerft Company. T t t | i t n H. <xxxxxxxx>000000000cxxxx>0000<xx>00000yi V j$ Incubators and Brooders Watt Hardware Co. > OOOOOCxXXXxX-OOOOO <xxxxxxxxxxxxx>ooo Drug Store Comforts » There are many thins* for your convenience and comfort at our Drug Store. Ice Caps, Bath ' Brushes, Spongea, Chamoi* Hot Water Bag*, Toilet Necessities, Face Tx>tions t Su perior Cold Cream. It here ever there •l* anything you want from a drug •tore telephone us and you will aecuro the best of service and. quality. Cherokee Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS PHONE ISO POTTER & McMAHAN GENTSFUkNlSHINGS, TAILORSiandlBARBERS. •Tailoring AtJReasontble Prices, THE LA GRANDE BARBER SHOP lliPUnt*Ave. LaGrande Bldg. 1 >