Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 21, 1911, Image 7
====-===>==— WAVXROSS EVENING HERALD E®™* thedlfflcuU tosk of alius. E*®*® “»'r. To do it thoroughly leaves achln * *>e«d and back. With R^tbocber siminpoo Brush all the • nfhrSK**} 01 ?* wc ' s oma bolr. or the toethoMh *• ended forever. The WHERE VOUR CREDIT IS GOOD he Shampoo Brush, made 111 K2Ki!?Si!? g™* iSsttrSs ShS 1 *” DrU * 1 * rl “*“ bCU4r UUW M Our Beaulifol Spring Line Of ROOM size: rugs Shampoo Yourself At Home .With the Greatest Shampoo Device— the ARS NOW ON DISPLAY. WE HAY E A TRULY HAND SOME LINE, ALL THE NEWEST ORIENTAL AND FLORAL PATTERN3, IN THE LATEST SHADES AND COLORINGS. THE ILLUSTRATION DH0W3 ONE OF OUR BEST VALUES. IT IS A SEVEN WIRE TAPES TRY BRUSSELS. EVERY THREAD IS GURANTEED TO BE ALL WOOL AND TO BE ABSOLUTELY FAST COLORS. IT IS FULL Sx12 FEET IN Sr..; AND HAS NO SEAMS, BEING WOVEN ALL IN ONE PIECE. 1-3 CASH BALANCE This handsome solid oak Rocker; Exactly HII* Like Cut [nickerbocker hampoo Brush r Cleanliness—Health and Beauty Knickerbocker Shampoo Bruah Outfit No. 7- inchea in dlambiir. with 19 hollow rubber teeth 6-16 Inch in diameter and H Inch lonjr—will MMtttte the heaviest growth of hair—six feet kpS fine white rubber tubimroad oneslnjrlc faucet connection guaranteed to fit any fou- CO HA cct. nil complete, nioely boxed, price I SjvaybrabM for Body Maas^co and Shower Bath, ! $2.00. S3.00 and *4.00. 8pwl*l r^rber’a Shampoo Br.» h SI aa Siphon Attachment (or home- without l>atiirootiu..iop Every Spraybruah and J»«u..poo Brush Fully Guaranteed — Money Back if UnaatUfactory. Knickerbocker Spraybrushes are for s«ile by leading Drug, Dept., Hardware and Plumbing stores everywhere. Get a Spraybrus!i^u*your first trip down town, if.-your dealer does not carry them send his/name and the money. We will send direct to you, prepaid, on ten days trial. Descriptive booklet on our easy payment plan. At lb per cent less tlmn our regain." price, which was al ready very low. We have a large assort ment. and in order to reduce our stock will sell them at the above discount until the (required numbetj has been disposed' of ■ LUXUiY CARRIAGES Cost no more but nrc absolutely the best money can buy. Here are a few of the reasons why. WHEELS—all wheels contain 16 spokes, extra long huh and are guaranteed to cctrry !,000 pounds with out injury to the wheel. SPRINGS—are mounted both In front and the back of seat, amt instead of tho special kind, they have the flat kind In front and the S pattern In the rear. These springs, 'have been tested. 50,000 vibrations with 50 tbs weight, without injury to the spring. SEAT—about 14 in. wide, making very roomy carriage. H OOD—large four—bow canopy hood, handsome appearance and protection to the child. A large assortment of new patterns in China and Japan Mattings at *rom 25c to 35c per yard laid. We have a first class matting layer, and guaran tee all work. THE PROGRESS.COMPANY. 55-210 Monroe St., Chicago, Ill. NEW LINE DOROTHY DODD 8H0ES AND SLIPPERS, $3 TO $4. ’SPECIALS IN EVERY DEPART- MgNT, AT CHURCHWELL BROS. Folds autom aticajly with one motion, new type brako. covered in best grade chase leather, 5 colors, large boot and pockejLThese are a few of the reasons why this Is the best carriage on the market The price is from $8.50 to $12.50. WRITING DESKS WE HAVE A NUMBER OF DIFFERENT STYL ES AND PATTERNS, BOTH IN GOLDEN OAK AND EARLY ENGLISH FINISH AND IN OR DER TO REDUCE OUR STOCK BY FEB lit, WILL SELL THEM UNTIL TH EY ARE CONE AT . , . . Just Received ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF OUR WOOL AXMINISTER RUGS, 2 1,-2 FEET WIDE, 4 1-2 FEET LONG. BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS. ECZEMA CURE A BEAUTY WASH Although D. D. D. Prescription has been recognized for >^ars as the one remedy for Eczema. Psoraisis, and all ether forms of skin diseases, it Is now known that there is no othe; wash," even those used by the beauty spec^Ms, that t|can compare with tliT^Wld-nhpi^F for cleansing the of^raples.‘blackreads, rash, and all slmluN^pkin affections. For a this, reason, alone, a bottle of D. D. D„ should bo kept on hand in every houserold. A trial 25c bottle will show yoq the merits of this great, remedy as a complexion wash. D. D. D. seems to eauso, whatever the trouble may be, .cleansing the skin, and leaving It as soft, aa smooth and clear as that of a hpalthy child. > Get a 25c bottle today and keep H In the house. H. S. Redding. Substantia! Reduction In Price. remove The Famous Gives the Best Light at Any Price When you pay more than the Riyo price for a lamp, you are paying for extra decorations that cannot add to Hie quality of the light. You can’t pay for a better light, because there is none. An oil light has the least effect on the human eye, and the Rayo Lamp Is the best oil lamp made, though low in price. You can pay$S,$10, or $20 for sdme other lamp, and although t you get a more costly lamp, you can’t get a better light than the white, mellow, diffused, unflickering light of the low* priced Rayo. Has a strong, durable shade-holder. This sea son’s burner adaa to the strength and appearance. Made of solid brats, nickeled, and easily polished. NEW LInHi;MES8ALINE 81 JUST IN, $1.25 V VALUE, 33 IN WIDE| 8PECIAL 98c THE YD. - / CHURCHWELL BROS. caBbAge plants. For Cabbage Plants see me. A. P. Per ham. Sr. «W ANTED—Salesmen op J Sc) and neat “PP earanC€ to call on all merchants In their territory; elegant side line, con venient to carry; good commissions; prompt remittance. A 4t9, Bellmont Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati, O. 24. 31, t. 14 vi Why do you .abuse your eyes? Why don't you rest your eyes like you wou*d . rest any other part of your r '“ Slf It gbt tired? Why read whoa they :\M^B*Vhy don't you real- Iz^^ danger therfe la In neglecting your eyes, the most precious gift of na ture. p: ’lira * Wyeth Chemical Company, "4FL. 1 ." 1 - .■ Try A Want Ad saGE^SULPHu hair REM E D V