Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 24, 1911, Image 3
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD The Herald has opened up its Job De partment. We take all and any kinds of work. We won’t charge you exhorbi- tant prices. Work guaranteed. NEW! NEW! NEW LINE ME8SALINE SILK, JUST IN, $1.25 VALUE, 36 INCH WIDE, 8PECIAL 98c THE VD. CHURCHWE' L BROS. Georgia southern AND FL.OIRDA RAILWAY l rt« Papular Route Tu Mil Paint* NotIh Mod lVe.4. JhroughTrains U> connection with A. C. U, Irom Wsycross via Tilton to Macon ATLANTA, KNOXVILLE, CHAT -yv-GA. NASHVILLE, ST. L0UI8, CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE, AND CINCINNATI. Conchen nod Pullmnn sleeper, $0 Ihrouzh without chnnie. pining Car Service. TRAINS OF A. B. A A. R. R. C'NNECT AT COROELt WITH TRAINS OF G. 8. A F, RAILWAY FOR MACON ATLANTA AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND SOUTH. FOR INFORMATION VS TO RATES, ROUTES, OR SCHEDULES TO ANY POINT NORTH OR WEST, APPLY TO ANY AGENT OF THIS COM PANY, OR ADDRESS. C. B; Rhodes, G. P. A, I, W. Jamison. T. P. A, '*!■ MACON OA. MACON JA. lanos NEW LINE DOROTHY DODD SHOES AND SLIPPERS, $3 TO $4. 8PECIALS IN EVERY DEPART MENT, AT CHURCHWELL BROS. j IF A PIANO DEALER SPEAKS HIS MIND HE WILL TELL YOU: “THERE’S NOTHING 1 IKE THE McPHAIL GRAND FOR BEAUTY OF FINISH AND BEAUTY OF TONE." ASK A DOZEN FAIR JUOGE8 WHAT ARE ITS CHIEF CHARACTERISTICS AND YOU WILL GET A DOZEN AN8WERS. ONE 8EE8 BRILLIANCY, ANOTH. ER SEES RICHNESS, ANOTHER SEES PERFECTNE8, ANOTHER DELICACY OF TONE, ANOTHER THE POWER OF EXPRESSION, ANOTHER ACTION, ANOTHER THOROUGH CONSTRUCTION. ONE SEE8 NEW IDEAS, ANOTH ER OLD IDEAS IMPROVED. THE McPHAIL GRAND PIANO IS ENDOWED WITH PERSONAL ITY QUITE ITS OWN. MUSICI ANS UNDERSTAND ITS CHARM INTUITIVELY. WANTED—Salesmen of 7ffl) AW,ll Z and neat nppearnnee lg to call on all merchants la | their territory; elegant tide line, con-j venlent to carry;' good commissions; J prompt remlitance. A 419, Bellmopt i Ml*. Co., Cincinnati,' 0,' 24, 31, i, 14 nl W. H. ULMER, Wheelwright and Blacksmith, HorseshoeinglAiSpecialty. • MAM. • . Next to Wilson Lturtdryr just.ia rear.of Singleton iFurniture’Company. ; Satisfaction Guaranteed. It it easier to preserve the color of the hair tbna to reitore It, Although It J» possible to do both. • Our grandmothers understood the secret. They made and used a “sage tea,” and their dark, glossy hair long after middle life was due to this fact. Our mothers have gray hairs be fore they are lift}, but they are begin ning to appreciate the wisdom of our grandmothers in nsing "sage tea” for their hair, and are fast following suit. The present generation has the advan tage of the past in that it can get a ready to use preparation called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur. As a*scalp tonic and color restorer, this preparation is vastly superior to the ordinary “sage tea” made, by our grandmothers, and Jt can be bought for TiO'emt* and $1 a bottle at cJmoHt any. flrst-elaso^drug store, or,will be. sent direct by the-Wyeth Chemical Company, 71 Cortlandt St„ New York City, upon receipt of price, or sale and recommended by Chero ee Pharmacy. We have other makes and we are proud of ev ery Piano we handle. McPhail, Chickering, Lsffargue, Bush & 1 ane Henry F. Miller, Hains Bros., Cambridge, Regal, Brewster and others. •; v We give erfsy monthly payments if desired and take old pianos and organs in exchange at full value, Travel Comfortably AND CONVENIENTLY w. .In Parlor Dining Cart on . Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic RAILROAD. IN CONNECTION WITH THEJ3E0R6IA, SOUTHWESTERN A GULF RAILROAD BETWEEN ATLANTA AND ALBANY. Meals served any time enronte, at reasonable prices. Schedules: Southbound: Northbound: 7:45 cm I.r.'Albany I2:10noon 2; 00 pm Lv. Cordele 1 1:40 pm 3:49 pm Ar; Atlanta "7:45 pm Lf dies! S * TC Money and Keep'is essss Style by Reading McCall’s Magazine and U»ing McCall Patterns McCair. bain you drew aiy I- 1*lily ot a mocinaio expense by keep lot you pasted on tbs Lteat fas Lions In clothes and bat*. 60 WGAUS HAGABHE sbm- C. C. Cocroft Music Co. Broad Street, ? j Thomasville, Ga Lr. Atlangj Ar. CordeM Ar. Albany THESE ARE THE FINEST PARLOR CARS OPERATED IN THE SOUTHI Quickest Time. Try it BeSt Service. ^ W. H. Leahy, Gen. Paaa. Agt. Atlanta, Georgia. for free sample copy. McCal Pattern will enable you to make fn your own Lome; wlibyouroirn band*, clothing for yourself and children which will be perfect In style end nr. Price—none higher than lb cents, fend for free Pattern Catalogue. % * We WM Of Ten Fiat Prniete for gelling %ub- scrlpUqM iokhu your friend*. Nuid for free Premium Catalogue and Ca«h Prise Offer. MHOUCMnU*. 239*2* Vet 37* ft. KWVMC