Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 24, 1911, Image 8
ISS EVENING HERALD WALKER MULUGAN Furniture Co. Pensacola, Fla., Jan. 24.-With an •oasottnt of eclat end delighted antici pation. recultfve of paat performance, the renwcola Cnrnlrnl Acsoclnllon la hard at work on preparatlonc for the forthcoming cefebratlon. which will lie held on February 2*. 27 and 2J. Mardl Qraa In Pencacola fcae been am erent at Inc. easing Intereat here each succeeding year,. not only to Pensacola, but as well to the tboua- aode of rlultort who here docked to the Deep Water city to view It; aod the gentlemen having the preparations in charge have espressed their de termination to hold steadfast to Ihj axfootn that each celebration shall exceed In eplendor the one Receding One of Onr Great Values Solid Oak Rocker. Exactly like cut, cobbler seat, heavy white hickory stretcher connects arm. A Large Comfortable, (H AO , Servicable Rocker - v-l- • vOeach On our easy payment plan. There le every reason lo believe ttbat the visitors who afiiall come this ymt to view the festivities will be snore fully rapid than aver before hy the eight* which will be arranged to gladden their eyea. Pensacola la today one of the most prosperous edtlea of I he south, and her citizenry J* giving gladly f III time and monoy -in order that no tinge o. dsappolnt- snent shall accrue to those who travel hitherward for the two days of pita rwoiw. Every feature, from the big parade to. the moat unimportant de tail. will he gone na carefully Into ns tf the War* welfare of' the munici pality depended upon the through sen of the work, Lloyd’s PricessGO-Carts Coil no more but are Absolutely tbe beil mi ney can buy. Extra wide seat, finest grade S parent Springs, Laige Canopy Hood, folds with only one motion, Covered in Beil Grade Chase Leather. These are only a few of the reasons why this is the best carriage on the market $8.50 TO $12.50 EACH. SCENE FROM "THE CLIMAX”, AT PARKER THEATRE JANUARY 2«. Chiffoniers CLASSIFIED AT 15 PER CENT LESS THAN OUR REGULAR PRICE Which was already very low. we have a large assortment and in oTcer to reduce our ilock at once, will sell them at the above discount until the require number have been disposed of. We have Great Values at from TO RENT ■ ^FTflT^7tT^fw<r^ik'r , r(iom.; fit jtl/bed o' unfurnished, with prlvele; of liath, II Carswell elreel. 23 FOR PENT—Two counseling uu furnished rooms. Apply at 51 Nlch- ola street * 13 21 Our Spring Line of Room Size Are now on display. A truly btainKul assort, ment, all tbe newest oriental and floral patterns in the lateil shades and colorings. Our line includes an all wool 9x12 Lett size. «< fijf A CA seamless 7-wire tapestry Brussel Also the beit g.adeSmith Axminiilcrs Cxl2 feet size, in the seasons patterns FOR RENT—The store formerly ol- -copied by Hardy Dos. Apply D, tt O. Lott. 23 21 FOR SALE FOR SALE—Horse and wagon; one of the best tigs In Georgia: cheap tl fallen at once, tor vaah. rail or ad- dreea. Hotel, Wore.boro, tin., phone S lings. 17-15-21 We will have in a few days the largest ai ment of CREX Rugs ever shown in this FOR SALE—My Pecan Orchard on earner of D and Thomas streets. It contains thirty-four trees In full bear ing. These trees ere tecdtlngs end the nuts ot the paper-sheet vstlety. of excellent quality. For terms apply to me at 39 Folks stiect. 'P 17 tw - tl. P. Brewer. STEP Ladder .4 Feet high exadHy- like cut 2'4 feet wide, 4% feet long, all wool, handsome oriental and floral patterns. One of our great values . - SCENE FROM THOMAS DIXON ’iff -THE SINS OF THE FATHER’ AT PARKER THEATRE FEeRUAF.Y.1. j 1 WANTED Nfcholt, Or. EACH I Mone charged on our easy pa> ment plan. Market cheat Cherteeton. 8. C„; or , "' n "- v >»“ '>»»< 9«WhJy i< 112 South Maine street. FltSfCWM. t ” 1 ® of u,ln * ! ‘- Qa j a0- j ,( Allow the rest of your holy to Is- - „ ; .- come a* weak aa yo tr gtotoaaV fct WANTED-A position on truch , "* k « > our *«1#®*L«» <®<WS ns yor faru *,:• at dotty. In fset will accept anyfi'lug In'the shape of honorable Tbero la only o»e choice for tbo»- ecnplur u<«nt. Write IL SL Tyre. Way wl, ° »“• 10 “*• »»■» llfr - •*'' .ret. na that Is io mske the stmuacb n* ruon ■ ’ j na the body. 10»T OR MISLAID—Policy No. | This can host be doc* hy trie? tv 151113 tutted hy Th« Penn Mutual prepcilption of a fpvcIaIIfI Vr.it la Life »BwrMo« Company, on the life yearn of. practice g**e tcllef and pc Special Prices (his week on Writing Desks we have a number of different styles to clue out at a sibslantiil reduction in prices. The Store of G eat Values where Your Credit i-. Got d A. R. HOOD, Mgr. Phene 499