Newspaper Page Text
Evening Herald
This Institution Has Only Been In
Business Little Over Six Months.
W. H. Buchanan Is Now President
and W. H. McRae Cashier.
Roy mcdaniel, bystander, is
killed instantly in fight
Tlie directors of the Exchange Bank was declared some time ago, has been
net yesterday afternoon and Installed paid out.
. new officers and board of directors. The folowlng Is a statement of the
Tbe bank is now beaded by Dr. condition of the bank as furnished to
W. H. Rucbanan as president, and tbe directors at this meeting:
no better man could be selected for Condensed statement of tbe con-
thls place, as be has been conneded ditlon of.tbe Exchange Bank, at tbe
'with tbe bank as cashier since Its close of business on Jan..24th, 1911.
opening In Agust 1906; and tbe sue- Liabilities.
oess of the Exchange Bank under his Capital stock $76,000.00
management cannot be disputed. Tbe j Surplus and undivided profits 6,069.6
management will be the same. J. M.! Deposits 103,686.86
Bell, Is vice-president, W. H. McRae
ca£jdcr;,,J. R. Tyre assistant cashier
and/fcodirtteeper. The board or direc
tors are as follows:
C. M. Sweat, W. H. Buchanan, W.
R. Beach, J. M. Bell, B. F. Beach,
F. B. McDonald and B. H. Crawley.
The retiring president, Mr. C. M.
Sweat; retires on account of large
turpentine Interests In Texas, Alaba
ma, Georgia and Florida, which cons,
pels him to be away from the city |
most of tbe time. Mr. W. R. Beach, i
Washington, Jan. 36.—After two publish an ad of The Cltlxens' Bank
s hour*' debate yesterday, Chairman 0 f this city. {
Weeks, of the poatolllce committee, j This' institution has only been In
agrce<) to accept an amendment by busnesB a little over six months and
Congressman Bartlett. Increasing the ma kes n showing that Is nothing
; salaries of rural catrlers from $900 to short of remarkable, and shows that
1 $1,000. and it was carried by a unun- ,h,. management of this bank Is the
i In'ous vote. best that could have been selected.
Congressmen Bartlett. Adamson. 1 There were no changes made In
Hughes and Edwards addressed the 1 l)ie omeers at a recent meeting held
house In advocacy of Mr. Bartlett's, by the directors and the list Is as
amendment. ! follows: J. R. Bunn, President; M.
! -lofso Bartlett, who has consistent- j„ fl unD , First Vice Preeldent; H.-W.
11, urged an Increase In the carriers' stubbs. Second Vice President; R A.
I pay for several years, la hopeful that gtubt,,, Cashier; H, C. Bunn, Assls-
(his amendment will be adopted this ! tnnt cashier.'
| The deposits since January tbe first
7|c Georgians devoted themselves ,, nattering In the least, and la In
to mowing what a ipleerable pittance r0 und numbers $10,000.(16, which Is an
1990 a year Is as compared to the; pper mom inference In less than a
compensation given by the govern- month,
meat to other employes. Judge Bart-j The directors of the bank are J. R.
lettl dwelt upon tbe discrimination Uunn| H Ejnn> A K , aelwui ,, w>
against the rural carriers' allowing V HIn , on H , w , atubbs, M. I,. Bunn,
how very important their work Is, q- w Morrison. '
and the hardships tbey-must face In Thl< b0 nk bids fair to Increase Its
the discharge of their duty. .already large share of banking busl-
He called attention to the Met that (h| , and oth er sections.
eljj carriers In m.ony Instances are '
provided with horses, whereas the , ,
rural carriers must furnish their own PI lUIV QC AT Pill C '
conveyance and face all sorts of uLlillnn ULHl UflLs-
wcuthcr in traversing their routes lirOIIIP I1IITII DII0II
through sparsely settled country. utulllU fl 1111 llllut
Congfess|nan Edwards dt-cla: ed that . {w* 1
he would never vote for an Increase '
, ', , . _ The advance sale of seat* for "The
for any. olher, class of postofflee em- ,
, ' , , climax," at Parker theater tomorrow ,
—jt$l the rural carriers ol- 1
LaGrange, Ga„ Jan. 36—According
to reports received here. Roy McDan
iel, a bystander, waa shot and in
stantly killed Sunday afternoon in an
alleged difficulty between Joe and W.
Fatteraon, brothers, on a plantation
near this place. McDaniel had just
arrived on the ecene and had taken
bo part In the difficulty.
The trouble, so it is said, arose
when Joe Patterson started toward W.
Patterson, when the latter drew uIb .
pistol and began firing at Joe, one
bullet going through bis hand.
In the struggle that followed three
shots were fired, one striking McDan
iel, entering Just back of the temple
and psaslng entirely through his
head. He leavea A wife and two
young children. W. Patterson Is re-
Dr. J. F. Wilson, aeoretary of the
National Nut Growers Association and
editor of the “Nut Grower”, will speak
at the Board of Trade tonight on a
•ubject of general Intereet here. Dr.
all parties Interested In pecan culture-
and as one will have something that
all parties Interested I pecan culture
will appreciate hearing. Tbe Board
Loant and Discounta $130,931.36
Bonda 2.600.00
Furniture and Fixtures .... 4,000.00
Real Estate 66.00
Cash on hand and In bnnka 46,060.13
Louisville, Jan. 26.—The body , of
tbe Baronese Von Zedtwltx, wbo bo
le re her death at Thoitne. Switzerland,
tail tlecrmber, waa the principal belr
to the extensive Caldwell estate Id
this city, will be burled In C*ve Hill
The funeral will be held in Louis
ville, contrary to her expressed de
sire- that she be laid at tbe side of
her husband at Dresden, Saxony.
The body will be burled by tbe side
of jer , sister, thq late Marquise do*’
Mqnetlers de Metinvllle, who'died ID
the port of New York about a year
.lust why the body of tbe baroness
will be brought to Louisville, her for
mer home, for burial, contrary to her
wishes, Is not known here unless op
position to the burial of the baroness
by the side of her husband In a Cath
olic cemelary baa developed because
some years ago she renounced the
Catholic faith.
W. H. Buchanan, Caahler,
The new management, which Is
practically the same aji the old one,
Is a popular one, and as the bank
needs a president whq can stay at the
(office at, all times. The selection of
-Dr. Buchanan Is undoubtedly a wise
|)|dividend of 4 per cent which
(Board of Trade Service.)
I-ocal tains tonight. That’s the ex
tent of the forecaat for today. How
ever, the opinion is ventured thut the
local rains will probably mark an end
to the wet period.
In view of the fact (hat small pox
Is prevalent throughout this entire
section I deem it necessary that every
I man woman and child In Waycross
, ! should be, yppelnated at once. The
i dty’ will be giad to furnish vaccine
j points to those applying for tame,
j . v John M, Cox, Mayor. .
Ployqa uptll .1
with a rush today, and ' indications
ate that's crowded house will witness
till play on its return visit. .The Clim
ax is presented by the original New
York caste, which Manures everyone
of n delightful evening.
, 12 MILLION IN 1010 OVER 1003
Can Make No Mistake
Wearing a Suit Made by
New Orleans, Jsn. 23.—A gruesome
reminder of the severe hurricane
which swept this section on Septem
ber 20, 1900, was revealed In the
finding yesterday of the bodies of
Capl. Henry Katiiman and one of hla
sailors on the marsh near Dunbar,
La., Lake Ponchartroln.
The bodies will be brought here for
Captain kathman waa tbe roaster
of the schooner Seven Brothenr, which
plied in the lumber trade on Lake
Pontcbkrtraln, and from which no tid
ings bad been had since the storm of
over, a year ago. His body was Iden
tified through the discovery of a ring
on the hand of the body which won
worn by the captain when last seen
The body of the tailor has- not been
fully identified, but Is thought to be
that of a member of tbe crew of the
Tae body of Jim
Columbia, 8. C., Jao. 36.—An un
known (ramp was killed and a.loco
motive and a dozen cars derailed In
a fear-end collision of freight trains
n- the Southern railway at an early
': ur at Killians, about 16 miles north
of Columbia.
Atlanta, Ga., Jam 36.—In hla (an
nual report not yet published, State
Treasurer, J. Pope liroWq will present
figures to show that Georgia's banks
hare gained twelve million dollars Ir
1010 over 1000, and that the general
i.uncial prosperity as reflected in the
banks, has increased in proirortlon to
those figures.
The total assots at ths end of ithe
year 1010, tor all tbe banks In Geor
gia Is fixed, according to tbe state
treasurer’s report, at $120,220,24^-81.
The figures show that there were 626
banks existing In Oeorgla at tbe end
of lOIO^s compared with only 487
during 1900.
At the end of 1009 there q'ss 497
banks. Including fifteen branches. Du-
ring 1910 thtee branches were added,
st Omahab, Newington and Tarry-
town; 63 new banks were charlprad,
including branehoi at Benson, Bartow
Duluth ami .lenklnnsburg;'. and j one
trust company began a'banking! bu*:
Mesa. That increasod the totsj to
553. From that number were deduc
ted (our banks that went Into jllqul-
datian- the Citizens’ Bank at Adel;
the Flrat National Bank at Dslton;
and tile Blalrsvllle 2nd Young Harris
branches; three banks that were na
tionalized; and two that were merg
ed, one each at' Dublin and Clarks
ville. This left tbe total number of
banks Id tbe slate at the end of 1910
644. Eight have -been chartered so
New Madras. 8wlsses and plaid
Klaxons for waists, Q 36.
I Humphreys A Williamson.
Ladlea and gentlemena sweaters to
close cheap.
34 2t J. W. Adams A Co.
Strause & Bros.
The best dressed men you meet on the street
are wearing them.
They are the best on the market today.
Seven , Brothers.
Flynn, another member of the crew,
was swept ashore some tlmJ*J?o.
Captain Kstbman was the last of
a family of seamen, bis brother hav
ing lost his Ufa in q storm on Lake
Pontcbartraln several years ago.
You can get them at:
Richmond, Va.. Jan. 26.—From
more than 00 dealgns submitted un
der the rules of the American Insti
tute of Architects, the executive com
mittee of the Confederate Memorial
Association has awarded-the contract
for desigii of the Confederate Memor
ial Institute to lie creeled in Rich
mond to the architectural firm of
Biasell. A Sinkler, of Philadelphia.
The approved design la Doric, of
massive construction and will be fire
proof. It Is to coat approximately,
'3166,000, and Is to serve as the offi
cial repository forever of confederate
paintings, relics; b'istoly and statuary.
to your mind again when you think
of the home that you Intended to buy
before now. And while you are think
ing of It la the time you should come
Anything You
far since me first of tbe year m
552 chartered state banks in C|c
when these lines are published.
! Our shoo department is one <
i best. to be found. When you
shoes take a look. We think w
please you.
24 2t. J. W. Adams id Co.
The Stein-
Sam W. Peck
Block Co.
and Co.