Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 25, 1911, Image 5

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WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD National Bank Say here f« alway* a demand tor trained employee. The yount man or woman who known how in the one who gete the preference. Waycross Business College Whether On Infant or Grown Peraon Cured by Zemo and Zemo Soap. AN UNUSUAL OFFER. The Seals Pharmacy says to every peraon, be it man, woman or chRd, who has an irritated, tender or itching akin to come to our ttore and procure a bottle of ZEMO and a cake of ZE- MO soap and it you are not entirely satisfied with results, come hack and get your money. So confident are we of the efllctacy If this clean, simple treatment, that we make you thin unusual offer. W ZEMO Is a clean liquid (or external use that has cured so many cases of eczema, pimples, dandruff and .other forms of skin eruption. ZEMO and ZEMO slap are sold by dragg^ ev ery where and, In Waycross by The Seals Pharmacy. ZEMO and ZEMO soap are the most economical as well as the cleanest and most effective treatment for affections of the skin or scalp, whether on Infant or grown person. Trains people in the principles and methods of practical business. Its graduates have no difficulty in obtain ing positions or in making good after they have obtained them. A coarse here would benefit you as It has oth ers who are now holding good posi tions. ENTER ANY TIME! POSITIONS SECUREDI R. F. ZEIGLER. Pres. VOCAL TEACHER. Miss Mattie Leon Julian, a student of the Chicago Conservatory of Music and pupil of Madame Beaumont, will take a few private pupils in.vocal. First term will begin Feb. 1. Phone 222-4 rings, or address 63 Gilmore sL 123.26-27. *7149,336.49 The EXCHANGE BANK Solicits Your Bank Account And Influence. TELEPHONES IN ALL ROOMS. Forest City Hotel Co. G. Jaeckel, Manage. Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and “fttman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear lavana Filled Cigars. Manufactured In Waycross, Oa, */ PITTMAN CKAI CP. 82,025.70 SAFETY AND LIBERA LITY —Are th3 Marked Features of Our Business. We Invite You to Try Us. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W. H \Buchanan, President. W. H. McRae, Cashiet 9S$SS«S8$$«SSSSSSSSaiSf CAPITAL STOCK UNDIVIDED PROFITS OEPOBITS F»R BOTH THE COMMER CIAL MAN AND THE MER CHANT. ENTIRELY REMODELED. V If ALL THE LATEST JMPROVE- MENTS. Tell Us You Want When GRtpRIES We ’ want 500 S: custome r s for |jQar C. C. D. I Btttter, 25 cts. popnd. Chickens each week from Tennessee Fresh Celery Every Saturday I Hay, Grain and Cow Feed alwtye on bhnd. Freeh Brunswick Bread Every Day. Phone 128 And we will deliver the |)aooDs. THE , WILSON GROCERY CO \wT1mou Block >0^0000000<XX>0404 THE -SCREVEN HOUSE Savannah, Georgia. American Plan. THE MOST CENTRALLY LO CATED HOTEL IN 8AVAN. NAH. 6IFOCA THE OtOSTYl BIFOCAL. TheKrip Top Invisible BIFOCAL CUSSES. D3E AND DISTANT THESE NEW OLAS- AN IMMEN8E IM- ENT OVER THE OLD OOUBLE- LENSE8. THERE IS NO DIVIDING LINE TO INTER FERE WITH YOUR VISION, OR I . WILL THE LEN8E8 GET CLOUDED AND COME APART. CALL ANO HAVE US SHOW THEM. TO YOU. „ Little & Odom, JEWELERS AND OPTICfAN8. LOCAL item: OUR LONG EXPERIENCE 5 Si FACTS AND FIGURES. W. hag to eubmlt the above .tatement to th. public a. tho beet evidence of our growth. , Thlz has been po.Blble only by renaon of our liberal polloy and the heuty co-operation of our (rlenda, and the public In general all thoae who have helped to motto thlz allowing, wo aro very grateful and upon thin ,basic, we moat cordially Invite your pntrontge''nnd arc pleated to give you our Motto: SAFETY, PROMPTNESS, COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND LIBERALITY IN SO FAR A8 CONSISTANT WITH STRICT BANKING PRINCIPALS. JULY 2, 1910 Showing the condition of bank on the opening day ASSETS LOANS ANO DISCOUNTS, *14,038.67 CASH IN BANKS *311,188.00 CASH IN VAULT $13,982*4 CASH*4V?.;• .$45,170.54 TOTAL $59,209.21 LIABILITIES S223J132.11 CAPITAL STOCK 'll. $42*00.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS ,....$ ,250.67 DEPOSITS $15,158*4 NOVEMBER 10, 1910 < Showing the conditions of the Bank at the close of business on this date; t V Assets Yi — *'* B0ND3 $ 7,500.00 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 702.75 CASH IN VAULT AND OTHER BANKS .. , 44*62.19 LOANS \ 96,671.55 LIABILITIES CAPITAL STOCK . i $50,00000 UNOIVIOEO PROFITS, LESS CURRENT EXPENSES 1,652.14 CASHIERS CHECKS I 1,779*3 DEPOSITS i 95,905.09 i $149,336.49 JANUARY 23,1911. I i Showing the conditions of the Bank ahd the prog ress it has made J A8SETS j ’ BON08 I $ 7*00.00 FURNITURE ANO FIXTURES j 60000 LOANS.ANO DISCOUNTS [ 115,621.39 CA8W IN BAN 18,18502 ...100*10.72 $223*32.11 .. $ 60*0000 3*02.51 170*2500 -moan Mgfci A. STUBBS, Caah. H, C. BUNN, A, C. ; Waycrtss, (6c. New Building in the PHOENIX BLOCK ❖COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO THOSE PERSONS HAVING BOXfcS RENft.3 IN OUR OLD BUILD ING WILL PLEASE CALL ANO MAK7 STATEMENTS ANO ACCEPT THIS AS NOTICE THAT WE CAN NO LONGER BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY OF THEIR DEPOSITS THERE. WE ARE NOW IN OUR RESOURCES NEARLY $700,000 L. J. COOPER, Prmldant J W. BELL.NGER, Cathlar. In the Reai Estate business and our knowl edge of REAL ESTATE values in Waycross places us i>. u i.osition tc be. cf valuable ser vice to thou- who wish to buy improved or unimproved property. Call to see us. D. & 0. LOTT, R. L & l Co. Opposite New Depot. '♦♦♦mm444««4«4< s. i Mm. I*. L. Rawls left last night for Oglethorpe where she goes to attend the Hurt-Lambdin wedding. NOTICE. The Borne Mission and Parsonage Aid 8oclety of Trinity Methodist church'Invite the ladles and gentle men and friends of'this cliurch-to at tend a miscellaneous shower to be given at the Trlulty parsonage, Fri day the 27th, from four to six o'clock. “Smile awhile. And, while you smile, Another smiles; And, soon there's smiles and smiles of smiles. And life’s worth while, because you smile." NEW BUILDING New Safety Deposit Boxes WHERE WE HAVE ALL MODERN AND-UP-TO-DATE CONVENIENCES —UP-TO-DATE SAFETY BOXE8, $3.00, $10.00 AND $15.00 PER YEAR. IN A MODERN FIRE-PROOF VAULT. THOSE W 8HIN0 BOXES WILL PLEASE <5ALL AND MAKE THEIR SELECTIONS. WE INVITE OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS ALL TO CALL AND INSPECT OUR NEW HOME. START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH US FOR THE NEW YEAR. WE PAY 4! INTEREST COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY* MKAli'S MAGAZINE NOTICE. The city union Kings Daughters will hold a meeting Thursday after noon at three o'clock In the Sunday school room of First Methodist church All members are asked to be present. Mrs. E. II. Reed, Pres. Mrs. T. H. Broadwater. Set. 24 2t Ladies! Save Money and Keep in • Style by Reading McCall’] Magazine and Using McCall Patterns McCtTi MagasiaewlH help you dress sty 1- Ishly at a tnoderato expense by keopiug you pasted on the west fashions iu clothes snd bats. 50 New Fashion Designs In each issue. Also valuable Information on ail boma and per sonal matters. Only ■ 500 % year. Including a free pattern. Sub scribe today or aend for free sample copy. McCall Pattava* will enable yon to make In your Va W Gb$ Tae Flat Fsssmb for retting sub scriptions among your friends. Send for free Premium Catalogue and Cash Prfxe Offer. in fcaiLCMMRT. ail»MW«37* SLREVTNS At the MAJESTIC “THE SPELLMAN’S” (Man and Woman.) MUSICAL COMEDY SKETCH. They will certainly make you laugh, even if your ai e doiVn In the mouth. DON'T MISS THEM. Prices; Matinee, fic and 10c; Night, . 10c and 15c. Big shipment of new Percales and Ginghams, 10c and 12 l*2c. Humphreys & William son.