Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 25, 1911, Image 8
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD Shpej GREAT IS DAY CLEARANCE SALE 9 AM. v, I HI A World of Bargains Our entire $30,000. oo sftock is now of feted to you at very reduced prices. Mark the Date: Be Here on Opening Day No. 6 Mary Street. H. J. BENTON No. 6 Mary Street. AT THE THEATER The Climax. Patron* of the Parker Theater win 4* delighted to learn that Joseph M. Weber’a melody play, "Tho Climax” which will return J.an, 26. "The Climax” Is a story of Rohe- nilan life and one whoee freshness oi Idea, crisp humor and inressant charm will maintain It in high faror. An ex cellent cast will he seen here. THE FIRING LINE. Onu of the moat important announ- i of the current season la the of “The Filing IJae” to the Parker Theater on Friday mat loco an A physician who .made a specialty of stomach troubles, partlcnlary dys pepsia, after years of study pe. fected the formula front which Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets aro made. Our experience with Rexall Dyspep sia Tablet! leads ns lo bolleve them la be Ihe greatest remedy known for j the relief of acute Indigestion an l j chi ante dyapepsln. Their Ingredients' CLASSIFIED WANT ADS TO R1 are soothing and healing lo the In-j nlshcd or unfurnished, with prlvelego llnmed membrane* of the stomach. [of bath, 42 Car|w<{Il, street. 2: “■file Firing Line" Is g dramatis*- Kon of Ihs. celebrated n:rel of that name by Robert W. Chamber* who has earned grc. fame ss tho author of “The Find tin* Chnn#o” A J'TJe Young-, »r Ret” end "The Denier Murk”. Thl* la the Bret dramatization that Mr. chambers has porfhlttid of any of Me novels, and the «ve^t will be looked forwttd to wlth'gret t Internet j by the lheeler goer* um^b* >k loves*.' The prceenllng corapShy w II he one! ’ of notable ".Alt tropolltan player* and a splendid p:o tuctlon Is I promised by Ihe roanageim St. Thej dtamatlaatlon le by Rlrheit Wallen Tally, well known a* the coauthor with David Balasco of “t4 Rose of •n# Rancho.” 'I hey are ileh In pepsin, one of the greatest digestive elds known to med icine. The relief they afford la al- moat Immediate. Their uae with per sistency and regularity for a short time brings about a cessation of the pain* caused by stomach disorders. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets . will In sure healthy appetite, aid digestion and' promote nutrition. As evidence of our sincere faith In Rexall Dyspep sia Tabltta, we axk yon to try them at our risk. If thajr do not give you enllre satlafaction, we will return you ihe money you paid na for rnem, without question or formality. They come In three sixes, prlree 25 cents, EO cents and 21.00. Remember you tan obtain them only at--The Rexall Pioie. FOR RENT—The itore formerly oc cupied bj Hardy Dm*. Apply D. ft 0. I-ott.' 23 .2t ' , ~>9 <;a “wXNfgs=r truck farm or at dairy. In fact will accept anything In the shape of honorable employment. Write B. 8. Tyre, Way- cross. Oa. FOR SALS—The Jones Racket Store for tale..Small atock. good location. See me quick. J. H. Jones 25 4t The Famous Gives the Best Light at Any Ptiee When you pgy more thin the Rsyo price for a lamp, you ire paying for extra decorations that cannot add to the quality of the light. You can’t pay for a better light, because there Is none. An oil light has the least effect on the human eye, and the Rayo Lamp is the best oil Itmpmade, though low In price. You can pay $5, $10, or $20 for some other lamp, and although you can’t , mellow, the low- priced Rayo. Has a strong, durable shade-holder. This sea son’s burner adds to the strength and appearance. Made ot solid braes, nickeled, end easily polished. Once a Rayo User, Always One Dealers Everywhere. If net atyoars, wrfit/cr 4, ctrnler ta the nearest agency c/tke Standard Oil Company or $20 ror some other lamp, and a you get a more costly lamp, yo get a better light Jhan the while, i diffused, unflickering light of tt priced Rayo. £ SEASONABLE Groceries We now hare In stock Ralston Whole Wheat Flour Ralston Breakfast Food, Heekers Oatmeal In barrels and packages, Heekers Buckwheat, _ Self-rlalug, lo barrels, Cream of Wheat, Shredded Wheat Biscuits, New Georgia Syrup, and lota of other good things too numerous.to menUon, Our prices save you. LOST OR MISLAID-Policy No.,now this delightful hair tonic and!| 131113 Issued by The Penn Mutual dressing can he had In every town ln^ We guarantee't money. Mr. Mathew Carswell It now with us permanently tsd will be pleased to see bis friends and serve their wants. MAY’S MILL and FEED STORE. < PHONE NO. 3. FOR SALE—Horse and waaon: one ot the best rigs In Oeprgla; cheap It laken at once, tor cash. Call or ad- dreea. Hotel. Wares boro, Oa.. phone! , ‘* u,ng of * duplicate. 2 tings. * 1W881 md “ ta - Life Insurance Company, on tho life of Samuel B. Lewis. -The flnder will please return It to the undersigned. Application hat been made for Ihe B. Lewis. Nichols. Ga. 23 <1 law DUBLIN WILL HAVE TURPENTINE PLANT Dublin. Un.. Jan. si.—J. W. Cheek I- erccUng a turpentine still In this city, near the river bridge. Mr. Cheek has had a considerable experience In the turpentine business. and no doubt wtll operate II successfully THERE’S NO RISK TS>c Medicine does Not Benefit Vee Pey Nothing^ DAVIS’ 2-4.-1 As Its name Implies, ttwo-fourone) Is •■era different from other paints, In that It la so made, that yon only re quire one-half at much, as though you son&it a palm ready mixed. For In tones. should you reqttlto say thirty ta’lona ot btgtr grade palnl at 21.71 o paint your property, you here to buy only 15 gallons ot $4-1; M same price and 15 gallons of Pure Mossed Oil at TO cents, a clear sav ing to’YOU 01,215.06 on your paint till. If Ltniecd It cheaper—You save MORE. SXT THIS WORTH SAV1NO. 1 •‘or Sale by P. FOR SALE—My Pecan Orchard on comer of D and Thomas it reels. It contains thirty-four tree* In full bear ing. There trees are sepdllngs and the nuts ot the papenbeel variety, ot excellent quality. For term* apply t* me at 29 Folks street IT 2w H. P. Brewer. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN— Vrorn Surveyors camp near Raby America. G. R. Brinson ft Co., sails It for 60 cent* a large bottle, and they guarantee It to grow beautiful, lux uriant hair: to turn dull,lifeless hair Into lustroua hair; to atop falling hair; to atop itching of the scalp. Aak for Parisian Sage. WfthJTFD ■^•fTTErForirr^h^A^ bcilled unmarried men-between ages of 12 and 35; citizens of United Sta- wouWL of m** 1 character and temperate ’habits, who can apeak, read and write the English language. For Informa tion apply to Recruiting officer. South- Building. Wayeross. Ga.;’ 13 AA’est York street Savannah Ga.; IflS West For syth street Jacksonville. Fla.; 140 Market sgreet Charleston. S. C.: or church, Clinch county on January II). Mare, nearly black; blind In one eye; Notify F. B. airman,. sirmdus, Ga.. and H. M. Pafford. Wayeross, Ga. Re ward. 25 tt. COM. WILL MEET TODAY ANY WCMAN CAN HAVE 'BEAUTIFUL HAIR FAR 8IGHTEO PEOPLE Patrontxa this "Livery. They appro elate our prompt Service, Brat-clas- , turn oute and reasojtaWq prices. If Atlanta, Ca^ Jan. 25.—The mansion yon appreciate all /We yo* twill p c cotamlttee of the. general assembly, tronlze tie also. , especially appointed to look Into the{ Many women do not realise the at tractions they posse** because they do not give proper attention lo the hair. The women of Pirle are famed for their beauty, not because their fdcial f.-attrres are superior, but ability of telling the present ^McGregor MayO nor't trail sion on Peachtree tUi .... ,. ■ . ... advisability rove; . , _ , , , Boarding, Livery .and Sales Stables, near Ibe central part of the city and | Trttao select * .better .one on ,e mote appro-1 prlate street, will meet today at the' • J Piedmont hotel. ' rteXug WANTE^Sal esmen ~ of The committee wIIL look Into fee. / $y) Ability and neat appearance Wayeross, Ga. PHONE NO. 63 „ t ... - 113 South Maine street Fitzgerald, .... * , „ ‘ Harley HUar. Co. hardly be obtained in America But Jan. ? tf. T they know how to keep young by *up-;.-!tuatlon fully within the next day or ~w=3ff to call on all merchant* ia plying vigor, luster snd strength to two. and" will prepare n report In 'their territory; elegant side Hoe, cot»- he hair. which will probably be followed by" venlent to carry; good commissions Three years ago Parisian Sage could the legislature. It Is doubted wheth- prompt remittance. A 419, Bellmont Jr not d sale will be recommend- Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati, O. 24. 31. t, 14 xx