Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 27, 1911, Image 2
WAYCROSS EVEN ING HERALD THE EVENING HERALD — Published By i THE HERALD PUBLISHING I A. P. Perham, Sr. A. P. Perham, Jr. . Editors and Proprietors. Miss Carrie Perham, Personal, Society and Local. The Waycross Herald founded in 1885. The Daily Herald founded lu 1892 by A. P. Perham, Sr. Telephones nusIntPH Office Editorial Offic 2 Residence 2* Every Afternoon Except 8unday. Entered at the Waycross, Ga., Post- office as second class mail matter. Office No. 8 Jane Street RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Month I Months $1.25 Months $2.50 Year $5.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolutions and notices of entertain- dents, where charges are made, will be charged at advertising tates of 5 cents a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to Tbo Herald that do not receive the paper promptly and early will please rlng-up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble to him, as this Is the only means that we can assure you prompt and early delivery. THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the City of Waycross, Official Organ of the County Hoard of Education. Official Organ of the United States flour! of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCR088, GA., JAN. 27, 1911. Tho new council of ThomaHvllle 1» expected to oust the cow. We are content to let them fight it out. An eightyniiie mile railroad in North Carolina, in the const:action of which no wood was UHod, recently wns completed and opened for serv ice in fifteen mnntia from the tiino work was started. ARE WE EXTRAVAGANT. The people have become so arcus tomed to j-eeiug nearly all statistic* given in more than nine figures! that fhey no longer worry when such things a.< millions are mentioned. A pension roll of $20<»,fM)0.000 nnd a Ml- lion-dollar Congress and a imOuo.OOO- population are quite common to look upon. Yet there are a few person they poln to s|a|iytJcs to sti their claims that our national perity is threatened. They quo! figures of the various luxuries I ted during the year 1909 which thul approximately $50,000,000 paid out for diamond*, preelou* es and Jewelry, or a larger < than was ever before made or score. Even this amount seems compared to the sum of $!2»»,0< devoted to various forms of wo wearing apparel. Including furs, lints, gowns and toilet requisites, art objects Americans trifle of $28,000,000 wliIU for wealthy homes Incl glass and porcelains, ru nnd anpIqucK of | various sorts counted for $lo,ono,000 sum spent abroad. For f and liquors another $25 expended, about one-qua representing the cost of Tli*> tobacco bill paid by to other nations amoutitei 000 and there are many in the list such as $7,00(J clgn-made toys and a II horses an<| Automobiles. amount to over $200,000,000. might be better kept at home. lil «W Telephone 500 PMvate Chape; Day or Night aa i 'Morgue MAR.VIL & O’QUINN Formerly Lott. Fain 4 Co- FUNERAL DIRECTORS ANO EMBALM?R3 dex of proaperity hut of country If It is continued. Wor wood phono SIS. HAIR. The author of “Curfew Shall Not King Tonight’ Is In Texas for her liealtfi. We hope our matchless di- mute may restore her and we think wo ought to tell her that her chances are pretty food unless she makes the fatal mistake of reciting her poem- Houston l*oftt 4* The Savannah Press thinks “The Valdosta Times may he glad to know that the Democratic party is return lug to the principle! advocated by Henry 8. Turner.” The Press la right, but Henry G. Turner did not advocato some of the principles which t Press has been recently advocating. Valdosta Times. ( j. William G. McAdon. who tunneled tils way to fnmc In New YortP. Is an old Mllledgevlllo boy and was plaiu •’Hill McAdoo" when lie lived there, George Crawford, a grandson of olo Governor Crawfmd. Is another Mill- edg< villi* youngster who has made fame nnd fortune by doing big things. He la one of Andrew Carnegie's right band men and Is getting from twen ty-five to fifty thousand dollars a year us tin* head of'a big steel in dustry. He learned Ills business at the Tech school In Atlanta. i. + The Albany Herald says hat one of tho needs of southwest Georgia is more white far met a. That Is true about Albany and tu many oilier sec tion:! of south west Georgia, but in | Colquitt county the white farmer is already on tho job, Hardl> a dozen negroes own farms In this county and only a limited nuttier of negro ten- I _ For either acute ' nr. ant-i are to he found. The wo:k is ( disorders, for annoy na i nary Irregularities, rake 1 pen ranee, they tnsde a and making the brew. Till* •killful chemists ls*ttrr than It ourselves, and all we have proper strength, with the addition Inigvists for 8Qc. and $1.00 i Is sent direct h> the Wyet Company, 74 Cortlundr St., Oily, upon receipt of price. CABBAGE PLANTS. For Cabbage Plants see me. tf A. P. Perham. Sr. Call at .70 Reed street for Cabbage plants. They are fresh I the nursery In South Carolina. being done by white farmers of an In telligent class, and they are doing it according to the latest methods. Every year shows an Improvement in met- ods In Colquitt and every year shews a corresponding Increase of prodttc lion. *n»e Observer was told a day / or two ago of one “small white farm- # er“ who had contracted with a Moul trie fertiliser plant for one hundred and eighty tons of a cotton fertilizer to be used his year. He will apply a thousand pounds per acre on three hundred and sixty acres, and he will give aa much extra expease and atten tion to preparation of land and culli ration an to the fenillitng. He Is not atone In hia endeavor to Increase the production per acre, hot this has be come tbo general rale. Farmer* are waking up.- Moultrie Observer. _ An honest aim efteerb for kidney and btad-ie Gem Pharmacy. PEPSICOLA MAKE* YOJJ EAT SETTER. FEEL 8ETTER. SLEEP BETTER. LOOK BET- TER. Bet hen Giagtr Ale, THE best bv test. PEPSI COLA B0TIMG WORKS. a L. KEEN, Proprietor. PHONE *37. e ox- j w. L. HINSON & Co. auo | Undertakers and ppon | Embalmers. pros 'Phonei 01 and . 153. the 1 npm [ ANDREW B ESTES .how 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW. wa^ ! Boom 27, Southern Hotel Building. H \ nn . J Waycross, Oa. itlay j “* **» WILSON *mal! 1 *’.NETT o.noo j & LAMBnm , . f •vrOHMVf \Nr fan s 1 ; »Vi AT LAW aces, j On [ d n DEEN LBURNET JingH ALL KIN08 OF INSURANCE, ilna, LA GRANDE SLOG. {Inkm ROOM 306 IV- the PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER vlneK Southern Hotel Building, Up-Staira. wax PHONE 12. thi.H ' nc * S. S. LUDLUM. M. D. San. , . . Practice Limited to tn« nno. EYEj EAH _ N0JE AN0 thhoat. emu -Office Room aU tuiGrandd Hotel- for- ■■-■HutlJiatf f or HOURS 10 A. M. TO 2 P. M lhe J. M. MARKED ad- Attorney-^*«... year Office tu Lour* u^i.. WA*^rtOSS i4<* •’ rwo- t,cs W. Ga»ETT its CONTRACT .7. ANO BUILOSR ln- Retidence 48 Margarar St. vlng . PHONE m ate- G. R. LOVELACE OENTI8T Office la Redding Block. Over Star 0.— | Clothing Store. J. B. BAGLEY, M. D. la PHYSICIAN ANO BURGEON, Office In 8outh,rn Building. OFFICE HOURS £ Ml A. M. S-4 P. M. 7-8 P. M. . „» A. FLEMING, M. D. the _ _ Mr 0fflc » ow 1, x a out GEM PHARMACY. X «P* In Southern Building. **£ Residence 68 Tebeaa. Office Ptaom ay* 08. Residence phone 440. c me. 5 C. L. REDDING, ° ATTORNEY AT LAW. t the of Up stairs Redding Block. it J* WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. R or „ CWl wk JOHN J. MOORE, , n> LAWYER. Collection* and Crimiual* Law a q — 8pi»r>a.:y. Office Reed Building, up- • .. »ulr* over Central Pharmacy. cl Waycroe*. Ga.. Fuone 666. si JOHNS. WALKER Id TTORNEY a COUNSELLOR at LAW . Office up *talr« Sout.’.crn H»tel. (WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. „ ui v en BYCK = ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO |J ; u kiud* of blectrical < * A Worx and Supplte. { > ^ ALL WORK GUARANTEED. \ | $0 Lott Street Phone 299 1 • lenj. O. Parka Harry D. Reed ' J PARKS & REED ;; ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Southern Hotel Building ‘ x * GEORGIA ' C A DOWNEY M D V: j; VETENARIAN , [ It Albany Avenua Waycreaa, Oa. ' ’ Oay and 'Night Phona 698. \ J Why la It you did not do aa your i > neighbor, buy of Sam Hellef* tf | T J CARSWELL ;! OlMaaoo of Children; Oleeatet of < i Women, Obstetric•« ^ , T Residence 1ft Flint Aft. Phone $11* ’ Expert Medics! Scientists Announce Startling Results Obtained By * Senpine. New York:—Thousands are taking advantage of the generous offer made by The Woodworth Co., 1161 Broad way. Sow Yorjc City, reuaeatlng an experimental package of Senpine, the great discovery for Asthma. Hay Fe ver, Bronchitis, and Catarrh, which la mailed free of charge to all who write for it U is curing thousands of the most stubborn cases. It makes no difference how Ion? you have been suffering or how severe the climatic conditions are where you live. Sen pine will cure you. If you have experimented with oth er treatments and have failed to find a euro do not be discouraged but send for a trial of this wonderful truly tneritous remedy which Is scientific compound discovered by a Profe of Vienna University, and Is being recommended by thousands. Sat. tf. ABOUT IRONING* TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of the Supervising Architect, Washington, D. C., November 26, 1910 Sealed Proposals win be received at this office until 3 o’clock p. m., on the 7th day of January, 1311, and then opened, for the construction (includ ing plumbing, gas piping, heating ap paratus, electric conduits and wiring) o fthe United States Post Office at WAYCROSS, GA., In accordance with drawings and specification, copies of which may be had from the Custodian f site at ^Waycross, Ga., or at this ffice at the discretion of the Super vising Architect. James Knox Taylor, »«rr* «og Architect DO YOU KNOW THAT BY USING AN ELECTRIC FLATIRON YOU CAN CUT YOUR IRONING LABOR IN HALF? HOWEVER, BECAUSE OF THE GREAT SAVING IN TIME. THE COST IS LESS THAN BY THE “HOT STOVE” METHOD. WE SHOULD BE PLEASED TO PROVE THIS TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION, ANO A REQUEST WILL BRING AN IRON TO YOU FOR A WEEK’S TRIAL. , vf " Ware County Light & Power Company. T elephoneSO «<xxx>oooooooooooo<i ooocx>oooooooooo<x> SHADE TREES FOR SALE. 5,000 Oak and Maple bade treea tor ale. Will set them out and warrant R. W. Lewis, 13 ada St Wayeroaa welcomes everythin*. Don't forget to come and *et your A GOOD POSITION, 0 to 190 per month, with *oou ance of advancement. The Nation- Telegraph Institute operates ala R’e an tnitallmeat dry good, borne, tf Offlce to Soother* Bid*, none RS. PIANO TUNER Geo. W. Coe Formerly of New York City, will locate permanently In . Waycross, after Oct. 15th. Save Your Piano Work! for a local tun*-, that will beer It In rood ebape at all times Leave orders with J. 8. Knight, <3. (L Brinson o» Majestic Theatre, or 'phone tit Incubators and Brooders Watt Hardware Co. >^>0000000000000000 Drug Store Comforts There are many things for your convenience and comfort at our Drug Stqre. Ice Caps." Bath Brushes, Sponges, Chamois Hot Water Bags, Toilet Necessities, Face Lotions, Su perior Cold Cream. If here ever there is anything you want from a drug •tore telephone ui and you will lecuro tho best of service add quality. Cherokee Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS • PHONE 130 POTTER & McMAHAN GENTS FURNISHINGS,* TAILORSSand BARBERS. •Tailoring AiJRexsontble Prices, THE LA GRANDE BARBER SHOP 10 Plant Ave. LtfGnmde Bldg. »♦»♦>»♦♦* 888MBBBBB* MX>M» ** MB