Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 27, 1911, Image 5
W4EVENING HERALD f~000000<xxx>00000c> \ Tell Us When ? You Want fj | GROCERIES We want 500 adgtome r s hr bur C. C. D. Buttery 25 cts. pound. ^.Chickens each [ ‘ week from Tennessee Fresh Celery Every Saturday Hay, Gram and Cow Feed always on Rand. Freak Brunswick Bread Every Day. Phone 128 And we will deliver the , GOODS. THE I Ira GROW CO ^ Wilson Block 40^00<X>0000000404 4 I OUR LONG EXPERIENCE i % : * In the Real "State business and otir kncsvl- ; J edge of REAL ESTATE values in Waycross g places us in u position te be if valuable ser- 5 vice to those who wish to I uy improved or t unimproved property. Call to see us. | D. & 0.10TT, R. L & I. Co. ^ Opposite New Depot. LOCAL ITEMS. The Krip Top Invisible - BIFOCAL GLASSES. FOR CLOSE AND DISTANT SEEING. THESE NEW GLAS- ES ARE AN IMMENSE IM- JVEMENT OVER THE OLD LENSES. THERE IS NO^OiVIDING LINE TO INTER FERE WITH YOUR VISION, OR WILL THE LENSES GET CLOUDED AND COME APART. CALL AND HAVE US SHOW THEM TO VOU. Little & Odom, JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. / % THE SCREVEN HOUSE Savannah, Georgia. American Plan. THE MOST CENTRALLY LO CATED HOTEL IN SAVAN NAH. FOR BOTH THE COMMER CIAL MAN AND THE MER CHANT. ENTIRELY- REMODELED. ALL THE LATEST IMPROVE MENTS. TELEPHONES IN ALL ROOMS. Foresl City Hotel Co. G. Jacckel, Manage. “BRIODGE” PARTY In compliment to her sister. Mrs, Elvln Spear of N. C., Mrs. J. G. Stein- heimer gave two very charming "Bridge” parties today. One this morning and this afternoon. Both af fairs were chaining. Mrs. S|.«{ n- 'jeimer’s guests were the following ladles: Mrs. Ben Redding. Mrs. Marsh Mrs. Bowden, Mrs. C. Paine,"Mrs. Lit tle. Mrs. Odom. Mrs. Anna Owen Phelan, Mrs. Jack Phelan. Mrs Spear, Miss Loomis, Mrs. Ost, Mrs. Gramb- ling, Mrs. Mobley. Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Stewart. Mrs. Hitch. Mrs. Morrison. Mrs. Gotirdin, Mrs. Cox, Sira. Izlar, Miss Annie Paine Mrs.McGregor Mayo Mrs. Wndley, Mrs. H. S. Redding. Mrs. Ballinger. Miss Malleft. .Mrs. Walter Young. Mrs. Simians. Miss Thiot. Mrs. W. E. Sirmams Entertains. In compliment to tier mother. Mrs, Thiot of Savannah, Mrs. W. E. Sir- mans entertained about thirty-five of her friends at an informal tea yes terday afternoon. Those who assis ted In serving were Mrs. Rad Hitch, Mrs. Walter Young, Mrs. J. P. Stew art, Misses Florence Andrews, Emma Bibb and Anna Morrison, Miss Mae Thiot of Savannah served punch. HONOR ROLE SIXTH GRADE; MRS. HEIDT TEACHER. Bessie Owen. Inez Kirkland, Effle Sasser, Ruth Strickland. Corlnne Smith, Cla8kie Rogers, Ophelia McKay Kate Kendrick. ATTENTION VTERANS. The members of the Way cross Camp Confederate Veterans number 819, are hereby notified that a meet ing of t'ae Camp is called for Saturday the 4th day of February, at the court house, in this city, at 11 o’clock a. in., vhich time new officers for the Camp will be elected and other bus iness transacted. On account of a misunderstanding the meeting which called for the 19th of this month, did not materialize. Veterans will please take due ;e, and be present promptly. A. P. Perham. Sr., Capt. Comdg. J. W. Strickland, Adjutant. ' FIRST National Bank CAPITAL $200,000.00 NEW BUILDING New Safety Deposit Boxes The W. B. C. Society met Thursda> afternoon In the study room of the Waycross Business College, and the following officers were elected: Pres ident Cfyde Mlzell; First Vice Presi dent, Miss Essie Givens; Second Vice President, Miss Tommie HU1; Sec refary, MJss Willie Cornell; Assistant Secretary, Miss Mamie Hat per; Crit ic, Mr. W. H. Cannon. A very beautiful program was ren dered. etc. Two features that were very much enjoyed were the .dialogue by Misses James. Vaughan, Lindsay, Newton and Mr. Sikes, and the reci tation by Miss Lucile Bates. The W. B. C. Literary Society 1b becoming more and more popular among the students of the school, as was noticed by the large attendance yesterday afternoon. A great deal of good is obtained by these meetings, and in the near future we expect to have another mock trial. v VJ, Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, >Yer Best Smokers”, and “Pitman's Best Smok ers.” > L Clear savm Fllki Cfgirs. Manufactured In Waycross, Sa, */ HmuN auB cs. Young Men’s Christian Association. The special men’s service at the ahop today was good. Rev. Cook spoke to a large crowd and the men were hi the service from very first song. The A. C. L. shop men are the best listeners on earth. You can't tell tinners from Christians. Ti" are all good, especially during the service. RING 174 FOR WOOD. 1m ORPINGTONS FOR SALE. Beautiful, prolific, and thrifty, are my Buff Orpingtons. Cocks, $2.00; hens, $1.50; two, $5.00; eggs 10c each. Mrs. E. A. Sandora. (Deenwood.) ltd ltw 4w Waycross, Ga. Ladies, Misses and Childrens Patent Leather cloth top Button Shoes.- Dlcklns. 27 3* New lot ladles Hand Bags, 25c to $4.00.—Dicklns. THOSE PERSONS HAVING BOXfcS RENTE 'J IN OUR OLD BUILD ING WILL PLEASE CALL AND MAK • STATEMENTS AND ACCEPT THIS AS NOTICE THAT WE CAN NO LONGER BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY OF THEIR DEPOSITS THERE. WE ARE NOW IN OUR V New Building in the PHOENIX BLOCK WHERE WE HAVE ALL MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE CONVENIENCES —UPTO-DATE SAFETY BOXES, S'i.00, $10.00 AND $15.00 PER YEAR. IN A MODERN FIRE-PROOF VAUL r . THOSE W SHINO BOXES WILL PLEASE CALL AND MAKE THEIR SELECTIONS. . WE INVITE OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS ALL TO CALL AND INSPECT OUR NEW HOME. START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH U3 FOR THE NEW YEAR. 1 PflV 45 INTEREST COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY. RESOURCES NEARLY $700,000 L. J. COOPER, President. J W. BELL.NGER, Cashier. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Say here is always a demand for trained employes. The young man or woman who knows how Is the one who gets the prefere<co. Waycross Business College Trains people in the principles and methods of practical business. Its graduates have no difficulty In obtain ing positions or in ranking good after they have obtained them. A course here would benefit you as It has oth ers who are now holding good posi tions. ENTER ANY TIME! POSITIONS SECURED! R. F. ZE1GLER, Pres. The EXCHANGE BANK Solicits Your Bank Account And Influence. ^ACCURACY AND PROMPTNESS SAFETY AND LIBERA LITY —Are th3 Marked Features of Our Business. We Invite You to Try Us. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ' W. H Buchanan, President. , W. H. 'McRae, Cashier. PROFITS IN RAISING ALFALFA. Washington. Jan. 20.—The oppor tunities for profit which the arising of nlfalfa offers the farmers of tfte Southeast is Indicated by letters re ceived by the Land and Industrial Department of the Southern railway showing Increased Interest in the pro duction of alfalfa and highly profita ble results In widely separated dis tricts. Fort and Stone of Dunleilb, Wash ington county, Mississippi, o.vnets of plantations in the Delta, reported that on 28 acres seeded 1 ntlie fall of 1909 168.8 tons were produced at cost of $593.06. They figured this hay to be worth $15 per ton in the barn though hay was selling from $20 to $23 per ton. At this low rating they received a profit of $1,940 on the $8 acres, the hay costing them only $3.47 per ton. Reports from the Delta ■how that alrout 50 farmers aie now growing alfalfa with success, all hav Ing seeded their fields in the last three or four years. W. Fisher of Newport In the East Tennessee writes Hint ho greatly pleased with results having averuged five tons per acre and find ready sale at $20 per ton l**it he has found the hay so good that ho prefers feeding it. to his own stock to telling it. . Ho bus grown jilfalfa on the upland red calcarefous clay, genetal throughout East Tennessee. Success In growing alfalfa Is also re ported by growers In Southern Vir ginia, North Carolina and Alubama, and the acreage devoted to alfalfa in all the Southeastern states Is growing steadily. CLASSIFIED TO RENT ''Tl>R''RI?Nr2f?unI?r7o^ nlnhed w unfurnished. with privejexe ol batti, 42 Carswell, r' cot. eelljbe heMbte • FOR RENT—ThfJPore formerly cupted by Hardy, Bros. Apply O. Ijott. 23 2t ONLY LIGHT FINES f FOR “PI8TOL-TOTERS" Gainesville, fla., /an. 2fi.—“Pistol- toters” throughout the present ses sion of Hall superior pourt will be presented with light fines. In a charge today Judge Jones stated that on account of the lack of knowledge of the near law he would suspend heavy sentences until the heat ses sion. Three prisoners, charged with carrying weapons, ware Qned $16 and costs. ^OR SALE LOST or MISLAID^—Policy No. 13H1H issued by The Penn Mutaal Life-insurance Company, on the life of Samuel B. Lewis. The finder will Please return It to the undersigned. Application has been made for the Issuing of a duplicate, s. h. Lewis, Nichols, Ga. 23 6t law LOST—Bunch of keys; somewhere between Postofflce and 43 Pendleton street Reward If returned to Herald office. 26 3t WANTED—A position on truck farm or at dairy. In fact will accept anything In the shape of honorable employment. Write B. 8. Tyre, Way- cross, Ga. pOR SALE—The Jones Racket Store for sale. Hniall stock, good location. See me quick. J. H. Jones 25 4i FOR SALE—Horse and wagon; ono of the heat rigs in Georgia; cheap If taken at once, for cash. Call or ad dress, Hotel, Waresboro, Ga„ phone 2 rings. 17-19-21 FOR SALE—My Pecan Orchard f-orner of D anil Thomas streets, contains thirty-four trees In full bear- These trees are seedlings and the nuts' of the papor-sheel variety, of excellent quality. For terms apply to run at 29 Folks street. 17 2w H. P. Brewer. WANTED WANTED FOR U. S ARMY—Able- bodied unmarried men between ages of IH and 35; citizens of United Sta tes , of ggod character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Informa tion apply to Recruiting officer, South- Building, Waycross, Ga.; 13 West York street Savannah Ga.; 108 West For syth street Jacksonville, Fla.; 140 Market street Charleston, S. C.; or 113 South Maine street, FlUgerald, 3a, Jam 7 tf WANTED-^Five hundred kids to ate tend the Candy Matinee at the M» Jestlc Saturday afternoon. Admission 5c. Candy free. •? j| FOR RENT—Three large rooms, 3S Haines avenue. 27 ft FOR RENT—Eight room bouse, on College Hill. Hath, hot and cold ws. ter and electric lights. Apply Mts. F. H. McGee, phono 149. 27 St BLEA8E WILL SPEAK ON “80UTH CAROLINA.” Charleston, 8. C., Jan. 26. -Govern- or Bienne has accepted an Invltatloo ♦o speak on “South Carolina” at the Rt. Patrick's day banquet of the Hi bernian society here. Vice President Sherman has already accepted the In vitation to speak on “The United States.” # ALDRICH TO STAY ON J£KYL ISLAND. Brunswick, 0*., Jan. $7,—Senator .Nelson W. Aldrich, of Rhode Inland, who arrived at Jekyl laland aeveral days ana In aearch of a quiet resting place, baa ao much Improved In health that he lias decided to p: along bis visit and probably will remain on tto la'and lor two or thro* weeks mors. Senator Aldrich baa ebarterd a pas senger steamer, tha Attaquln. and win uie It for pfaaanra trips. Tbs steamer la a large and comfortable one. and It ti announced that the senator will spend moat at hta tlaf os th« mtm daring his stay at the laland. ....