Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 27, 1911, Image 8
Y WAYCR03S EVENING HERALD DlIRSrS Variety Store 70 Plant Ave. THIS IS ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY ITEMS YOU WILL FIND AT THE VARIETY STORE. ASBESTOS TOASTERRS FINE CANDIES. AOAP. BOOK BAGS. BOOK STRAPS CAKING DISHES. BALLOONS. BASE BALLS AIR SHIPS. BELLS AND BOILERS. BOWLS. it M\ BOX PAPER BRACKETS. CAN OPENERS CASTER SETS CELERY.TRAY8. CHAIR SEATS CHALK CHAMBEp'sETS CHINA WARE. CLIPPERS AND CLOCKS. CLOTHES LINES CLOTHES PINS COFFEE POTS COLLAR BUTTONS COLLAR SUPPORTERS CUSPEOORS CUTLERY AND DINNER SETS DIPPERS _ EMBROIDERY HOOKS. EMBROIDERY HOOPS ENAMEL WARE. EGG BEATER8. HAIR BARRETTES HAIR BRUSHES, HAIR COMBS. JEWELRY AND OPTICAL GOODS. SALT BOXES. e- VALENTINES WATCHES. VEGETABLE DISHES VINEGAR BOTTLES. ACCORDIONS FLASH LIGHTS COMPOSITION BOOKS LEDUERS AND DAY BOOKS TACK HAMMERS ' OARDEN SETS * CARDEN SEEDS WATER OUCKET8. DINNER BUCKET8' BASKETS, LAMPS AND SCALES. HORNS AND CAP PISTOLS.' RUBBER HEELS. ' HANDKERCHIEFS. HALF HOSE AND LADIES HOSE. OLOVES. ' FOUNTAIN PENS. " WWW CLAY PIPES, COBB PIPES. k FRENCH BRYAR PIPES. PENCIL BOXES. INK STANDS AND REEM PAPER. COLOGNE. POCKET BANKS COMB SETS AND WRIST BAGS. WALLETS PAPER NAPKINS, CRAPE PAPER. NIT PLCS AND SHIELDS. BAKERS FOR OIL STOVES COMBINATION GRATERS. DOLLS. Only one^hundred and three of the one thousand dif ferent items that you will find in the Variety Store MEXICAN INSURGENTS NOT YET CONQUERED MMexico City, Jan. 27.—A five hour battle between troop* and rebel* near Han Juan Evangelista, southeast of Coatzacioleia, ('era Cruz has been go ing on, of wbic;i till* city ha* just re ceived news today. The rebels, estimated to be nearly 800 strong, had been pillaging ranch es In nearby districts were routed by federal* on Jan 22. with a loss to Jhe latter, said to have been three killed and several wounded. The rebel lost, was not known. The revolt is reported to have man! fested also in other places and in the northern part of Oaxaca. According to a dispatch from Sierra Blanck to El Heraldo today a clash occurred last night at Tuxtepec, result ing in considerable Jo.-sen on both sides. In the north, fJen. Navarro is said have left Ciudad (Juerro in search of the rtialn body of rebels lit thf£ section. NOTICE TO FARMERS. WE ARE NOW IN OUR NEW STORE, CORNER PLANT AVENUE AND CORDON STREET. NEAR THE COURT HOU$E. WE HAVE OUR LARGE STOCK OF GROCERIES, SEED FEED, ETC, WELL ARRANGED. WE EXTEND TO YOU A SPECIAL INVITATION TO CALL WHEN IN THE CITY. WE ARE BETTER PREPARED TO SERVE YOU THAN EVER BEFORE AND GIVE YOU BETTER PRICE8. WE 1 ARE PREPARED TO MEET COMPETITION. BECAUSE IN ADDITION TO OUR j NEW GTORE, WHICH IS THE BE8T j ARRANGED IN TrfE CITY, WE! HAVE A WAREHOUSE ON THE • SIDETRACK NEAR US. WHERE! OUR GOODS ftAN BE UNLOADEDj AND SAVE THE DRAYAGE, ETC., ! AND WE CAN G'VE YOU THE BEN. EFIT OF THAT. WE WILL SOON^HAVE A GOOD PRICES. HORSE-LOT AND STABLES UNDER FENCE. WHERE YOU CAN FEED YOUR HORSES AND PROTECT I THEM FROM THE WEATHER. THE TRUTH 16 WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS AND IF THE BEST GOODS, THE BEST PRICES AND FAIR DEALING WILL GET IT YOU ARE COMING OUR WAY. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST LOT OF SEED EVER 8HIPPED TO WAYCROSS, CON SI6TING OF: ENGLI8H PEAS MANY KINDS OF BEANS SEED CORN SEED RYE j SEED OAT8 SEED WHEAT SEED PEANUTS WATERMELON SEEO CANTELOPE SEED, ETC. , ALL KINDS OF GARDEN 8EED ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY SACKS IRISH POTATO SEED. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF CHICKEN FEED, SUCH AS: ALFALFA MASH DRY MASH CRUSHED BONE | GROUND BONE OY8TER SHELL mIca GRITS HEN FEED, ETC. A FULL SUPPLY OF POULTRRY REMEDIES, SUCH AS: ROUP CURE CHOLREA CURE SCABICIDE FOR SORE HEAD LEGICIDE FOR 8CALY LEG8 FLEA 8ALVE TO KILL CHIGGcRS LOUSE KILLER POWDER8. ALSO FEED HOPPER8, WATER FOUNTS, ETC. WRITE US FOR PRICES AND CALL AND SAVE MONEY. HARDY BROTHERS Phone > o. 62. WYCROSS, GEORGIA. P. S. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAR OF COTTON SEED MEAL AND HULL3 AND CAN GIVE YOU r«r wood phone 115. The Famous J5&y& s the Lamp of Real Beauty ' because it gives the best light of all lamps. The Rayo gives a white, soft, mellow, diffused light-easy on the eye because it cannot flicker. You can use your eyes as long as you wish under the Rayo light without strain. The Rayo Lamp is low-priced, and even though you pay $5, $10 or $20 for other lamps, you may get more expensive decorations but you cannot get a better light than the low-priced Rayo gives. A strong, durable shade-holder holds the shade on firm and true. This season's new burneradds strength and appearance. Once a Rayo User, Alwaya One. pr Dtaltrs Bitrywktrt If sol at yours, mitt for dtscripKss circular to the Merest egtncy of the Standard Oil Company Get Yoar Children Clean! Health and Beautiful Skin depend absolutely on thorough cleansing 4 • of the millions of little “mouths" or pores of the skin, and you can't get the dirt out of the pores with bristle brushes or wash cloths. Far Real Cleanliness - Good Circnlation and Fine Skin — thf Knickerbocker Spreybnsek Mho ••hr period talk Freeh flowing water 1 hundreds of flex bit duett or ''leoth” the' give - thorough facial an J oody mu- •ego. get the dirt out a* nothing otoe will, stimulate the cirvule- tkw and leave the fleah clear, irat and glowing — in •triklng contrast to tho old, ease ait ery tubbath In BtnWaanry water be coming more and more unclean a* tho bath Ideal Shower Bath — Shampoo and Massage The KaidnrixWr Wkah I. more beneficial than the expetuive ov.rbrau,bowerhat* at eoe tweaWeta the •eat For the hhaapoo-on waiter how thick or leog the hair-^lt Oars the work better than a pnofeaaHwak CblUreo d* Ught la it aa4cwn«e»u thrawetsf*. Wont brvhorga*e-to*"rd.- trenail*.'?fn. Every ooe can aSoro it—<w* tn»« >■ *0 low. ha. » Spray brush, Illustrated, le IU tactu* tn diameter with OS ho'lov troth, »u tort •t Sae white robber tubing,one timrk fan- eet connection guaran*B*4 to ft aay fa. r- $2.00 »• Bsphew Attechm Knickerbocker Spraybrush-Men and Women as well as children take comfort in the many benefits of the Spraybrush. It is a boon to sufferers from rheumatism, poor circulation and kindred ailments—a God send to old people who find bathing exhausting. Try it today—every Spraybrush i r Cully Guaranteed — Your Money Back If Dissatisfied Knickerbocker S.iraybrushe, are for rale by bulling Drag. Dept., Hard *ar« and Plumbing More, everywher e. Gn a S?r»ylmi,h on your tlrst trip Jo«n town. It y~»r dealer doe, not carry them ,en hie name andt he mon -y. We will tend direct to yon, pre paid, on tea day, trial. Deaerlptlve booklet free. , THE PROGR fcSS COMPANY, ssns Monroe St ,et. Cbkago. IK . One of Onr Great Values Solid Oak Rocker, Exactly like cut, cobbler seat, heavy white hickory stretcher connects arm % A Large Comfortable, (?f Q0 Servicable Rocker - ip±»w(jeach On our easy payment plan. Lloyd’s Pricess Go-Carts Cos! np more but are absolutely the bedt money can buy. Extra wide seat, finest grade S pattern Springs, Large Canopy Hood, folds with only one motion, Covered in Berit Grade Chase Leather. These are only a few of the reasons why this is the best carriage on the market. $8.50icTOf$12.50 EACH. Chiffoniers AT 15 PER CENT LESS THAN OUR REGULAR PRICE Which was already very low. we have a large assortment and in orcer to reduce our tfock at once, will sell them at the above discount until the require number have been disposed of. We have Great Values at from $7.00 to $25.00 Our Spring Line of Room Size RUGS .Cre now on display. A truly beautiful assort ment, all the newest oriental and floral patterns in tjie latest shades and colorings. Our - line includes an all wool 9x12 feet size. „t m rtk seamless 7-wire tapestry Brussel «* $lT.«Hly Also the bedt grade Smith Axminitf ers 9x12 feet Size, in the seasons patterns . AT $22.50 We will have in a few days the largest assort ment of CREX Rugs ever.shown in this city. AXMINISTER RUGS 2*4 feet wide, feet long, all wool, handsome oriental and floral patterns. One of our great values $1.98 laeh on our easy pay ment plan. Sptcial Prices ihis week on Writing Desks we have a numb- r vf di ferent styles to close out at a substantial ruluriit n in prices. TO 10,00 The Store of Great Values where Youj Credit is Go«d WALKER-MULLIGAN FUR. GO. Phone 499 i V 1 A A. R. HODD, Mgr. V J . .... *