Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 28, 1911, Image 8
WAYCR03S EVENING HERALD DUST'S Variety Store 70 Plant Ave. Only one hundred and three of the one thousand dif ferent items that you will find in the Variety Store TMI8 18 ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY ITEM8 YOU WILL FIND AT THE VARIETY STORE. ABDE8TOS T0A8TERR8 FINE CANDIE8. SOAP. DOOK DAGS. BOOK STRAPS BAKING DISHES. BALLOON8. BASE BALLS AIR CHIPS. BELLS AND BOILERS. BOWLS. BOX PAPER BRACKETS. CAN OPENERS CASTER SET8 CELERY TRAY8. OHAIR SEATS CHALK CHAMBER SETS CHINA WARE. CLIPPERS AND CLOCKS. CLOTHES LINES CLOTHE8 PINS COFFEE POTS . COLLAR BUTTONS • COLLAR SUPPORTERS OUSPEDORS CUTLERY AND DINNER 8ETS DIPPERS EMBROIDERY HOOKS. EMBROIDERY HOOPS ENAMEL WARE, EGG BEATERS. HAIR BARRETTE8 HAIR CRUSHES, HAIR COMBS. JEWELRY AND OPTICAL GOODS. SALT BOXES. VALENTINES ^WATCHES. VEGETABLE DISHES VINEGAR BOTTLES. ACCORDIONS FLASH LIGHTS COMPOSITION BOOKS LEDGERS AND DAY BOOKS TACK HAMMERS GARDEN 8ET8 GARDEN SEEDS WATER BUCKET8. DINNER BUCKETS BA6KETS, LAMPS AND SCALES. HORNS AND CAP PISTOLS. RUBBER HEELS. HANDKERCHIEFS HALF HOSE AND LADIES HOSE. GLOVES. FOUNTAIN PENS. CLAY PIPE8, COBB PIPES. FRENCH BRYAR PIPES. PENCIL BOXES. INK STANDS AND REEM PAPER. COLOGNE. POCKET BANKS COMB SETS AND WRIST BAGS. WALLETS PAPER NAPKINS. CRAPE PAPER. NIPPLES AND SHIELDS. BAKERS FOR OIL STOVES COMBINATION GRATERS. DOLLS. OCILLA SOUTHERN RAILWAY NOW ENTERS FITZGERALD Fitzgerald, Ga., Jan. 27.—Yesterday marked a new epoch In the unlnter- rtiptdd advancement of this city to ward commercial supremacy In south Georgia through the entrance of the fim train of the Ocilla Southern, thus Inaugurating regular train service be tween this city and Allapaha, soon to he extended to Valdosta, via Nash ville. Thlx road opena up a large trade area to Fitzgerald and her Jobbing Interexta will undoubtedly profit from it. BILL ARP'S SERVANT IS DEAD IN ROME Rome, Ga., Jan. 27. Tip Hmitb, who wax the body servant of the Jate MaJ. Charles P. Smith, better known as BUI Arp, died here laat night, and was burled thin afternoon with many white people In attendance. The negro wax V, yearn of age. and reived with hh maxtor all through the war and wax allowed to attend meetings of the local camp of (’on- ledorate veterans. GREENVILLE TO BUILD $1,000,000 COTTON MILL Greenville, 8. C.. Jnn. 27.—At n meeting of the hoard of trade here hint night business men of the city met certain requirement! of the pro moters and secured a new $1,000,000 enterpilne the Duncan cotton mill the Hecond of its kind in the south the first of which la now under con- huh tloo lit this city. Both o# these concerns are $1,000,0ft concerns and will manufacture linens, Indian lawns, etc., a new Industry In the,couth. CENTRAL BAPTIST 8SERVICE. Tbe regular Central Baptist xcrvlce will he held tomorrow at the opera house. The morning service at elev- fiunday School nt three and the evening service at seven o’clock Good music and several special num- or* have hceu prepared for the. eve- lug service. Everybody will he wel- orued. MR. JASPER WVLOING IS HERALD’S AGENT Mr. Jasper Wyldlng now haa charge of the Herald's circulation list having taken Mr. Townsend's place. He has charge of t>oth our weekly and oar dully list and will receive new names and collect amounts due. Mr. Wyld lng will have charge of our carrl-r hoys and will look after the prompt delivery of the paper. We bespeak for him the prompt co-operation of our patrons and friends. Ladies! S*»® Moser and Keep'in — Style by Reading HcCatl’e Magazine and Uting McCall Pattern ■hOT. all help you dre*^ *ty| expense by keep! m MSCAltS MAGAZINE lu each Issue. A!vj valuable Information on all bom* and per sonal matter*. Only hOo s year, Incluriiuo free pattern. McCall Pattern wilt enable you to make In your own borne, with your own hand*, clothing for yourself and rbltdren which will be perfect In style and At. Price—none higher than 16 cent*. Head fur free Pattern Catalogue. W We WM Cbr« Tee Flee fnmb for Retting *nb- M-rlpt Ions among your frienda. fiend for free Premium Catalogue and Cash Prize Offer. TIE RcCAlL COMPANY, 239 to 249 W«l37iSL, NEW YOKE TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. .1. R, Thrasher will he In 'nix pulpit at both hoit’s tomorrow. 11 a. m., and 7 p. m. The public Is most cordially Invited to attend both or either service. SEEDS Fiask, Reliable, Part SxarxntMd to Plots# Errry Gardener snd Planter ibould teat the , eapertor merits of Our Northern Grown Seeda. SPieilL OFFER FOR 10 CENTS wa will aend postpaid our ™^j_FAMOUS COLLECTION * Ojl-XOnayJjjate ... Me I qOq. OaWOwtag Olerg Ota I ga Mfhm imbtem . Ite lyte.MbrtHlwMUMN ... Me Site IS VartoUae Cbetea fte«*e OaaOa . OSa 0i.ee mrtlT# Oantea On Me. A RN filKD CO. • Rockford. Illinois Write today t Xee4 N e yartlrg u4 reeaiee tfeeal A GOOD POSITION, GRACE EPI8COPAL CHURCH. Mary and Pendleton Streets. The Rev. Wm. Hint Heigham, Rector Fourth Sunday after Kplphatny, Jnnuaiy 29. Holy Km tsarist. 7:30 a m. Morning Prayer, 11 a. in. Sunday School, 3 p. in. Evening Prayer. 7:30 p. m. All those without other church en gagements cordially invited. Ladles. Misses and Childrens Patent Leather cloth top Button Shoes.— Dickins. 27 Cl THOUGHTFUL NOTES. Jacksonville Tlmea-Unlon. A thankful soul Is always a noble soul, also a wise one. Troubles that one tries hard to fo\ Can be had by ambitious young me» md ladies In the field of “WlreleM*' •r Railway telegraphy. Since the 8 lour law became effective, and slnc« be wirelosg companies are establish tng stations throughout the couotr? there is a great shortage of telegra phera. Portions pay beginners from $70 to $90 per month, with coot. :hance of advancement. The Nation i) Telegraph Institute operates six •Trial iristitutes tn America, undet mperviskn of It. YL and Wireless OIT. •tala and places all graduates Into po Jtlonx. It will pay you to write them •■or full detail* at Cincinnati. O.. Phil idelphhi, Pp... Memphis, Tenn , Daven port, la.. Columbia. S. C.. cr Portland •re., according tc where you wish t« nter 1* 3** PIANO TUNER Geo. W. Coe Formerly of New York City, will locate permanently tn Way cross, after Oet. 15th. get to exlsi The too patteut Individual can't e* port anything but imposition. With some folks, silence is a re ligion. and-one not well observed at that. • The frivolous woman can get pop ularity where the serious woman cant even get one soul's attention. Character may not apeak lu the countenance, but deeds always prove II. however one may tried to hide It. A gladsome woman la a rich gift; she Illuminates the world with a greater radiance than the brightest light. Fashions are used to delineate some woman's chain': while sometimes they hide i.te lack of them in oth er*. Only a preverae foul hangs on that which t» morbid, gloomy and evil; ••te rest of ns are too glad to *mll# when the world amllM at a*. RING 174 FOB WOOD. Save Your Piano Work! toi a local tuue*. that will U m good t»h«pe at ail times i»e order* with J. S. Knight* G K. Uniiton o* Majestic Theatre, or 'phone 211 WALKER MULLIGAN Furniture Co. IS One of Our Great Values Solid Oak Rocker, Exactly like cut, cobbler seat, heavy white hickory .stretcher connects arm m A Large Comfortable, Qf (10 Servicable Rocker - •t/Oeach 1 On our easy payment plan. Lloyd’s Pricess Go-Carts Coift no more but are absolutely the be^t money can buy. Extra wide seat, finest grade S patrern Springs, Large Canopy Hood, folds with only one' motion, Covered in Be^l Grade Chase Leather. These are only a few of the reasons why this is the best carriage on the market. $8.50iTOi$12.50 EACH. Chiffoniers AT 15 PER CENT LESS THAN OllR REGULAR PRICE Which was already very low. we have a large assortment and in orcer to reduce our dtock at once, will sell them at the above discount until the require number have been disposed of. We have Great Values at from $7.00 to $25.00 Oar Spring Line of Room Size RUGS Are now on display. A truly beautiful assort ment. all the newest oriental and floral patterns in the latent shades and colorings. Our line includes an aII wool 9x12 feet size. x rfl seamless 7-wire tipestry Brussel ul Also the be£ grade Smith Axminitfters 9x12 feet size, in the seasons patterns AT $22.50 We will have in a few days the largest assort ment of CREX Rugs ever shown in this city. STEP Ladder EACH None charged! AXM1NISTER RUGS 2*4 feet wide, 4J£ feet long, all wool, handsome oriental and floral patterns. One of our great values $1.98 each on our easy ment plan. pay- Special Prices this week on Writing Desks we have a nt>mh r r of different styles to cl">ie out at a substantial reduction in prices. . 4.C5 TO 40.00 The Store of Great Values where Youj Credit is Go* d WALKER-MULLIGAN FUR. CO. Pho te 499 A. R. HOOD, Mgr. 106 Plant Ave.