Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 30, 1911, Image 5
i . ■ v •• • WAYCT KING HERALD 'Al.n U: 'x>CkX>000000000000 Tell Us When i You Want | GROCERIES I We vjant 500 « astome r s for ur C. C. D. Butter, 25 cts. pound. Chickens each week from Tennessee Fresh Celery Every | Saturday i Hay, Gram and Cow Feed aiways on hand. Fresh Brunswick Bread | Every Day. , | Phone 128 'i, And w« will deliver tlie | GOODS. | THE 4 WILSOII GROCERY CO . VVINon Block ♦o^oooooooooooto# I OUR LONG EXPERIENCE j | In the Real rotate business and o:ir kncwl* % | edge of REAL ESTATE values in Way cross % I' places us in s. , osition te be i f valuable ser- | X vice to those .vho wish to l uy improved or $ | unimproved property. Call to see us. | ! D. & 0. LOTT, R. F. &3. Co. I £ Opposite New Depot. | (ooooe>o<XK/oo^s<>ooo LOCAL ITEMS. Birthday Olrtrta j Mr?. R. O. Lee was-hostess at a | most delightful birthday dinner Frf • da> evening, given in honor of Mr. In Compliment to Mr». Hal LambdinJ l- 6 ** 8 birthday. The dinner The most beautiful and elaborate j a * a •urprlae to Mr. Lee. Tiie ar- eeeptlon given in the city : for some! ran ff e ments and invitations all being time was that given by Mr*. W. W. ,uade w * f hoat hi* knowledge. Mrs. I'bdin Saturday afternoon and eve-1 Lee served a delightful three-course nln/ in honor of Mr*. Hal Lambdin. j d,nner * composed of an oyster course. • pretty parlor* of the home were J turkey course, ami 3we«t course, indeed ft sceru- of beauty for the oc- | Tl'° 3e invited were Mayor Cox. Mr. caslon. Quantities of Southern Sml- <'• A - Powell. Rev. Cook, Dr. Rlppard palms. white uurnations nod h>- a,,d Mr. Humph, acinih* being used in the front par- ; ——— lor*, while in the dining room bride ^ ^ le Standard Oil Co., have just ad- roses were used. The color scheme I ded to I dan * here a department being entirely of white and green. | hand,in « al1 kind* of lubricating oils. eiving line were Mrs. YV. 1 Wayero** has now the largest Stand- The Krip Top Invisible BIFOCAL GLASSES. FOR CLOSE AND DISTANT SEEING. THESE NEW GLAS- . ES ARE AN IMMENSE IM PROVEMENT OVER THE OLD £ v/ DOUBLE LENSES. THERE 18 V NO DIVIDING LINE TO INTER- ^ FERE WITH YOUR VISION, OR > WILL THE LENSES GET CLOUDED AND COME APART. CALL AND HAVE US SHOW THEM TO YOU. Little & Odom, JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. THE SCREVEN HOUSE Savannah, Georgia. American Plan. THE MOST CENTRALLY LO CATED HOTEL IN SAVAN NAH. FOR BOTH THE COMMER ClAL MAN AND THE MER CHANT ENTIRELY REMODELED. ALL THE LATEST IMPROVE MENT?. TELEPHONES IN ALL ROOMS. Forest City Hotel Co. G. Jacckel, Manage. Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and “Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Navaia Filled Cigars. Manufactured In WiyeroM, Ga, ».> PITTMAN CI6AK CO. YV. Igimbilin. Mrs. Hal Jjunbdiii. MN» Render of Greenville, Miss Stewart of ( Atlanta and MissManie Lilly of Quit-J man. Assisting In receiving were! i. J. L. Walker, Mrs. J. M. Cox. j i. R. 1*. Izlar. Mi** Lockhart, Mr*. 1 (Jeorge Mayo. Mi** Delia King, Mis* j Ruth Lamhdin, Ml** Beat rice Lamb-1 din. Serving were Miss Magdeline; fv-far. Juanita Dennett. May Howard I Austin. Punch was served in the II- J brary by Miss Annie Laurie Walker} and Miss Clyde Lott. Mr*. Latnhdfri} wa* very handsomely gowned il\ J white striped silk messallnc satin, j ♦’tth trimming* of lace and satin, and carried pink cainations. Mrs. Hal I^tnbdin. the honoree. was lovely in white satin, draped with chiffon an I pea trimmings and carr'ed lillles ji the Va'Iey and palm a violet*. the also wore a diamond necklace, which had been her mother*. Mrs Render was very pretty in rose colored satin with an over dress of marquisette. Mis* Stewart wore an exquisite hand- painted chiffon jver pink satin. Miss Lilly was charmlngin * yellow sat in with gold trimmings. The misses Lamhdin were both love- a d Oil st outside Sa at ion it ran nali. Sou!' irgia FIRST National Bank CAPITAL $200,000.00 JMEW BUIUDIIMG New Safety Deposit Boxes AVOID HARSH DRUG3 Many Cathartics Ton to Causa injury j to the Bowels.. 1 If you are subject to constipation, you should avoid strong drugs and Hiarties nporary They only relief and their react and sometimes more annoying than constipation. They in no way effec a cure and their tendency is to weak en the already weak organs with which they come in contact. We honestly believe that we hav* the best constipation treatment ever devised. Our faith in it U so strong that we will sell it on the positive guarantee that it shall not cost the user a cent If It does not give onti"e satisfaction sne completely remedy constipation. Tins i.rerarntlon L cal led Rexall Orderlies. These are prompt, soothing and most effective in action. They are made of a recent chemical discovery. Thetr principal ingredlentl I* odorless, tasteless and colorless. Combined with other well lyln .bite cloth with fur trimming.. ; known long e>tabll . hed for their usefulness in the treatment Two hundred guests called during the evening. \ The Bachelor Girl’s Club were char mingly entertained by Misses Ruth and Beatrice I^mbdln in honor of Mrs. Hal iaunbdln Saturday evening. Those entertained were Miss Edith Lockhart, Miss Susie Sharpe. Miss Marie Johnson. Miss Alex Carswell, MIsr Oplinger Miss Annie Laurie Walker, Miss Della King, Miss Clyde Lott, Miss Purdoni, Miss Render, Miss Stewart. Miss Lilly; Messrs Walker, Ran Crawley, Jerome Crawley, Knight, Lott, Pettlbone, Bunn, Suggs. | I.owther, Ragley, Parker, Zachery. The "hoboes seem to be giving Way- cross a wide berth. Haven't s»’en many of them hanging around lately. For wood phono 315. 20 Its of constipation, it forms a tablet which is^enten like candy. They may be taken at any time, either day or night, without fear of their causing any nconvenlence whatever. They do not gripe,'purge nor cause nausea. They act without causing any pain or excessive looseness of the bowels. They are ideal for children, weak, delicate persons and aged people as well as for the most hearty person. They cotne in two size packages, 12 tablets 10 cents, 3G tablets 25 cents. Remember you can obtain them only at our store,—The Rexall Store. The Seals Pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Harper, of ArgyJe spent yesterday here, guest* of Mr. 1 and Mrs. Allen James. For wood phono 215. * 20 lo THOSE PERSONS HAVING 80X(S RENTED IN OUR OLD BUILD ING WILL PLEA3E CALL AND MAK r STATEMENTS AND ACCEPT THIS AS NOTICE THAT WE CAN NO LONGER BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY OF THEIR DEPOSITS THERE. WE ARE NOW IN OUR New Building in the PHOENIX BLOCK WHERE WE HAVE ALL MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE CONVENIENCES —UP-TO-DATE SAFETY BOXES, |j.00, $10.00 AND $15.00 PER YEAR. JN A MODERN FIREPROOF VAUL T . THOSE W -SHJNO BOXES WILL PLEASE CALL AND MAKE THEIR SELECTIONS. WE INVITE OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS ALL TO CALL AND INSPECT O’JR NEW HOME. START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH U3 FOR THE NEW YEAR. WE PAY 42 INTEREST COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY. RESOURCES NEARLY $700,000 L. J. COOPER, President. J W. BELL.NGER, Cashier. oooooooc-ooc oooooo oooooo ooooooooooooooooo AT THE MAJESTIC KENEDY & KENEDY SINGING AND DANCING SKETCH Mr. Kennd.v holds the Richard K. Fok Pollen Garotte medal, won at Tanuuany Hall, New York city, tor the championship BUCK AND WING DANCER, of the world. We guarantee this act to he one of the best of its hi ;d evor offered thepuhiic . The Herald's job office is running on full time. Wo have new type and new material and we propose to turn out satisfactory work at reasonable prices. SHOWER AT TRINITY PARSONAGE The “Mescellaneous Shower" at Trinity Parsonage Friday afternoon and evening was a great success. A large number of visitors trailed and a largo number of splendid gifts left by them. Among them a beautiful sideboard and a hall racjr.v The linen closet and pantry also wore well sup plied. CLASSIFIED •between Postofflco and 43 Pendleton street. Reward If returned to Herald office. 26 2K TO RENT FOR RENT—Throe large rooms, 23 Haines avenue. 27 3t FOR SALE FOR GALE—My Pecan Orchard on corner of D and Thomas streets. It contains thirty-four trees in full bear ing. These trees are seedlings and the nuts of'tho puper-sheel variety, of excellent quality. For terms apply ts me at 29 Folks streot. 17 2w H. P. Brewer. Tlie EXCHANGE BANE Solicits Your Bank Account And Influence. ACCURACY AND PROMPTNESS SAFETY AND LIBERA LITY —Are th2 Marked Features of Our Business. We Invite You to Try Us. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ! W. H Buchanan, President. VY. H. TlcRae, Cashier. MR. JASPER WYIOING IS HERALD'S AGENT Mr. Jasper Wyiding now has charge' ^ of tho Herald’s circulation list having) LOST OR MISLAID—Policy No. taken Mr. Townsend’s place. He has; 131113 Issued by The Penn Mutual WANTED WANTED FOR U. 8 ARMY—Able- bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United Sta tes. of good character and temperate habit*, who can speak, read and write ho English language. For Informs- Ion apply to Recruiting officer. South- I bidding, Wayeross, (!a.; 13 West York street Savannah (la.; 108 West For- xytli street Jacksonville, Fla.; 140 Market street Charleston, S. C.; or ll.'I South Maine street, Fitzgerald, Clai Jan. 7 -tf. FOR RENT—Eight room house, on College Hill. Bath, hot and cold wa ter and olectrlc lights. Apply Mr*. F. H. Mcdee, phone 149. 27 31 WANTED—Plain sewing wanted. Apply to Miss Martins, 30 Albany av^ nue. 28 61 STRAYED—From 66 Sweat afreet Saturday night two heifer calvea about nine months old; one dark red (he other a dingy white. Both un marked. Will pay for any Information concerning same. R. L. Curry, 68 Sweat street. FOR RENT—Two furnished room* to gentlemen or couple without chil dren. Corner Haines Ave. and Kollock street. 28 3t charge of both our weekly and our dally If:-f and will receive new names and collect amounts due. Mr. Wyid ing will have charge of our carrier boys and wilt look after the prompt delivery of the paper. We bespeak for him the prompt cooperation of our patrons and frionds. Life Insurance Company, on the life of Hamuel B. howls. The Under will please return It to tho undersigned^ Application has been made for the tysulng of a duplicate. 8? B. Lewis, Nichols, (la. 9 23 Ot law LOST—Bunch of keys; somewhere ORPINGTONS FOR SALE. Beautiful, prolific, and thrifty, aro my Buff Orpingtons. Cocks, $2.00; hens, $1.50; two, $5,00; egg* 10c each. Mrs. E. A. Sander.i. (Deenwood.) ltd ltw Iw WaycroM, GA. FOR RENT—Three furnished rooms upstairs; hot and cold water, and modern conveniences, 41 France* sL phone 337. 30 3t OFFICE BOY WANTED—At Herald office. FOR SALE—25-hore power Frick clips© Engine and holler on wheel*, with cable feed saw mill and timber, location near Wayeross for sale on easy terms. Write Thomas Camp, 243 Central avenue, Atlanta, Ga. 301 This is no Puzzle, and Anyone Guessing the Correct Sentence tirst gets a $2.50 Box Chocolate Candy Free PTINTWOENECAFPEOPENRLFETEISF At N.A. JOSEPH, DkALE Si Plao?^enue? Phone - /