Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 30, 1911, Image 8
. FIR8T METHODIST CHURCH. Large congregation* attended the churches yesterday. Mr. and Mr». Walter Ewing Miller of Chicago are In the city gucata of Mr.'and Mr*. J. G. Blaine. Dr. A. P. English was taken and- denly very Hi yeaterday and is now in guile a critical condition at hi* home on Francia atreet. 4tf . Mr. C. T. Hart pa»*ed successfully through the operation yesterday, hi* left arm being amputated and be i* Bow resting easily and a* well an can be expected under Ibe circumstances. Mr. H. C. Clemen*, formerly of At lanta. Is now with his home folks at 100 Carswell avenue. He ha* accep ted a position will) the Watt Hdw, Co. Mr. tl. E. Hrultz nariowly escaped it very Ktrlou* accident yesterday, r< - celvin/: two severe kick* from a res- less horse. Jle wn* painfully hurt on ill* at in nnd Is wearing it In a sling, hut la able to he about hi* business. \ To our Labor Colon friend* we would desire to say, we are not run ning a labor paper, a» wc of necessi ty must coveT a broader field, but we appreciate your Interest nnd cooper ation, and assure you that we shall welcome; at all time* and will help you to disseminate any new* and In formation that will be of service to your orhanl/.ntlon or to tho general public. Mr. Ihmlette l.oomis. Jr., chairman of clvlnc Improvement committee of the Board of Trade I* proposing to orgonl/e a civic Improvement league tor t'he beautifying of our city, and hppea to interest the ladies ua well ae men In thin admirable movement. Aar movement that has for Its object the Improvement and advancement of Waycrosa can count on the hear ty oo-operntlon and endorsement of The Herald. Wc believe In this line of work nnd will have more to aay. about It. IN A SOUTHERN CITY. Scent cf Thomai Dixon's New Plav, “The Sin* of The Father'* The prone of Thomas Dixon * new ©*t drama. “The Hlns of te Father" Is the home of a family of wealth nnd refinement In a Southern city. From the Fiend; window* of the mansion Is it noM<* view of the State capItol and dome. Trees and grrt n jmrk like sp***- i* con'.rast with the gleaming white of the rnpltol which the Southern sun- shine Irradiate*. The area of t'ue play is fhlrfy live year* after the Wa”. and the sumptuous furnishings of the man sion show* the age of prosperity In full swing. The character* likewise are twentieth century men and wo men. actual contemporary types. To those who enjoyed Mr. DUon'a de- pictment of the Reconstruction Era In "The Clansman" and “The Traitor, •"The Sin* of the Hat her" come* a* an absolute novelty, but it is predicted that the new play will arouse even greater enthuMatm when pr formed at the Parker Theater on Feb. 1. Hev. t Osgood Cook, occupied the pulpit of the First Methodist church on Sunday morning and preached a great sermon to the crowded congre gation. Dr. Cook 1* a most attractive speaker. HI* style of preaching in much above the ordinary, being of a remarkably logical and clear cut char acter. appealing to the Intellectual minds of 'alt audlf-nce with Mtriking force. If one could dose his eyes .you could almost Imagine you were lis tening to a trained lawyer, earnemly addressing a Jury—each point being so logically applied and so clearly ex- pressed. • The great audience gat spellbound a* the wonderful argument of hi* ser mon was unfolded nnd hi* Intense earnest no** created a profound Im pression. We predict for this church a great period of blessings during the time he shall minister amongst them. Mrs. Cook is *t'll finite III In Ma con and Dr, rook is compelled to he away from the city a great deal of hi* time. The announcement w*:s made that Rev. Bob Jones, the noted evangelist, would commence a special revival here on third Sunday In February. MONEY BACK. Capt. Alice Heikman of the Salva tion Army from Atlanta In In tin* city and usks u.s to announce the meeting beginning ‘tor J If j 0) 7:30/8* l'*ie G. R. Brinton & Cc„ Sells Remarkable Catarrh Cure. Tour a tew dropn of HYOJfEI (pro notinced High-orne) into the hard rubtxA Inhaler and you can I breathe Into the lungs the very same antiseptic germ killing air as you would breathe In the Australian for ests of eucalyptus, where catarrh J* unknown. And HYOME1 is so pleasant to use; you'll like to use it; when you breath.; it the effect on t'/e Inflamed catarrh infected and germ ridden membrane Is soothing and healing. In five minutes you get such won derful relief that you will know that at last you have a cure for catarrh. A HYOME1 outfit whicn consists "of one bottle of HYOMEI, a hard rubhei pocket inhaler, a medicine dropper and simple Instructions for use, costs only $ 1.00, and extra bottle* of HYO- MEl. if afterward needed, 50 cents. Besides catamh, remember that HY OMEI is guaranteed to cure asthma, croup, bronchitis, coughs, colds, sore throat, or money back. YOMEI is *<oJd by G, H. Brinson tk Co. and lead ing druggist* everywhere Trial sam ple free from Booth's Hyoroel Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Jan. 9, 20. 30 class room. Capt. Kdlkmqj* will have charge of these meetings. Sunday evening a special service will be held at tbe Airdome when recruits will he sworn In. The public 1* spec ially invited to attend these servic CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH. Dr. Scruggs, the young pastor, preach ed another of hi* great sermons las; night at the opera house. Full of tenderness to tbe Christian and be gat tfng sympathy and encouragement to the weary and heavy laden bear\, , Can be had by am hit Iona young men binding closer and closer the loyakfand ladle* in the field of “Wireles*" WHIN YOU ARE TIRED of paying retail Paint p ice for fbr Unrerd Oil. in Rc.vly Mixed Paints, buy one gallon of heart* to service and the cause lie loves. At the close of Ihe sermon W. E. Bates and W. F. Eaton made interesting talks explaining ft nanciel condition* of the Tabernacle work and t'-’.e wonderful progress so far made and earnestly appealed for further aid to complete the roof so that the building may be occupied. subscriptions so far made a*e remark able In number and character, piobahly nearly 5f*0 poople giving what they could. The largest ecriptlon being $250 and the smallest 3 cents. TM» is Indeed, a people’s chuic:i. \fe hope everyone who cat; will willingly respond to the .upped they made, so that this useful build- Ing may he completed to the Glory of God and for Ihe benefit of the en tire city of Waycrosa. Dr Scruggs bus visited your sick, ministered to your needy, burled your dead, without regard to creed or faith. Shall we not Join togef-jer as citizens lo crown his closing year* with the happiness that will be hi* In the completion of this building. TT-*,™ 00 ? <' OL !- tc . T ' o a lOv-'rlMHiMMl • . lit I pig. UHlmlH C.torj ~- • fl«. brty i.T.*.k**i MUp Ufr. Writ* tod*; I •■■« W«ato to Mg M»g«toM m»4 parkin* NtoMUttboti "TamoM fMUttom," to- A GOOD POSITION, or Railway telegraphy. Since the R hour law became effective, and *inc«. the wireless corupnnle* are fhd^bttvh- :ng station* throughout the country 'here is a great shortage of telegra pher*. Pos'tion* pay beginner* from $70 to tldf per month, with gooo chance of advancement. The Nation al Telegraph Institute -operates six official institutes in America, under supervision of It R. and Wireless Oth dais and place* all graduates into po aitl^ns. It will pay you to write them for full details at Cincinnati. O. Phi! adelphhi. Pa., Memphis, Term., Daven port. la.. Columbia. $. C„ cr Portland. Ore.. aborting *.c where you wish to -nter ^ 15 SOI 15.00 STREET TAX—HOW WOULD YOU LIKE THAT IN WAYCtfOSS. 2-4-1 afeiefe is ALL PAINT, thru add one gallon of Pure Linseed Oil. at Unseed Cll Price, and you will have TWO fattens of Pure Idea ed iY!T Paint, at a char saving to YOB of one dollar or MORB—occordlng to the pirlce of linseed Oil. Don't Yen Want, This DOLLAR? rcr Rale By P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. >b nvtfetjttoke wrecked the Island of Lnaoa yeaterday. doing great dam- As n result of Atlanta's anxiety to top the list and show great increase in census of Hilt), great tract* o' country were taken Into the city lim its, tm leasing ;he area of the city flout 12 to 28 square r.illo;. But It ts' irenry to so rapidly expand, i.ed now Atlanta fjees the problem of how to raise Vie revenue to meet the great ana grorln* demand for Are department, police, sanitary street*, tic., that her n mbit Ion to lead has brought upon her. And among the plan* proposed I* that of raising th.' street tax from $1.00 to $5.00 per head. Wayert»*s is facing, on a sinkller scale, a similar problem. How shall j wa Increase our city Incon e * PIANO TUNER Geo. W. Coe Formerly of New York City, will locate permafiently in Waycross, after OcL 15th. Save Youf Piano Work! for s local tune-, that will t-**r ft in good shape at all » me* lx?*'* order* with J. S. Knight,. 0. R. Brinson ov Majestic Theatre, or 'phona 21$ meet our liabilities and the detu&nds phenomenal growth, “if vou nee*l« most dance, you must pay the piper". But we hope our city officials will ftnd some more equitable way than that suggested by Atlanta. made upon m by fits juat needs of I the newly acquired territory and our I. » -- One of Our Great Values Solid Oak Rocker, Exactly like cut, cobbler seat, heavy white hickory stretcher connects arm. A Large Comfortable, Qf ftO Servicable Rocker - V-l*«z0 each ‘On our easy payment plan. Lloyd’s Pricess Go-Carts Cofft no more but are absolutely the berft money can buy. Extra wide seat, finest grade S pattern Springs, Laige Canopy Hood, folds with only one motion, Covered in Bedt Grade Chase Leather. These are only a few of the reasons why this is the best carriage on the market. $8.50 :TO ($12.50 EACH. Chiffoniers AT 15 PER CENT LESS THAN OUR REGULAR PRICE Which was already very low. we have a large assortment and in orcer to reduce our &ock at once, will sell them at the above discount until the require number have been disposed of. We have Great Values at from $7.00 to $25.00 Our Spring Line of Room Size RUGS Are now oh display. A troly^beauti ui assort ment, all the newest orientai and floral patterns in the latent shades and colorings. Our line includes an all wool9x12 feet size. «.( HI CA seamless 7-wire tapestry Brussel 81 vi“«ww Also the bedt grade Smith Axmini&ers9x)2 fetf size, in the seasons patterns AT $22.SO We will have in a few days the largest assort ment of CREX Rugs ever shown in this city. STEP ladder EACH Mone charged ADMINISTER RUGS 2}4 feet wide, 4J£ feet long, all wool, handsome oriental and floral patterns. One of our great values $1.98 each on our easy pay ment plan. Special Prices this week on Writing Desks we bave-a number of different styles to cl-ue out at a substantial reduction in prices. ■4 isa to lo.oo The Store of Great Values where Yotu Credit is Good WALKER-MULLIGAN FUR. CO., Phone 499 A. R. HOOD, Mgr. 106 Plant Ave.'-i M Mjftgu - ■■HUM i