Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 31, 1911, Image 1

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GOV.-ELECT SMITH NOT j||j [0 [||[
This Is Given Out As A Positive
Will Drag Lake Bottom
For Missing Heiress
Statement From “Reliable
Sources. ”
shield of his automobile, Charles .7.
v Kendall, well known ns a real estate
man and prominent citizen of Col
quitt county was killed near Sylvester
this morning.
Chauffeur Grady Clements, who was
at the wheel of the car, drove too
closely to the edge of a small open
bridge. One w’heel went, off th<* edge
and Mr. Kendall was hurled head
first through the wind shield. His
30.—HI. throat Atlanta, lia., Jan.
elect Hoke Smith is out of the sena
torial contest for good and all. He
doesn't want the office even after he
has finished his term as governor.
No, he hasn't authorized such a
I statement in the newspapers, hut Cue
j fact that it is practically true is
| true is known from reliable soirees,
j Mr. Smith’s ambition now is to
| serve his stale faithfully and effi
ciently as its governor for the term
to which he has been elected,
*0«y fell (n one Mje pul-ina hi? (n Innrea.lnif the material poaperlly j warmer and unnettled condition,, with
" [V°7 n ,h ® br ° ken S 1 ”**- of Georgia, particularly with regard j i ocal , ra | n8 lhe ruling card. The
to Improved farming: and then, when ; warm we ather Is hilled for Tuesday
the term Is over, ft Is Ills desire to J alll , Wednesday, with a change afte.
Kendall leaves a laige family. re jj re ( 0 private life and to his pii- j
vate vocations, never to he politically j
redirected unless circumstances i
make it necessary for him to seivoj
hi state in some great emergency, j
Consequently Mr. Smith lias no j
personal interest in the senatorial
ordinance compelling j among the suggestions
dead when picked up. CJe-
as not injured.
He was possessed of considerable
means. Including the Masonic, he
was a member of five orders.
The United Daughters of the Con-
federajpy w;lll hold Ihejr Febru^r>
meeting Wednesday afternoon at 3
. o’clock wiltT’ Miss Annie Paine. A
large attendance is urged os buslncfi
of importance Is to he attended to.
Mrs. R. O. I.ee, Pres.
Mrs. Fred Brewer, Sec.
election which will take plac
the legislature meets in June. The * * lse to p '
violation an to the other candidate, i " ru " eny ° wncrs '» " ,ant “"'“ ie trCM
remains about the same. The candl.j" flonl "< th, ' lr * ,ro » e, ! v ul “° ,,,ow
•ant lots in the last of summer.
M. C. l.ewis.
Mr. Kditor:
That the city of Wnycross is in
dire need of more revenue that can
be* devoted to improvements, is un
deniable; that she must of necessity
have those continued and ^extended 1
improvements or else an enevltable KdlMr Wayrno.. Kvenlng lleruld:-
re! regressive movement ;■ admlltad , rpad W |, h much Interest I
by thinking people. licle that appeared In your papei
| That being deprived by choice of |. iM !*'ti.lay, January 87tb, also t lie
|j(, people the revenue usually recetv- p|, M ,. that appeared In yesterday's pa
jed by ^tle»yrom saloon dr soft ,. t . having been written
j drink licenses, makes the rau-.e pen Walk8r and Hlgni . d -Tax.
; pie who 'refuse this revenue subject p U y«-,. M
j to the necessary taxes incident to this While I have repeatedly stated that
I condition is ulso true. newspaper controversies are very
j That the clly’ii source or revenue odIoUH lc me> , fee , that , Would do
j Is confined to street tax. fines, adva- myself and those connected with the
lerem and occupation taxes is also present administration an injustice
j true; and when the school, interest not j 0 correct the misleading article.
. 3,,,, f,,ml • ),n »» os,,,on ' ,8 8< ’« given you for publication by Dr. Wnl-
I aside, there remains no tr eat sum of j^,. - »
jihat fund, hence: the operating ex- j , am | lldooU vory Imlch .urprl.ed
; pense for all pu,-pores mast he tlerlv-. Ulat W8 | ker ahould Jl|mi> at hear .
j ed from a very Inadequate sunt and t kayK and conclusions without laves-
.Mr. Chairman. Civic l.cague: j a.depression of Improvements follows.' ,|gatlng the truth of the same. A lit-
I beg to say, can never accomplish Tlio city of Atlanta Is facing the ,| c investigation into the elly's affair,
very much by way or beautifying wine problem and It. wisest counsel- by th | a pa , ly wouId havc reV ealed
Wnycross until ciTy council deem is o-, are hunting for more revenue, and facts which we stand ready to lot-
pait at all times to any citizen of
(Hoard of Tra.le Service.)
The weather dope within the past
wenty-fonr hours has undergone
,,n T some decided changes. From a threat-,
ened cold wave the dope switches to
the rain.
there Is to
dates are Railroad Commissioner^
Murphy Candler, Congressman Brant- j
ley. Congressman T. \\. Hardwick, j
Senator Joseph If- Terrell, and Hon. |
W. A. Covington. Mr. Covington has! i
"dark horse” were without faun-
600 HUNDRED DQZEN EGOS. 25c issued a statement declailng that he i dution because he was openly in the
A DOZEN AT ' Is positively In the race, from thef race and was asking the support of
SO tf. HARDY BR0Q8. first, that the stories about his being 1 his friends.
rpise street tax from $1.00 to $5.00. Waycross.
raise ad valorem rates from $1.25 tp I
$1.50 and equalize values. A large
sum of increase will Mow from that
source if properly done, either there
or in this city, and it alone is a ques
tion worthy of the most careful con
sideration. equalization being a mat
ter of simple Justice to all, must ho
j New York. Jan. :ll.—Preparations
j were made today by the police to
|d- ag tht* lake und reservoirs in Cen-
j tral Park, for Miss Arnold, the mlss-
i inn heiress, in prospect of a possible
| request of Francis Arnold, the girl’s
I VJiss A: Hold's declaration to an ac-
i qiiuintance she met on tile street
| late in die afternoon of the day s.ie
I disappeared that she iuteuded to
walk home through .the park has g$v-
en weight to Air. Arnold's eon v let Ion
t'liat Ids daughter met with foul play
in the park and that her body may
have been thrown in the lake.
Among the letters and reports that
have poured into Mr. Arnold's home
from all parts of the country since
Miss Dorothy's disappearance there
are today two to which Mr. Arnold’s
lawyers attach some importance.
One from Carsonvllic, Mich., Is to
the effect that u young womun whose
appearance coincides In many res
pects with the description of Miss
Arnold rogi*.y^ed at a hotel la^t
Tuesday as Miss Jennie Williams,
New York. The report is that the
young woman came to ('arsonville
from Detroit and remained In her
room during the afternoon, leaving
the town at night. • Her destination
■quid not lie learned.
You Can Make No Mistake
By Wearing a Suit Made by
The Stein-
j Sam W.Peck
Block (po.
and Co.
Strause & Bros.
The best dressed men you meet on the street
are wearing them.
They are the best on the market today.
You can get them at:
Anytkmg You Need For Boys.
For tho benefit of Tux Payer and
the public generally, I will state most
positively Mr. Kditor, that this admin
istration has uot used qnp dollar of
the sinking fund money for fllty pur
poses, und you can vest ussmed that
no long us I am Mayor, the money
placed to the credit of the Sinking
done ami abouM ho most carefully Pll „j „ haI1 not uled for
uny other
done. * •* «w. ‘w . ► purpose than that for which it is in-
Some cities In this slate adopt u. teaded< and , w| „ say furthe| . t „
standard <>r returning property to the j ,. T „ p aye ,.- lhal a d, n | n l,(ration
city for (10 per cent of Its market p, aa a | Waya been -able,, and I. .1111
lvalue and to the Slate at a given ; ab | e mcet „ f obligation, In' M '* y '. hor,e ,wl,,,y - “"''W
I per centum of this value; the ren.es j a MUifactory rt ianner In all parllea j lhe ,lo P lor " 10 nin on,,
arslgm d being that a city tax payer j CO neerned. ' ,he ( * octor * n t * le bridge. The horse
; is willing to he taxed more for ills ! John M. Cox. Mayor., i <;an,e to town - w,thoUt |D "
j Jurlng himself or scratching the bug
gy. The other horse arfd buggy and
driver were loft Upon the road,
though unhurt the doctor walked to
~ Dr. Walker had a close shave in
the lllacksheur bridge, three miles
from the city yesterduy. The doctor
hgd started to cross the bridge when
frpm behind him there came a run-
ft*way ho se and bugggy. under full
speed. Tho doctor Just had time to
get out and cling with one hand to
the side of the bridge and with the
other to his buggy lines. The run-
city because the benefits'are more!
directly his.
The .“into law makes no provision
for such a condition, lint the author
ities p occedTims, nevertheless, and
give fie needs to be conserved aa
justification for the means employe I. ^
The tax question always complex Is |
at the moment a most serious one. j
Revenue must he Increased, our needs j
require it. How is it best to secure
- j
Citizen. »
* The "blind tiger” care of Pallace
Slaten was continued iititl 3 o'clock
this afternoon. Chief of Police, Mc
Donald und his effic ient officers arc
getting right behind these illicit wills*
key sellers and an average of one
each nltflit; shows they mean ImhI-
Kven the smallest thing tnuy hnv,a f
greatness in its own realm.
personally guarantee our show
10 Majestic this week, ff you
like it get your money buck,
mr ad (u another column.
Hrewer & Phclun.
' ' Kx-ahcrlff D. A. Woodard was In
• jibe city today, and left ; wlth numer-
' oys purchases of fine stock. Mr.
j Woodard has retired to his fairm and
Returned From Thomasvillei"r;
Investigating Committee
The Aldennanlc Committee, Messrs.
Sinclair, LeC'ount and Mooro with
Clerk of Council d. W. Strickland re
turned from Thomasvllle last night
and seem well satisfied wlt'n the bene
fit our city will de lve a sa result^ of
their inspection of Tbomasvllle meth
ods of bookkeeping.
In addition to the bookkeeping in-
ve?tigutln rumor has It that some of
them developed quite an Interest in
the uttlstic side of Thotnasville und
the clerk was unable to keep up with
them in the ardor of their investiga
tion along these lines.
Order of Owls Will Hold
Big Meeting At Theater
(Jejieral O gunJzcr Frederick
Corthcil, of the Order of Owls, ac
companied by Samuel C. Koul,
preme I.ecHmcr, arrived in this city
this morning, to attend tonight's
event and are # stopping at the l.a-
C**andc and Phoenix hotels. They
come here direct from Atlanta where
2,160 members nere Initiated -into
the order Sunday, at the Bijou Thea
ter. Establishing a record for being
the largest number ever Initiated by
o secret society Id ihe fraternal :.h
tory pX the United States.
Tonight’s meeting will be absorb
ingly . fhto esting. As a large class
of local prominent citizens will be to your mind again when you think
ushered Into the mysteries of Owidom of the home that you intended to buy
and the officers for the ensuing year | before now. And while you tre think-
dnly installed. Various comm I tecs 1 Ing of It is the time you should come
will he appointed and definite ar- and
rangements mude for procuring 8i,,! '.'seE WHAT^WE
able permanent headquarters. ! OFFERING
The Supreme lecturer will explain ;
^ # .i # n i ... In tho way of substantial and dcaira
some of the fundamental teachings ■
of tho order. And there will be line
musical selections rendered.
Alderman Parker again presided ai
mayor's court today, snd another
"blind, tiger" paid the ' penalty ot
breaking the law.
bly located homes at low rates and
on easy terroa of payment
A. M. Knigkt
and Son