Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 31, 1911, Image 4
p\ -' \ WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD AT THE SEASONABLE Groceries We now hav* In »tock Ralston Whole Wheat Flour Ralstoo Breakfast Food, Heckcrs Oatmeal In barrela and packages, Heclterg Buckwheat. Self-rising. In barrels. Cream of Wheat, £Thr**dded Wheat Biscuits, New Georgia Syrup, and lots of other good things too numerous to mention. Our prices are reasonable and our Roods first-elans. We guarantee to save you iey. Mr Mathew Carswell Is now with us permanently an>l w!!J be pleased to see his friends and serve their wants. MAY'S MILL ami FKfiD* STORE. PHONE NO. 3. FAR 3IGHTED PEOPLE f’atroulze this Livery. They nppre elate our prompt service, first-class turn outs mid reasonable prices. If You appreciate all these you will pa tronize us also. McGregor Mayo Boarding. Livery and Sales Stables, lobe a u st. Wayrross, Ua. PHONE NO. 63. OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO ASpecial Invitation Is Now Extended to Vou TO VISIT OUR NEW STORE On CORNER OF PLANT AVE. AND GOR- DON STREET, NEAR THE COURT HOU8E. OUR LARGE STOCK OF GROCERIES, FEED, SEED, ETC., 18 WELL ARRANG ED, AND READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. WE CAN MEET ALL HON EST COMPEITION. ANO GIVE YOU THE BEST OF EVERYTHING TO EAT, FROM THE ‘ CLEANEST AND MOS. SANITARY STORE IN THE CITY. WE KEEP OUR MEAL, GRITS, RICE. ANO DRIED FRUITS, ETC.. IN BINS THAT ARE DUST PROJF, 0 MOU8E PROOF AND 0 ROACH PROOF. £ WE HAVE A LARGE 6 STOCK ANO CAN GIVE X YOU BIG CUT PRICES ON <> A GOOD MANY ARTICLES 0 THAT WE H£VEBOUGHT £ IN LARGE QUANITIES. c HARDY BROS.” Y Phone 62. £ THE PURE FOOD STORE. Q ooooooooooooooooo mi WHOLE C0H1Y IS fiEHG MOUSED IT IS CREATING MUCH NEWSPA PER COMMENT THROUGOUT THE COUNTRY. From the Chattanooga News. "The longer the Root Julct demon strations continue at this point the more remnrkable seems the results of the wonderful remedy that ty creating so muffii newspaper comment alt orejr the country. Root Juice Is makirftr nKtonlxhing cores here. Yesterday over a dozen canes of rheumatism were reported cured, and n number of people also reported great relief In severe cases of Indigestion and kid ney lroubles. Many of those whom the remedy has cured are well known here." The great remedy will he al Cherokee drug store next Saturday. f Personal fl \ Mlss Carrie Perham Social Ed.tor £ Mr. W. A. Ruiker of Atlanta is r. Istered at Phoenix. Ir. S. l>. Atkinson, of Rochester S. Y.. Is registered at I^firande. Mr. Samuel C. Kene of Hartford Conn.. Is a guest at Lafiruude. Or. T. li. Wilson of 8a: a Springs, is registered at Phoenix ho- Hon. C. 8. Moore, South Georgia representative of Atlanta Constitution Is in the city. If. .1. B. Collins, of Tifton. I now with the Walker-Mulligan Fu nltiire Company. Say here Is always a demand for trained employes. 'Hie young man or woman who know*, how Is the one j who gets the preference. Wnycross Business . College Trains people in the principles and methods of practical business. Its gtinitiates have no difficulty in obtain ing positions or In making good after they have obtained them. A course here would benefit you ait it has oth er* who are now holding good post- lions. ENTER ANY TIME! POSITIONS SECURED! R V. ZEIGLER, Pros. A GOOD POSITION, WA8H THOSE PIMPLES OFF. l T *e D. D. O., that mild, soothing wash, that recognized remedy for Re- zeina and nil skin troubles. First drops lake away that awful burning Itch, cleanse the skin--wash away cry pimple—every Impurity. Nothing like !). D. I). for the complexion. Get a 25c trial bottle today,—worth ten times Its cost to have n bottle In the house. At any rate, drop into our store to talk over the merits of this wonderful prescription. II. S. Redding. RING 174 FOR WOOD. 1m. Pon t miss seeing the world's cham pion buck swing dancer. Kd Kenedy, at th.‘ Majestic this week. 30 3t " TRY THV WANT ADS ~ Mrs. John si Florida and is ter. Mr. W. M Johnston. s returned from Uh her son and dang- and Miss Gertrude We offer the public greater values in Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Art Squares, Stoves and Specialties than any firm in South Ga. / i When we Sell for Cash we almost Eliminate the word Profit. Our Prices on Terms are the Very Lowest and, our terms are very easy. See us before you buy, we take pleasure in showing you through our line. HOME FURNITURE CO. Phone 49 40 Plant Ave. Mr. J. Downey has just neee another car load of mules and horses and It Is quite a busy Hcene around his "horse garage", hh the sales being made. Our old frientj A. B. Murray looks quite natural with his silver star-mil his breast. We are glad to see him hack again In active service for the city. Mr. D. G. Zeigler, a well known South Carolinian, is registered at Phoenix hotel. Mr. Zeigler Is here in Interest of Wnycross and St. Marys railroad. MIhs Mallett of Albany Is In the city the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Redding. Miss Mallett has a number of friends in the city having been a visitor here before. Can be had by ambit Ions young men and ladles In the field of "Wireless" or Railway telegraphy. Since the S hour law became effective, and sine*- the wtreles* companies are «»IaUUm\- tng stations throughout the country there is a great shortage of telesra phers. Positions pay beginners from 970 to |90 per month, with goou chance of advancement The Nation al Telegraph Institute operates six official Institutes In America, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless Offi cials ahd places all graduates Into po sitions. It Will pay you to write them lor full details at Cincinnati. O.. Phil* adelphla. Pt., Memphis, Tenn.. Davao- port. Rl. Columbia, 8. C-. cr Portland. Orw„ according te where you wish to water. « SOt ! 0* >oooooo<xxxx>ooooo DON'T GO TO SAVANNAH Go to 43 Gilmore street, wheu your eyes need to be looked after or any other Mrs. Miller, best known as (Mother Miller) who has been managing the Okefenokee hotel at llebardville has resigned, to take effect Feb. 1. Mr. W. J. Harris will take her place af ter she leaves. , ooooo oooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo ocooooooooooooooo < HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S “Big Clearance Sale” Of all winter shoes. Prices greatly reduced to make a quick sale. ' < “ZEIGLERS” LADIES PATENT LEATHER BUTTON DRESS SHOES. REGULAR $4.50, Reduced to $3.25. LADIES VICI AND PATENT LEATHER DRESS SHOES. REGULAR $3.00 AND $3.50, Reduced to $2.50 CHILDRENS VICI AND PATENT LEATHER BUTTON AND LACE SHOES, $2.00. Redaced to $1.50 BOYS’ BOX CALF SHOES. KIND TO STAND HARD WEAR, Reduced to $1.35. INFANTS’ AND SMALL SIZES BABY’S VlC| BUTTON AND LACE SHOES, 75 CENTS KIND, Reduced to 50c. JiV)* Mr. Win. J. Degcr of Lombard, near Chicago, III., has pur/hased the John son farm three miles east of Way- cross. and will move his family and farm utensils to his new home. r y Special prices on all mens shoes in this sale, j $ Humphreys & Williamson loooooooooooooooo<> ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo < Itja. W. .1. Ilnrton left for Miflae AGENTS WANTED last night to attend the funeral of j rot "T.IMatheson “Silenl Six” Parke ell kno ens. She had old age of SI yewri \»ched the ripe Major McGee snys he’s too busy to talk polities. Is dally expecting a car load of "Bulck” automobile* and find* It hard to meet the Increased demand for this machine. Those now on the will be in various sizes. AUTOMOBILES AU that ths name Implies. SIX.EWT—SWITT—ELOWOMXCAL Corker Motor Gar Go. State Agents. ATLANTA, GEORGIA —tr High Grad* Frost Proof Cab- bag* Plant* are Aow ready for distribu tion. It Ulmpoisibie to set any better or more reliable plants than ours, aa we use notblnc but tbe best seeds from old grow ers of undisputed reputation. Try oursand be convinced. Don’t look for cheap seeds or plants from whlcb to grow crops, but seek quality If you would succeed. _ Prior, t Mrnrrtti ltos.oaosett.se per 1.009: t to 0.000 At nu per 1400; 0 to lt.000 At 91.00 per 1.000. write for to wer prior* oa Urp-r qaantlttea. full . -*-.|irrrr putABMd. Cheap **- CHARLESTCS WAKEFIELD TRV THE WANT ADS « Bad Colds! Seals Cold Tablets will break up your cold in one day. If they fail you Can'have your money hack-—25c THE SEALS PHARMACY . TUB MIX ALL 8TORB 0 ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo f CARRIAGE PAINTER ,, l 13 Parallet Street. Phone 57«fT * * Carriage and Automobile Painting $ KSB* NEATLY EXECUTED l F. O. SMITH, 1 J, j ONLY FIRST CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER IN TOWN. v » ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO •• >• ......