Newspaper Page Text
Mr. Clarke ha# Just received the^
largest range for the u.e of hi. ,e:e| W «Y 'THE SINS OF THE PATH-
taurmnt that has ever Ween ship '»• ^ TIMELY JU8T NOW.
U> this section of the state, It is a
Monarch, of the moat modern HtyJe Hioae who witness “The Hina of
and equipment, weighing over .1,000 *^ e Esther" at the Parker Theater
pound*. Wednesday night Feb. J, will nee a
„ Southern play hy a Southerner who
Iton't forget that tax collector A. I know* hi* subject. The playwright
C. l<owther la now ready for business. J referred to in Mr. Thomtfa Dixon, aii-
Refuso to admit any other indus-
rlea unlera it Is positively guaran-
scd that no ust r of tobacco be hired.
Drive tne churches front the city.
WANTED—Salesmen o»
Ability and neat appearance
to call on all merchant* It
their territory; elegant side line, con
venient to carry; good commissions;
prompt remittance. A 410, Bellmont
Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati, O. 24, 31, t, 14 *1
Under the new city charter law, hooka
open tomorrow, Feb. I. for tax returns
and close on March 15. Make your
return* on all property you posse*#
«p to Including Feb. 1. Then pay
your tax« a register and be prepared
to take your part In elections as all
good citizen# should.
Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Bennett have
returned from a short visit to Hand-
ford, Fla.
Mrs. Willie Orr will return to .lark-
eonville In the morning after a few
day* visit with relatives bore.
A number of pretty affair* are plan- j
tied for thl* week in compliment to
visiting girl*. l
fhor of “TheLeopard’s Spots”, "The
Clansman." "The Traitor”, "Comrad
es" and many other successful plays
and sto les. Attention Is called to
the fact that “The Sins of he Father"
was written by an expert, because
right now alleged "SouTherii plays"
are being offered by writers whose
ignorance of the South Is abysmal.
Men who know nothing of the *riai
rode, of the In ter-relation of races,
of the psychology of the white man
nt imaginary scenes
1 absurd Ideas about
ward and pr
embodying t)
Interracial conduct.
Such efforts may fool audlfnc
thousand miles away from the a<
scene of the race problem, but
cannot Impose on the people of
city. Mr. Dixon* "The Sins of
Father" handle* wTihout glove#
MAKES STATEMENT.; subject of the Intermixture of race:
To the Kdltor of the Waycro** Herald ( D straight to the mark, but I
Plcaso state In your paper that does not ofTen | the propiletor* and
with reference to the report fiom above all it never strikes a false.
Valdosta in the Savannah Morning mawkish or feebly sentimental r.oie,
News, that the matter comes out of so say those who have witnessed it.
Why experiment trying to drive
the dandruff germ from unde-neata
the skin with greasy lotions or fan
cy hair-dressing when every druggists
every whe:e and in Way cross the
.Seals Pharmacy will guarantee ZBMO
and 3SKMO SOAP to entirely rid the
scalp of the germ life that ratines the
ZNMO and ZKMO SOAP can be ob
tained in any city or town In America
and arc recognized the bent and most
ecjnomlcal treatment for all affections
of the skin or scalp whether on Inf’int
or grown person. One shampoo with
ZEMO SOAP and application of ZB.V.O
will stop itching and cleanse the scalp
of dandruff and scurf. Application of
55ISMO and use of ZKMO soap wilt
the most obstinate case of oe/r
nr skin disease,
e Invite you to try ZEMO
ZEMO SOAP and if not entirely
Isfled we will refund your inoneyy
u disagreement between myself and Do not miss
former nsum-latcs that I had in bus ^ pose of the <
lues* with mo, that could not hold not preached
emendoits ex
II of "mixed bloods"—
s a sermon of penned
up their end o fteh business and It ; as an essay, but presented as a vital
■was necessary for me to put them J stage story with living personages
out, and thl* will not amount to any- to enact the momentous pa Ms. Re
tting, for the charge Is false.
1 am yours,
D. Cl. Zelgler.
For Cabbage Plants
see mo.
Perham. Sr
slutlessly funny comedy and heart
breaking pathos are In the telling
while flic big dramatic moments stir
the souls of playgoers to the depths.
It Is predicted that the success of
thi* revolutionary play will far sir-
pass that of M . Dixon's greatest
previous effort. "The Clansman."
hath, JUIJsMs, Pars
Painter iboold test the
, Mpertor memeofOur
Northern Grown Seed*.
we will send postpaid our
JlfcRfiUBSl !2
...M todayt Sm4 >0 e*nU to help pey pwh|i end
pecktof end rent** the ikni ‘Tmoom ColUetloo,” to-
, ^NSSS uas BSSMl
Mr. Thomas G. Hudson's
Educational Train
Coirtnlnaloncr I Imho u> education-
ul train Is coinng and this morning
The Herald ree* Ived a note from him
of which the following is the eon-'
r.lttdlng sentence. let the farnte-t
and other cltIrens be ready to meet
the train and bear the spec hr# and*'
tMH* the exhibits. This Font Mr. Hud
"I will appreciate It \er> nitich If
Foil will have Jurt ns many of
people out to see this train as pus-;
slide. We will have som
lecturers In the country t
II is our purpose to bulk
rlruttural Interest of Hu
I enndldly lielleve that
devised that
people so
ilona! Trn:
e of Hue 1
>n iliis tr
1 up the
• State,
>v 111 this
.a get p
l ieiter containing the price of a
’ear's subscript Ion with the sage ob
is \ation that "he thought vv*? might
ued ihe money.' Marvelous mental
elepai y. second sight, u.’ whatever
on nruy call It, it certainly eviden
ce* super-fttiniun intelligence ana
rare powers of poreeption. Whoeve:
b« foie thought of an editor heediny
money? whoever in tlie p.Tst ugej
dreamed <tf him being other tbun the
elite al child of tae air, fed hy the
.ul ahsr
> 1 .
New York. Jan. II. -Cable dispatch- J
f* revolved in New York city announ
ce the death at Tl h.irv, England, of
John Lockwood Kipling, father of,
Bndyard Kipling. j
The elder Kipling won coasido able .
renown In hi* profession as arehlteo
tural sculptor and illustrator. He U-
lust ruled a number of til son's
He was 74 years old ami hud spent
most of his life In India, who e he
established several schools of art an.!
Mrs. Kipling'mother of the autl
to whom, c# to ' the wittiest woman
in India." lie dedicated. “Plain Tale
from the Hills." died a few weeks
To Publicly Horsewhip
Chewers and Smokers
< hVstgo, Jan. 31. Horsewhipping in ministration he would adopt after
fubltc promises to become the meth- election. He renewed his declaration
•d of punishing tobacco chew«vs ami of war against tobacco users und said
smokers in Zion City. It all de/ends be would appoint a vigilance commit-
nptm fbe city election In April. WII -tee of p omlnent citizen* to hone-
bur (ilenn Voliva, overseer, and sue* whip on sight any user of tobacco
ccsemr to the late Jobu Alexander Volivia ie< larc.s he will take the fol
Dowle. Is confident he will be sue- lowing steps;
oeoaful at the polls and retain the
power wrested from him by the "in-*
dependents" a yea* aco.
VoMvIa In an address :t r eeling f Take over all indu-tries and
attended by more than 1.200 of his • them on a cooperative basis.
Geo. W. Coe
Formerly of New York City,
will locate permnnently in
WtycroM, after Oct. 15th.
Save Your
Piano Work!
for a local tune*’, that will
k-2<*r It in good sbapa nt all
Heave orders with J. 8.
Knight.. G. )L Brinson o»
Majestic Theatre, or phone
Drive ail the independents from
FMate to Wtu RtoJMMk Atrislwffll
fof'owrrs (i) Zion City tabernacle y»a-1 Have all employe* receive wj^.tII
Id day defined the plan of the ad ! and also share in the protlts. 'I
One of Our Great Values
Solid Oak Rocker,
Exactly like cut, cobbler seat, heavy
white hickory stretcher connects arm
A Large Comfortable, AO '
Servicable Rocker - V-loefO each
On our easy payment plan.
Lloyd’s PricessGo-Ca
CoSt no more but are absolutely the beSt money
can buy. Extra wide seat, finest grade S pattern
Springs, Laige Canopy Hood, folds with only one
motion, Covered in BeSt Grade Chase Leather.
These are only a few of the reasons why this is the
best carriage on the market.
$8.50:T01$12.50 EACH.
Which was already very low. we have a large assortment
and in orcer to reduce our Stock at once, will sell them at
the above discount until the require number have been
disposed of.
We have Great Values at from
$7.00 to $25.00
uijihiiuuimj! * ; : 11; I) Ijiji JIlHI/ft.//; j liMU, / J) HU I Jj!.';
■■■ vJsq.-v v, ■«
■ i rei. ‘‘JA'.v
Oar Spring Line of Rooti/i Size
Are now on display. A truly beautiful afsert-
ment. all the newest oriental and floral patterns
in the latent >hades and colorings. Our line
includes an all wool 9x12 feet size. Q | pa
seamless 7-wire tapestry Brussel 3* vIt.DU
Also the- best grade Smith AxminiSters 9xl?feet
size, in the seasons patterns
AT $22.50
We will have in a few days the largest assort
ment of CREX Rugs ever shown in thi»city.
2 l /4 feet wide, 4 l / 2
feet long, all wool,
handsome oriental
and floral patterns.
One of our great
$1.98 each
on our easy pay
ment plan.
Sptcia) Prices Ihiswfek on Writing Desks
we have a numb- r ot different styles to cl-»s>e out
at a reduction in prires.
A 65 TO 10.00
The Store of Great Values where Youj Credit is Gtidd
Phone 499
A. R. HODD, Mgr.
106 Plant Ave.