Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 01, 1911, Image 1

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.. J
aycross Evening Herald.
volume XVIII
The contract of the Y. M. C. A., to . Ml Editor
be built for the A. C. L. railroad in
JlftaycrCB8 has been let and plans are
fcow under way for its rapid comple
tion. The selection of a suitable site
Is now engaging the attention of Dr.
C. G. Thomas, Supt. of Relief Depart
ment. The location is a very impor
tant consideration. As the success
Of the building and its ultimate ben
efit to the men will depend upon its
being placed at a point convenient
of access to the men as they return
from work.
If the plans are can led out as sug-j taxpaying community is wisdom in
Sested the building will be a very!administration; and this of necessity
handsome addition to the structures includes wise economy and equali/.a-
Of our city. We hope it will be plac- tion of burden,
cd up in town, where it can be aeon
va\d used successfully.
There is prevalent in different parts
St the county small pox and we deem
It wise to be vaccinated, as this has
proven to be protective against the
A city that voluntarily lays down j •
or rejects license taxes, takesup auto-] Atlanta. Feb. 1.-Miss Wallyne
matically the added burden of property . N €WSO me. who committed suicide here
tax increase. We have so elected, and j yesterday by taking morphine because
our advokrem most bear the burden, j f i, e waa tired of this “cruel, cruet
and we do not believe there are many wor Jd^88 *he expressed it to friends
of our citizens, who object to paying | gome ,j me ag0 , was one of the most
a most liberal city tax if they be j efficient and one of the sweetest nu-
satlsfled that there will be wise ecou- j tured trained nurses ever employed
onty in Its expenditures; and* If they L.v the Grady--hospital. She was with
feel like the burden has be£p equally I that Institution up to October 1910.
borne by all property. j She took morphine, and died after
Hence the keynote to a satisfied f,jends had battled Tor more than 1
14 hours to save her life. She was;
at the home of a distant relathe. I. j
P. Little. 416 Ormond street when
site committed the act. |
The following pitiful note was*
written on the back of an envelope
and left on the dresser: “Good-bye
to all, I Just can’t stand this cruel
world any longer. I have no friends,
oo money, no home. Please wire sis
ter ar.d Farle. Have my trunk s-ent
lb sister. Wallyne Newsome.” Mrs.
R. E. Rainwater, of Augusta, is Bald
to be the sister referred to.
The writer believes a proper equali
zation of Values with a systematic
ditcount from the real market value
propertly worked out will give the
city amply sufficient money f«r In-
provement and maintenance without
increase of rates.
There are many streets or localities
Washington, D. C\. Feb. 1.- (Special Lyceum goers will have an attrac- , SHALL NOT WAYCROSS BE FAM
to the Evening Herald) -Douglas city tion of an unusual kind Thursday ev- j CUS FOR ITS BEAUTY
population of the thirteenth is 3.650 ening when Reno B. Welbourn, the j WELL AS GROWTH,
twelfth census gives the same ci|y great scientist gives his experiments
€17. showing the triumphs of science in
This Is a splendid gain and to he this modern time. His lectures en-
fcoud °T. 1 titled “In the Year 2000", “Doing the
Impossible”, and "Harnessing
Sun” are not dry as dust lee
hut are Illustrated by the most won- J an illustration of development us a
derful experiments. Welbourn not J result of loyal, determined and united
Atlnnta. Feb. b—Brenau College. only uses ice with which to boil water j effost on part of its entire citizen-
gia’s best known hlstori- and shingle nails Tor kindling wood j ship. Waycross and her people stand
lie runs motors by the sound of n as a living example of what pertln-
s continuous effort can accom-
Waycross has a Just right to
Df all the cities of Southern Geor
gia. there is probably no city more
often spoken of outside and inside
the |the borders df our State thnn is Way-
tires j * ross. It Is constantly being used a*
one of Georgia’s best known hlstor
cal and educational Institutions, has p
renewed its charter for twenty years flute anjl does many marvelous things,
in the surperior court at Gainesville. The engagement of Mr. Welbourn is
Brenau College is one of the instltu- looked forward to with much Interest
tions. in fact, by which the fame of by the patrons of the lyceum.
Georgia Is spread abroad throughout- That he speaks with authority it
i the wo’id. its students number not needs only to he said that Mr. Wei-
j only young ladles from this and other ( bourn is a scientist In his own right.
I states of the south, hut from far Ja- j He was the flist man In the world to
{pan and other, foreign shores. The j successfully utilize the energy of the
Infection. We have arranged with " 5,ereIn va,ue » are Preeminently
the different physicians of the county ® reat an( * growing. Taking these as a
to vaccinate free of charge any who let all the property within that
■Hy apply. influence be valued accordingly, and
We hope the people will avail wl,h “ graduated recewlon from the
theBmelves of this and help to stop hi * he " t 0,1 down UD,n the lowe8t val '
the spread of this malady. ues »'• met >>» »*• conditions that
M. M. Johnson, Co. Physician. caul,ed th * d «<Wie l|) value; or by 30 3t,
A H. Thomas. Ordinary. 1 lw «*• 'M«f* of ,l,e next
nearest boosting centre.
For Cabbage Plants see me.
*t\ii A. p. Porhsm. Sr.
1 Equalized In tbls way with no pros
pect of the states adopting the same,
figures; we believe (here will be a wil
lingness to pay the tax and ample
We personally guarantee our show
at the Majestic this week. If you
don’t like It get your money hack.
See our ad in another cqlnmn.
Brewer & Phelan.
-/For the finest Oysters in the mar
ket phone Hardy Bros.
funds for proper use.
Yoo Can Make No Mistake
By Wearing a Suit Made by
The Stein-
Sam W. Peck
Block Co.
and Co.
Strause & Bros.
The best dressed men you meet on the street
are wearing them.
They are the best on the market today.
You can get them at:
H. C. Seaman
Anything You Need For Boys.
cosmopolitan nature of t>.e school Is
one of its great assets.
A short time ago. Dr. H. J. Pearce,
president of the college, sold an in
terest In It to Dr. T. .1. Simmons, for
merly president of Shorter College at
Rome, and these two. both acting as
president since that airangement
have brought a new era of prosperity
for the school.
sun for practical power; to send pin
lures to a distance through the air
by wireless electricity; to suggest
the “electrir echo" for preventing the
collision of ships In a fog, and ether
he proud of the record she has made
as a progressive business community.
Such being the ease, shall we not
strive equally as hard to he known
ns “Waycross, the Beautirul City of
the Wlregrass." This reputation may
he established with little expense,
save that of personal effort and the
encouragement of civic pride along
these lines. A beautiful city, is at
all time a living speaking advertise
ment, and best emphasises and rep-
waves for correcting a ship’s latitude resents the education and character
from the shore. These and may other 0 f ), er people,
scarcely lesB notable achievements
have certainly earned hi mthe right
to be heard.
Order ot Owls Elect And h.
Install New Officers
Waycross Is peculiarly adapted to
secure this advertisement to fullest
advantage and limit at a minimum
cgst. Geographically she stands at
the, gateway or borderland of the
tropical south. Thtough the depot In
tbt vtp center of tb# town PM*
thousands of people almost daily,
wending their way to sunny Florida.
They have left the cold regions of
the north, and eagerly are wAtchlng
at every stopping place for a glimpse
of the southern beauty of landscape
nnd schrubery that they have been
taught to expect—almost from the
{time they enter the Southern States,
President—Calvin Parker.
Vice President—C. Houck, Jr.
Invocator—.1. H. Connor.
Fin. and R. Secretary—F. P. Wade.
Treasurer D. A. Williams.
Sentinel- O. M. Elllston.
Picket—A. W. Owens.
Trustees— If. W. Wilson. T. II. Bliz-1 they see the very worst views of neg-
The Drder of Owls had a very large
ly attended and successful meeting
ot opera house last night. Deputy
Organizer F. H. Corthel! ami Supreme
lecturer Samuel C. Kone mstated by
the newly elected officers, jnhtu!le<y
quite a large class of new candidates.
Air. S. C. Kone opened the meeting
with a masterly address on Frater
nity nnd the alms and objects of t|»e i
Order of Owls, and at close of meet - •
ing reec ive.l *u standing vote of |
thanks to: his effort. j
Mr. C. E. Cason was regretfully
permitted to resign his position as
President and Alderman Calvin Pa>-
ker wax elected to fill that vacancy. ] log for their own use. stores, sandy streets und negro hous-
The.other officers wete moved up one! More than two hundred applications 1 restaurants, etc And the average
a:d, R. fi. Davis.
Physician Dr. T. .1. Cars
Second physician to he
I lect and barrenness |n the various de-
| pots through which they pass. We
, cannot call to -mind with possibly the
next meeting. * J exception of Union 8. C., a single
Decision on permanent quarters waa j l* 1 *’ 1 * that has expended much time in
deferred until next meeting. It Is, beautifying the surroundings of her
probable that the Owls will at onro depot. In most places the passenger
take steps to erect a suitable hullo i atntlon is surrounded with unkempt
office und a new picket eleqjed.Tlie!
newly elected officers were linn in
stalled witli impressive ceremony by
Samuel C. Kone. The officers
are as follows;
Past President Jas. Sinclair.
are now in hand to be acted upon at
i.ext meeting. Thus bringing the to-
lul membership up to more than 500
members. The next meeting \ will
probably he held on Feb, 10, at opera
house if possible.
Organization of The
Daughters of America
A great deal ot Interest is manifest
ed in the announcement that a Coun
cil of the Daughters of America will
be organized here probably betweeu
the 8th and 10th of February. The
Daughters of America are a Patriotic
Fraternal order for the ladies and is
the Auxilary of the Junior Order Pn-
Ited American Mechanics, to whom
they give their individual allegiance.
Mrs. Bundy, of Savannah is iu the
city woring in the Interest of the new
council. Mrs. Kundy ta a member of
Golden Rule Council No. 1 of Sav
annah which is the pioneer council in
Ceeorgju and Mis. Kundy..s one of the
charter membeis of same. Working
in conjunction with her locally Is
Mrs. A. P. Goodwin and Mrs. J.
Good roc w’nich makes the organiza
tion assured when they give It their
earnest support. The ladies already
have quite a large charter list. Any
lady who is acceptable to the mem
bers of the council can join the
Daughters and any Junior Order man
who is in good standing with his conn
cil can join them. Applications will he
received at a very low Initiation fee
hut of course It will cost more after
the charter list }s closed. Anyone
desiring infocmaton can notify Mra.
A. P. Goodwin, 37 Hicks street or’the
Junior* desiring information can see
or address Sherod. Collins Secty. Way
cros-R Council No. 21 J. O. l\ A. M.,
and same will he qludly furnished, but
as the time Is ■!)() t would advise
haste. The Daughters have no at
tractive insurance and benefit feature
which they carry in connection with
the lodge work for every member.
Washington, D. C., Feb. 1. -Senator
i Young, of Iowa, denounced tbs pro
posed reciprocity treaty with Canada
and declared that if It is approved It
would mean tbt death of the Repub
lican party in ISIS.
Note the official notice of Ware
county Medical As oclatlotf, issued by
Dr. T. J. Carswell, fleety. All schOo.
children will be vaccinated free of
charge, (t’a a wise precaution.
Hortnern visitor nils aghast nnd disap
pointed at what they see. But such
Ik not the case In Wftycross. The
opportunities for Impressing our vis
itors Is great. Every line with few
exceptions pass through the best part
of oyr town and our depot la practi
cally surrounded by up-to-date mod
ern buildings. Nearly every pasnen-
(Contlnued on Page 8.)
to ^our mind agafti when you think
of the home that you Intended to buy
before now. And while you are think
ing of it is the time you should come
in the way of substantia! and dcilra
bly located homes at low rates and
on eaay terms of payment.
A. M.. Knight
and Son