Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 01, 1911, Image 4
aV the SEASONABLE Groceries We now htv* In stock Ralston Whole Wheat Flour Ralston Breakfast Food. Heck ere Oatmeal la barrel* and package*, flecker* Buckwheat. Self-rising, In barrel*. Cream of Wheat, Shredded Wheat Biscuit*. New Georgia Syrup, and lot* of other Rood thing* too nurnerou* to mention. Our price* arc reasonable arid our good* first-class. We guarantee to nave you mon-y. Mr. Mathew Carswell I* now with ii* permanently and will be pleased to see h!a friend* and nerve their MAY’S MILL and FEED STORE. PHONE NO. 3. !As A Special Inducement FOR YOU TO CALL AT OUR NEW STORE THIS WEEK, WE OFFER 1 YOU THESE SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON THE FOLLOWING GOODS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY: Egg* 25c per do*. Oatmeal 10c par package. 3 package* of corn flake* 26c. 2 15c cans Klberta peaches 25c. California Brownie peaches 25c for 20c Ixmdon layer raisin* lOe per pound. California figs 15c per pound. 36c can sliced pineapple, fine stock, | for 25c. j 2 tall can* salmon* 25c. j 3 cans Nabob peus 50c. Clipper brand pea* !0c per can. - 3 Jar* peanut butter, good slock, 25c. Seven bO'.es of K» d Hand snuff for 25c Seven package* Red Tag tobacco j for 25c. Three can* of good corn for 25c. 1 Twenty five cent bottle of Wagner I catchup for 20. ! Tr.r >e 10c bottles Wagner catchup for 25c. Six packages of Golddust for 25c. Six package* of washing powdeF for 25c. Six package* of Sopade for 25c. COFFEE HAS GONE UP BUT WE BOUGHT THIS BEFORE THE RISE. Thirty-five cent can best coffee for 25c Thirty cent can of early breakfast for You can write it February 1 Wall of Waycross. eterdav.—Vu’idoata Tin [Personal \ Ml*» Carrie Perharo Social Editor j If the signs d: be rain today. For dainty underwe on at The Hon Ton. Dr. Ed. Chile* of Chattanooga, gistued at the Phoenix. Moral* put up against hunger. mighty poor fight Red Hot Tomollics large si/. FAR SIGHTED PEOPLE Patronise Oils Livery. They appre elate our prompt service, first-class turn out* and reasonable price*. It you,appreciate all these you will pa tronUe u* also. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery and Safe* Stable*. Tebeau St. Waycrosa. Ga. PHONE NO. 63. Say here I* always a demand for trained employe*. The young man or woman who know* how I* the one who get* the preference. Waycross Business College Train* people In the principles and method* of practical business. It* Kinduntc* have n<» difficulty iu obtain ing position* or In itiuking good after they have obtained them. A course here would benefit you as it ha* oth or* who are now holding good posl Rons. ENTER ANY TIME! POSITIONS SECURED! R F. ZEIGLER, Pres. a cent can strawberries for I tic large can* sweet potatoes 2, pound* fresh oyster crackers for 25c. Three pounds of cracker meal for Twenty-five cent can desert peaches for 20c. Twenty cent can beef brawn for 15c. Three can* of Van Camp's Spaghetti 25c. Twenty-five cent Jar of preserve* for 20c. Bucket jelly 5c per pound. All 6c packages crackers 6 for 25c. All 10c packages cracker* 3 for 25c. TOILET SOAPS. All 25c boxes toilet soap for 20c. All 15c boxes 2 for 25c. One do*, toilet soup In the box 10c. THESE PRICES LAST ALL THIS WEEK. PURE FOOD STORE. HARDY BROS. Phone 62 P. s. WE ARE THE LEADING SEED, FEED AND FERTILIZER MERCHANTS OF THIS SECTION. Miss Delia Paschal returnen last night aft«r a short visit to Guyton. The specialty at the Airdome t! week Is good. See them. 9 Mr. Is. I,. Thomas left for Douglas] today In the interest o ft'ie Cola Co. The popular .sheriff of Clinch coun ty, Mr. I.ee, came to Waycross last night on business of importance We are glad to repott that Dr. K. F\ English is steadily improving Com his recent sickness. Mr. Charlie Hurt is doing well we hope will soon be out and among his friends again. Mr. Is. Fort Jackson, of Meridian. Mis* is registered at IgiGrande. also Mr. H. R. Moore, of Lexington. Va. Dr. Young says he left Mr. S. Floyd up in Asheville, N. G\. Improving in health steadily and enjoying the de lights of that beautiful city. Mrs. A. Fleming left last night for Eatonton where she will spend two weeks. We offer the public greater values in Furniture* Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Art Squares, Stoves and Specialties than any firm in South Ga. When we Sell for Cash we almost Eliminate the word Profit. 4 !Our Prices on Terms are the Very Lowest an<L our terms are very easy. See us before you buy, we take pleasure in showing you through our line. HOME FURNITURE CO. 40 Plant Ave. Phone 49 f3==# Mr. and Mr*. W. F. Brown of Jiew* .acy have been guest* of Mr. and Ira. J. D. Crawford for several days. Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers” and “Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. M.nuf.ctu-rd In Waycrou, G*. 8: PITTMAN CIGAR CO. ANOTHER -BLIND TIGER 1 CLIPPED Failure Staten, a negro woman tiled this afternoon In mayor's on •blind tiger” charge. Chief F. R. McDonald had worked up a clear case against her and Mayor Pro Parker fined her fioo or 9*1) days. Our city police are stressed upon litis matter ami the road for a “tiger” to travel is a very rough one now infinity If he's a black 'tiger". RING 174 FOR WOOD. 1m. pion buck awing da nt the Majestic this > world's chain r, Ed Kenedy, « TRY THF WANT ADS •» For woo4 phono m. JUST RECEIVED AT HARDY BROS., BROOKS COUNTV HAMS, SIDES AND SHOULDERS 1 2t 0- VOOOOCOOOOOOODCoo DON'T GO TO Go to 43 Gilmore street, when your eye* need to be looked after or any other Optical work you may need. I want you to see the Fits-U Kyjjulaases. T. A. W. ELMGREN, OPTOMETRIST, 43 Gilmore Street oo^ooooooooooooooo Miss Muzie Basinajian of Atlanta is arrived and now has charge of to violin department at Rimn-Bell Institute. Mr. and Mts. Burdette Loomia and daughter Miss Grace left today for Brunswick and Savannah where they will speud several days. > OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooo<x>ooooooo<K>oo{ HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’^ “Big Clearance Sale” Of all winter shoes. Prices greatly reauced to make a quick sale. Wisdom comes only through exper ience. therefore do not too harshly censure your hoy when he makes a •Mistake. Our popular conductor. Harry Red dick, returned today from a hunting trip Iu Florida. He report* marvel ous experience In the game line. Mr. W. T. Brleon, our well known Elk, left today on a business visit to hi* country estate —Jnst as Jolly and j Jevlal as ever. ' Mr. W. H. Crum, representing the j llohoken I .and oC., has opened a real j state office in Southern building, in office formerly occupied by Judge Kates. “ZEIGLERS" LADIES PATENT LEATHER BUTTON DRESS SHOES. REGULAR $4.50. Reduced to $3.25. LADIES VICI AND PATENT LEATHER DRESS SHOES. REGULAR $3.00 AND $3.50, Reduced to $2.50 CHILDRENS VICI AND PATENT LEATHER BUTTON SHOES, $2.00, Redaced to $1.50 0 ■; - o BOYS* BOX CALF SHOES. KIND TO STAND HARD WEAR, Reduced to $1.35. INFANTS’ AND SMALL SIZES BABY'S VlC| BUTTON AND LACE SHOES, 75 CENTS KIND, Reduced to 50c. Special prices on all mens shoes in this sale. Humphreys & Williamson ) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO < Mr*. Stubbs of Oedurtown will ur- Ive in the city the latter part of the eek to he with her son Mr. Stubbs of the Citizens' Bank. Mrs. Stubbs will be at Mrs. Becks' on Mary street. AGENTS WANTED Tot Matheson “Silent Six AUTOMOBILES All that the asm* Implies. SILCVT-SWXTT—ECONOMIC A X, Corker Motor Gar Co. (Ut, ATLANTA, GEORGIA TRV THE WANT ADS Bad Colds! Seals Cold Tablets will break up your cold in one day. If they fail you Can*have your money back-—25c THE SEALS PHARMACY TUB BXXALL STORK bag* Plants lion. It t* Impossible to get any better more reliable plants than our*, as we use nothing but the best seeds from old grow ers of undisputed reputation. Try oursand be convinced. Don’t look for cheap seeds 6a, ~ k sssarssJS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CARRIAGE PAINTER 13 Parallel Street. Phone 574 : ( Carriage and Antomobile Painting NEATLY EXECUTED F. O. SMITH; ONLY FIRST CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER IN TOWN. ''OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO