Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 01, 1911, Image 7
WAYCR03S EVENING HERALD JwTJITH YOUR MEALS a glass of Bowden Lithia Water yyy is most beneficial. It promotes digestion, insures assimilation of food and prevents excessive fermen tation. Drink it freely—it's healthful all the time. Bdwdm Lifhm, WATER ‘Tha Greatest of All Natural Mineral Waters" is exceedingly palatable, being delightfully soft and light. It is an ideal Table Water, Bottled Only at the Springs, and prescribed by leading physicians for the treatment of Rheumatism, Gout, Cystitis, Calculi, Gravel, Indigestion, Kidney and Bladder disorders, and all diseases caused by excess of Uric Acid. PRICE ( 5 Gallon Demijohn . . . $2.50 t-*- r. o. o. uiu. o,... ' V A n ' > i Art follows: If shipped by Express, eaptie* cat be returwedfree. T IQT Gallon Curboys . . . $5.00 (W'aei returning empties always enclsse Express i ljial ( 6 Gallon Cases 112 Bottles) $2.50 D-iw-.st.0Oi c„b.„, «2.oo ; c,,.,. si.oo. F. O. B. Lithia Springs, Georgia AV ■" Order of as direct, to be shipped to you from the Springs (Lithia Springs, Douglas County, Georgia) the day order is received, or order from your druggist or grocer. Everyone Can Afford.Thit Splendid Modern Shower Bath The Knickerbocker Spraybrush is more ben- Cost! ffidtal to every member of the family than Qj,|» IM finest over-head shower bath equipment .. * but one-twentieth as much. 52*00 Attaches to any faucet in thirty seconds —no plumbing expense. The bath is ready instant! The h undreds of soft rubber tubes or "teeth" d a thrttfgh massage to every part of the bod$% get the dirt out as nothing else can, and the myriads of invigorating streams envelop the body In c delightful shower^ . ^ The Knickerbocker Spraybrush Gives V c The Ideal Bath, j Shampoo and j Massage. ^ Saves time and energy, insures a clean, smooth, healthy skin and good circulation. Knicker bocker Spraybrush No. 5, like illustration, 3# in. in diameter with 225 hollow teeth, 6 feet of fine white rubber tubing, one tingle faucet con nection, guaranteed to fit any faucet, aa all complete, nicely boxed, price. • • fa*vv I Other Styles at *3.00 and *4.00. A. 8p**?5al Barber's Shampoo Brash ....12.00 Gaanutt—J to Attach m't tor homes without bathrooms, 90e Fit Aay Faucet Get a Knickerbocker Spraybrush today.* Fully guaranteed—you risk nothing— Your* Money Back If Not Satisfactory Knickerbocker Spraybrushes are for rftale by leading Drug, Dept., Hard ware and Plumbing stores everywhere. Get a Spraybrush on your first trip down town, it your, dealer does not carry them s»*n bis name audt be mon ey. We will send direct to you, prepaid, on ten days trial. Descriptive booklet free. THE PROGRESS COMPANY. 53-210 Monroe Street, Chicago. III. The Famous R&^O The Lamp with Diffused Light ^hould always be used where several people sit, because it does not strain the :yes of those sitting far from It. '• The Rayo Lamp Is constructed to give the maximum diffused white light. Every detail that increases its light-giving value lias been included. The R.yo 1* * low-priced Itmp. You may i»v SS. $10 or even $20 for other lempt *nd gel • " . nnnl.ln.F hllf VAtl C1HI PORTLAND CEMENT MADE NEW RECORD PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF PRO DUCTION OF PORTLAND CE MENT IN 1910. The production of Portland cement made a new high record in the year, 1910. Fi(pm statistics and estimated received by the United States Geo- logical Survey from about 20 per cent of the companies manufacturing Portland cement, representing nearly half of tlie entire output of the coun try, it is estimated by E. F. Burc'uard, | of he Survey, that the quantity ol Portland cement manufactured in the United States in 1910 was between 7:5,500,000 and 75,000,Ooo barrels, as compared with 63,5o8,471 barrels pro duced in 1909 —an increase of 10,000,- 000 to 12.500,000 barrels, or 15 to 2o per cent. The figures at hand are derived from all parts of the country at large rathor than of any single section or district. Although the average values for 1910 appear, from returns received thus far, to have been slightly higher than in 1909, prices were far from satisfactory, especially to the largo manufacturers in the, I.chigh Valley district and in certain of the Eastern States. The year 1911 opens with prices cut 5 to 10 cents a barrel low er than those prevailing in 1910. The construction of several new plants has been pushed during the year, and several plants that were under con ! struction In 1909 became producers (in 1910. so that the kiln capacity re ts far in advance of the demand. , more expensive contslner—but you ctnnot get i better light then the R.yo give.. Thi. teim'i R»y® bat » new » nd ned burner. A wrong, durable »h*de-hoWer ceps the shade on firm •JjlJJgf* Essf to keep olished, ss it Is made of solid brass, finished n nickel. Once a Rayo User, Always One. Standard Oil Company, hi) A GOOD POSITION. Can be had by ambitious young met- and ladies In the field of “Wireless* or Railway telegraphy. Since the 8 hour law became effective, and sine* j the wireless companies are establish ing stations throughout the country there Is a great shortage of telegra phers. Positions pay beginners from $70 to $90 per month, with gooo chance of advancement. The Nation al Telegraph Institute operates six official institutes in America, undo supervision of R. R. and Wireless Offl clals and places all graduates Into po sitlons. It will pay you to write them for full details at Cincinnati, O., Phil adelpbla. Pa., Memphis, Tenn.. Daren port, la., Columbia, S. C.. or Portland. Ore., according to where you wish to enter. . 16 SOI One oi Our Great Values Solid Oak Rocker, Exactly like cut, cobbler seat, heavy white hickory stretcher connects arm m A Large Comfortable, Servicable Rocker - each Pn our easy payment plan. Lloyd’s Pricess Go-Carts Cost no more but arc absolutely the begt mo.icy can buy. Extra wide seat, finest grade . S patiern Springs, Laige Canopy Hood, folds with! only one motion, Covered in Be,-it Grade Chase Leather. These are only a few of the reasons why this is the best carriage on the market. $8.50 :TO 1$ 12.50 EACH. Chiffoniers AT 15 PER CENT LESS THAN OtIR REGULAR PRICE Which was already very low. we have a large assortment and in orcer to reduce our &ock at once, will sell them at the above discount until the require number have been disposed of. We have Great Values at from $7.00 to $25.00 Our Spring Line of [Room Size RUGS A-'- --ow on display. A truly beautiful assort ment. all the newest oriental and floral pat:erns in the latent shades and colorings. Our line includes an all wool 9x12 feet size, seamless 7-wire tapestry* Brussel Also the- be& grade Smith Axmini4ters9xl2 feet size, in the seasons patterns AT $22.50 We will have in a few days the largest assort ment of CREX Rugs ever shown in this city. STEP Ladder None charged AXMIMSTER RUGS VA feet wide, 4 feet long, all wool, handsome oriental and floral patterns! One of our great values $1.98 each on our easy ment plan. pay- Special Prices this week on Writing Desks we have a number of different styles to close out at a substantial reduction in prices. 4 65T0 10.00 The Store of Great Values where Youj Credit is Good WALKER-MULLIGAN FUR. CO. Phone 499 A. R. HOOD, Mgr. 106 Plant Ave.