Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 01, 1911, Image 8

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Starts Friday A.ID. Feb. 3, Doors Opens 8:30
10 Yards Best Calico For 10c to The 50 Ladies
Entering Store Ftiday Morning
Corner Lott
& Mary Sts.
or Shine Everything Mem and Up-Jo
(Continued from Page 1.)
*er bn» heard of WaycioM anj car-
•rljr look* to aee what appearance It
make*. Kirat Imiirea^one are gener
ally laatlng. Untidy at reel a. aandy
aguarea, and aqualld r.urioundlnga
strike n visitor unfavorably and
leave Impression that all our progress
and advertisement fall to eradicate,
in the pioposed movement tor the <
encouragement of civic pride, ulong
esthetic lines is opened a splendid
opportunity to develope. I.et us ho
Improve, lay out and beautify our
Hlreets and parks. Kspecially in the ty of the depot and Its surroundings,
centre of the town, that the new ciU-1 The ruilrond company and the city
zen and passing visitor may have j gove rnment and citizens have joined
inde'ibly impressed upon his or he* ! hands in making ft one of the most
mind, that Waycrosa is not only a j pfctuicsque depots we have ever
progressive city from a business stand } seen. The aquares adjoining the de-
polnt, but is a city where good taste j pot are beautifully laid out In flow-
and education prevails. Where the , ers and schrub. So much so that ev-
beautiful goes hand In hand with the eryone is anxious for the train to
practical. j stop long enough for them to see the
In the State of Michigun Is a-small J beauties provided. The name of j
town beurtng the name of Niles. ' Nl'es Is a byword for beauty le
Whenever you go in that section yo* section. Waycross can do likewise,
hear of that town. As you pass thru at greatly less expense; as wo have
it you are at once struck by the beau-! the balmy weather to help us. ;t
proposed at the civic Improvement
meeting to suggest means to remove
the unsightly gnrbage boxes from our
prominent streets; to find some
meami to dispense with the ugly poles
and signs that adorn the edges of our
pavements; to adopt uniform hitching
posts, nicely painted; to plant our
parka In shrubs and flowers; fo ask !
the railroad to fill in the wuste plac
es, and themselves become erabued
with civic pride and park and plant
side by side with city. These are a
few of the many plana the CivAc
League movement hopes to achieve.
and plans along these lines will be
discussed. ' “W."
To such effort every loyal Waycross-
ite will be sure to respond.
No one man can do this. The city
administration alone cannot do it. It J A young lady the other day, speak-
will require the active sympathy and | Ing on this cow question, narrated an
practical effort of the men, women instance of some one in a northern
and children of our city, and the ef-jcity. who asked a Waycross resident
forts put forth now. will mean that in i where she came from. 1 come from
years to come Waycross. will be {Waycross, proudly sahl the Waycroso
known as the “Beautiful city of I resident. Waycross? Said the north-
Southern Georgia, the first glimpse of! era lady. Oh, yes! I remember Way-
troplcal Southland." y [ cross. That's where the cows come
A meeting or citizens will probably j to meet the trains. Surely Waycross
be called on Friday night to which ! is ready now to remove this cow nt^
the ladies of our city will be invited 1 sance from our streets.
, . TneGI be Dry Goods Co. Purchases “The Hub” Stock of Savannah _ .j;
$10,00G.oo Worth of Merchandise,!
at just one fourth ils actual worth. The Hub Co., needed the money-*we had the cash-they sold at our
pri:e. T he Globe Dry Goods Company have turned this entire &ock together with their own stock
over to the J. SADLER CO*, OF ALBANY, GA., with orders to dispose of it at just any
price that it will bring. THE GLOBE DRY GOODS CO S. STORE NOW
CLOSED Sadler will open the doors to the Big Public Sale c
Friday morning, February 3rd, sharp 9:30 O’clock
Be here with the crowds. You’ll never see another event like this. Look for the banner covered front.'
Old Stand
Wanted. 25 Extra Sales-
Ap£tV P NOW. 4