Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 03, 1911, Image 1

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an», tod^y appointed *.tyiss Eunice Semmes of Montgomery sponsor of erout factories, and railway shops, Churchwell Bros., have not been in «ufe<i an enviable reputation for rood »aluc» and conrtaow, WatMumt.—HY thriroad of pro|r«u, which our ( now entered upon, will bo ler extended: * 200 PAIRS &F PANTS Worth From $6.00 jboif t forget the Candy Matinee at the Majestic Theater EVERY 8ATUR- 10*Y AFTERNOON J to S o'clock i E»ir> child buying a ticket wljl be given FREE a, bag of good wholesome candy, end ih addition to tula they wilhaee two reel, or floe motion pic ture*. and the tegular raudorlile ahow. All for 5 centa. Send the klde alongdandtthey will beptrwmilljfJopV-! happen before totnorrdw. . jelam and goaalp, ah hurtful and un- -* necessary. The flyince cimthUtee are ; dfserving of cj)6v*tulalions on the '• atep they hgve taken. aycross Evening Herald. WAYCROSS, GA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1911 T NUMBER 146 CALL BETTER CHANCE FOR MEETING CIVIC IMPROVEMENT GATH ERING AT BOARD OF TRADE TONIGHT. The following call for the general of those Islerested in Civic was issued today by A. M. Knight, president of the Board of Tirade: Feb. 3, 1911. | WRITES BOARD OF TRAO.E THAT HE HAS DECIDED THAT THIS j CITY IS THE RIGHT PLACE FOR INVESTMENT, AND IS AR- RANGING TO MOVE HERE. » FAIR WEI I HER IS IN OROER BUT CLOUDY CONDITIONS HAVE UPPER HAND IN THIS SEC TION. Generally fair tonight and Satur-j SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY ORGANIZED HERE. day. That’s the dope from Washington. Waycross continues to develop new j enterprises, uml one of the latest io come forward, fuUfledgcd and organ- 'zed, Is *be Waycross Ravings and ' |Tri)J. Ajqm patty. This com par, ! For this section today toe weather "When the census returns for Blr- seems anything but fair. The cloud mlnsham, Ala,, were announced 1 conditions which became general l,,te ! t .a P l,alle»<l at one Hundred thouiand thought I would go there and see it yesterday failed to pas, over, and un-! (|100 m , 0) dollttrgi and overy (Tollllr " he nu8plce8 ° r " ,e Clvlc Jl could make a small investment. ' iese something happens In keeping J of |be beel) by Way . ; While arranging matters to carry out J with the dope showers long past due | c;ogg people. Organization was ef- j this Intention the Waycross figures J will reach Waycross before Sunday, j feoted Wrekf aml the foUowlng j j came out. Of the two 1 selected Way j J gentlemen elec ! cross, and hope to call on you in toe j near future." That’s an extract from a letter I from a Georgia man, now living In a OUR CITY A CARO FROM MAYOR COX THE CHAIRMAN OF THE FINANCE J COMMITTEE TALKS ON THE j IMPROVEMENTS THE SEEK,' TO INAUGURATE. Improvement committee of the Way- Board of Trade a meeting of interested is the - movement will be held* at the Board of Trade In the Southern building to night at 7:.10 o’clock. A cordial in vitation to everyone, men and wo men, who are interested in civic Im provement, Is extended. A. M. Knight, President, Board of Trade. IT PAYS WELL GETTING UP EDDITION DE LUXE OF WAYCROSS. Mr. Charles Temple who Is and will for some days be staying in our city at the Phoenix for the purpose of forming an edition de luxe of Way- cross. There can be no question from what we have seen of its for mation. R&peclally should we mention Us cover page In which Waycross Is | Georgia town, not far from Atlanta. J [ He says he has satisfied himself thor-1 oueblv, and cannot get here too soon • j to suit h1s desire. The writer has j j friends in Waycross, and he has made i known his intensions. He refers in i his last lette I es he sees lanta papers, A great crowd , of excited people gathered outside the Churchwell store er to the favorable node thl * '«"**** b,0 , cklnB «*• j of Waycroaa in the At.;" l,le *» lk ' 11 '' nsn '« » j strike or anything like that. It was just a response to Judicious advertis ing of a great sale. When the doors M|SS SEMMES APPOINTED j opened at 8:30 the immense • crowu 8P0N80R FOR U. S. C. V,(surged in for a while, completely I swamping the clerks, and the bargains Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 3.—Dr. Clar-J were secured with great celerity, ence J. Owens, commander-in-chief of j little later the experienced clerks se- shown by a charming sketch as <?*jthe United Sons of Confederate Veter-j cured control of the situation and did tending the glad hatid with its num- .1 as directors: J. L. j Sweat. J. S. Williams Dan Lott, J. ; L. Walker, G. W. Been, L. J. Cooper ! and D. F. Arthur. ! The company is to do a comprehen sive business as its title indicates, and the fact that it numbers anion*-, Its directors some of our most enter prising and successful business and professional men, Injures Its success. One. of the mafu features of the mpnny's pi..a of operations is the loaning of money to people for the especial purpose of building homes - the loans to be repaid In monthly or other easy installments, thus meeting me needs of salarle.i people or oth- \ ers who cannot command large sums at one time. With the continued and j increasing demand for houses in Way I cross, the need for such a plan of operations is apparent, nnj this fea ture alone will make for success and popularity. But the company has other lines of netlvbtf* planned out, prominent aw ong them being a savings department, Where a sufficiently high rate of inter est on savings will be offered to in duce and attract this class of busi ness. it is believed that there Is murh money In Waycross which Is not being deposited In the banks and this company Is going to make a spec ial effort to draw It out. It will ulso urge the savings plan on salaried peo ple to the end that the "habit of sav ing" may be fostered and encouragi'd. There will be other features, includ ing u general trust business, the de- lopment of property and the en couragement of home-btillulng. .1. Cooper, the President of! the First National Hank, was elected i President; ,J. 8. Williams, Vlcc-Pres-1 Went; J. L. Sweat, Attorney and U. F. Arthur, Secretary. At the present the office of the company will be in the old National Bank building, and steps wljl be tak en at once to begirt business. While rtain legal requirements are being j worked out by'the attorney the sec- wnyrr-rfcd, in formulating j yh.ns l< rallying oh fie business. While certain Togul reqmrements uro Editor Evening Herald. In reply to Dr. J. L Walker's first two questions in his card published I In ycstci day’s Herald, will state that In an Interview today Alderman 1 account of the absence of the •lux. Sinclair, chairman ol the finance I , ' h * lr, »»» of Ihe Finance Commlltee, committee, explained somewhat In de- j Mr - ^ w Sweat who was in Texas tail the object of the Investigation whon our ,ftBt Council inerting was now being made of the various sys- j held . deem'd ft prudent to hold up terns of keeping the hooks of the sur-! a ^ reports until he cpijld pass upon rounding cities, and why they had de I tl,em - We "hall endi&vor to- give termfned to adopt a new plan in oiirl l * ,e8e reports to the public within a city office. He stated that they had ’ fcw days, having nothing to with- no criticism to offer and no fault toJ* u dd from the Doctor nor the public. | find with the work of our efficient Replying to the Doctor's third qties- city clerk, 1. W. Strickland. Looking ,lon « "M®* **»»«• U is quite true ! upon him as an upright honest ser-'^at Council at ft* last called meeting vnnt of the people. But for some time they had bden impressed with the fact that the system or lack of system now in vogue In our city of fice cumbersome und out of date, and does not meet the needs of our grow ing city. Under the present method it is almost impossible to keep a check on the finances of the office. If at any time it 1b necessary to find the cost and expense of any depart-' nient, it entuilB luborous and examination; that wai passed resolutions authorizing the Mayor to borrow the sum of $15,000 towards defraying this years expens es. It is not a large atnouut Doctor for a city the size of Waycross to borrow, when some of our neighbring cities not so large as Waycross bor row all the way from $30,000. to $40,- 000, and some of these cities have re sources, of revenue that we haven’t. Now Doctor to answer your last research ' Question it will be necessary for me both te- to n*k you a few questions. Don’t dious and unsatisfactory and he . y° u owe the City of Waycross for side thought It wa absolutely necessary pavlug put around your resl^ that a change in method should be.® 11 ® 6 0D OlJmore street, about three adapted and the system Inaugurated ' ye*** »|0? Doctor Isn’t It true you whereby the accounts could b|| kept °* $74.40 for street paving In front of In such shape that any citizen at your store property on Jane street* any time could Inspect the books and Put down nearly four years ago? -Tfftnd out at a glance’almost, Just how doctor WBT It equally true that you the money was being spent and the ^ *0*1 y°ur colleague, Mr. A. M. Knight exact conditions financially of each , have three unsecured promlsory notes department-and the funds of the city amounting to $5,553.41 due the City in general. A simple business-like Sinking Fund since last February and and up-to-date plan that would meet have not even paid the Interest on tho every emergency, and show every de- same. By the way Doctor you and tall of receipts und disbursements o. I Mr. Knight will he forced to pay lt;e city. Hence the movement of In-j these notes and two years Interest vestigation the finance committee j this month, or we shall force you to were now making. {put up Mifficlent and satisfactory col- No special system said Mr. Sinclair lateral to protect the same. Now as yet been adopted, but the various * Doctor you are very dull in mathe- plans were under consideration. From ' matics If you cannot figure out why the store of Information on hand, u ( we have to borrow money so early ts system could ho worked ©uf:, t’ at, the year, when we are car ylng delln- would be very satisfactory to all c«n qents like yourself. / ned. The books used In ThomaHViilc, | (sample leaves of which ure In hands j of committee) are very concise and ' yet elaborate In detail. Every-Hew ANOTHER HOME BUILDING. secretary will e engaged in formal t ing plans foi carrying on the business | iarand in a very short while the active opi aliens will begin. Waycross weMmee the new aspirant for popu lar favor and will no doubt find In It much of usefulness to her growing needs. necessary to intelligently check and show every cent received, collected and expended In a city government. I The first book, the "Receipt Account i Book". This book Is Intended to! show every account duo the city i from each citizen. When paid anu j for what paid. &o that at u gldncv you could see whether and when "John Smith" paid street tax, wutc-’ tax, IIcnifc. etc., crediting each itenf to the,department to which it belong* ed. Book 2. Is the “Disbursements foi General Government’’, and is divcitod und sub-divided into different 'ncanjis, police, fire, health, etc., anj shows every voucher d awn, for whom, fot what purpose, its number, Amount und charges it under the vatTou* heads. Ho that you can, in a moincn*. tell what each department is spent* ing and will) little trouble, Just what each department costs the J-Book .'J, Is called "The Balance Ledger", and shows in p’overly de tailed columns the receipts.pud dis bursements in every idepartaient; sinking fund, bon Is, etc., so that e ■ry month, if necessary, comple and absolutely correct report of the exact financial condition of .the city can be made. These facts re ot grave jim/^snee to every citizen and if the plans are carried out w.ti remove the cause tor annoying oritl Mr. Virgil Parker has just closed contract Tor a beautiful homy to be built for Mr. H. Hengfveld on Mc Donald street. It will bfi a 9 root houne, with every modorn conveni ence. : Mr. Parker states .that rthe plans show that It will be one of tho ‘handsomest homes In our city.