Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 03, 1911, Image 3
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD BAD COLD8 ARE THE MOST C OMMON AILMENT KNOWN TO MAN AND THE M08T DANGEROU 8, FOR THEY ARE LIABLE TO DE VELOP INTO A 8ERI0U8 ILLNESS OR EVEN TUBERCULOSIS, WHICH ALWAYS START WITH A COLO AND 18 RESPONSIBLE IN SOME m for one pww-m — Rpto THE STANDPOINT OF H EALTH, HAPPINESS AND ECONO- MR' WILL PAW YOU TO KEEP-ONE OF OUR COLO REMEDIES ON HAND/AT ALL TIMES. SOME MEM3ER OF THE FAMIL IS SURE TO NEEDt'IT. J. C. PAYNE, DRUGGIST, Open Day and Night “OUR WAY" of doing laundering suits our custom and we’re going to keep right along doing our way, because its the ! right way. THE WAY TO J-AUNDRY 18 TO LAUNDRY RIGHT. That's what thin laundry always has done, and will continue to keep on doing. Try us and be satisfied, al ready. YOU’VE LOST SOMETHING BY N OT L A UN pER lJig HE RE. . Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 9. SAVES TWO LIVES. “Neither my slater nor myself might be living today, if it bad not been for Dr. King's New Discovery.” writes A. D. McDonald, of Fayetteville, N. C., R. F. D., No. 8, “For we both had frightful coughs that no remedy could help. We were told iny sister bad consumption. She was very weak and had night sweats but your won* derful medicine completely cured us both., lr Is the best I ever used or heard of.*' For sore lungs, coughs colds, hemorrhage, lagrippe, asthma, hay fever, croup, whooping cough,-* all bronchi cal troubles,—Its supreme. Trial bottle free. 50c and $LOO. Guar- stftfeed by All Druggists. L. McConnell, Catherine, St., El mira, N. Y., writes: “I wish to express my appreciation of the great good ! 1 derived from Foley's Kidney Remedy , which I used for a bad case of Kid ! ney trouble. Five bottles did the work most effectively and proved to tne beyond ii doubt it Js the most re liable kidney medicine 1 have eve: taken." Gem Pharmacy. Try a Want Arl. I NOTICE TAX PAYER. I Specific tax apd Corporation Taxes arc now due and can be paid ^ by I making a visit to ir.y office in the I court house. v -T. T. Strickland. Tax Col. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. For the next thirty days 1 will of fer imy farm, adjoining the cotporaie ’iniils of W&vcross on the Waresboro r»r sale. The farm consists of 04 partly under cultivation; horse, wagon and buggy, hog end cat tle feed, etc. if you want a bargain see me quick. • >IU1 Mr. K. ft. Gorman, .€ 3td Hw. R. f. D. No. 4. « l Way cross, Ga. i «». SING 174 FOR WOOD, 1nr. WING 174 FOR WOOD. -f IN THIS DAY AND AGE THE PROPER EQUIPMENT IS NECESSA RY FOR SUCCESS IN ANY KIND OF BUSINESS AND THE FARM IS NOT AN EXCEPTION. EVERY FARMER USES UP TO DATE MACHIN ERY SUCH AS BINDERS, MOWER8, CORN PLANTERS BUT 8TILL LACKS MANY CONVENIENCES THAT COST COMPARATIVELY NOTH ING. a tout the handiest thing around the farm or barn la a good wheelbarrow. They save many a useless step, many a heavy load and many an hour's work. We have wheelbarrows made of hard wood with removable sides, others with steel bodies. The frames <.T all of tfiem are stiff, and well brncod. , Don't forget to come In and price them the next time you are in town- P. iV. Harley Hardware Co. 44 Plant Ave. Phone F GRAND COMBINATION % l Starts Friday A.M. Feb. 3, Doors Opens 8:30 10 Yards Best CaliccF For 10c to The 50 Ladies Entering Store Friday Morning Come Rain or Shine Everything Mew and I/p-To Date—GET A SUPPLY NOW Corner Lott & Mary Sts. CHURCHWELL BROS. WAYCROSS GEORGIA. tks XX *