Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 06, 1911, Image 4
W\YC~ 'V'S EVENING HERALD ( , | . <'s Stop Coughing TAKE PAINES Cough Syrup It Relieves PRICE 25c 1H£ SOULE Gem Pharmacy T. S. Paine, Prpp. P80NE 52. ♦W ; As A Special Inducement FCR YOU TO CALL AT OUR NEW STQRit THIS WEEK, WE OFFER YOU THESE SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON THE FOLLOWING GOODS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY; Eggs 25c per do/.. Oatmeal 10c per package. 3 packages of corn hakes 25c. t 2 16c cans Blbefta peachen 26c. California Brownie peaches 25c for 20c London layer ralslni Me per pound. California figs 15c per pound. 35c can sliced pineapple, fine stock, for 25c. 2 tall cans salmons 25c. 2 cana Nabob peas 50c. Clipper brand peas 10c per can. 3 jars peanut butter, good stock, 25c. Seven |>o.*»<jh of Red Band snuff for 25c Seven packages Red Tug tobacco for 25c. Three cans of good corn for 25c. Twenty-five cent bottle of Waguer catchup for 20. Three 10c bottlers Wagner catchup Six packages of Golddust for 25c. Six packages of washing powder for 25c. Personal £ Mil, Carri* Parham Social Ed,lor j v*> *>vv* *-<• ... Mr. . H. Bunn, of Fairfax is in ine city today fn the interest of his many j enterprises. Mr. J. C. Powel, who hai been III at the King's Daughters Hospital'is reported much better today. Mrs. C. F. Andrews, who has been quite sick at her home on College Hill is reported much beater today. The laadies Aid Society of the Pres byterian church will meet tomorrow afternoon at three thirty, o’clock with Mrs. Probst on Gilmore street. Miss Rosetta Taylor of Macon and Miss Agnes Brewer of Savannah are the attractive guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brewer, Mr. C. T. Hurt, la steadily on the mend, his special nurse has been dis charged and he is now able to sit up his friends/rejoice at, his recovery. Mr. s. Elkins returned to the city yesterday front an important business trip to Albany, Camilla and Thomas- Six packages of Sopade for 25c. COFFEE HAS CONE UP BUT WE f'"' 6 ln U,e M«"» D - & ! O. Lott. BOUGHT THIS BEFORE THE RISE, Thirty-five cent can best coffee for 25c Thirty cent can of early breakfast for FAR SIGHTED PEOPLE Patronise this Livery. They appro dale nor prompt service^ first-class turn onts and reasonable prices. If you appreciate all those /on will pa tronlxo us also. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery, and talc, stiblM. foL-Mu §L Waycrou, Ua. PHONE NO. fk Say hero la always a tenant for trained employe*. Ill* yeans map or woman who know* boa la tho one who seta iho preference. Way cross Business College Trains people in the principles and methods of practical business. Its a<l dates have no difficulty In obtain ing positions or (n making good after they have obtained them. A course hors would benefit you as it has oth ers who are now holding good post- 25c. Two '.ted ifot Tomollies, largo size* for 25c. Fifteen cent can strawberries for 10c Three large cans Hweot potatoes 25c. Four pounds fresh oyster crackers for 25c. Three pounds of cracker meal for 25c. Twenty-five cent can desort peaches for 20c. ■** Twenty cent can beef brawn for 15c. Three cans of Van Camp's Spaghetti «*■ ag Twenty-five cent jar of preserves for 20c. Bucket jelly 5c per pound. All fic packages crackers 6 for 25c. j AN gmafcfew oncktrs Z Jar 25c. .. TOILET 80AP8. All' 26c boxes toilet soap for 20c. All 15c boxes 2 for 25c. # ’ One dox. toilet soap ln the box 40c. THESE PRICES LAST ALL THIS WEEk. PURE FOOD STORE. HARDY BROS. Phone 62 P. 8. WE ARE THE LEAOINO SEEO, FEED ANO FERTILIZER MERCHANTS OF THIS SECTION. , Mr. and Mrs. Burdette I*comis ana Ailsb Grace Loomis returned Saturday night, after a delightful trip to Dar ien, Fernuudina and aeveral other pouts of uterest. Geo. Lewis, colored, escaped from ti e county chain gang, but was cap- tui'.d at Hlackahear by Sheriff Robin- •on and wll! row pay the penalty for ills few hours of freedom. Mr. A. R. IMttman ia riding around in great style in his new horse and buggy. He was the fortunate winner of same In draw on Saturday. We congratulate him. Hon. Ben Murphy, of Forgo, Is In the efiy today.- Hv vptmka most com plimentary of the Improveme; its he sees in Waycross and says vre are undoubtedly leaving our nelgl towns hopelessly in the rear. Ben Crawford, the well known old ne&io hacktnan. was rfila n orntng committed to Jail on charge of lunacy and will <n due time be tried before Ordinary Thomas. burins We offer the public greater -values in Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Art Squares, Stoves and Specialties than any firm in South Ga. When we Sell for Cash we almost, Eliminate the word Profit. Our Prices on Terms are the Very Lowell and our terms are very easy. See us before you buy, vye take pleasure in showing you through our line. HOME FURNITURE CO. Phone 49 40 Plant Ave. T T > OC’OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S “Big Clearance Sale” Of all winter shoes. Prices greatly reauced to make a quick sale. “ZEIGLERS” LADIES PATENT LEATHER BUTTON DRESS SHOES. REGULAR $4.50, Reduced to $3.25.' LADIES VICI AND PATENT LEATHER DRESS SHOES. REGULAR $3.00 AND $3.50, Reduced to $2.50 Alderman C. E. Dunn a back from St. Simona Island, he In city reporta Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and “Pilman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manufactured In Waycross, Ga., Bj* Fir rMAN CICAK CO. new St. Simon Hotel to be prog reaving rapidly, roof on and interior Work well under way. Mr. Dunn says the oyatera Simon are alniply fine and the excellent, but felt It bla duty tcfccomo up to Waycross and geo wbat all our excitement was about. CHILDRENS VICI AND PATENT LEATHER BUTTON SHOES, $2.00, Redaced to $1.50 BOVS’ BOX CALF SHOES. KIND TO STAND HARO WEAR, Reduced to $1.35. INFANT8’ AND SMALL SIZES BABY’S VlC| BUTTON AND LACE SHOES, 75 CENTS KIND, Reduced to 50c. MARRIED. Yesterday afternoon at Dednwood Miss Nina McEwen and Mr. Walter Flveaah wore quietly martied at the home of the bride’s mother. Rev. W; H. Scruggs performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Flveaah left last night Special prices on all mens shoes in this salt 1 - ---■ — ; Humphreys & Williamson Jooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo < nr wood phon. 115. >0 lm their home. ^ RING 174 FOR WOOD. 1m Ordinary Thomas had a rushing business In his marriage llcenso de- oooooooooooooooo partfent and Jasued three seta ln a DON'T GO TO Go .to 43 Oilmqro atreeL when your eyea need to be few minutea. It was auggeated to him that he might give a reduction In quanitlea. but nothing doing said the Ordnary. Judge W. A. McDonald was also busy quoting prices for tying the knot. AGENTS WANTED \ r " Malheson “Silent Six” AUTOMOBILES Alt that the a am* Implies. gXASST—8WZT9—SCO HOaCXO AX, Corker Motor Gar Co. put# Agents, _ ATLANTA, 4- GEORGIA Ow Vfladi Grad* Fro*t, Proof Cab le Wants ere now ready for distribu tion. it l> Impossible to act toy better or more reliable plants than oin, as we oae nothin? but tne beet aeeda from old grow- era of undUputed reputation. Try ours and be convinced. Don’t look for cheap aeeda orplanu from which to rrowerope, but seek quality U yon would succeed.. l&sttswsr^s saaanSS press nu« to all points. umw«Cfc*«iAWnmL$e. •* TRV THE WANT ADS Bad Colds! . Seals Cold Tablets will break up your cold in one day. If they fail you Can have your money hack— m 25c THE SEALS PHARMACY TBX UXAU.STO*! MhH! jOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CARRIAGE PAINTER 13 Parallel Street. Phone 574 Carriage and Automobile Painting NEATLYI EXECUTED F. O. SMITH, ONLY FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES PAINTER IN tbYrN. ®**«0000000000000000000000000000 mmmmm