Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 06, 1911, Image 8
I WAVCROSSEVENING HERALD MAKE READY FOR SPRING F AR away in the Metropolitan centers, and where Jack Fro^l dtill holds sway, the merchant is enabled to sell his Fall and Winter wares for months longer than we of this favored clime. With the passing of January, Spring in our Southland is indeed near, and in order to maintain out reputation as the "Seasonable Store” we must make ready for the large &ock of Spring Goods already ordered. Never in the padt have we made such extensive preparations to welcome the coming of spring, and to gather together such a &ock of all that is latent, stylish and be^t with which to engage the interest of the shopper who puts quality fir^t. Hence, we must make room, and in order to do so, make the following price concessions on our present stock. The wise shopper will do well to note the exceptional offerings which follow: Broadcloth, 54 Inches, $1.50 VALUE NOW 98c BROWN, ORAV AND BLACK. MESSALINE SILKS, $1.25 VALUE ... 98c SCOTCH PLAIDS 50 VALUES 35c 25 VALUE J2 l-2c MERCERIZED WAISTINGS, 35c VALUES 25c VALUES 20c VALUES. PRIDE OF TBE WEST. LINEN LAWNS. 15c to JJ5c EMBROIDERED SHIRT WAIST FRONT. ' NEW PATTERNS. 25c to 82.00 each. All-Wool Serge, 75 value • 49c BLACK, GREEN, RED AND BLUE. JACKQUARD SILKS ALL 75e VALUES • 49 C ROUBAIX SUITINGS. ALL COLORS GOING CHEAP TO CLOSE. 25c VALUE AT ... . DIMITIES, CHECKED AND STRIPt.0 FROM 10c to 25c * DOTTED SWIES 10c to 25c Diagonal Snitings 98c $1.25 VALUES TAFFETA SILKS GUARANTEED $1.25 VALUE8 98c AVON SUITINGS, STRIPE8 AND CHECKS WORTH 15c NOW ff c LINGERIE BATISTE - 40 INCH. 50e QUALITY -35 c 35c QUALITY 25c ITAMINE CURTAIN SCRIM 10c to 35c a yard A beautiful assottment of Nottingham and Venice all-over laces, and dress trimmings, specially priced, narrow braided, imporfed wash ( trimmings. Handsome Corded Pdohair WHITE, BLUE AND BLACK. 75c VALUE. 48c rajah silks A VARIETY OF COLORSvONLY. 50 Cents., IMPORTED LINEN WHITE, BLUE, CROWN AND PINK 50c VALUES ...,. . Handkerchief Linen VALUE 50 (ftS. Silk Petticoats BLACK AND PERSIAN. $5oo for . 53.98 ' GERMAN LINFN Fringed Towels. 50c VALUE 35(fts 25c VALUE l$rfs Brilfiantine 75c VALUE Q WHITE, TAN, GREY, BLUE, GREEN AND RED. Shantung Silks. 75e VALUES 50 c LINEN SUITINGS SERVICABLE COLORS. 10 to 25 cents per yard. FLAXONS CHECKED AND STRIPED. 12 l-2c to 25c MISSES LISLE GAUZE HOSE JUST •N 25c SPEADS CUT CORNERS. FRINGES. ONLY SI.SO Table Full of Mercerized Damask hemstitched tow els. Big Values jy ^ at 'Long Flannellette Kimonas Short $1.50 Values 98c 50dts. “ 39c Childrens* Dresses ..A PRETTY LINE JUST IN, THE BEST STYLES, ALL COLORS, RANG ING IN PRICES FROM 40 INCH. WHITE LAWN GOING AT 50c to $1.75 10 CENTS. 5000 Yards Torchorn Lacts 10c and U l-2c values only i . » . Table Full ot 12 l-2c, 15c and 21c Embroideries only 5c 10c ..ONE LCT OF Chidrens’ Dresses FROM 1 TO 5 YEARS, WHILE THEY LAST ONLY 25 tfts. SHOE BARGAINS We carry such a large stock of shoes it is hard to price them all. We>can fit the whole family^ 293 pairs Ladies’ Button and Lace Shoes, broken sizes $2.50 to $3.50, to close - $1.98 250 “ Mens $3.00 to $4.00 $2.48 AGENTS FOR: Queen Quality SHOES FOR LADIES’ Nettleton’- tad O<»wf0 ds' SHOES FOR MEN j .g Bu&er Brown SHOES FOR CHILDREN A beautiful line of Ladies “Musline Underwear’* just received cpme and see these pretty, dainty garments.. Quality and Prices to ( suit everybody. v - $ V " ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo 000900000-00000000000000000 No Baricaded Front! All goods can be selected with Full Benefit of Natural Light. These goods were Bought to Sell in Waycross—and nowhere else—and if Quality and Liberal Price Concessions will sell them they will be sold here. 6 and 8 Plant Ave.