Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 10, 1911, Image 2
WAYCROSS EVEN ING HERALD THE EVENING HERALD —*— Published By - — THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Perham, Sr A. P. Perham, Jr. Editor* and Proprietors. Mitt Carrie Perham, Personal, Society and Local. The Waycross Herald founded In 1885. The Dally Herald founded in 1892 by A. P. Perham, Sr. Telephones Fluslness Ofllte 25 Editorial Offle 25 Residence 268 Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Office No. 8 Jane Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Mon Hi $ Months II.2G Months $2. Year 15. SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thunks, resolutions arid notices of entertain ments, win re charges are made, will be charged at advertising rates of 5 cents u line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscriber* to The Herald that do not receive the paper promptly and early will please ring-up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble to bint, as this Is the only means that We can assure you prompt a ad early delivery. THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the (-lilted Htates Codrt of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCROSS, GA., FEB. 10, 1911. WHAT HAS BECOME OF THE GA. STATE ORPHAN8’ HOME? In looking up'data on other mat ter* we came across a aerie* of acts and resolutions In General Assembly, of 1KC6. at Mlllcdgevillc, Gn., that showed the existence of or Intention of creating a Stale Orphans* Home, mid we are curious to know whether such plan succeeded and ^whether eiudi a home Is now supported l»y our Slate or merged Into some other'll* si It ut Ion. Doubtless some old Geor gian can supply tjie Information. In the acta of 'I860 we And the (egleht Hire donated the Okefenokeo Swamp f unds to the Georgia Orphan*' Home; also In same legislature we*And they sold to Macon the •'State'* Interest In ■nine" reserve land. "In or neur.Mn con tor 910,000. said money to ho dedicated and appropt lifted to the Georgia ,'State Orphans* Home*, and In same year we find an act passed, lo modify the law ,against lotteries, to enable \V. W. lloyd and Mrs. Wil liam Wilson and other* to conduct h lottery or lotteries In .city »»f Atlan ta, to raise money for the building and* maintenance of the Masonic Or phans* Home. And among the pro- vU|ons was one that they should make annual return*„imdct oath to fioorgla. that tn» monies had been properly applied, ■eve., and In case of failure fto carry cut these agreements, nil property and assets shall be turned over to. the Georgia State Orphans* Home, so that evidently thla Home nrna l» 'active •existence at that time. And again In name year, 1*66. vie bud the following resolution:! "Be It icaolved by the General As sembly of the fltate of Georgia, that Mra. Helena Dorse.v of Atlanta. Geo* gla. be-and Is hereby appointed a\ ""gent for the Stain Orphans* Home, dlect funds or other material for ' Home, and shall Mr. Loomis has lu past years made I many scientific discoveries*, but in ;ils I latest achievement we are rejoicing, j because through It, products that are now absolutely worthies* can he used! He has discovered a new method for the manufacture of paper pulp from all kinds of wood. The slabs from saw :.r,r,s, wart- from dune ml! • and turpentine fac tories, sun flower stalks and things ] that are.now of no value can through this process be converted Into paper at one third less time and co*t .than the present method of manufacturing paper. We realize the great value of this discovery because paper pulp Is largo ty used in the manufacture of automo- blleH, roofing. In making silk, and for hundreds of other purpose The heroes of the twentieth century j are the men wwbo help their fellow man. In I this achievement of Mr. Loomis we recognize an era of pto- ftresft opened for South Georgia and a I real benefactor of'mankind. J Mrs I. If. Redding. ! Suggests an exchange: Vue largo increase in population in Wayeioss and Ware county shows what printers Ink will do. The people there have advertised the resources of their sec tion during the past few years, teach ing prospective settlers from the North and West, while the car shops and lumber mills helped swell the roll. — • •—^ ■4*— • Hryan'M majority for senator tu Florida was.610 over Blount. Botn men were educated In Georgia, Blount at tho State University and Bryan at Emory -College. Jacksonville con tinue^ to have both of the Senators. 4 South Georgia Is being' pecked by citizens from North (leorgtaT North Carolina and other Southern atates, attracted by our almost unlimited re sour cos.- Adel News. • 4 An eagle that measured seven feet from tip to tip, carried off twenty lambs In a month from a Nqrth Geor gia settlement recently. Impressions of deepest regret on ac count of Senator Terrell s recent se vere attack come from every quarter. -4*—— New Orleans boosters have quit the light for tlie Panama Kxpoaltion, seeing that Frisco already had It. 4*— Macon seems In earnest about mov ing that capitol building. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ■ n i ApcrTecI Remedy forC<»is(i|» Hon, Sour Slomarh.Dlarrliota Worms .('onvuIsiouU'cvvma ness and Loss OF Suin'. FacSi;»ib Signature uf ■KEW YPHK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA ABOUT IRONING n i DO YOU KNOW THAT BY USING AN ELECTRIC FLATIRON YOU CAN CUT YOUR IRONING LABOR IN HALF? HOWEVER, BECAUSE OF THE GREAT SAVING IN TIME. THE COST IS LESS THAN BY THE "HOT STOVE” METHOD. WE SHOULD BE PLEASED TO PROVE THIS TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION, AND A REQUEST WILL BRING AN IRON TO YOU FOR A WEEK’S TRIAL. C CCNTAUN COM SAGE FOR DARKENING THE HAIR. | DEATH IN ROARING FIRE , May not result from the work of fire- I bugs but often severe burns are caus- «ed that make a quick need for Buck- Therein nothing new about the idea of len’s Arnica Salve, the quickest, aur- using Mgr for restoring rhe'color of the cat cure for bums, wounds, bruises, hair. Our grcut-gruuduiotherx kept their boils, sores. It subdues Inhumation, locks soft, dark and glossy by uoing a It kills pain. It soothes and heals. **sag«‘ tea.*’ Whenever their hair feJJ out Drives off skin eruptions, ulcers or or took ou a dull, faded or streaked ap- plies. Only 25c at All Druggists, pearunce, they made a brew of sage' ■ ■■ A R eL,ABLE COUfiH MEDICINE rr* a ,v^“o rXr^ ;h. „VV m, i " “ valuable family friend. Foley’s ami matin. Hi- brew. Tin. Hi done by SJ* UL.J!?”' akillfnl rllt-mists belter Iban We eould do ' m ' U .: m |i v a t,o"ve been cur It onrwlvea. have to do I, to. I— 1 ?”* °‘ my family have keen cur- cull for the ready made produef. IVyeth’i For either acme > nrof.u disorders, for annoy vii vh.u. Irregularities, take r o1 y Pills. An huucet ann eHecx:\c Ine for kidney atU bladder dors. Gem Pharmacy. n«?i edi- 4lsor- Wage mid Sulphur, containing sage Inlhc prrtpfr strength, with the addition of Sulphur, another old-time scalp remedy. This preparation U sold by all first-class druggists for f»0c. and $1.00 » bottle, or is sent direct by the Wyeth Chemical Company, 74 Fort la mb Ht„ New York City, upen receipt of price. P or Sale and recommended by Chsro ee Pharmacy. THE PACIFFIC MONTHLY’S SPEC IAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER. The Paclfflc Monthly, of Portland, Ore., la a beautifully illustrated month ly magazine which give# full informa tion about the reaourcea and opportu nities of the country lyjng .West of tho Rockies. It telle about the Gov ernment Reclamation Projects, free Government land and tell* about‘the •port her ac * districts adapted to fruit raising, dairy- the Board of Trustee* of said log, poultry raising, etc. It has splen- Approved, 10th Nov. 1 stories by Jack l.ondou and other w' j noted authors. ^£fst facts, as they j The pr j ce j, f i.so a year,, but to In > *(si?ry of our Oke- j troduce it we will send six months for would like ^ fifty cent*. This otter must be accept ed on or before February i; isll. Send your name and address accom panied by fifty cents In stamps and learn all about Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and California. Address; The Paclfflc Monthly, Port ndt'OriRfon, famtf. SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY. "I want to thank you from the bot- tonr o{ my heart.” wrote C. B. Rader, of (.cwlsburg, W. Vn„ “for the won derful double benefit 1 got from Elec tric Hitters, m curing mo of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from wwlch I had been an Almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It milted my cise as though made Just for me." For dys pepsia, indigest ion, jaundice p.ml to ft<t the system of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism, Electric Hitters has no equal. Try them. Every bot tle I* guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50c at All Druggists. OLD SOLOIER TOTUBED. "For ycaya 1 suffered unspeakable torture from Indigestion, constipation and fiver trouble,” wrote A. K. Smith, a war veteran aCKrle, Po.. “bui Dr. King's New Life PUIr fixed me All right. They’re simply great.” Try them for any stomach, IKer or kid ney trouble. Only 25c-at All Drug gists. ' A ed of bad coughs and qoMs by the use of Foley’s Honey and Tar and I am never without a bottle In the house. It soothes and relieves the irritation In the throat and looaens up tho cold. I have always found It a rellnble cough cure.” Gem Pharmacy. LOOK FOR THE BEE HIVE. On the package when you buy Fol* ey’s Honey and Tar for coughs and colds. None genuine without tfcs Bee IHve. Remember the name, Fa ley's Honey and Tar and reject any substitute. Gem Pharmacy. WOOD! WOOD! WOOO! Wood, any length, at Thomas Bros. Ware County Light & Power Company. Telephone 30 COQOOOOOOOOO<XX>OO«OOOO0OO<X>OOOCiOOOO - FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS -V. Arr tonic in tu-tfon. quick in r«\ units. A special medteine for nit kidney and bladder disorders. Mary C. Abbott, Wolfcboro, X. If., says: -‘I war afflicted with n.bnd case of rbcu* instlsm. due to nrlc aetd that my kid neys failed to dear out of mjr blood. I war so Ionic in my feet. Joint*. Mid bock that U was agony* for me to stop, t used Foley Kidney Pills for three days when J m able to get up and move about and the paint were all gope. Tula great diange In condition I own to Foley Kidney Pills and re commend them to anyone suffering ns I have." Horn Pharmacy. FARM FOR SALE. Do you want a tour hundred acre. Ware county farm, conveniently locat ed to market, treat of Waycross, on the Brunswick and Weatcrn Railroad between Haaty and 8atilla River. Tim ber and wood on Ibe land would pay for It, If marketed. 30 acres has beet In cultivation. Public road pastes through It, Well watered. Fulmoor creek Is Its' eastern boundary. Owner wants to sell for division. Go end see It trill bear Inspection. Call on or write 8!mon W. Iliteh, Waycross, war* County. Oa. se 1m Incubators and Brooders Watt Hardware! ICo. >0000000000000000000000000000000000 FOR LAGRIPPE COUGHS AND STUFFY COLI Take Foley'* Honey nod Tar. glvca quick relief and expel* the - from your system. It e ' platea, Is safe and sure, micy. K J. P. CONNOR—First class Shbc Irlng; also recovers and repairs -liars to order. 112 riant ave-- nue. NOTICE. due, State and County,' Sheriffs office and acttle a. !S, or levy will be [ Drug Store Comforts There are ttianjr things for your ' convenience and comfort at our Drug StVe. Ice .Caps, Rath Brushes. Springes, Ctiamols Hot Water Bags, Toilet Necessities, Face 'Lotions, Su- * perlor Cold Cream. U here ever there It Anything you want from a drug store.telephone us and you will secure the best of service and quality. t*aa v\ Pittman, Sheriff. •e Repairing bolstering 'I doing biaihen 1 stand, tt Brew- .he Court Home, r—clean up .and old furniture, w—We also do oholsterlng—re- t eases, etc. is strictly cash So work dettv- e money—Work thirty days af- vrlll have stop ed and will be d for chargee. iSS«. Cherokee Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS PHONE ISO ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a POTTER & McMAHAN GENTS FURNISHING^! TAILORS land BARBERS. [Tailoring AlJReasonuble pjices, THE U GRANDE B4RBER SHOP liiPUnt Ave. LaGrande Bldg.