Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 10, 1911, Image 5
WA YCROSS EVEN ING HERALD oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I WE NEVER ! Sacrifice Qualify f To Mm lse Bargains § y This store's mission is to prov- £ fttrona with .the very boat f quality of goods. Quality is the bffual Consideration at ■met and then we make l price as low as the quality ► ponnit. If you are chasing seem- iug bargains about town you will PERSONAL I®, i HE MARRYir. .Judge W.’A. Mcp( a me of tile "Alai tiu Viu. ludge," as a veddinga Ik* al hundred. ; At' THE I MAJESTIC j THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Herbert & Vance, TERRELL MUCH BETTER: RELAPSE IS DENIED. ► cmjoy the. change of using goods *. { pom our store and getting at treasonable price the quality that ► does not mean waste. Every | article }' t get of us guaranteed * to be god. If you will supply 'your table from our store you \ will live economical and live , well. REMEBER WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. C. C. Butter 2?.c Making Cust-« omers every. ....Chickens every Friday., Fresh Celery every Friday Saturday. Full stock Hay, Corn arid Oats; And Cov. feed. Cheaper than ! other fellow. Fresh Brunswick Bread, every Morning. WE PAY CASH FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. fltallGMYBOi ¥ Wilson Block. W. M. Wilson, Mgr. ♦0^00000000000^04 ie*ult of the numerous has piesidcd over, sc\ Some of hia experlcncis u« a ills peuscr of matrimony are very racy. He conducted another wedding yes- teiday. Judge is especially popular along this line with the colored folks who are seeking combined bliss. An old da;key was asked the other day why they were always so anxious for . "The Judge" to perform the ceremony. ! The old darkey with a solemn shake of ids head said, “WVs all like's The .redge, becas’ he per nonces the cerement ‘so presslve’." Washington, I). C., Fob. Terrell denies emphatically tuor that Senator Terrell In nigh-ciass musical act, using ed a relapse, on the com suffer-1 v she j liras.-, Reed and String In at omenta, Marimbophones and Xylophoittes. The Pest musical act on the road; also MISS MARGDERET HASTING, IN HIGH CLASS SONGS. Admission Matineet 5 A 10c Admission Night 10 A 15c IN TWO MINUTES. I Easiest and Quickest Way To Break Uo A Cold. Sculshipcd Oysters are deliciously j if you want instant relief from cold flavored morsels c>r sea food. If yo». Itl i, ea .j or client, or from acute cu ir of the real sea tarrh. try this: next order Yead j nto a j, ow j 0 f boiling hot water ail other oysters j JOU; . a teaspoonful of HYOMKI, (pro nounce it High-o-me) hold your head would Kuow ti;e da. oyster, make your “Senishipt". Unlike —infinitely lietter. WE Are graduqfte Opticians—Specialists In fitting glosses to eyes in need, and ARANTEE to giro absolute satisfaction in every particular, so «uro are we of our abil- lty to please you with Our Work fLittle & Odom, jewelers and opticians. IT GROWS HAIR. Here Are Facte We Went You to Prove at Our Rlak. Marvslou, aa it may seem, Rexall • "93” Hjalr Tonic lias fir own hair on heads that were once bald. Of courac, In none, of tiiesc cases were the hair roots dead, nor bad the acalp taken on a glaze I, shiny appearance. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic acts scien tlflcally. destroying the germs which are usually responsible for baldness. It penetrateH to the roota of ithe hair, atlmuIutlnB and nourlahlng them Jt is a most pleasant toilet necessity, is delicately perfumed, and will not gum or permanently stain the hair. We want you to get a bottle of Rox all "93" Hair Tonic and use It as di rected. If It does not relle-.m Irritation, remove dandruff, prevent the hair from falling out and prfflhote an increased growth of hair, and In evors'^w-.Y give entire aatlsfactlon. *lraiil> ; .vno back and tell us. and without question or formality s. win hand back to you every penny yon paid us for It. Two »Ues, 50c and $1.00. Sold only at our atorc—The Rexall 8tore. The Seals Pharmacy. 600 pair boys pants, 18c. 29c and 30e They are worth double. 10 2t Olobe Dry Goods Co. NEW 8PRING SUITS JUST AR RIVED AT BON TON. SPECIAL nOTOICC. ' K yon wfttto boy a welt enablleb- «d retail grocery holiness, cheap for eaA, aeo Thorpe A Co. 1 lit Hardy Bros. j over the howl and cover head and -— — ■ ’ "■■■“ i bowl with towel. Then breathe the n |—> | j- J pleas-ant, ‘penetrating, antiseptic va- I i\ i ,,or (,eep ,nto the ,nn « s - «ver the For Infants and Children. isore. raw, tender membrane, and most The Kind You Have Always Bought i« r “ tlf ^ lnB re " ef " m mme l “ a few sfgnaturo of Druggists everywhere will soil . , I bottle of HYOMKI for -0 cents. Auk ■—- — I f or extra bottle of Hyomei Inlialent n °- | Don't he stubborn. Don’t be prej- i udiced. There is not a particle of J morpliine. cocaine, or any Injurious ’or liabit forming drug in HYOMKI. Give it a trial at G. R. Brinson Co’ risk, they guarantee it. It is made of eucalyptus and other grand antisep tics. It will chase away the misery of catarrh or any infliction of the nose and throat in a few minutes. You can get a trial sample free by writing Booth's Hyomei Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Feb. 10-20 Mch eays lie is improving rapidly. 1 saw I Mrs. Terrell at her hotel this after-j loou.-* She had Just left the senator j and s:i!d lie seemed much lietter. ! Mens and .ladies umierwe tions, etc., in our big sale. 10 2t Globe Dry Goods Co. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS \Ve regret that bv the sudden sick ness of one of our most efficient car rier boys, some of our subscribers failed to get their papers yesterday. These things are unavoidable but we hope it will not occur ngain. Circulation Manage/ MARRIED. Thursday afternoon at three o’clock at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W.'H. Scruggs. Miss Onie D. Griswold and Mr. F. T. Gamer were married. Rev. W. H.‘Scruggs performed the cero* moiiy. **Wr and "Mrs^Gortfer left last' night for Washington 'and Richmond on a wedding trip. They will return to Waycross to make their home. Cream puffs, lady fingers, pies, cak es or anything in that line at Way cross Bakery, phone 72 or 443. 10 tt Sheriff Robinson, of Blacksheai phones td^Ware county officers to look out^fcP^Lem Holbert, a negro, wanted in Pierce county. Deputy Sher iff C. A. Bennett soon captured him and ho is now In Jail awaiting aetlou of Pierce officials. Double bill at the Majestic bulance this week. Seo our ad In another column. 0 3t| DON’T FORGET THE AFTER-8UP- >PER SALE AT CHURCHWELL Tin can oystets are not' Sealshlpt j BROS., 8-9-KM1TH. STORE OPEN Oysters. You can only get Sealshlpt j *riLL 9 O’CLOCK. Oysters from n clean white and blue! — porcelain enameled hSealshipt case,! VALENTINE DAY, FEB. 14TH. like the one we have In our store. Give Sealshlpt a trial—theu be con-' vinced. f Hardy Bros. RED MEN8» SMOKER FRIDAY NIGHT 7:30 P. M. All Red Men In good standing are invited, 8 p. in., all Red Men and oth ers are also Invited that wish to hear about Redmen8h!p. I.ott-Hltclw Build ing, third floor. 9 2t DON’T FORGET THE AFTER-SUP- PER SALE AT CHURCHWELL BROS., 8-9-10-11TH. STORE OPEN ’TILL 9 O’CLOCK. We have the Valentines, n beautiful assortment at—Reddings. 7 Gt G1LCHRI8T—WALDREP At the Gilchrist home on Gilchrist Park, Mr*. Hattie M. Gilchrist aud Mr. J. A. Waldrep were married last night Rev. A. M. Bennett porformed the cor- emony. Only the family and a feu friends being In attendance Mr. and Mrs. James Guyer who ore special friends of the groom were the guests of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Waldrep are at home to their friends. Guest F«r wood phone 215. 20 lm Tire EXCHANGE BANK Solicits Your Bank Account And Influence. d he seemed much belli* Mr. Terrell's secretary insists that • ho Is improving and much hotter.! Hospital declares report of relapse! unfounded. Dr. Terrell's statement follows: j “f am glad to And the condition of' my brother much Improved, i And he had a slight cerehal hemorrhage— following an attack of acute indigos-j tlon- which caused some paralysis on ! the right side, but this is gradually I subsiding. His circulation and total-} peiattire are now normal; lie is thor-j ouglily conscious and is taking an i lut* rest in affairs around lilm. 1 hope! he will be sufficiently recovered in a! few days to return to Atlanta, where • he can be quiet and recuperate. I (Signed) -II. W. Terrell, M. D.' J “Senator Terrell's earliest symp- j toms were those of an acute digestive disorder, but later there developed j weakness of-the extremeties of the | right side, with some difficulty of ar-j tlcuhitlon and it was evident that he had suffered a slight cerehal hemor- Miage. Ills present condition Is more satisfactory. Pulse respiration and temperature are entirely no:mat and he is actively interested in his Bur- roundings. (Signed) George M. Ruffin, M. D. Sterling Ruffin, M. D.” ALL THESEMENHAVE k iWORKEDTOBTHE ’5AFETY0PY0URM0NEY WHEN'ITISIN'A ■ r NATIONALBANK THE CONFIDENCE AND SECURITY THAT COME WITH THE POS- SESSION OF MONEY IN THE -ANK IS GREATLY ENHANCED WHEN IT IS A National Bank. FOR HERE IT HAS EVERY SAFE GUARD POSSIBLE FOR HUMAN IN- GENUITY TO DEVISE. IN SELECTING A BANK IN WHICH TO DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS OR SURPLUS, THE ONE THNG TO BE CONSIDERED IS SAFETY, AND WE ASK FOR YOUR BUSINESS ONLY ON THE BASIS OF Absolute Safety First National Bank CAPITAL $200,000.00 STOCKHOLDERS LIABILITY *400,00 TOT Al RESOURCES OVER , *700,000 Hello Central! j Give me No. 522 Please j v N. A. Joseph—522-Right j What Have You In The Fruit I.lnej Today? Bananas, Pineapples, Grape Fruit, Apples. Tangerines Coccoanuts, etc. PRICES PLEASE Bananas 20c: Apples 60c per peck: Oranges from 15c to 30c per dozen; Pineapples 10c to 15c each; Tange rines 10c to 15c por dozen. Don’t Forget ,to Order the Celery Delivered. 522 PHONE NUMBER. N. A. JOSEPH T. II. BLIZZARD’S Meat Market, Plant Ave. 108 Phone 242 All Kinds of Fresh Meats, NATIVE AND WE8TERN. Fish and Oysters JU8T OPENED FI8H AND OYSTER HOUSE. PHONE ME AT ANY TIME FOR THE BEST THE MARK ET AFFORDS. T. H. Blizzard, 108 PLANT AVENUE. MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES BEFORE BUYING YOUR MONUMENTS TOOM8TONE8, ETC. j CALL AT THE NEW MARBLE YARD AT Cl ALBANY AVENUE < AND SEE OUR STOCK. WE GUARANTEE OUR MATERIAL 1 AND WORKMANSHIP TO BE THE BEST. OUR PRICES ARE j RIGHT. l WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY ! J. M. Clark, \ 61 ALBANY AVENUE. MOR. WAYCCROS8, Oa. ' A IAYFAETTE marvelous result of GREAT DISCOVERY. When the Root Juice scientist was at f.ayfaette, Ind., Mrs. Tom Sheldon WANTED—Lady agent to sell toil et articles. Fifty por cent. Call at Herald office by ton o'clock Saturday morning. 10 It FOR SALE—-A Goat (half Angora) of that city, called on him uml said: harness and cart, phone or noo James I actually hung to the neck of my Harley. 10’-21 Riband and pleaded with him to try j — i- Root Juice. So much was being said | n a man j n my life. Ho told me about* the many cures the remedy that he would not take a fortune for was making thal 1 felt it might do'what n (>0 t j U | C e has done for him.” DON’T FORGET THE AFTeR-SUP- PER SALE AT CHURCHWELL BROS.. 8-9-10-11TH. STORE OPEN TILL 9 O’CLOCK. CLASSIFIED WANTED WANTED FOR U. S ARMY—Able- bodUkl unmarried men between area of lBjtad 36; citizens of United 8 to- tos, tft'good character and temperate habile, wbo can liienli, rend and write the English language. For Informa tion apply to Recruiting ofllccr, Sonth- Kulldlng. Wajrcroas, fin.; 13 Weat York alrccl Savannah On.; 108 Writ For- eylh street Jacksonville. Fla.; 140 Market Btreet Charleston. S. C.; or 113 South Maine atreet, Fitzgerald, fin. Jan. 7 If. WANTED—FupUa to tnke mualc leaaona on braaa or etrlng Hn.tru- menta. Call A. R. Marks, 62 Tebeea Slreel, phone 560. 4 6t LOST—On Plant ave., baby pin, with three Inltlala on It. Pleuae re turn to tbla ofllce. 8 2t LOST—On atreet, aquare gold Pl0. Finder pinnae return to tbla olDce and rrceivo reward. 8 3t FOR 8ALE—Good milch cow, tt milk. Cheap far cnah. J. I). Moore, 33 Walker atreet. 8 3t FOR RENT—Threo comfortable roome. Apply 3 Owena atreet, 8 St WANTED—6 or 8 ruun nouae cen trally loraltd. Will lei.cn. Add mat "M. E. M." care Herald ofllce. d 3t ACCURACY AND PROMPTNESS - SAFETY AND LIBERA LITY —Are ths Marked Features of Our Business. We Invite You to Try Us. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W. H Buchanan, President. W. H. TlcRae, Cashier. S9iMSS8S8.il him some good. Ho had suffered for year* with hi* stomach and kidneys and «<*vere headache. Every change of the weather hi* back hurt him In tensely, and of late years the lighteat food would ferment in bis stomach and bowel*, and the formation of gas would cause him to bloat very much. He had tried ao many Vhlng* that he had lost heart, but I finally persuaded him to fat 'a bottle of Root Juice. The first bottle made him feel ao much better that he went back to the drug store and got three more bottlea. After using four bottles of the truly wonderful medicine bis health aeeik* perfect. I SSver nw inch n dung* you OF THEIR EXCELLENCE. The remedy creates much excitement in every city in which It is introduced One of the demonstrations was at Jacksonville recently and nearly ev ery day the nswspapcrn at that point reported marvelous good that was being derived from the use of the remedy by numerous citizens. The Iiyitrurtors have hundreds of testl* monlils from people who have been cured by the great remedy. The peo ple at Cherokee drug atore are very pleasant I nesplalnlng the remedy. WANTEO-—Young men in aulomo* MIe business. Big demand; short hours; fine pay. I .earn at home In Fparn time; Write Empire Auto In* ' stitute. Box 30, Rochester, N. Y. FOB SALE—Horse. This Is a good sound young horse, dart grey, weight 1,000 pounds; a good quiet driver and worker; price 9165. J. R. Tibbs, Waycross, Oa., R. F. D. No 4. 10 Ct POR 8ALE—One slightly used. Standard make Piano. Original prtca 1325, price now {$203. Easy terms. Phone 276 or call at 19 A street. 10 U RIPE PINEAPPLES—Direct to con> ONE TRIAL OF THOSE OYSTERS lumers. Choices recipes upon re*> AT HARDY BROS WILL CONVINCE quaaL Applethorpe Plantation, Anko* na, Fla.