Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 13, 1911, Image 7
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD Sheer Linen Lawn 36 INCH WIDE 35c QUALITY NOW 29c 50c QUALITY NOW 42c 60c QUALITY NOW 54c $1.25 QUALITY NOW 98c Irish Sheer Linen Lawn 36 INCH WIDE, BEAUTIFUL QUAL- TY. SPECIAL 25c VALUE 21c BENTON’S Great Fifteen Day Cleatoncc SaW CONTINUES ONLY A FEW DAYS LONGER SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK New Lace Vais TORCHONS AND ETC., SPECIAL. 2c, 3c, 4c, 6c. 8c. 11c. 12c. 19c. Embroideries PRETTY NEW PATTERNS CLEARANCE SALE PRICES. 8c TO 89c YARD Clearance Sale Prices ON ALL YARD GOODS. JAPONIKA SILKS. X WOOL SERGE DOUBLE WIDTH RADICAL REDUCTIONS ON SECOND FLOOR Special 29c. 36 INCH WIDE Taffetta Silk BLACK AND COLORS ALL COLORS Special 42c. Ladies* Coat Suits CLEARANCE SALE PRICE Indies’ Skirts CLi„H.-\.4CE sale prices. $7.48 to $18.48 l $2.48 to $10.98 Clearance Sale Prices on All Wool Goods UpLLIUl LI / V* Ginghams NEW LOT Special 9c-llc 9 THE NEW SUITING WORTH 25c 6 YARD, ’ \ Now 19 dts. Brown Linen \ CALICOS. CALICOS 36 INCHES WIDE. , x SPECIAL Very Special 15c Yard ' x 4&c yd. 5}£c yd. SHOES SHOES LADIES’ SHOES ALL KINDS. BUTTONS AND LACE *1.25 LADIES SHOES 79c *1.50 LADIES 8H0ES *1.19 *1.75 LADIES SHOES *1.29 *2.00 LADIES SHOES *1.39 $2.50 LADIES SHOES ..*1.49 & *1.98 *3.00, *3.50. AND *4.00 KNEELAND SHOES AND OXFORDS FOR MEN. MIENS’ SHOES *1.25 MEN’S SHOES 98c. *2.00 MEN’S SHOES *1.27 *2.50 MEN'S SHOES *1.95 *3.00 MEN'S SHOES *2.49 Childrens’ Shoes BIG BARGAINS. 21c, 39c, 69c, 79c, 89c' . Black Satine PETTICOATS SPECIAL 69c to $1.79 BEAUTIFUL PILLOW TOPS, VERY SPECIAL 8c to 21c Blankets EXTRA LARGE SIZE $1.29 to $7.49 SPECIAL REDUCTIONS SHEETS 81x90 WIDE HEMS 79c 68x90 WIDE HEMS 42c 54x90 PEPERELL 54c 90x90 EXTRA SIZE 89c BED SPREADS—QUILTS CLEARANCE i SALE PRICES, PLAIN AND FRINGED 89c, 98c, $1.(9, $1.59, $2.39 CHILDRENS* COATS CLEARANCE SALE PRICES. $1.39 to $6.48 LADIES’ WAISTS LINENS LAWNS AND SILKS. 25c to $4.7? CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON MUSILIN UNDERWEAR Table D imask A NEW SPECIAL 21c Yd. 50c DAMASK 42c Yd 75c DAMASK 69c Yd BLEACHING VERY BEST QUALITY 36 inch WIDE 9 CTS- YARD. Sea Island—Homespun 36 INCH WIDE 36 INCH WIDE 4 1-2 yd. 5 1-2 Yd. 7 1-2 yd. No. 6 Mary 1 4 . V Street. | n. i j- No. 6 Mary Street. Gasoline Lighting System I. H. LEWIS “THE LIGHT MAN” FOR MORE LIGHT, BETTER LIGHT AND CHEAPER LIGHT, 8EE J. H. LEWIS. I GUARANTEE TO GIVE ANYONE 50 PER CENT MORE LIGHT AT 60 PER CENT LESS COST THAN EITHER ELECTRI OR ARTIFICIAL GAS—ASK THOSE WHO ARE NOW USING MY LIGHTS. WHEN YOU PASS THE CITIZENS BANK SEE THE LIGHT BURN— THE WONDERFUL STREET LIGHT. WHEN YOU WANT THE BEST / THERE IS DON'T FORGET I HAVE IT. I SELL ANCHOR SUPPLY CO'S. AWNING8 AN TENTS. J. H. LEWIS, PHONE. 414. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Fresh Fish! AT ALL TIMES AT THE NEW CITY MEAT MARKET 19 Albany »«o A. j. BURKRALTER. Prop. Phone «J Dealer in Fresh Meats of Every Discriptiou, SFs' All Kinds Country Produce. I HAVE ALSO PUT ON A FISH WAGONI CALL US WHEN IN NEED OF ANYTHING IN THE FRESH MEAT LINE. A. d. BURKH ALTER WILL COMPETE WITH ANY FIST-CLASS MARKET. Try A Want Ad. PIANO TUNER Geo: W. Coe Formerly of New York City, will locate permanently In Waycross, after Oct 16th. Save Your Piano Work! for a local tune”, that win heer it in good shape at all times Leavo orders with J. S. Knight,, O. R. Brinson or Majestic Theatre, or 'phono 1 2191 ! FOLEY’S KIDNEY REMEDY —AN APPRECIATION. McConnell, Catherine, St., El mira, N. Y. t writes: “I wish to express my appreciation of the* great good I derived from Foley's Kidney Remedy which I used for a bad case of Kid ney trouble. Five bottles did the work most effectively and proved to me beyond a doubt it is the most re liable kidney medicine 1 have ever taken." Gem Pharmacy. @ B$EED.S BW Fieih, Reliable. Pur# Guaranteed lc Plots llf^H i:vpry«;»r.!' , RFrar,'l • .' •i\ ,t ;r ‘"'I’: inor.wnj-ee SFECiaL orrcit FOR 10 CENTS will feci postpaid our COU-tCJ'Ojh i »k«. Mmni lueuh , I If A. ,.. • Mi • la iim mmmmi m. rcoi opposes I PEOPLE MING SEN.! | Washington, Feb. 11.- Opposing all , suggestion looking to a change In the j manner of electing United States sen I ator, Mr. Root, of New York, today ad j dressed the senate on the rerolutlpn j providing for election by dt.« of the people. Mr. Root at the outset took positive position against both the propositions contained in the resolution. Ho would not have senators elected by direct vote, nor, If they were to bo so elected would he have the control of such election transferred from congress to the vasious state legnslnturm. For con cress to abandon jurisdiction over sen- I atorlal elections would be equivalent he said, to the government's surrend ering its power to maintain Itself. Mr. Root found in the main proposi tion that of changing the method of [ electing senators, an efTort to evade i responsibility in the matter of gov- * eminent. Declaring that the prinicipal i reason given for the change to be the ! corruption of state legislatures lntho j interest of senatorial candidates, ho | said that a more fundamental change .should he made than Ik proposed. He would go to the root of the trouble by so purifying plltics as to obtain better material in the legislatures, “If the people would look properly lo the selection of legislative candi dates, he was sure thero wonlti b* comparatively little complaint conccr nlpg the election of senators byy legls latlve actions und he was sure that In that event agitation for direct elec tion would gtadually disappear. The' Herald's Job office Is running on full time. We have new type and new material and we propose to torn out satisfactory work at reasonable pfices. For wood phooe tlF, » la Seals biped Oysters are delicioujly flavored morsel^ of sea food. If yo** would know the flavor of the real sea oyster, make your next order read “SeaUhlpt". Unlike all other .oysters —infinitely better. Hardy Bros. Far wood phone fill. ik. |1. to Hi M A. B. & A. R. R. “The Standard of Excellence In Passenger Service.” SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 18, 1810. 7:20 am 6:00 pm T.r. Brunswick Ar. 8:10 pm 10:45 am 8:00 am 6:40 pm Lv. Thnlmai; Ar 7:25 pm 10:00 km ’ 9:20 am 8:00 pm Lv. waycro,, Ar. 6:10 pm 8:46 am 11:00 am 9:40 pm Lv. Douglas Ar 4:35 pm 7:10 am 12:06 pm 10:45 pm Ar| Fitzgerald Lv. 3:30 pm 0:06 am 8:20 am 7:16 pm Lv. Tbomaavllle Ar. 6:50 pm 0:20 am 9:26 am 8:22 pm Lv. Moultrie Ar. 5:33 pm 8:06 am 10:36 am 9:30 pm Lv. Tilton Ar. 4:30 -pm 7:06 am 12:16 pm 10:65 am Lv. Fitzgerald Ar. 3:25 pin 6:00 am 1:40 pra 12:15 am Lv. Cordela Lv. 2:05 pm 4:40 am 2:01 pm 12:34 am Lv. Vienna Lv. 1:38 pm 4:14 am 2:48 pm 1:23 am Lv , Montezuma Lv. 12:60 pm 3:30 am 3:00 pm 1:36 am Lv. Oglethorpe Lv 12:45 pm 3:25 am 4:28 pra , 2:58 am Lv. Talbotton Lv. 11:16 am 2:00 pm 6:05 pm 3:40 am Ar. Manchester Lv. 10:40 am 1:20 'am 6:10 pm 3:45 am Lv. Mancheater Ar. 10:35 am 1:16 am 6:28 pm 4:06 am Lv. Woodbury Lv. 10:14 am 12:62 am 6:19 pm 4:59 am Lv. Senola Lr. 9:20 am 11:54 pm 7:65 pm 6:40 am Ar. Atlanta Lv 7:45 am 10:15 pm 10:45 am 3:45 am Lv. Mancheater Ar. 4:30 pm 12:45 am 11:55 am 4:45 am Lv. iljtOrange Ar. 3:25 pra 11:45 pm 3:50 pm 8:40 am Lv. Talladega Ar. 11:35 am 7:60 pm 6:50 pm 11:45 am Ar. Birmingham Lv. 8:30 am 4:45 pm Pullman electric-lighted sleeping cars on night trains between Thomae* vllle and Atlanta, via Fitzgerald. Car leaving Atlanta ready for occupaooy at 9:00 pm. Train leaving Atlanta at 10:16 pm. gets connections from all Incoming trains at Atlanta, Including the South Atlantic Limited from Cin cinnati and the Dixie Fllyer from Chicago and 8t. Louis. Connections at other Junction points arc well adjusted and arc shown in the schedule (older which can he secured from any agent of this company. Attention la called to the establishment of connections at Atlanta from train arriving at Atlanta 6:40 am., with the South Atlantic Limited feavlnf Atlanta at 6:46 am., for Cincinnati and Chicago, and the Dixie Flyer leavtns Atlanta. 7:32 am., for Chicago and 8t. Louis. W. H. Leahy, General Pass. Agt. K. 11. Fell, A*at Gen. Pass Agt Atlanta, Oa. Atlanta, Oa. A. D. Daniel, Traveling Passenger Agent Try a Arl. ■SnK&mi warn mmmmmmmmmm