Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 14, 1911, Image 5
ooooooooooooooooo WE in-EVER Sacrifice Qaality ft Advertise Bargains : This store's mission is to prov da patrons witii the very best quality of goods. Quality is the Cardinal Consideration at all times and then we make the price as low as the quality will permit If you are chasing seem ing bargains about town you will eujoy the change of using goods « *iroin our store and getting at a reasonable price the quality that afces not mean waste. Every article yr ! get of us guaranteed to be go».J. If you will supply your table from o-r store you will live economical and live well. REMEBER WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. C. C. Butter 25c lb Making Cust omers every. ....Chickens every Friday Fresh Celery every Friday and • Saturday. » Full stock Haj\ Corn and Oats • And Cow feed. Cheaper than the other fellow. Fresh Brunswick Bread, every Morning. WE PAY CASH FOR COUNTRY ; PRODUCE. , ' J WILSONfilOCEftrCfi: «£ Wilson Block. W. M. Wilson, Mgr. J ♦040000000000040# GOOD NEW8 TO Ordinary B. H. Thorn the vouchers for pc:i reterans and wtil be 'BRANS. uat recei ved .jus for the prepared to start payiug them out tomorrow, Wed nesday morning. . the A r THE MAJESTIC MARTINI & TROISE Mori., Tuesday and Wed. Italian Street Singers ‘ Something Unu>ual and Extra Good." im 10 DIE If) ELECTRIC CHAIR! FOR A TRtPPLE MURDER COMMIT-! TEO LAST DECEMBER. I Atimissic AdmUsic Matineet. NigM. .5 A 13c 10 4 15c « WE Are graduate Opticians—Specialists in fitting glasses to eyes in need, and GUARANTEE to give absolute satisfaction in every particular, so sule are we of our abil ity tp'please you with -4 Our Work ! Little & Odom, 1 JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. Hello Central! Give me No. 522 Please N. A. Joseph-522-Right What Have You In The Fruit Line Today? Bananas, Pineapples, Grape Fruit, Apylffs, Tangerines Coccoanuts, etc. ' prices please Banumis 20c; Apples 60c per peck; Oranges from 13c to 30c per dozen; Pineapples 10c to 13c each; Tange rines 10c tb 15c per dozen. Don't Forget to Order the Celery Delivered, 522 PHONE NUMBER. N. A. JOSEPH TEXAS HARDWARE DEALERS. Houston, T« xas, Feb. li.—Promi nent retail hardware dealers from sectfon of Texas were on band at the opening of the annual convention of their Stale Association. Mayor Rice extended a cordial greet ing to the visitors and President Charles B. Smith delivered his annual address. No session was held this afternoon, the time being devoted to an fuspec- tltm of the large exhibttoln of hard ware goods that is being held In con nection with the gathering. The re* nlar sessions will be resumed tomor row and will conclude Thursday. The beautiful house of Folks aud Isabella street, owned Livelace. has Just been completed and is now leady for oc cupancy. The house is nuilt to ac* 1 — omodate either one or two families BOLL WEEVIL TO BE FOUGHT BY and Is one of the most convenient in BROOKS COUNTY. the city. i ! The Farmers Union of Brooks coun- The Womans Home Mission Socle-. t y at titeir regular monthly meeting ty of the First Methodist Church held at Barney on the first Friday in Feb- its regular meeting Monday afternoon ruary pa88ed the following resolution: and elected Kie following officer.: j Retl0 , veil , That [ho K;irme r u Ln- Irs. Langston—President. Mrs. W. W. Sharpe—First Vice- President. Mrs. C. E. Dunn- Second Vice- President. Mrs. Charles Strickland—Third V-lce President. Mrs. Alvin Johnson -Treasurer. Mrs. G. L Steele—Rec. Sec. Mrs. J. L. Walker -Cor. Sec. Miss Georgia Wright—Agent for “The Voice.” Mrs. L. A. Wilson--Treasurer for the Parsonage Aid. Mrs. H. H. Murphy -Honorary Vice-President. Friday, Feb. 17. will be observed a.- a day of fasting and prayer for the Home and 1 nreign Missionary Work. At ?.?.( in ‘l.e afternoon a Joint meet ing will lie held in file church with apptopriate literary and musical pro gram. All of the ladies of the church are Invited to come. CASTOR IA Tor Infant, and Children. Ths Kind You Haw Always Bought Bears the Signature of The first service of the continued meeting at the Presbyterian church was held last night. Rev. Shaw preached a splendid sermon to a very large congregation. The meeting will continue throughout the week, at 10:30 in the morning and 7 In the evening. Ail are cordially invited. 1500 pair mens odd pants in our big sale at half price. •10 2t Globe Dry Goods Co. T. H. BLIZZARD’S Meat Market, Plant Ave. 108 Phone 242 All Kinds of Fresh Meats, NATIVE AND WESTERN. Fish and Oysters JUST OPENED FISH AND OYSTER HOUSE. PHONE ME AT ANY TIME FOR THE BEST THE MARK- ET AFFORDS, T. H. Blizzard, 108 PLANT AVENUE. j iun of Brooks county take steps at once to fight the cotton boll weevil. ! Resolved 2. That the President of ihe County Union appoint a commit tee to take steps and formulate such plans—in advance of the coming of jibe bool weevil -so as to successfu* ly fight them when they do come— | which is predicted to be this fall or next year, j Tills committee will be announced I at the regular monthly meeting at ; Nankin on the first Tuesday March. Are You Proud of ■Your Bread?> Have you a reputation as a cake maker—is your pastry join pride? Then you are the woman who will appreciate William Tell Flour. One baking day will convince you that no e*- pert cook can afford to waste her skill on ordinary flours. William Tell Flour goes farther than most flours— it is also an economy. Order a sack today. If your grocer cannot supply Wll- him Tell, phone THORPE A CO., 246 Whole sale Distributors and they will see that you g'l It. NATIONAL LEAGUE IN SESSION. New York, Feb. .14.—With reports o! all the baseball clubs in the circuit present, the schedule meeting of the National league began at the Hotel Hreslin today. While no serious con troversy is expected over tho adop tlon of the schedule this year, it is likely that the club owners and mana gers will continue their session over tomorrow, as several matters of more or loss Importance are to come up for discussion. It is understood that no serious objection will be made to tho adoption of the projrosed 154-game bedule. The EXCHANGE BANK Solicits Your Bank Account And Influence. ACCURACY AND PROMPTNESS SAFETY ANI) LIBERA LITY —Are lbs Marked Features of Our Business. We Invite You to Try Us. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W. H Buchanan, President. V/. H. fflcRae, Cashier. I Raleigh. N. Feb. i I. Tho autlior- i ifita at the Slate penitentiary here j have completed ail arrangements fo: I the electrocution of Natlmn Montague. Ihe negro recently convicted in Gran ville County of the murder of Layton Sandera, fils daughter and g: daughter. The Iripple murder was committed on the uighl of Dec. 14. last. To hid* the evidences of his crime the mur derer set fire to the Sanders home and the bodies of Ills victims v burned to a crisp. The blood stained skirt and purse of one of the victims was found in the possession of Mon tague. Immediately after his arrest lie was Inn riod to the State prison here to escape vengeance at the hands of citizens. Three weeks ago he was re turned to Oxford for trial and was convicted by the Jury after eight min utes' deliberation. Tomorrow is the day fixed for his electrocution. AMERICAN LEAGUE MEETING. Chicago, III., Fell. 14.—Tile annual ,spring session of the American Base- ball league opened in Chicago today with an atendance of numerous man agers and players as well ns club ownets. The largo attendance indi cated that some important business outside the usual routine Is likely to be transacted before the sessions close, which probably will lie on Thursday. After the schedules have been adop ted the clubs will start on flietr an nual training trips preparatory to the beginning of the real baseball season. Outside of business pertaining to schedules, there is considerable In terest in the secret scoring plan to be proposed by President Johnson, also in the ownership of the St. Louis club, the problem of suspended play ers and the demand of the Eastern league and American association for higher classification, all of whlcw will probably come up at Ihe meeting for discussion. ECZEMA CURE A BEAUTY WASH Although I). D. D. Prescription has LTHESmENHAVE AVORKEDTOBTHE 5AFETY0EY0URN0NET WHENITISINA • NATIONALBANK THE CONFIDENCE AND SECURITY THAT COME WITH THE P08- SESSION OF MONEY IN THE -ANK IS GREATLY ENHANCED WHEN IT IS A National Bank. FOR HERE IT HAS EVERY SAFEGUARD POSSIBLE FOR HUMAN IN. GENUITY TO DEVISE. IN SELECTING A BANK IN WHICH TO DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS OR SURPLUS, THE ONE THNG TO BE CONSIDERED IS 3AFETY, AND WE ASK FOR YOUR BUSINESS ONLY ON THE BASIS OF Absolute Safety First National Bank CAPITAL $200,000.00 STOCKHOLDERS LIABILITY $400,00 TOTAl RESOURCES OVER $700,000 been recognized for years ns the one remedy for Eczema, Psoralsis, aud all other forms of skin diseases, It Is known that there Is no othef wash, even those used by the beauty specialists, that can compare with this mild liquid fur cleansing tho skin of pimples, blackreads, rash, and all similar skin affections. For this reason, alone, a bottle of D. D., should bo kept on hand in every houserold. A trial 26c bottle will show you tbe merits of this gieat remedy ns a complexion wash. D. D. D. seems to remove tho cause, whatever tho trouble may be, cleansing tho skin, and leaving it as soft, as smooth and clear us that of healthy child. ' ! Get a 25c bottle today and keep It In tho house. II. 8. Redding. Atlantic Coast Lin? Schedule. DBPAK CURBS. For Jenup aid Havannab Train OR.» .... ............5:05 au> rialu 182 ..... 10:V0 an Pruitt 180 7:80 pn Train 27 6:10 pn For Montgomery 4 ARRIVALS AT WAYCR088. From Savannah rain 189 0:60 am Train 186 12:50 pm Train 21 6:60 pm ‘'rain 57 10:00pm /run Montgomery Train 58 5:15 am Train 180 5:45 pm From Bainbrtdge * Tbomasvllle Train 182 9:60 am on Alban/ Train 93 4:50 pm rata 91 9:55 am Train 97 6:00 pm From Chicago and Nortwest C- Special (via Albany)... .4:55 am Dixie Flyer (via Tlfton)... .0:35 am BoutU Atlantic Limited 6:35 am Trorn Brunswick Train 96 7:40 am Train 90 6:00 pm From Jacksonville Train 22 5:55 pm Train 32 10:15 pm | Tra,n 35 Flyer 5:40 a m Train 91 10:25 pm Train 93 6:00 an Train 92 10:45 pmj Tra,n 33 6:40 an From Tampa, High Springs via Du . ra,n 21 $:15 P® Pont J For Tampa, High Springs Train 42 ....7:23 pm'Train 48 8:00 aa For through Schedules, Pullman reservations, etc., Call On E. M. North. A. O. P. A. IL B. Pollard. Ticket Agent Savannah ,Oa Waycroas Ga CLASSIFIED WANTED WANTED FOR U. 8 ARMY—Able- bodied unmarried men between agon of IB and 36; cltlzena of United 8t*> tesptof good character and temperats habits, who can speak, read and writs the English language. For Informa tion apply to Recruiting officer, South- Building, Waycross, Ga.; 13 West York street Savannah Ga.; 108 West For syth street Jacksonville, FIs.; 140 Market street Charleston, S. 0.; or 113 South Malno street, Fitzgerald, Ga. Jan; 7 tf. LOST—Mew Dayton Bicycle. Re ward if rotumod to Home Furniture Co. i 11 8t. FOR RENT—3 nice stables and lot Apply 37 Gilmore street. 11 0ft WANTED—Young men In automo- bile business. Big demand; abort hours; fino pay. I.earn at home In spare time; Write Emplro Auto In- Train 189 .6:10 Train 57 pm intitule. Max 30, Hochutcr, N. T. For Balnbrldge and Tbomasvllle. Train 185 1:00 pip For Albany Train 92 ; 10:50 pn Train 06 7:50 am Train 90 6:10 pm For Chicago aud Northwest f. C. Special (via Albany). 10:50 pm Dixie Flyer (via Tlfton) ....10:30 pro South Atlantic Limited.. ..10:20 pm For Brunswick Train 91 10:05 an Train 97 6:10 pm * For Jacksonville >♦♦••••••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»» ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES BEFORE BUYING YOUR MONUMENTS TOOMSTONE8, ETC. CALL AT THE NEW MARBLE YARD AT SI ALBANY AVENUE AND SEE OUR STOCK. WE GUARANTEE OUR MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP TO BE THE BEST. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY J. M. Clark, 51 ALBANY AVENUE. MGR. V WAVCCROSS, G». FOR SALE—Horse. This Is a good sound young horse, dark grey, weight 1,000 pounds; a good quiet driver and worker; price $185. J. R. Tibbs, Waycross, Ga., R. F. D. No 4. 10 6t RIPE PINEAPPLES—Direct to con sumers. Choices recipes upon re- quest. Applotliorpe Plantation, Anko- nn, Fla. 10 6t WANTED—To sell for $2 a remedy I guarantee to cure Rheumatism, Kid ney trouble, Neuralgia, Gravel, Gall Stones, Dropsy, Brights Disease,; Epil eptic Fits and Asthma. Send 2c stamp for particulars to J. T. Davenport, .Agent, Helena ,Oa. FOR 8ALE CHEAP—Cow stable ter tills* r, 25 Albany Ave. 13 3t LOST—Small tan alligator puree out of large band bag. Finder will be liberally rewarded If returned to Jones Restaurant, 52 Plant avenue. St LOST—Black and white spotted seh ter pup; answers to the nam# of “Mac Mayo." Has been missing since Friday. Information will be greatly approbated by B. M. Nonrel,