Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 15, 1911, Image 4
WAY CROSS EVEN ING HERALD Roaches,Ants* Be* Begs ARE EXTERMINATED WITH PETERMAN’S REMEDIES WE HAVE PETERMANS ROACH POOD. PETER. MANS ANT FOOO. PETER MANS DEO BUG (• DISCOV ERY. TRY THEM NOW, BEFORE THE SEASON FOR THESE PEST3 BEGIN. Gem Pharmacy T. S. Paine, Prop. PHONE 52. AT THE Mays Mill & FeejJSHre We have Reveral case* of DRIED FRUIT. *0 close out at the following Prices: tfb 8EEDED RAISINS 10c, 31b FOR 25o 11b CALIFORNIA FIGS 10c 3tb FOR 25c lib CURRENTS 10c. 31b FOR 25c ALSO Ralston Breakfast Food At 10c Per Package. Six pound Mark ofRALSTON WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR 2bc These are all fresh, but we don’t want to curry them over Try us for your next bill of groceries or feed and let ua •avn you some money. M W'SJMILL anJ FEED STORE. PHONE NO. 3. FAR SIGHTED PEOPLE i'alronlxo tbla Livery. They appro cInto our prompt service, first-class turn outs utid reuaonable prices you appreciate all these you will pa* trouI/.e us also. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery and Salem Sublet. Teteuu SI. Waycrosa, da. PHONE. NO. 63. JUST RECEIVED FINE INDIAN RIVER Oranges £>nd GRAPE FRUIT, New Irish Potatoes Snap Beans, and Plenty of Chickens HARDY BROTHERS. i Personal . Vise Carrie Perham Soda! Ed.lor* The kids were out with their val entitle parties last night and they made things lively on Gilmore and Reed street tor awhile. Well, the klda were happy. Mr. Ben Grey is in the city today. Judge J. L. Sweat returned la*t night from St. Mary. Mr. G. C. Whipple, of Macon is in the city today. Mr. P. N. Harley spent yesterday in Savannah. Dr. Shaw Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Porter on Elizabeth street. Capt. L the city. Johnson spent today In The present winter is evidently rying to linger in the lap of Hiring •j ■* ,'nndalous extent. Simon Sweat of Patterson is in the city today. Simon you are a welcome guest. Mrs. G. N. Melton of Columbia will arrive Saturday to he the gueiits of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Blaine. Dr. W. M. Taylor has now located his dental office in Southern Building and has arranged most Tfontfenlent and easy quarters for his patrons. Capt. R. H. Rawls the well known “boss” of Schlattervllle Is in the city today on business and greeting his many friends. i iliil ^ itAX/fllW' YOU’RE LOST if you don't catch on. If you are -interested in the best business edu cation possible to be acquired, see Prof. Zelglor at the Waycrosa Bust* ness College at ouce. He Is uow of- feting the young people the best op portunity they will have. JUST THE PROPOSITION THAT WILL APPEAL TO THINKERS. ACT IMMEDIATELY! Way cross Business College Waycroaa, Ga. It. F. Zalgler, Prc. C A DOWNEY M D V VETENARIAN 19 Albany Avenue Waycross, Ga Oay and Night Phone 598. Smoke! “Oran Chico's!*, “Yer Best Smokers", and “Pitman's Best Smok ers." Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manufacturad In W.ycrou, G«, S|> PITTMAN CIGAR CO. Borne of those poles ought to come down in front of the new depot. Put the wires under ground if is neces sary. LYMAN BROTHERS. The Twin Comedians, Enthusiastic Yachtsmen. Mrs. Pomeroy of Biackkshesr and her father, .Mr. Fisher spent today guests of Mr and Mrs. Loomis at La Grhnde. fThe friends of Mrs. Osgood F. Cook will be glad to know that she Is now improving at the Oglethorpe Sanitar ium-Savannah News. Miss Dardis has resigned her posl tiou In the school here and has gone to her home near Montgomery, Ala. Mrs. Walter Young will All the vacan cy left by Miss Dardis for the present. SKIN AFFECTIONS. Whether On Infant or Grown Person Cured by Zemo and Zemo Soap. Mrs. EL A. Fall of Birmingham, Ala., will arrive shortly to be wltn Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Blaine for some months. Mrs. Fall has a number of friends here who will be glad to see her again. Mta. Will MsQee and children of Tampa arrived last n’ght and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fesper- man on .Jano street. Mra 4 McGee's friends here will be pleased to hear that the little son who who has been so 111 with typhoid fever Is better. The Lyman Twin Broth-**-, the popular cornedianr, who appear at the Parker Theatre. Feb. 21, are enthus iastlc yachtsmen, being the sons of Capt. Chas. A. Lyman, master of one of the largest steel passengers and frieght boats on the great Inhe-. This has brought them In close touch with navigation siuce childhood, and even iyhen they were little fellows they were a'waya the owners of some kind of skiff and have never bpen without a boat up to the present time. They are fond of all kinds of water craft and are both experts with the sheet and wheel. They are members of the Spring Lake Yacht and Motor Boat Clubs, Spring Lake, Mich., where they have their summer homes and participate in all the races there every year. While in Biloxi, Miss., a few years, ago, the OysTbr Invited the boys out for a ko41 ijfi his twenty-four foot cat boat. After they got under way ohe of the boys asked If he object ed to him taking the sheet. The In- pector said no, of coure not, but that he would stand by as the boat han dled very quick, with that he turn ed the wheel over to the Twin who hauled the boat up into the wind, put on the starboard tack and in a few moments baffled her over on the port tack with the quickriSli and accura cy of an old salt. The inspector sav, down, filled his pipe, looked at the commedian, and said with a satisfied smile, “You’ve sailed one of these things before or you couldn’t handle a boat like that." (100) one hundred fine hens and flyers at Hardy Bros. BANISH THOSE CRAY HAIRS! Kill the Dandruff Germs—Stop Hair Fa Thousands ol mother* are looting younger. Their gtaS hairs are gone. The naAral color ha* come back. and. with it a new growth ol aoft, glossy, luxuriant hair. Why should you look old before your t|me, when you can look years younger by using YVYETH’S saGE>”SIJLPHur HAIR REMEDY Dandruff Cur ad Three applications removed all ths dandruff and left my scalp clean, white end smooth. Wm. Croak, Rochester, N. Y. Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color II other "so-called” Restorers have failed, don’t give up hope, but glWWYETH’S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY • trial. You run no risk. II it is not exactly as rap* resented, your money will be refunded. PROFIT BY OTHERS' EXPERIENCE Gray Hair R„tor,d My hair w.a f.ulnr quit. *r*r And falling out. rapidly, and^ heed Ijr brushing It off. i Itching of tha scalp. Uy Grew Hat, os s Bald Retd For two or three year* my heir bed been felling out end getting quite thin until ths top of my visit end 8u bottle end —... — - -elleved the Itching, my heir stopped falling out -and gradually came back to Its natural < nice dark brown color, aoft, glossy and pliable. Several of my friends want to use It. and I want t~ ** *•-* you will charge i head was entirely bald, four montha ago I < Ing Sage and Sulpi bottle seemed to and I kept using it new I have used foi whole top of my covered aad ken . thicker. I shall keep on CS a while longer, ae I notice a con stant Improvement. Stephen bacon, Rochester, N« Y< Me. AND BIAS A BOTTLE—AT ALL DRUGGISTS ^ If Tour Drugfiit Doe* Not Keep It. Send Us the Price Jn Stamps, and W# ^Wyeth Chemical Company,RffSaffck?'T?, , FREE A Sfc Cake •! WycUYoSaff uiSwlpararTwlletSoaprree to anyone who will send us this advertisement with 10c In stamps to cover cost of wrapping andTmaUJnt the soap. r ^ CHEROKEE PHARMACY. “ m Try A Want Ad. OOOOOOGOGGGOOGGGO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOGGOGOOOOOOOGO < HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S. New White Goods, Laces and For Spring. Embroideries AN UNUSUAL OFFER. Wtt wool rom US. M Us GRAPE VINES FOR SALE. K few An, acupsmoat and black grape wins*, wall rooted, tor sals. Thor Most to as old Ouofodamte •otdlsr; two tor M cents. Apply at SO Read street. The Seals Pharmacy say* io every person, bo It man, woman or child, who haa an Irritated, tender or Itching skin to coma to our store and procure a bottle ol ZHMO and a cake ol ZE- MO soap and It you are not entirely satlafled with results, come back and get your money. So confident are wo of the efflclaoy It this clean, simple treatment, that we make you this unuajal offer. ZEMO la a dean liquid for external use that haa cured so many case* ol ocasma, pimples, dandruff and other forma ot akin eruption. ZEMO and ZEMO slap are wold by drugglats ev erywhere and In Wayeroae by The Seala Pharmacy. ZEMO and ZEMO aoap are the moat ooonomicnl aa troll aa ths cleanest and moat effeettre treatment for affections ot ths akin or scalp, whether on Infant or (Tows The young people of Ft rat Metho dist church are Invtted to be preaent at a reception tonight given by tie mouthers of tile Epwotth League. A very pleasing program haa been nr- ranged for the evening and an Invi tation extended evpeelally to the Sun day school classes of the church. Seven-thirty. WtfSXTONEYPlIir La iWhapi «3i/'ynn nr wood Hi. a ** TRY THE WANT ADS w A splendid service last night at the Presbyterian church. Dr. Shaw la a most forceful speaker and holds the attention of hla congregation from start to finish. A large choir is fur nishing some fine music. The meeting will continue through this week, at 10:30 In the morning and the usual hour In the evening. These services are most helpful and you are cordial ly Invited. BEAUTIFUL 8HEER IMPORTED BIG SELECTION NEW BELTINGS WAI8TING IN PLAINj CHECKED IN WASH AND 3LIK. AND FIGURED EFFECTS. 25c to 50c 25 Gents BIG LOT OF NEW MATCH 8ETS ALL LINEN SUITING, ROUND OF VAL AND ROUND THREAD THREAD, 36 INCHES WIDE. SPE- t ACES. CIAL VALUES AT 35c, 40c and 51c. 5c to 15c •wi t i — — f i.- | FINE 27 INCH FLOUNCES WITH i BARGAIN TABLE OF FINE SWISS WIDE IRISH BANOS ALL OVER AND CAMBRIC EMBROIDERIEQ AND INSERTIONS TO MATCH. NEW, GOOD MATCH SETS. Special Values 50c to 1.50 Special 10c. NEW 8PRING WAISTS, NEATLY FLAXON—BEAUTIFUL SHEER TAILORED AND OTHERS NEATLY TRIMMED WITH EMBROIDERY. 75c to $1.50 Special Value at I5c The Store of Quality * -IHf v? Humphreys & Williamson ioOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000<K>000000000000OGOGOOGOOOOOOGOOO < Bad Colds! Seals Cold Tablets will break up your cold in one day. If tjiey fail you Can have your money back—25c NjiTHEXSEALS pharmacy TUI RKX4U.8TOIU ‘OOOOOOOOOOOODOOOO< CARRIAGE PAINTER 13 Parallel Street. Phone 574 Carriage and|AutomobiIe Painting NEATLY EXECUTED F. O. SMITH,*?*: ONLY FIRST CLAM SAMUASe FAINTER W* TOWN,