Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 15, 1911, Image 5
WAYCR03S £V£.' tNG HERALD oooo<vxx>o<xx>ooo«o WE SEVER Sacrifice Qnsliiy To Advertise Bargains TJiIa store's mission ls to prov- de patrons wltb the very best ’quality of goods. Quality is the I Cardinal Consideration at all nes and then we make the • JWki- ijkViee as low as .the quality will mlt. If you are chasing seem ing bargains about term you will enjoy the change of using goods from our store and getting at a reasonable price the quality that does not mean waste. Every article y^u get of us guaranteed to be geod. If you w^l supply your table from our store you will live economical and live well. REMEBER WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. C. C. Butter 25c lb Making Cust omers every. ....Chickens every Friday Fresh Celery every Friday and Saturday. Full stock Hay, Corn and Oats And Cow feed. Cheaper than the other fellow. Fresh Brunswick Bread, every Morning. WE PAY CASH FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. isifihCEiirco 5fson Block. W. M. Wilson. Mgr. ^♦00000000000404 WE Are graduate Opticians—Specialists In fitting glasses to eyes in need, and V: -,-V guarantee: to give absolute satisfaction in every particular, so Bure are we of our abil ity to please you with ^ Our- Work Little & Odom, JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. Hello Central! Give me No. 522 Please . H. A. Joseph-522 - Right What-Have You In The Fruit Une ; Today? Bananas, Pineapples, drape Fruit, Apples, Tangerines Coccoanuts, etc. PRICES PLEASE Bananai^Oc; Apples 60c per peck; Oranges from 15c to 30c,per dozen; Pineapples 10c to 15c each; Tange rines 10c to 15c per doten. * Don r t Forget , to Order the* Celery Delivered. 522 PHONE NUMBER. N. A. JOSEPH RIUO 174 FOR WOOD. t WE OUGHT--NEVER DO WRONG WHEN PEOPLE ARE LOOKINO, BUT YOU WILL DO THE RIGHT THING BY HAVING YOUR BUGGY OR AUTO CAR PAINTED FIRST- CLASS BY A. C.-v STILL AT J. T. MCGEE’S SHOP ON ALBANY AVE- NUE. " Utf PERSONAL ITEMS. O'.-/ coat, we < . it wear You out what'er to! Vat, Because you’re narrow, t, you know, Exactly where we’re widest. Sf4J£S7IC linS “ E MARTINI & TROISE 1 Mon., Tuesday and Wed. Ita ian Street Singers Id EXCITEMENT: -ORE3 OF PIOHLE * RE PRAIS ING TO THE 3KIE"*. Prof. Otis Miller, Mrs. Miller and Mlaa Mable Miller are In the city to-! ‘ SoD'Cthing UnU! Ual Bild The to „ ow|nf artlclo ,. Meatl/ aB . day quests of Rev. and Mrs. Scruggs, ; Extra Good.” Seared the Fort Wayne, t.r.l, 0 a- lor the day. j zette. j Admission Matioeet 3 A 13c j "The reporter - eurd several of the Mr». O. B. Wood Entertains. ■ j Admission Night 10 4 15c j leading doctots of oar city say that For Miss Eilleen Bracklen of Ixike- „ Root j Dnd who is the attractive guo.U of MILLIONS OF L1VE3. Mrs. O. U. Wood, a very delightful “At Home" was given by Mrs. Wood An Awful oil Collected By Consump- yesterday afternoon from Tour to six.- tion. Many Unnecessary Deaths. The decorations which v.ere very bril- Iiant and attractive were red and } people could only understand that white and an especially attractive fea- systematic catarrh is an Internal dis : THE MAINE REMEMBERED. * Havana, Feb. 15.—Members of -tbs American colony In. Havana today placed flags and wreaths on the wreck of Maine in obeervance of the twelfth anniversary of the dealnic- •tlon of/ho battleship. ' : ture being a large red heart shaped ease that exteiuial applications can- valentine which was suspended from no t cure, they would not need t6 bo the chandelier In the front parlor. On warned *so often about this malady, this heart was pasted all sorts of which, w j,en neglected, paves the way valentines and verses which the oftentimes for consumption, at the guests enjoyed immensely. Mrs. Wood cost of millions of lives every year, received her guests, wearing a very y et catarrh may be cured, if the right pretty dress of red and carried white carnations. Miss Bracken was very pretty In white and carried red car nations. A delightful salad course, strawberries and cream, black coffee and chocolate was served. Those as sisting in receiving were Mrs. Gurr, who kept the guest register widen was a large heart; Mrs. J. L. Walker, Miss Woodard, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. At well. A large number were invited to meet Miss Bracken. NOTICE WAYCROSS CHAPTER NO. 9 ROYAL ARCH MASON9. Regular convocation tonight, work In most excellent degree. All com panies requested to attend. By order of High Priest, j. H. Latimer. C. W. Wiggins, Secty. CASTOR IA For In&nti and Children. Ths Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature of MY LIST OF SATISFIED CUSTOM ERS IS STEADILY GROWING. LET ME ADO YOUR NAME BY HAVING YOUR BICYCLES. OUN8 REPAIR ED AND LOCKS AND KEYS OF ANY KIND, BY MR. CRANE AT T. J - Mc 1 casea „ longer treatment is necessary, GEE’S. 21 ALBANY AVENUE. DON’T | ^ aTera g e m such Instances is three | $1.00 bottles. Remember you can ob- I tain Retail MucuTone In Waycross ] (inly at our store,—The Rexall Stor3. treatment Is employed. The only way to successfully treat catarrh Is by employing a medicine which is absorbed and carried by tht blood to all parts of the system, sa that the mucouB membrane or Intor nal lining of the body la toned up an! made capable of resisting tlie infe tlon of consumption and other dis eases. IV o have a remedy prepared from the pi ascription of n physician who for thirty years studied and made ca ts-h a specialty, and whose record ws3 a patient restored to health In .vet y case where his treatment was followed as prescribed. That reme dy Is Retail Mucu-Tone. We are so positive that It will completely over come catarrh In all Its various form., whether acute or chronic, that we promise to return every penny -pattl us for the medicine In every case where it falls or for any reason does not satisfy the user. We want you to try Retail MUCU Tone on our recoinendattou and guar antee. We are right here where you live, and you do not contract any ob- llgatlon-lSr risk when you try Retal: jfScipTone on our guarantee. We have Retail Mucu-Tone In two sizes. CO cents and *1.000. Very often the taking of one 60-cent bottle Is sufll ctent to nmko a marked Impression upon the case. Of course lu chronic MISS THE PLACE. T. H. BLIZZARD’S Meat Market, Plant Ave. 108 Phone 242 All Kinds of Fresh Meats, NATIVE AND WESTERN. Fish and Oysters JUST OPENED FISH AND OYSTER HOUSE. PHONE ME AT ANY TIME FOR THE BEST THE MARK ET AFFORDS. T. H. Blizzard, 108 PLANT AVENUE. The Seals Pharmacy. SAGE FOR DARKENING THE HAIR. There l» nothing new about the idea of using Mage for restoring the color of th* hair. Our great-grandmother* kept their locks soft, dark and glossy by using % "sage tea.” Whenever their hair fell out or took on a dull, faded or streaked pearance, they made a brew of Mags leaves ami applied it to their hair with wonderfully Inmeficial effect. Nowadays we don’t have to resort to the old-time, tiresome method of gathering the herb* and making the brew. . This in done by skillful chemist* better than we could do It ourselves, and all we have to do I* to call for the ready made product. Wyeth'* Sage and Sulphur, containing Mage in the proper Htrcngth, with the addition of Sulphur, another old-time scalp remedy. Thin preparation I* sold by all fii’Mt-cla*H druggists for !KV», and $1.00 a ftottle, or Is sent direct by the Wyeth Chemical Company, 74 Cortlandt St., New York Cfty, upon receipt of price. • The EXCHANGE BANK Solicits Your Bank Account And Influence. 13 certainly a great medi cine, as a number of their patlanta after using U a'short while for chron ic stomach, liver and kidney troubles were rapidly improving. One broad minded doctor was heard to say in the presence of a number of people that he prescribed It to "uis wife fo chronic liver trouble and from a short use of it, it is simply astonished. The remedy is doing so much good in Fort Wayne that It Is the common talk of the city. People from every walk of life are praising ft, and as a conwe quonce the demand for tho Juice ia so great that It is hard to keep It In 3tock. The extraordinary merits ol Root Juice have been proved by the experience of home people whoso word cannot be doubted. Those who have investiga M hav- found every statement made in this paper In re lation to the remedy as true as gos pel. Scores of people are calling at the drug store dally and praising the great remedy to the skies fqr the won derful good it is doing for themselves, or some member of the family. Mr. Monroe, who Is well known here, said he has spent over four hundred dollars for medicine and treatment for his stomach trouble of long stand ing without benefit until ho started to take Root Juice, hut that one bot tle made sutTi a change in his condi tion for the better that even hi* friends were noticing it Mr. Jessie Bennett said: ' “Both my boy and my self were badly afflicted with rheu matism when we commenced to take Root Juice. In fact I was unable tr get out of bed, but after using It n while we are now entirely relieved. I am now able to get around and at tend to my work without a particle of soreness or pain, and niy boy no longer complains.” The Root Juice have hundreds of testimonials from well known people all over the stale. The remedy Is beginning to create much talk here In Waycross as sever al that havo been using It a few days are praising it very highly. Crowds *o going to Cherokee drug store to learn of the great discoveiy. LTHESEMEN HAVE ^WORKEDFORTHE -SAFETYOFYOURMONEY WHEN-ITIS-INA NATIONALBANK THE CONFIDENCE AND SECURITY THAT COME WITH THS POS SESSION OF MONEY IN THE ->AN:< IS GREATLY ENHANCED WHEN IT IS A National Bank. FOR HERE IT HAS EVERY SAFE-OUARO POSSIBLE FOR HUMAN IN. GENUITY TO DEVISE. IN SELECTING A BANK IN WHICH TO DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS OR SURPLUS, THE ONE THNO TO BE CONSIDERED IS 8AFETY, AND WE ASK FOR YOUR BUSINE8S ONLY ON THE BASIS OF Absolute Safety First National Bank CAPITAL $200,000.00 STOCKHOLDERS LIABILITY $100,00 TOTAL RESOURCES OVER $700,000 DANDRUFF EASILY CURED. In fact G. R. Brinson the druggist has a certain hair Restorer called Parisian Sage which coats only 60 cents a large bottle that Is guarantee^ 10 cure dandruff In two weeks at mon ey back. * i; Parisian sage is the discovery! of an eminent student, scientist and spec ialist, and Is made In this country only by the Giroux Mfg. Co., Jfltenlo, N.T, Parisian Sage Is a moat pleawaut, daintily perfumed lialr dressing, and besidea curing dandruff, your drug- gst will return your money If it fulls to stop falling hair or Itching of the scalp. • It will make hair grow, and women who deslro soft, beautiful and luxu riant hair can have It In two weeks by usiug this famous, quick acting preparation. It Is not sticky or grea- _ Fob. 15. 1-1—l Atlantic Coast Une Schedule. DEPARTURES. For Jump aad Havannab ACCURACY AND PROMPTNESS SAFETY AND LIBERT LITY —Are ths Marked Features of Our Business. We Invite You to Try Us. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W. H Such, znan, President. Vr. H. fflcRae, Cashier. ARRIVALS AT WAVCH08B. From Favuooati rain 180 6:30 am Train 186 12(60 pm Train 21 6:66 pm Tain 57 10:00pm Trcm Montgomery Train 68 6:16 am Train 130 6:46 pm From Balnbrldge •*? Tbomtravllle Train 181 »:» am From Albany Train 93 4:66 pm Train 81 9:66 am Train 97 0:00 pm From Chicago and Nortwest C. Special (via Albany)....4:66 am Dial, Flyer (via Tlfton)... .6:36 am South Atlantic Limited 6:35 am rrom Brunswick Train 00...'. 7:40 am Train So 6:00 pm r rom Jacksonville Train 12 6:66 p.n Train 32 10:16 pm Traill 91 10:26 pm Train 92 - 10:43 pm From Tampa. High Springs via Du Train 68 6:66 am Train 182 10:00 an Train '180 ..7:30 pn Train 27 0:10 pn «*'or Montgomery Train 185 ..fi;10 so Train 67 10 26 pm For Balnbrldg* and TbomaaTlIla. Train 186 1:00 pm For Albany Train 93 10:50 pu Train 90 7:60 am Train 90 0:10 pm For Cblcngn and Nortbimt f. C. Special (via Albany). 10:50 pm Dixie Flyer (via Tl(ton) ..,.10:30 pro South Atlantic I.lmltcd.. ,,10:20 pm For Brunswick Train 91 10:05 an Train 97 0:10 pm For Jacksonville Train 90 (Ditto Flyor 5:40 on Train 93 5:00 an Train 33 0:40 go rain 21 6:15 pn For Tampa. High Spring. 8:00 ta pouf Train 48 7:25 pm j Fra In 4* For through Schedule. Pullman reservation, etc.. Cell On E. M. North, A. O. P. A. IL B. Pollard. Ticket Agent Savannah Jla Waynroaa On MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES BEFORE BUtlNG YOUR MONUMENTS TOOM8TONEB, BTC. CALL AT THE NEW MARBLE YARD AT 51 ALBANY AVENUE AND SEE OUR STOCK. WE GUARANTEE OUR MATERIAL AND WORKMAN8HIP TO BE THE BEST. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. «; WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY J. M. Clark, 61 ALBANY AVENUE. m MGR. - WAYCCHOS8, Go. CLASSIFIED WANTED WANTED FOR U. 8 ARMY—AM* bodied unmarried men between agog of t8 and 35; citizens of United Sta ten, of good character and temperate habile, who cun apeak, read and write tho English language. For Informa tion apply lo Recruiting ofllccr, South- Dulldlng, Wnycrone. On.: 13 Went York etreet Savnnmih (In.; 108 Went For- rylh atroet Jaekauuvlllo, Fla.; 140 Market atreet Charleston, S. O.; or 113 South Mnlno atroet, Fitzgerald, Ga. Jan. 7 tf. LOST—Now Dayton Bicycle, (to ward If returned to Home Furnltore Co. It 3t. FOR RENT—3 nlco atubli-a and lot Apply 37 Oilmore atreet. 11 31 WANTED—Young men In automo bile bualneaa. Big demand; abort hours; line pay. Learn at home la spare tlms; Write Empire Auto In- atltute. Hot 30, Rocbealer, N. Y. FOR 8ALE—Horae. Thli It t good Hound young horae, dark grey, weight 1,000 pound}; a good quiet driver and worker; prlco 6185. J. R. Tibbs, Waycross, Os., It. F. D. No 4. 10 6t RIPE PINEAPPLES—Direct to com sumers. Choices recipes upon re quest. Apptethorpe Plantation, Anko- na, Fla. 10 01 WANTED—To aell for *2 n remedy 1 guarantee to cure Rheumatism, Kid ney trouble, Neuralgia, (Iravel, Gall Stonea, Dropsy, Bright* Disease.; Epil eptic Fils and Asthma. Send 2c stamp for particulars to J. T. Davenport, Agent, Helena ,Ga. FOR SALE CHEAP—Caw liable fee tlllzer, 25 Albany Ave. 12 3t LOST—Small ton alligator purae out of .largo band bag. Finder will be liberally rewarded If fetnrned to Jonea Restaurant, 61 Plant avenue, it LOST—Black and while spotted set ter pup; answers to tha name at '‘Mac Mayo." Haa been missing since Friday. Information will be greatly approbated by B. M. Norvel.