Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 15, 1911, Image 6
WE TEACH YOU BOOKKEEPING AND ALL ATTENDANT BRANCHES. WE TEACH YOU SHORTHAND AND ALL NECESSARY BRAN- EB. WE TEACH YOU TO AUDIT BOOKS. WE TEACH YOU TO MAKE ABSTRACT OF LAND TITLES. WE PREPARE YOU FOR THE CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINA TIONS. WE HAVE ARRANGEMENTS MADE TO GIVE YOU THE EXAMINATION HERE UNOER THE CHARGE OF THE GOVERNMENT II yon c:n’t attend personally nr hive An cacellenl moll course that fully prepares y cu lu auy of these departments. CALL OR WRITE: South Ga. Business College CORDELE, GEORGIA. PERSONAL. For either sense >: nrouie htiuei llrorders, for annoy sa t >jt;n.v.. p.n wry Irrerilsrlllea, r»ite »\»! .. V, net ‘ilia. An honest and eSecr.re edt Hue for kidney and btauJei ileor- era. Cent Pharmacy. W* wilt pay you ten etnta each f i: •r» name* and addreaaae of amatrar pLotographen. Carter, not M4, Wa trrlco. lows. 0 TRV THE WANT ADS TOY THE WANT ADS'* . FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS GUARANTEED TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS ntOM THE ORIGINAL CABBAGE PLANT GROWERS. “"'SKI?" l mu ft— ssstSiaW l« tJr»# *• pat tfcpw rlsnu l« fMMKWNtont «» •“"* f**mg*. SMtMI' Uwll forth* moUmMtn- ™ii fis-wz-ffla; _irin'w^i ae.a»pi»M.i..»r War. C Ceraty Co, led M Yoepca IslaX, 8. C. Travel Comfortably AND CONVENIENTLY In Parlor Dining Cars on ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. IN CONNECTION WITH THE GEOR3IA, SOUTHWESTERN A GULF RAILROAD BETWEEN ATLANTA AND ALBANY. Meals served Ithy lime cnroulc, at reasonable p’lces. Schedules: Southbound: Northbound: I,v. Atlanta 7:dB am Lv. Albany 12:10noon Ar. Cordele 2:00 pm Lv. Cordelo 1:40 pm Ar. Albany 3:10 pm Ar. Atlanta 7:45 pm THESE ARE THE FINE8T PARLOR CARS OPERATED IN THE SOUTHI Quit kest Time. Try it. Ba Service. W. H. Leahy, Gen. Pan. Agl. Atlanta, Georgia. GO TO Florida MD Cuba Atlantic Coast Line Offers Magnificent Train Service grid Convenient Schedules to all points For Schedule 1 iformition and Literature see your agent or write to, W. J. Craig, P. T. M., T. C’. V hrte, G. P. A. Wilmington, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. E. M. North, Astft. G. P. A., Savannah. t**SH***i*****i+**+++*4+*±*4 Telephone MO Pirate Chape Day or Night and Morgib MARVIL & O’QUINN Formerly Lett, Fain A Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. W. L. HINSON & Co. lindertakers and Embalmers. 'Phone* 01 »nd 153. ANDREW B ESTES ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room 27, Southern Hotel Building. Waycroas, Go. WILSON ... . NE tt St LAMBJVN • TTvlKNEvp VMS C.'fNS'll .'«8 AT LAW DEEN 4. BURNET ALL KINDS OF.INSURANCE. LA GRANDE SLOG. ROOM SOS PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Southern Hotel Building, Up*8taifs. PHONE 12. S. S. LUDLUM. M. D. Practice Limited to t»» EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. -Ottce llootn 324 IwGrande Hotel- Building HOURS 10 A. M. TO * P. M. J. M. MARKED Attorney Office In Court Iwv WA.IIR088 l*i***«~ W. o G/vasETT CONTRACT 1. AND BUILDER Residence 42 Margaret SL. PHONE 10X What Every Physician Can Tell You / '* Ask Your physician and he will advise you to* drink Bowden Lithia Water. It is beneficial in the treatment of all diseases caused by an excess Uric Acid. Bowden Lithia Water "‘The Greatest of All Natural Mineral Waters” It’s prescribed by most cmiiunt physicians with unerring effect in the treatment of the following diseases: IN DISORDERS CAUSED BY URIC ACID, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY and BLADDER AFFECTIONS, GOUT, CYSTITIS, CALCULI, GRAVEL, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INSOMNIA. BOTTLED ONLY AT THK SPRINGS. Lithia Springs, Douglas County, Ga. Bowden Lithia Water is a delightfully palatable Table Water. Drink- it freely- -it is healthful all the time. ORDER FROM US DIRECT TO BE SHIPPED TO YOU FROM THE S: RINGS THE SAME DAY ORDER IS RECEIVED, OR ORDER FROM YOUR DRUGGIST OR GROCER G. R. LOVELACE OENTI8T ' Offlet* in Redding Block. Over BU Clothing Store. J. B. BAGLEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN ANO BURGEON, Office In Southern Building. OFFICE HOURS ~ ' B-11 A. M. M P. M. 7-2 P. M. A. FLEMING. M. D. Office over GEM PHARMACY. In Southern Building. Residence 68 Tebesu. Office Pbon. 31. Residence phone 440. C. L. REDDING, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Up otilr. Redding Block. WAYCnOSS, O BORGIA. 12 Large Bottles luhf.‘,sprite. We Return $1.00 tor Empty bottles. Remittance should accompany order. $2.50 Bowden Lithia Spring Water Co. 132 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. B F HEARN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. No. ll Brewer Street phone No. 588 Be .ure yon ire light, then go ahead and let me Agui-e on doing your build Ins. All work guaranteed to give per feet aatistacllon. Beat of reference! furnlabed U required. JOHN J. MOORE, LAWYER, Collection! and Criminal Law a gpon'iity. Office Reed Building, up . italra over Central Pharmacy. tVaycroaa, Ox. fLone 855 JOHNS. TALKER TTORNEV a COUNSELLOR at LAW Offics up stairs Southern H »tel, WAYCROS& GEORGIA W. R. THOMAS, M. D. PHYSICIAN BURGEON. Office In LaGrande Building. Room 324. Over Pottoffice Hours; 0 to 11 ft.ra.; 2 to 4 and '» and 8 p. n>. BYCK ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO II kind! ot hlectrlca) Work and Suppll* ALL WORK GUARANTEED, to lx>lt Street Phone 281 ion). Q. Parka Harry D. Reed . PARKS & REED ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Southern Hotej Building a • ilROROIA T J CARSWELL o., m. d Diseases of Children; Diseases c* Women; Obstetrics. Residence 166 Plant Are. Phone 616 Office in Southern Bldg. Phone 52S Dr.Lewis Jonathan Brrch PRACTICE LIMITED TO 2ye*, Ear, Noae, Throat and Chronlr Diaeatea. Realdence 1C6 Plant Avenue. Office Redding Building. Office Honra: t to It a. n. 8 tr p. m colored- people. OLtVSKESSLVPil' bur. i THE LADIE8* FAVORITE. Wherever Parisian Gage Is Known It Has the Call. Parisian Sage, that most efficient ot all hair restorers, is a very delight ful and refreshing hair dressing. Be sides possessing these qualities it will positively make any woman’s hair soli, luxuriant and attractive. G. R. Brinson Co., sells it for 60 cents a large bottle and will return your mon ey If it does not cure dandruff, fall ing hair and itching scalp In two weeks. “1 had given up hope of ever being rtired of dandruff, when I purchased a bottle of Parisian Sage. It has en- iliely removed 'll) 1 ) dandruff and hat started a growth of new hair, and all this after having been troubled 15 rears. I cheeifully recommend Par isian Sage.**—Mrs. Elizabeth Ander- zon, MechauicsbuJg, Pa. Feb. Ill 1 1 y/»CTORY CAMP NO. 477 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meets every Saturday nlgfot at 7:30 /clock at Masonic,Hall. All Wood- ;en are cordially Invited to attend. J. M. Allison, Cost-Cord. ' J, A. Masters. Clerk, PARK High cass< Subdivis ion for white peope ony, on easy terms, close to A.C. L. Shops. W. D. /Horton, Agt. ROCM NO. 4 Senlbern Bold filfcf i OEORQIA SOUTHERN AIND FLOIRDA RAIL,WAV The Popular Haute To AIT Potato Hoi th And Weal. ThrOiighTralna ! In connection with A. C. L., from W’aycrosa via* Tilton to Macon ATLANTA, KNOXVILLE, CHAT oA, NASHVILLE, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE, AND CINCINNATI. Coachoa and Pullman aleepere go through without change. Dining Car Service. TRAINS OF A., B. A A. R. R„ C.NNECT AT CORDELE WITH TRAINS OP O. S. A ft, RAILWAY FOR MACON ATLANTA ft AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND SOUTH. FOR INFORMATION VS TO RATES. ROUTES, OR SCHEDULES TO ANY PCIN7 NORTH OR WEST. APPLY TO ANY AGENT OF THIS COM PANY, OR ADDRESS. C. B. Rhodes, G. P. A, J; W. Jamison. T. P, A MACON GA. MACQN \a. - SHADE TREES FOR SALE. 8.000 Oak and Maple hade treea (01 ale. will aet them out and warrant ■heir living. Price 81.00 eneh, careful 1 eat out. Order* solicited. B. W. Lewie. IS nda St Aag. SO Smooth! tOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOfOO-HOOOaevOOOOO- - .