Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 17, 1911, Image 4
WAYCR03S EVEN ING HERALD Roaches,Anls&Bed Bdjjs I ARE EXTERMINATED WITH PETERMAN'S REMEDIES WE HAVE PETERMANS ROACH FOOD, PETER MANS ANT FOOD, PETER. MANS BED DUO i,DISCOV ERY. TRY THEM NOW. BEFORE THE SEASON FOR THESE PESTS BECIN. Gem Pharmacy T. S. Paine, Prop PHONE 52. May’s Mill & Feed Store We have aoveral cases of DRIED FRUIT. •o olo.se out. at the following Price*: 11b SEEDED RAISINS 10c, 3Tb FOR 25c 1Tb CALIFORNIA FIGS 10c 31b FOR 25c 1Tb CURRENTS 10c. 3Tb FOR 25c ALSO Ralston Breakfast Food At 10c Per Package. Six pound nark ofRALSTON WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR 25c Those itro all fresh, but we. don’t want to carry them over Try ua for your next hill of groceries or feed and let us save you some money. M\YS MILL and FEKD STOLE. PHONE NO. 3. mn FAR SIGHTED PEOPLE I'utronl/.o Ihls l.lvory. They appro elate our prompt service, first-class turn ouls and reasonable prices. If you appreciate all those you will pa tronize us also. McGregor Mayo So-mling, Livery and Sale. Stable,. Tet eau 8f. Waycrosa, Ua PHONE NO. 63. Plenty Sealshipt Oysters on every Friday and Sat urday. JUST RECEIVED . FINE INDIAN RIVER Oranges and GRAPE FRUIT, New Irish Potatoes Snap Beans and Plenty of Chickens HARDY BROTHERS. Personal Don't miss “Faust" in the Wg tent tonight. LADIES Have you had youflitflr cared for X Miss Carrie Perham Social Ed.tor | GEORGE WESTINGHOUSE TO SPEAK IN THE SOUTH. Mr. J. W. Adams Is quit sick at his home. Miss Parnell and Miss Hatherway will leaVe Monday fo£ Baltimore. The editor of the Herald is at Bax- »ey today looking after the Interesf of the farmers. The friends of Mrs. C. E. Harper will be glad to know that she is re ported Komewhat better this morning. Mr. W. A. Avant, of Charlotte, N\ C. Is In the city the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chat lie Lang. The elect:leal effects use in “Faust" are wonderful conceits of the elec trician art, in the big tenf tonight. Miss Myrtle Chadwick of Fernan* dlna will arrive tomorrow to be the guests of .Miss Della King on Gilmore street. Miss Hazel Harris and Miss Nell Hards of Macon will arrive tonight to be guests of Miss Annie Laurie Walker for a few weeks. Mrs. and Mis. Datfnie Young are the happy parents of a fine 10 pound girl. The young lady will be named Laura Blakley. Mr. T. J. Darling is able to be at his this morning, but Is suffering a good ( deal yet as a result of his injuries yesterday. Ben Crawford the well known old negro was tried before Ordinary Thomas today on charge of lunacy and committed to Mllledgeville asylum. Waycrooss Can Have Aviation The Presbyterian ladles will havo a sale of good things to eat tor your Sunday dinner at Farris Cash Gro cery store Saturday afternoon from two to six o'clock. CARD BOARD, ALL COLORS, AT HERALD OFFICE. Washington, D. C. Feb. 17.—George Westlngbouse will address the South ern Commercial Corfgress In Atlanta, on "Electricity In the Development of the South.” The officials of the Congress have o«en anxious to have Mr. Westlngbouse present at this meeting, coming just fifty years af ter the outbreak of the war; for Mr. Westlnghou&e was a soldier in tha 12th New York during the war. Now, fifty years after, he as an inventor and promoter of alternating current machinery which renders possible the development of water powers a long distance from the point where the power is used, has become a great benefactor to the South, through the immense water power possibilities of the Southern Appalachians, In many cases far removed from towns. Mr. Westinghonse has never trav eled extensively over the South since 1864, and he will be greeted In At lanta by hundreds of electrical engi neers and owners of water power property. His address will be delivered MaVch Sth, In the general division, “External Views of the South.” On March 10th the “Water Resources” section of the Congress will hear four other Impor tant speeches. Marshall O. Leighton, Chief Hydrographer, Geological Sur vey, Washington, D. C., will speak on “The Significance of Southern Water Resources”; Captain W. P. Lay, Gads den, Ala., will speak on “Federal and State Co-operation In Water Power Development”; Philip P. Wells, Coun sel, National Conservation Associa tion, -WashIngton, D. C., will speak on "The Ownership of Running Wa ters and their Development,” and Ga- no Dunn, Vice-President and Chief Engineer, Crockekr-Wheeler Company, member American Institute Electri cal Engineers, Ampere, N. J., will speak on "Hydro-Electric* Corpora- AT THE WAYCR088 PARLOR8? DO YOU HAVE DANDRUFF? 18 YOUR HAIR FALLING OUT? 18 YOUR SCALP FEVERISH? HAVE A MOUT- LE8 TREATMENT, ONLY FIVE DOL« LAR8. 8EE RESULTS. Waycross Hair Dressing Parlors SCENE FROM “THE SQUAW MAN” AT PARKER THEATRE, FEB, 17. tlona, their Duties and Responsibili ties." The chairman of the section will be John H. Finney of Virginia, mem ber of the Institute of Electrical En gineers. 'OiEY'SKrOHL.PC ’ WE OUGHT NEVER DO WRONta WHEN PEOPLE ARE LOOKING, BUT YOU WILL DO THE RIGHT THING BY HAVING YOUR BUGGY OR AUTO CAR PAINTED FIRST- CLASS BY A. C. STILL AT J. T. MCGEE'S SHOP ON ALBANY AVE NUE. RING 174 FOR WOOD. 1m. HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMS Dr. R. P. Izlar left this morning for Macon to attend a convention of Waycross can have the nlrd-men I <icorgla Klk “ for lhe ° r for ' hote If she want. to. early In March. I muUtln * ' ,lan, ,or “<>'erll»lng Oeor- "trades'* week, such an Waycross hits nevor seen before. Flying machines In Waycross will draw thousands from our nclghbotlng cities and the conn- lantlc City In June. theso pco|)o have been exhibiting A n , ho niombera are e*p' Itaolr wondrous fllglda, lhe people qllelted to b0 prc , cnt liaio Hoi ked IB thousands. The plan • the special service Sr.nda; suggested J. a very simple ono. Way- „ m hnvo to bo prepared, cross has not really got to put-up a ^ cent of money—simply to guarantee mid advance anle of tickets to a cer- New White Goods, Laces and Embroi For Spring. YOU'RE LOST ’ 11 you don't catch on. If you arc interested in the best business edu cation pot:ll»io to be acquired, see Prof. Zclgier at the Waycross Busi ness Cdllege at once. He is now of fering the young people the best op portunity they will have. JUST THE PROPOSITION THAT WILL APPEAL TO THINKERS. ACT IMMEDIATELY! Waycross Business College Waycroas, Ga. R. F. Zelgler, Pres. be benefited. Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, ‘‘Yer Best Smokers”, and "Pitman’s Best Smok er*.” Clear Inna Filled Clgirs. Manuf.ctu-td In Waytraia, Ga, B.i human cigar co. c A D V DOWNEY- M VETENARIAN II Albany Avcnua Waycrosa. Ok Day and NI#M Phono M, * tain amount. Over that amount tlio shaw Thc chor , Jlt c | 10 lr „| 10 „ ln k- profits very largely go to the benefit of the Waycrosa Board of Trade pub licity fund. The machines to be used are known as "biplanes” and ''mono planes,” and the daring aeronauts perform wonderful stunts. The huge canvas enclosure \gill hold many thousands of people who ill have an opportunity of examin ing and having these machines thor oughly explained. Also wJIT see .the wonderful ability displayed in the start tn the wing to the sky. Mr. J. S. Berger, representing tin? “dying city, will begin at the First Methodist church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. Bob Jones, evangelist, will do the pleaching and Prof. Man- kin will lead the singing. The sue- cess of these two workers have been . wonderful and their sendee here will men" will be back in"W«ycfoss Sat- dou b t leM be greatly appreciated. urday morning and will ineel with business men at 3:SO Saturday, when final arrangements will be made. Valdosta 1ms secured the great attrac tion. llor people went out and secur ed the guarantees In a few hours. What Valdosta has done, Waycross can do one better. Special rates can be secured on all railroads, so let Waycross rise to the occasion and seize this opportunity to get to Way- cross for threo, days the biggest crowds we have ever had In our city. Large crowds are expected to attend the services to bq_ held each day nt 10 a. in., and 7:30-p. m, A special childrens meeting will be held every afternoon at 3:30. The seasons festival play tonight In the big tent. “Faust” BEAUTIFUL SHEER IMPORTED BIG SELECTION NEW BELTINGS WAI8TING IN PLAIN, CHECKED > IN WASH AND 8LIK. r 6 AND FIGURED EFFECTS. ' 25c to 50c ■ 0 25 Cents BIG LOT OF NEW MATCH SETS ALL LINEN 8UITING, ROUND 1 OF VAL AND ROUND THREAD THREAD, 36 INCHES WIDE. 8PE- L ACES. 6 CIAL VALUES AT f 35c, 40c and 50c. 5c to 15c - , /“ $ . BARGAIN TABLE OF FINE 8WI8S WIDE IRISH BANDS ALL OVER AND CAMBRIC EMBROIDERIES AND INSERTIONS TO MATCH. I Special Values 50c to 1.50 Special 10c. | NEW SPRING WAIST8, NEATLY FLAXON—BEAUTIFUL SHEER TAILORED AND OTHERS NEATLY • OUALITY, YARD WIDE. ■A TRIMMED WITH EMBROIDERY. jj 75c to $1.50 Special Value at 15c The Store of Quality Humphreys & Williamson \ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I MY LIST OF SATISFIED CUSTOM ERS IS STEADILY GROWING. LET ME ADD YOUR NAME BY HAVING YOUR BICYCLES, GUNS REPAIR ED AND LOCKS AND KEYS OF ANY KIND, BY MR. CRANE AT T. J. Me DEE'S. 11 ALBANY AVENUE. DON'T MIBB THE PLACE. - - . | SEEDS! SEEDS! j | CARRIAGE PAINTER $ 13 Parallel Street. Phone 574 X Let us sell you your garden and flower ♦ | Carriage and; Automobile Painting | 0 seeds and your garden will be success. - ♦ o NEATLY EXECUTED _ | f THE SEALS PHARMACY l J F.O. SMITH, \ | # * Till BKX4LLSTORK -■» - ; 0 C ONLY FIRST CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER IN TOWN. 9 ®©®ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o