Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 17, 1911, Image 5
W A ACROSS EVENING HERALD % y I ;i oc^ooooooooooo nE i^£VtR•—• *’ Sacrifice Quality To Advertise Darrsirs This store's mission is to prov- de patrons with the very best duality of goods. Quality is the Cardinal Consideration at all and then we make the ■^e as low as the quality will permit. If you are chasing seem ing bargains about town you will enjoy the change of using goods from our store and getting at a ^asonable price the quality that oes not mean waste. Every •rtlcle ; 'u get of us guaranteed ;o be g:od. If you .will supply your table from our store you will live economical and live well. REMEBER WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. C. C. Butter 25c I*> Making Cast* omers every. ... .Chickens every Friday...., Fresh Celery every Friday and Saturday. Full stock Hay, Corn and 0at3 And Cow feed. Cheaper than the other fellow. Fresh Brunswick Bread, every Morning. WE PAY CASH FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. ; OCDOniiAi IlIgJIQ 1 UIOUIIHL MUM'.’, A r. THE MfMESTiG Mrss NINA LEST ER SINGING AND ACROBATIC DANC ING SOU0RETTE. JIMMIE MOORE contezt will be heU. All Interested In THE BOY WITH THE MUSICAL ggfAT finnn is , UIIL’I I _ UUUU—I IT • WOODMENS o -CLE. « The Woodmen Cl: c e, the ladles branch of the Woodmer of the World, will hold an interesting social session tonight at Rgd Men's Hall. Refresh-; nients will be provided and a cake i MINI! DONE! fraternity are invited to be present and enjoy the good time provided. If you have any doub|t bow or whether people read the Herald, you I should Just get on the office phone, f the next morning, when one of our ! FEET AND THE EDUCATED BANJO. Both Very Good IN DOUBLE HARNESS. People Judge a woman by the way carrier boys falls to cover his route, her husband dresses. We always regret when one of our j - ■■■-- patrons fall to get their paper, as we j Man’s life Is full of ups and downs know they miss something good when there is a new baby in the and we are glad when they call us up house. to give us a chance to get a copy to j ——- them, as it show's they are reading! No uiau winds going home tired and appreciating the Herald. I * rom tt hard day s work if he knows ( his wife is there ready to give him “Fau.t" is a great play, In tliFtent affectionate greeting. -Jacksonville imes-Union, gmHIfiHEEffCfl Y Wilson Block. W. M. Wilton, Mgr. ♦<>♦00000oooooo^ot HELPFUL HINTS ON HAIR HEALTH. CASTOR IA for Infanta and Children. | Scalp and Hair Troubles Generally The Kind You Have Always Bought j Caused by Carelessness. Bears the Signature of ANOTHER COLONY PLANNED. Two gentlemen from Ohio are in the city today, in response to informa tion supplied by the Board of Trade. They are looking over land sites, } microbes than it Is to get rid of them. Dandruff is a contagious disease caused by a microbe which also pro duces baldness. Never use a comb or brush tielonging to some one else. No matter how cleanly the owner may be, these articles may lie infec ted wtih microbes which will infect your scalp. It is far easier to catch WE Are graduate - Opticians—Specialists In fitting glasses to eyes In need, and GUARANTEE to give absolute satisfaction In every particular, so sure are we of our abil ity to please you with Our Work [Little & Odom, JEWELER8 AND OPTICIAN8. BRYAN WOULD 8UPPORT HOKE 8MITH FOR PRESIDENT " # Atlanta, Feb. 17.—Mote than ordi nary political ^'gntflcance attaches to the declaration practically made outrlgh^ by VVMliam Jennings Bryan here yesterday that he would give his ardent support« to Governor-elect Hoke Smith as the presidential nomi nee of the Democratic party. Mr. Bryan was not speaking lightly or in mere compliment, for he knew his words would* be telegraphed all over the Union and seriously commented on. Mr. Bryan further expressed the belief that it was quite likely that a Southern candidate might be chosen this time, and that if such a man were chosen he believed the party’s chances under the leadership,would be good for Victory. Just how 7good they would be has not been realized until Mr. Bryan has given ^erybody to undetstand that be vyould support such a candidate. While Mr. Bryan has failed over and over again to become President him self, the value of his Support f° r an- other candidate would be beyond es timate, particularly in the west, if a Southe n candidate were in the field. with view of selecting a suitable lo cation for themselves and family. The deshre to secure land, where they can have sufficient surrounding territory to locate a number of their friends probably more than 100 people. They are delighted with Waycross and her climate and say If they had their Im plements here, they could go tc ploughing right away. WARMER AND PROBABLY 8H0WER8 18 FORECA8T Weather conditions are quite favor able again today. The prediction says warmer conditions will exist in Geor gia, especially in North Georgia to night; Showers are mentioned as a probability. “Faust” In the big tent tonight - v it* liv’jjAil'JSTv. Stom~:ii Tree. - CONST.,»T- \ HATPIN JAB 18 FATAL. ? Boston. Feb. IT.—Scratched by a women's hat pin,' which waa truct In to hU check accidentally while he wa* riding on a street car In thlf city, Jan. 33, Capt. Andtew England of P«ak-< Island, Maine, died at the City Hospital yesterday. Erysipelas, which dsjjfeloped after the cheek had polled from the hat pin wound, was . the immedtsts cause of death. T. H. BUZZARD’S Meat Market, Plant Ave. 108 Phone 242 All Kinds of Fresh Meats, NATIVE AND WESTERN. Fish and Oysters JUST OPENED FISH AND OYSTER HOUSE. PHONE ME AT ANY TIME FOR THE BEST THE MARK ET AFFORDS. T. H. Blizzard, 108 PLANT AVENUE. and a single stroke of an infected comb or brush may well lead to bald ness. Never try on anybody else’s hat Many a hat band is a resting place for microbes. If you happen to be troubled with dandruff, Itching scalp, falling hair or baldness, we lfave a remedy which we believe will completely relieve these troubles. We are so sure of this that we offer it to you with the understanding that it will cost you nothing for the trial if it does not produco the results we claim. This remedy Is called Kexnll “93” Hair Tonic. W© honestly believe It to be the most scientific remedy for scalp and balr troubles, and we know of nothing else that equals it for effec tiveness, because of the results it 1ms produced in thousands of cases. Rexall “93” Hair Tonic is devised io banish dandruff, restore natural color when Its loss has been brought about by disease, and make the hair natrually silky, soft and glossy, does this because It stimulates the hair follcles, destroys tbo germ mat ter, and brings about a free, healthy circulation of blood, which nourishes the hair roots, causing them to tlight en and grbw new hair. We want everybody who has any trouble with hair or scalp to know that Rexall. “93” Hair Tontd is the best hair /tonic and restorative in exhfence and no ono should scoff at or doubt this statement until they have put our claims to a fair test, with the un derstanding that thfiy pay us nothing for the refedy if it does not give full nnd complete satisfaction 'in every particular. Two sizes, 50 cents and 11.00. Remember you can obtain Itex ull Remedies Iq Waycross only at our f store,—TUo Rexall Store. The Seal, Pharmacy. MANY PETPLE PRAISING ROOT | JUICE. , j When the Root -iuija :jmon»"o-[ lions were started at this point H.ol mure* of many people who were cur-1 i ed by the great remedy were publish-1 | dl in the local papers. The wonder- | j f«l medicine has been here but a shott j j while, but many home people who! |bau> been using it are praising HI very fttghly. We have published v\ I | this paper the names of many who ' | have been cured by it, and It seems that it would pay every afflicted per-} son to investigate as no medicine was ever introduced to this community that created fo muoh favorable com-) meat and did so much good in such : a shirt while. Many that suffered with chronic stomach, liver, kiJney j nnd rheumatic troubles are blessing [ the day that brought Root Juice to this point. Out of the scores of peo ple that have purchased the remedy, not a single complaint has been made, but many are calling at Cherokee drug store to get more of the medi cine and report the great good it Is doing. HLTKESgMENKAVE ^VORKEDFORTHE 3AFETY0PY0URM0NEF WHEN IT'iS'IN'A \ NATIONALBANK ' The % EXCHANGE BANK j Solicits Your Bank Account 1 And Influence. ACCURACY AND PROMPTNESS SAFETY AND LIBERA LITY —Are ths Marked Features of Our Business. We Invite You to Try Us. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. [W. H Buchanan, President. \V, H. 71cR.ae, Cashier. 1ssss HAIR ADVICE 1 VALUABLE TO THE WtEJlA*" TUIIELY GRAY-HAIIIED PEOPLE. . What a pity it is to observe so many peop’e with thin and faded hair, and then realize that the most of tbeso people might have a fine, healthy head of hair if they woulu but uso tho simple “sago tea" of our grandmothers combined with other ingredients for restoring and preserving the hair. No one, young or old, need have gray hair, weak, thin or falling hair, dandruff or any troubles of the 3ort If they would but uso Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Hair Remedy. On the contrary, it 1* possible to have healthy, vigorous hair, of perfect color, by a few ap plications of this remarkable prepare tion. ** Wyeth’s Sago and Sulphur Hair Remedy quickly removes dandruff, leaves the scalp clean and healthy, promotes tho growth of the hair and restores the natural color of hair which has become faded or gray. It & a clean wholesome dressing, which may bo used at any time and with perfect safety. Don’t neglect your balr. 8tart to-day with Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur. M ~ This preparation Is offered to the public pt fifty cents a bottle and Is recommended and sold by r grape VINES FOR 8ALE. A few One scupcrnoni? nnd black grape vines, well rooted, for sale. Jhey belong to an old Confedcrato soldier; two for 60 cents. Apply at 30 Reed stieet. f . <>y~<=>■ ■9, b» C. E. Zlmmtrman Co.—No. J*N THE CONFIDENCE AND SECURITY THAT COME WITH THE POS SESSION OF MONEY IN THE n ANK IS GREATLY ENHANCED WHEN IT IS A National Bank. FOR HERE IT HAS EVERY SAFE-GUARD POSSIBLE FOR HUMAN IN GENUITY TO DEVISE. IN SELECTING A BANK IN WHICH TO DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS OR SURPLUS, THE ONE THNG TO BE CONSIDERED IS SAFETY, AND WE ASK FOR YOUR BUSINESS ONLY ON THE BASIS OF Absolute Safety First National Bank CAPITAL $200,000.00 STOCKHOLOER8 LIABILITY $-100,00 TOTAI RESOURCES OVER $700,000 CLASSIFIED WANTED WANTED FOR U. 3 ARMY—Able- bodied unmarried men' between age. of 18 and 30; citizen, of United Sla tes, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and writ, tho Kngllsb language. For Informa tion apply to Recruiting officer, South- Rulldlng, Waycross, Ga.; 13 West York street Savannah Oa.; 108 West For syth street Jacksonville, Fla.; 140 Market street Charleston, B. C.; or 113 South Maine stroet, Fitzgerald, Ga. Jan. 7 tf. WANTED—Young men In automo bile business. Dig demand; short hours; lino pay. Learn at home In vparo tlmu; Wrlto Emplro Auto In- slttuto. Box 30, Rochester, N. Y. FOR 8ALE—Horse. This Is a good sound young horse, dark grey, weight 1,060 pounds; a good quiet driver and worker; prlco $185, J. R. Tlhh*. Waycross, Ga., R, F, D. No 4, 10 Ct RIPE PINEAPPLES—Direct to con sumers. Choices reclpos upon re quest. Applotliorpe Plantation, Anko» na, Fla. to fit FOR RENT—Two connecting, un furnished rooms at 51 Nlclrolls itreeb Couplo without children preferred. It FOR RENT—Two rooms for lights housekeeping. Close In. Apply 31 Brunei street. 17 3t | Have “Good Luck” | Each Baking Day ! For “luck” lies mostly in the flour. The wise cook uses William Tell and knows her bread will be perfection—her cake a marvel of deli cate lightness—her pastry tender and flaky. William Tell Flour is made from Ohio Red Winter Wheat—which has no equal. There Is only a limited supply—enough to go around among the housewives who have learned the value of perfect flour. Order your saclc today. William Tel If >our grocer cannot supply William Tell, Phone THORPE 210, Wholesale Distributors and they.will see that you get it. MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES > BEFORE BUYING YOUR MONUMENTS TOOM8TONE8, ETC. ! CALL AT THE NEW MARBLE YARD AT 51 ALBANY AVENUE > A NO SEE OUR STOCK. WE GUARANTEE OUR MATERIAL | AND WORKMAN8HIP TO BE THE BEST. OUR PRICES ARB 1 RIGHT. ! WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY J M Clark, 51 ALBANY AVENUE. *MQR. WAYCCROSS, Ga. FOR SALE—Perfectly new piano. For information apply ni this office* 17 tf.* '* ; COSTS BUT A TRIFLE TO CUR ECATARRH*. How many readers of tho.Herald know that in Inland Australia wliero tho mightiest of eucalyptus trees grow in uhundanco, that there in no cort- sumption, catarrh or .dlHeasoH of the respiratory tract. Tho refreshing bnlsnni thown out by these trees fills tho nir and (* breathed Into tho lungs by tho inhab- Hunts and all gorm life Is destroyed. If you have catarrh you cannot go to Inland Australia except at great expense, hut you can breathe right la your own homo tho mime plens-ant, Hoothlng,'healing, germ-killing air you would breathe If you were living la tho eucalyptus district of Australia. Just breatho HYOMEI; it la mad# from Australian cucalptus and scien tifically combined with thymol and other antiseptics employed in the Lit terbin system. ' 1 ‘ Four a few drops of HYOMEI In the Inhaler anti breatho it. As it pass#* oif.r tho catarrh Infected mor bran* »l kills the germs and Leals the raw, tutlan . surface. lIV(?.V*:i is guaranteed to euro ca- tj.rrfi, (04ghs, colds, crou par.d xor# ihroa», c*r money back. Complete out fi' ireading inhaler $1 to. Extra hot lies of HYOMEI cost* but 50 cent* Sold »y C\ R. Brinson Co., and drug gists everywhere. _Feh. 17, 27 Mch W WOOD FOR SALE. Dry store wood or Ifghtwood. Phone 145——4 rings.* 14 tW