Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 18, 1911, Image 1
v - ’V ^ - t i' ' v :Waycross Evening Herald. vlulME XVIII WAVCRQSS, GA., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1911 NUMBER 159 4UnHERH TRAIN HELD IIP n Mil SULPHUR SPRINGS Express Company Sate Robbed of Seven Hundred Dollars—Robbers Were Frightened Away. Special to The Herald. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 18.-r-The north bound Southern mail train was held up by five masked men this morning ftt 3 o’clock in North Georgia Moun tains, several miles above Sulphur Springs, near Gainesville. ** The Express Company’s safe was robbed of 1700.00, but the, explosion WAYCROSS IS VS. ATHENS WAYCROSS RETAINS THE STATE AGRICULTURAL MEETING. At the State Agricultural meeting in Macon in 1910, they accepted the invtation and arranged for the 1911 meeting to be held in Waycross. Its The 47th Abniversary of Pythianism In Georgia Sunday, Feb. l'Jtta, 1911, will be a, memorable day In Pythian circles,!“ h “ l groWn - Unt " today - 11 1b fo be I fouml in every state of the union, ! Canada 1 , Hawaii and in fact Pythian- j lam and its splendid fraternal influ- I ence encircles the globe, knights of Pythias may be found wherever thr i English tongue is heard. The idea of celebrating their anniversary with at- being the 47th anniversary of Pyth ianism in Georgia. And thousands of members of this order all o\%r the state, will attend special set vices ar ranged for the solemn celebration of < this occasion. Grand Chancellor Brantley has is- .. .... . . . . sued a, letter to every lodge, asking , big thing. The moat Important ag- line with the high character of fhc , . , At . „ , each to fittingly celebrate this impor- ricultuial meeting held in Georgia. . „ A . . ’order. We hope they, will have a . ... ... . .. tant day by attending the church se-i * Apparently. Athens did not like the j great crowd. idea of South Georgia getting the in side track on this matter and liavo recently gone to work to Induce the tendance at the House of God, Is in Mr. W. M. Wilson has just receiv- executing committee to recall their ed enquiry from Wayland, Mich., re- acceptance* of the invitation to Way- • failed to work on another safe, con- girding pecans he had advertised In’cross in August and to change the- talnlng $60/Qo» The robbers were j Waycross Herald. The gentleman location of said agi icultural meeting j frightened away. | wanted quite a large quantity, and , to Athens. And a few days since, • The train was stopped by the wav-Jl° ts ofMnformation. And so the good j It looked like the board would take, In* of a red lantern, and as the fast' work 8°es on. j that step and Waycross would lose | ~ train came to a stop the trainmen; Th e Herald Joins with other good ( this Important meeting. But Mr. is were held up at the point of a gun. citizens from day to day in spreading [ George Deen, Judge J, lected, In a body, The' growth and deveJounient of the Knights of Pythias is a wonder ful record in the annals of fraternal history. Staitlffg in a small way 47 years ago, its progress was slow but sure. -In 1877 It opened an Insurance branch In connection with the purely fraternal aims of the order. Steadily Members of Maccabees, Elks, W. O. W., Red Men. Owls, I. O. O. F. and every other fraternal order In the city are invited to be present with jthem, at opera house, on Sunday morning, when Rev. W. H. Scruggs will preach a special sermon on fra ternity. “WHITE WAV” SUCCESS OF MOVEMENT SEEMS ASSURED great thing for Waycross and Sweat and will bring our county and the Wlre- The passengers were not disturbed, the good news of Waycross and its others found out what was going on giass into Increased prominence. Ath- As soon as the robbery was reported possibilities. ; and at once took action to spike the ens is a .beautiful city and has a splen- posse was sent In pursuit of the rob-! j guns of Athens. Judge Sweat at once did people, but she must please not hers. WONT YOU COME TO OUR PARTY7 wr °t6 to Hon. Martin Calvin, who has come Info conbict with Waycross, be- • j always been a friend to Waycross, cause we want all wo can get down The Majestic Reception at our .store nnd ls a » era0,llil ,rlond of ■ ,ud * 0 •»«#. ®“ d «" at we've sot we will Sweats' called his attention to the hold It: U. D. C. NOTICE. All members of the Franca S. Bar- a " week - February 20 to 25. tow Chapter, U. D C., are requested ! Will be the talk of the town and matter and 'nformeH him thafTCay- to glte some dainty to be placed In w « w» nt you to consider this a per- ,. cross was ready to entertain this the box for the Old Soldier's Home in Atlanta.Contrlbutlons are not confined , to the baughters add anything In the ft way of canned relishes from oualde § will be greatly appreciated. All dona- »tkm« must he left at d. 8. Fnch's S ; atoro Tuesday evening Feb, SI. . 1 w^Mrs. R. O; Lee, Pres. • . * f~. JHSyra, KredRrewe^diecfar ■ I N BIN# 17# BOB WotQP.’ -r 1m sonal Invitation to attend at least' fathering and did not propose one day. See newspapers for special J 10 * lve <> lace t0 A,ben " or any *'‘ ,ere day. Hot coffee and biscuits will be e,ae - The prompt action of Judge Sweat, (wbo, when be Starts, generally does something an^ doee It thoroughly) bad Immediate effect and the follow ing .courteous letter from Hr.-Martin Don’t forget to attend the Majestic Calvin shows that Waycrot. will re- nance Demonstration at our. store, tain the honor of entertaining ibtt one week, Feb. M-26. Watt Hdw. Co. Important agricultural gathering. It served every day. Bring your family and spepj] fi' fgw pleasant hours with us. Set dT Ware'ftse. Watt Hardware Co. 200PAIRS OF PAISITS y To Close at $3.00 A PAIR Worth From $4 00 to $6.00 AT H. C. Seaman / & ) ' Letter to Judge 8weat Showing Way- cross Is Ssfe. Experiment, Oa. Feb. 17, 1911. Jtidge-J. L, Sweat, Waycross, Oa. My-Dear Judge Sweat:—Thank you font your letter. Waycrois standing pah on .the Invitation,- at 1 know she wilf and all along believed ehe would, tettlea the question. 1 made an earn est fight, In committee, against the ef fort to Vase the committee declare WajrcroM- auMUifi Athena In. - Very soon the-Mayor of your city will re ceive an ofllelal. Inqatry from Presi dent John W. L. Brown as to what Waycross wishes shall be done. There le no power .that can changs from Waycross with the natural attitude your people have assumed. I think in view of the growth of your town and section that It Is the “set time” for the State -Agricultural Society to meet In your vigorous city. With an exceedingly pleaxant rec ollection of ohr service In the Geor gia House, In the Interest of all the people. I am, Yours slncerlly, Martin V. Calvin. .A. R. BUYS INTEREST IN WALKER-MULLIGAN FUR CO.— THE FIRM NAME WILL BE WALKER-HOOD FUR. CO. Mr. A. R. Hood has purchased the Interest of Mr. Mulligan In the Wal ker-Mulligan furniture company here, and the new firm will now be known as the Walker-Hood Furniture Co. Mr. A.' It. Hood has made a fine Impres sion here, ae a clean up-to-date pro gressive business man. We congratu late Mr. Hood'on hts business advan cement and prognosticate for him and hM firm a successful future In the bus iness life of our city and welcome the now firm ns an important addition to the men who do something for thorn- eelres and the city at largo. COLD WEATHER WARNING. Notice from weather bureau' Is to the effect that we will have “Rain followed by very cold weather. We hope the weather bureau will hold up on this matter and not give us the weather too cold, because of our peaches und peas. A VIATION COMMITTEE HA VING GREATJSUCCESS The Aviation Committee with Mr. an established fan. Berner are now busy on the street* What It means to Waycross In re getting up the guarantees for trie pro- suits is hard to realize. Thousands of posed aviation meeting and are hav- people will he brought to our city and ing great success. The city is taking merchants, hotels and everyone will bold of the proposition with their usu- reap the benefit of this occasion, and al entaueasm add at the meeting this Waycross will enjoy the priveioge of afternoon there is little doubt but seeing these wonderful bird men it* that the aviation meeting will become their wonderous (lights. A Delightful Meeting of The Woodmen Circle “The Woodmen Circle,” the ladles branch of the Woodmen of the World, held a most successful and interest ing meeting last night at Woodmens Hall, Lott Hitch building. The gathering waa an open social meeting and tepresentatives from other orders in the city were present. A special invitation was exfended the menfolka connected with the Knights of Modern Maccabees and the Knights closed their meeting early, and attended the ladles gatherThg in a body. Tasty refreshments were pro vlded and a beautiful cake was con tested for. An interesting feature of the evening was the banging of tbf oeantlfnl new cHarter of the circle. A novel Idea was the milling up or the privelege of bunfcg Dp the charter to the highest bidder. Mr. ^iJ. F. Moseley was the gallant Knight who won the privi lege of selecting a lady to assist him, he duly hung the charter. Interesting addresses were made by Mr. J. H. Gilion, Commander of the Maccabees, Mr. Jasper W/lffing and others. And »t the conclusion o« the gathering, an auction'of the cake took place. Mr. Moseley being the elo quent auctioneer. A good sum was realized for the ladles treasury. The circle Is growing very rapidly. Tae officers are as follows; Guardian-'Mrs. W. H. Fendt. Adviser—Mrs. B. Goodrcw. Chaplain—Mrs. A. James. • Clerk—Mrs. E. Cannon. ’ Attendant—Mrs. J. Goodwin.* Banker-*-Mrs. F. Morton. * Inner Sentinel—Ml*s McCullough. Outer Sentinel—Mrs. Hobbs. MERCHANT8 AND CITI2EN8 EN DORSE IT MOST HEJTRTTLY. Waycross citizens sometimes differ on questions of politics or cows, but when It comes to matters that con cern the maternal advancement and pi ogress of the city, then they drop all differences and pull together, bet- etr perhaps than any other city we know of, That has been the secret of the wonderful progress Waycross has made against great odds. When things loom up that promise to be helpful to the city, then Waycross moves like a unit to carry It through. What the “White Way* Meant. In this proposed “White Way* movement ns It is called, the move to decorate our streets with ornamental polee and rows of brilliant lights, that will make our streets attractive and beautiful. Our merchants and professional men and citizens gener- ally, recognize what a material ad vantage it will be to our city, as will be ^en by statements below, are , almost unanimous In their expressed desire to see the plan carried through. When WaycrOla moves in. a unit afep does things and d&ei them well. Mayor Cox—I am heartily In favor of the aaggettlon ot a “White Way*V if It will not impose too great a tax on tb^ finances of/the efty, Any movement fqr the benefit of Wayoraea* will always have my whole-hearted-' endorsement. •Mr. J. B. Dickln*—What do I think, of the proposed “White Way”? I think next to the depot Its the beet advertisement we could have. I would like to see dots of lights. People' have formed a great Idea oi our pro gress and prosperity, and we must keep up with our,reputation. M. Potter—It would bo a fine move and I heartily endorse It. Bcott Beaton—Yes, I would like to see the streets well lit up at night. Where you see lots of light, there- you see lots of people traveling. 1‘ heartily endorse It as I do any good thing for betterment of the town. Mr. W. 8. Henley, Mgr. Bell Phono' —I think It one of the best adver tisements o city can have. Its good for business nnd good for protection. Col. h. A. Wilson—You cannot too strongly express my endorsement. It (Continued on Page 8.) vi IT •l; vol GET INSURED NOW. Don’t let your good intentions no n.-.M •4ANQ FIRE. ’ Walt not another day, hour or min- .* uamn f; ute, but cover your homa against - n u Stw'a loss by fire. You owe this much ton, t f j-.il! v your family, *4 ^niniulq I .*9W)09l letliB The premium amounts to but.^c bwen « trilling sum—and tha load of worry tiidt orfsn it takes off your mind la worth * 1* more to you. h tUod lud A. M. Kmgkt<r V : “ mw J on two ■' 1 C .1M« and ?»on REAL ESTATE ANO INSURANCE AGENTS. . - •. ’