Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 18, 1911, Image 3

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~ WAYCROSS EVEN INC HERALD TABS AND JABOTS -k lk A Good Is No Longer a Luxury, But a Necessity of Vital Importance. Your health depends largely upon the water you are drinking; more sickness is caused by impure water than through any other channel. Be on the Safe Side---DRINK Ddmkn Lithia. WATER “The Greatest of All Natural Mineral Waters’’ It's prescribed by most eminent physicians with unerring effect in the treatment of the following diseases: In disorders caused by Uric Acid, Rheumatism, Kidney and Blad der affections, Gout Cystitis, Calculi, Gravel, Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Bottled Only at the Springs- UTHIA SPRINGS, 9 Douglas County, Co. Bowden Lithia Water is a delightfully palatable TABLE WATER. Drink it freely—it is healthful all the time. Order of us direct, to be shipped to you from the Springs the day order is received, or order from your druggist or grocer. 5 Gallon Demijohn $2.50 12 Gallon Carboys ...... $5.00 6 Gallon Cases (12 Bottles) . . . $2.50 F. O. B. Lithia Sprints, Gcartia. Empty vessels redeemed F. 0. B. Lithia Spring?, Ga., ar. follows: If shipped by Express, empties can bo returned tree. (When returning empties always enclose Express receipt.) Demijohns, $1.00; Carboys, $2.00; Cases, $1.00. REMITTANCE SHOULD ACCOMPANY YOUR ORDER. PRICE LIST BOWDEN UTHIA SPRINGS WATER CO. 132 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Georgia rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, &:id urinary Irregularities. Foley Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lo«t vitality end vigor. Rsfnue substitutes. FOR SALE BY GEM PHARMACY. Gasoline Lighting System I. H. LEWIS “THE LIGHT MAN" FOR MORE LIGHT, BETTER LIGHT AND CHEAPER LIGHT, SEE J. H: LEWI8. I GUARANTEE TO GIVE ANYONE 50 PER CENT MORE LIGHT AT 50 PER CENT LES8 COST THAN EITHER ELECTRI OR ARTIFICIAL GA8—A8K THOSE WHO ARE NOW USING MY LIGHTS. WHEN YOU PASS THE CITIZENS BANK SEE THE LIGHT BURN— THE WONDERFUL STREET LIGHT. WHEN VOU WANT THE BEST THERE IS DON’T FORGET I HAVE IT. I 8ELL ANCHOR SUPPLY* CO'S. AWNING8 AN TENTS. J. H. LEWIS, PHONE. 414, AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Tab* and jabots are so mucji worn colored linen Ik used, tbe embroidery and are made so easily and inexpet* should be done In white mercerized Blvely, that I thave drawn three de* cotton No. 25. On white linen, either dsns for today. Heavy linen In white white or oolored mercerized cotton decolors may be used, or sheer lawn No. 25 can be used. The scallops or handkerchief linen if preferred. If should be padded, and then closely button-boled. The dots may be work ed as eyefets, first running them? around with a thread, and then drift ing them over and over, or embrold- and tbe stems In the outline stitch. In the jabot with the dotted lines, Irish lace insertion Is used, and ered solid. The leaves ariu Howers t,,e material fa cut away underneath, should be done In tbe solid satin SARAH HALK HUNTER... HOW S THIS? REA8URY DEPARTMENT, f' Super: ot the Supervising Architect, igton, D. C., November 26. 1910 Proposal, will be received sfflee until 3 o’clock p. m., on i day of January, 1SU, and then , for the construction (Includ ing plumbing, ga, piping, heating ap paratus. electric conduits and’wiring) r> fthe United States Poet OOce at V.’AYCROSS, GA., In accordance with drawings and specification, copies ot which may be bad trom the Custodian if site at Waycrosa, On., or at this office st the discretion of the Super- vising Architect i James Knox Taylor, . „ <i.i»-»7*!r«g Architect SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY. OLQ a0LDIEB TOTUB r D I "l wont to thank yon from the hot- 0LD a0LDIER TOTURED, | tom of my heart,” wrote C. B. Rader, “For years I suffered unspeakable | of Lewlaburg, W. Va., “for the won- torture from Indlgeatlon, conaUpation derful double beneBt I got from Elec- and liver trouble,” wrote A. K. Smith, j trie Bitters, In curing me of both s « war veteran at Erie, Pa., "but Dr. I severe case of stomach trouble and Klne'a New Life Pills fixed roe all. of rheumatism, from wwlch I had right. They’re simply great." Try! been nn almost helplesn sufferer for them for any stomach. liver or kid ten yeara. It suited my case ss n® v trouble. Only 25c at All Drug- though made Just for me.” For dys- gist*, pepsla. Indigestion, Jaundice and to rl<L the system of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism, Electric Bitters has no equal. Try them. Every bot tle Is guaranteed to aatlsfy. Only 50c at All Diugglit*. Fresh Fish! AT ALL TIMES AT THE NEW CITY MEAT MARKET 19 Albany Ave A. J. BURKHALTER, Prop. Phone 4ft Dealer in Fresh Meats of Every Description, All Kinds Country Produce. I HAVE ALSO PUT ON A FISH WACONI CALL US WHEN IN NEED* OF ANYTHING IN THE FRESH MEAT LINE. A. sJ. BURKHALTER P. 8. WILL COMPETE WITH ANY FIST.CLASS MARKET.