Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 18, 1911, Image 6
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS GUARANTEED TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS FROM the original cabbage plant growers. 11 mb. Paid In Capital Stack $30,000.00 4-d MtiNU(«rM«inMln»fli7. .« .. Also*r«w foil «* IT HMWM. I. U. nnio Mian* ~ _ Wn. C. Geraty Co.* Box |2S Yongea Island, S. C. Travel Comfortably AND CONVENIENTLY In Parlor Dining Cars on ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. IN CONNECTION WITH THE GEORGIA, SOUTHWESTERN 4 GULF RAILROAD BETWEENATLANTA AND ALBANY. Reala .erred any lime enroule, at reasonable price*. Schedules: Southbound: Northbound: Lt. Atlanta 7:45 am Lv. Albany 12:10noon Ar. Cordelo 2:00 pm Lv. Cordele 1:40 pm A,'. Albany 3:40 pm Ar. Atlanta 7:45 pm THESE ARE THE FINEST PARLOR CARS OPERATED IN THE SOUTHI Quickest Time. Try it. Be Sirvice. W. If. Leahy, (Jen. Pais. Agt. Atlanta, Georgia. GO TO Florida AID Cuba Atlantic Coast Line Offers Magnificent Train Service and Convenient Schedules to all points For Schedule I iformation and Literature see your agent or write to, W. J. Ctaig, P. T. M., T. C. \Vhite, G. P. A. Wilmington, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. E. M. North, As4t. G. P. A., Sivannah. & P1DFE55I1IL CMOS. B Hcararamgajgagoaocaaesgal releptioutf Sou Private Chape Day or Night and Morgu* MARVIL & O’QUINN formerly Lott, Fain & Co„ FUNERAL' DIRECTORS AND EMQALMCR8. W. L. HINSON & Co. Undertakers and Embalmers 'Phone* 91 and 153. ANDREW B ESTES ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room 27, 8odthern Hotel Building. Waycross, Ga. WILSON •VNETT & LAMBDIN- HNEVS AND CUUASiiLOHS AT LAW »TT DEEN Sc. BURNET ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE LA GRANDE SLOG. ROOM SOS PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 8outh*r n Hotel Building, Up-Stalre. PHONE 1Z. S. S. LUDLUM. M. D. Practice Limited to tne EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THhOAT. -Office Room 324 LaOraode Hotel- Bar linn HOURS in A. M. TO 2 P. M. J. M. MARKED Attorney Office Tu court WA •'H8P ow.- W. ... G/vsaETT CONTRACT 1i AND BUILDER Residence 48 Margarer 8L. PHONE 103. - vwvooooooooooooo, cPkail Grand Pianos IP A PIANO DEALER SPEAKS HIS MIND HE WILL TELL YOU: "THERE’S NOTHING LIKE THE McPHAIL GRAND FOR BEAUTY OF FINISH AND BEAUTY OF TONE." ASK A DOZEN FAIR JUDGES WHAT ARE ITS CHIEF CHARACTERISTICS AND YOU WILL GET A DOZEN ANSWERS. ONE SEES BRILLIANCY, ANOTH ER SEES RICHNESS, ANOTHER SEES PERFECTNE8, ANOTHER DELICACY OF TONE, ANOTHER THE POWER OF EXPRESSION, ANOTHER ACTION, ANOTHER THOROUGH CONSTRUCTION. ONE SEES NEW IDEAS, ANOTH ER OLD IDEAS IMPROVED. THE McPHAIL GRAND PIANO IS ENDOWED WITH PERSONAL ITY QUITE ITS OWN. MUSICI ANS UNDERSTAND ITS CHARM INTUITIVELY. G. R. LOVELACE DENTIST Office la Redding Block. Over Bt* Clothing Store. J. B. BAGLEY, M. D. riiYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Orr-ce In Southern Building. OFFICE HOURS 9-11 A. M. 3-4 P. M. 7-8 P. M. A. FLEMING, M. D. Office over GEM PHARMACY. In Southern Building. Residence 68 Tebeas. Office Phou* 08. Residence phone 469. S5355555555 we TEACH YOU BOOKKEEPING BRANCHES. AND ALL ATTENDANT WE TEACH YOU SHORTHAND AND ALL NECESSARY BRAN- E8. WE TEACH YOU TO AUDIT BOOKS. WE TEACH YOU TO MAKE ABSTRACT OF LAND TITLE8. WE PREPARE YOU FOR THE CIVIL 8ERVICE EXAMINA TIONS. WE HAVE ARRANGEMENTS MADE TO GIVE YOU THE EXAMINATION HERE UNDER THE CHARGE OF THE GOVERNMENT If you can't attend |ier>onally we here an excellent mail coorn that fully prepare* you In any of tlteee department*. CALL OR WRITE: South Ga. Business College CORDELE, GEORGIA. C. L. REDDING, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Up atatra Redding Block. WAYCROS8, 0 BORGIA. JOHN J. MOORE, LAWYER, Collection, and Cnmiual Law a JSpvr>*.ry. Office Reed Building, up litre over Central pharmacy. tVavcrota, Ga. Fuone SCI We have other makes and we are proud of ev ery Piano we handle. McPhail, Chickering, Laffargue, Bush & Lane Henry F. Miller, Hains Br tCambridge, Regal, Brewsfter sr.d ihcrs. We give easy monthly payments if desired and take old pianos and organs in exchange at full value. C. C. Cocroft Music Co. Broad Street, Thomasville, Ga. B F HEARN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. No. 14 Brewer Street. Phono No. 5S3 Be sure you are right, then go ahead and lot me llgure on doing your btild ing. All work guaranteed to gif* j*r- feet satisfaction. Best of reference* furnished if required. W. R- THOMAS. M. D. PHYSICIAN BURGEON. Office In LaGrande Building. . Room 324, Over Postofflct Hours: 9 to 11 a.m.; 2 to 4 and and , p. m. JOHNS. W ALKER TTOHNfcY 4 COUNSELLOR at LAW Office up atalr* Southern H>tel. WAYCUOS8. GEORGIA S IT’S' BYCK ;ctri ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO U yiud* of Electrical Work and Suppiit* ALL WORK GUAPANTEEO. . td Lott 8treet. Phono 291 tony. O. Parks Harry D. 1 PARKS & REED ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Southern Hotel Auditing • ifCORGI* We will pty you ten cent, each f ir rev name* and addrc.tr. of amateur ^I ntoerapl.rr*. Carter, Box 504, \fa ktoo, Ions. tf For either acute ar tironu- kidney tlwmlera. for anney and "aloai. tut i*ry Irri-Kularltlea, rake Pal > Kli’nc: nils. An honest end edeetlvc edi- flue for kidney and bladder jltor- dera. Gem Pharmacy. TRY THE WANT ADS •- T J CARSWELL «*«• Q - m. d Diaaasea of Cnlldron; Disease* of Women; Obatetrlcs. Residence 168 Plant Are. Phono tit Office In Southern Bldg. Phone 52< Dr. Lcwis|Jonathan Burch PRACTICE LIMITED TO Eyt*, Ear, Note, Throat and Chronic Dlaeatet. Reaidence ltt Plant Avenue. Office Redding Building. Office Houn: S to 11 a. ro. I to $ p. m. colored people. fOLEYSKtDHEYPnir THE LADIE8' FAVORITE. Whertvsr Parician Sage Is Known It Hss the Call. Parisian Sage, that most efficient of all hair restorers, is a very delight ful and rcfreiblng hair dressing. Be sides possessing these qualities it will positively make any woman’s hair soft, luxuriant and attractive. G. R. Rrlnson Co., *ells it for 50 cents a large bottle and will return your mon ey If It doe« not cure dandruff, fall ing hair and itching *ca!p in two weeks. “I had given up hope of ever being cured of dandruff, when I purchased a bottle of Parisian Sage. It has en- titely removed the dandruff and hss started a growth of new hair, and all this after having been troubled 15 year*. I cheerfully recommend Par- islan Sage.”—Mrs. Elizabeth Ander son, Mechanlcsbutg, Pa. Feb. 11 1 1 1 VICTORY CAMP NO. 477 VbOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meets every Saturday night at 7:SC .’dock at Masonic Hall. All Wood en arc cordially Invited to attend. J. M. Allison, Cost-Cord. J. A. Masters, Clerk. K—ffiiwesswaaawiffiiK PARK PLACE | High cassSSubdivis ion for white peopc ony, on easy terms, closeto A.C.L. Shops. W. D. /Iforton, Agt. Southern Bold Bib* BOOH NO. 4 QEOROIA SOUTHERN AIND FLOIRDA RAILWAY The Popular Route To ail Point* Worth Amt Awl. ThroughTralnm In connection with A. C. L., from VVaycruee via Tiftou to Macon ATLANTA, KNOXVILLE, CHAT ,iA. NASHVILLE, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE, AND CINCINNATI. Coache* and Pullman deeper* to throujh without chance. Dlulug Car Service. TRAINS OF Aw 6* A A. R. R., C'NNCCT AT CORDELE WITH TRAINS OF G. S. A *„ RAILWAY FOR MACON ATLANTA AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND SOUTH. FOR INFORMATION 19 TO RATES. ROUTES. OR SCHEDULES TO ANY POINT NORTH OR WEST, APPLY TO ANY AGENT OF THIS COM PANV, OR ADDRESS. C. B. Rhodes, G. P. A, MACON GA. CtTA » I. W. famison, T. P. A, - MACON 2A. ♦tMMteeeeewwttv SHADE TREES FOR SALE. S.000 Oak and Maple hade tree* fot .le. WIU aet them out and warrant their living. Price 81.00 each, careful ly aet out. Ordora solicited. R. W. Lewla, 18 Adi 8L Ang. SO dmontha. TRY THE WANT ADS 1 | - ■