Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 18, 1911, Image 7
WAYCROSS EVEN ING HERALD 4 <S THE JONES BUGGY COMPANY. AMERICAN WIRE FENCING Wagor.s, Buggies and Harness Open and Top Buggies, Surreys, Spring Wagons, Light Farm Wag ons, Cross Ties and Wood Wagons, Turpentine Wagons, Wagon Har ness, Buggy Harness, Carriage Har ness, Light and Heavy Team Collars of every description, Studebaker Wagons, Auburn Wagons. Sewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Disk Harrows, Wire Fencing, Hay Presses, Mowing Machines. WRITE FOR PRICES ooooooooooooc J JONES BUGGY CO. Wayeross, Georgia kerCHOO! BAD cotf> s BAD COLDS ARE THE MOST C OMMON AILMENT KNOWN T$ MAN AND THE M03T DANGEROU S, FOR THEY ARE LIABLE TO DE VELOP INTO A SERIOUS ILLNESS OR EVEN TUBERCULOSIS, WHICH ALWAY8 START WITH A COLD A ND IS RESPONSIBLE IN SOME FORM FOR ONE DEATH IN EVERY FIVE. FROM THE STANDPOINT OF H EALTH, HAPPINESS AND ECONO- MY IT WILL PAY YOU TO KEEP 0 NE OF OUR COLD REMEDIES ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. SOME MEMBER OF THE FAMIL IS SURE TO NEED IT. | C. PAYNE, DRUGGIST, Open Day and Night Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extractad|j| when you can have, it done for 50c and without pain. . |j All other work done at very reasonable SSStfti charges. Everything guaranteedQ ^ OR. DANIEL Folks’Block The Dentist ■j VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. For the next thirty cays I will of fer my farm, adjoining the corporate limits of VVavcross on the Waresboro road, for sale. The farm consists of i!6 acres partly under cultivation, horse, wagon and buggy, hog and cat tle feed, etc. If you want a bargain see me quick. Mr. E. S. Gorman, 1C 3tJ Itw R. F. D. No. 4, Wayeross, Gti. RING 174 FOR WOOD. RING 174 FOR WOOD. 1m. 1m PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Public Stenographer can found at Herald office. Work done at reasonable price*. tf SAVES TWO LIVES. “Neither my sister nor myself might be living today, if it bad not been for Dr. King's New Discovery," writes A. D. McDonald, of Fayetteville, N. R. F. D., No. S, “For we both had fright fu* coughs thqt no remedy could help. We were told my sister had consumption. She was very weak and hnd night sweats but your won derful medicine completely cured us both. It is the best I ever used or heard of." For sore lungs, coughs colds, hemorrhage, lagrippe, asthma, hay fever, croup, whooping cough,— all bronchical troubles,—Its supreme. Trial bottle free. 50c and $1.00. Guar anteed by All Druggists. CABBAGE PLANTS. For Cabbage Plants see me. ! A. P. Perham. Sr. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in ac tion, quick in results, and restore the natural action of the kidneys and bladder. They correct irregularities, Gem Pharmacy. NOTICE TAX PAYER. Specific tax and Corporation Taxes are now due and can be paid by making a visit to my office in the court house. J. T. Strickland, Tax Col. WHERE THE RUB COMES IN Is in knowing which laundry you should send your work to. There are p whole lot of ordinary laundries that do fair work, but when It comes to PERFECT LAUNDERING excel. Wo return your linen to with a finish, that shows care and experience. You will never find your collars b:oken, or your linen uined if we do the laundering. Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY Expert Medical Scientists Announce Startling Results Obtained By Senpine. New York:—Thousands are taking advantage of the generous offer made by The Woodworth Co., 11G1 Broad way, New York City, requesting an experimental package of Senpine, the great discovery for Asthma, Hay Fe ver. Bronchitis, and Catarrh, which io mailed free of charge to all who write for it. It is curing thousands of the most stubborn cases. It makes no difference bow lone you have been buffering or how severe the climatic conditions are where you live. Sen pine will cure you. If you have experimented with oth er treatments and have failed to flna A cur» do not be discouraged but send for a trial of this wonderful truly merltous remedy which is scientific compound discovered by a Professor of Vienna University, and is being recommended by thousands. Sat tf l Wayeross Garage ? j Automobiles j Motorcycles ( BicycBes And | • Supplies. | Au Lome biles with Safe Drivers For Hire DAY OR NIGHT. F. H. McGEE, Phone 35, 20 Pendleton St. iWAYCROSS—GEORGIA. Wayeross & Southern R. R. CO. Schedules of Trains Effective January 2, 1911. Notice:—The arrival and departures are given as Information and are not guaranteed. Southbound Train No. 1. Miles Station 0 Hebardvillo, Ga. Lv. 5:30 am 2 Wayeross (Albany ave) 5:35 am 8 Lavinia 5:50 am 10 Fredel Ar. 5:55 am Northbound Train No. 2. 10 Fredel 2:45 pm S Lavinia 2:50 pm 2 Wayeross (Albany ave) 3:05 pm OHebardville 3:10 pm Trains No. 1 and No. 2, daily, ex cept Sunda>. ,l«t\ V. ticiklns. $ii renden:. FIRST CLASS IBAKERY feRjftl), CAKIS and PUS u;:r.n cvi-ttv hay PHCNE72 Wayeross Bakery Wood’s Seeds For The Farm and Carden have an established reputation extending over thirty years, be ing planted and used extensively by the best Farmers and Garden ers throughout the Middle and Southern States. Wood’s New for 1911 will Seed Catalog to what crops and seeds to plant for success and profit Our pub lications have long been noted for the foil and complete infor mation which they give, Catalog mailed free on request Write for it T. W. WOOD & Seedsmen. - Richmoi SONS, i oiid, Ve. WAYCROSS COUNCIL NO. Jr. O. U. A. M. Meets every Mends; evening In Red den's Hall, Lott-HItch building st * a. m. Visiting brothers eordisll; Invite, to meet with us. Sberod Collins, t. Carl Collins. Rec-Secty. Ceunclloi WAKEFIELD LODGE, 1-lC. Zt KNIGHT8 OF PVT—AS. Meets ev-rv Monde, evening at ':30 In Castle Hat ’lent, ave ik Uemtler> ,n * requested J 1 ’- ,1 i to sttend, and visiting P""'-' Knights sre most -.ay Hally Invited to meet with us. CHAS. E. CASON, C. C. T. H. Miller, K. of R. & 3. & M. of F. Prescriptions and Good Service If you will only give us an oppor tunity, wo will show you bottor thap wo can tell you. Wo will positively give you what the doctor proscribes and get It to you, as quickly as possi ble. We have a bicycle messenger and will send for your prescriptions at all times. Try us Just once. Central Pharmacy. Young-Roberlson Drug Co., Prop. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. CAMP 161 Afcots first and third Thursday ;ach month. Masonic Hall. Richard L. Singleton, C C. D. P. Woolley, Clork. WAYCROS8 LODGE No. 305. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENINGS AT 7:3C P. M. All Masons Invited to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. W. J. CLARK, SEC. Foley’© Kidney Pill© What They WUI Do tor You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor rect urinary Irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that cause* rheumatism. Pre vent Bright's Disease and Dis tastes, and restore health and ■trangth. Refuse substitutes. FORSALE BY QEM PHARMACY DODEiS, EVERYBODY WHO COMES INTO YOUR HOME 3EES THE DOOR FIRST THING. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE ASHAMED FOR ANY ONE TO JUDGE YOUR HOUSE OR YOUR TASTE BY YOUR DOOR WHEN IT COME8 FROM OUR 8TORE. You won't have any trouble in getting the right size here or in putting the hinges on or making the door fit. A door must keep out the cold la the winter time, muat afford protec tion against thieves, and must harmonize with tho rest of the building. We have all woods, with and without g'ass, elaborate and Inexpensive, Juc-t what you want, the way you want It, at a price you are willing to pay. P. N. Harley Hardware Co. 44 Plant Ave. Phone 186